TYPES OF APOLOGIES IN THE GERMAN LINGUACULTURE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Gorpennikova Yulia

The paper covers the problem of apology in the German linguaculture. The author analyzes possible types of apologies in the German linguaculture on the example of art texts of the electronic corpus of texts.

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space, as a natural resource that is limited and exhaustible, must be used in a rational, effective and equitable way that ensures equitable access for different countries and takes into account in particular the special needs of developing countries and the geographical situation of the equatorial countries. To that end, mechanisms should be established to overcome the difficulties caused by current coordination procedures, which are neither equitable nor effective in ensuring access for developing countries and, in particular, the equatorial countries.


1. Zhukov, G. & Abashidze, A. (2014) International Space Law. Moscow: PFUR. P. 53.

2. United Nations (2015) Report of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space. A/70/20.

3. Jager, C. de (1975) of COSPAR, in an address to the UNCOPUOS, presented at the 145th Meeting of this Committee on 10 June 1975.

4. United Nations (1980) Report of the Legal Sub-committee on the Work of its Nineteenth Session (10 March - 3 April 1980). A/AC-105/271.

5. Diederiks-Verschoor, I. (1999) An Introduction to Space Law. Kluwer Law International. P.18-20.

6. United Nations (2005) Report of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space: Corrigendum.

7. United Nations (2013) Questions on the definition and delimitation of outer space: replies from Member States: Addendum. A/AC.105/889/Add.12.



The paper covers the problem of apology in the German linguaculture. The author analyzes possible types of apologies in the German linguaculture on the example of art texts of the electronic corpus of texts.


politeness, apology, types of apology

AUTHOR Yulia Gorpennikova

PhD student, Department of the German Philology Institute of Philology, Journalism and Cross-Cultural Communication Southern Federal University Rostov-on-Don, Russia mustavina05@rambler.ru

At the end of the XX - the beginning of the XXI century the attention of scientists was drawn by linguistic aspect of politeness. E.A. Zemskaya, M. V., Kitaygorodskaya, N.N. Rozanova (1993), N. I. Formanovskaya (2007), A.V. Taktarova, E.A. Pletnyova (2009), R. A. Gazizov (2011), Litvinova V.A. (2015) and others studied the development of such direction as "linguistics of politeness". In linguistics, the category of politeness is considered within the general strategy of speech behavior of communicants or within the analysis of features of speech acts (apology, gratitude, compliment, sympathy expressions, etc.) in the concrete language. Polite communication is the guarantee of people's understanding, lack of the conflict between representatives of different cultures. In the German culture, politeness is the distinctive feature of the well-mannered person.

The most representative category of politeness is the apology. The apology in each linguaculture is expressed in various ways: apologies to the loved one, official apology, repetitions of words of apologies, emotional coloring, strengthening of a voice and other types.

The purpose of the article is to present the results of the research of apology types in the German linguaculture on material of the German fiction, which is presented in the electronic corpus of texts of the German language (DWDS - das Digitale Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache).

Linguists studied the category of apology from the point of view of cognitive linguistics (J. Lakoff, 1970), pragmatists (R. Rathmayr, 2003), psycholinguistics (L.S. Vygotsky, 1930), sociolinguistics (E. Goffman, 1971). Recently scientists study the given category from the point of view of linguacultorology (N. I. Formanovskaya, 1992).

There are two forms of apology in the German language: form of the second person singular and polite form. Establishment of contact with the interlocutor and maintenance of communication with him assume a choice of pronouns "du" or "Sie". The address on "you" in formal situations, i.e. "Sie" testifies to politeness and is actively used during communication: with the unfamiliar, addressee; in formal situation of communication; at expressly polite, reserved attitude towards the addressee; with equal and senior (on age, situation) addressee. The address on "you" in informal situations, i.e. "du" is used in communication: with well familiar addressee; in an informal situation; at friendly, familiar attitude towards the addressee; to equal and younger (on age, situation) addressee.

There is a set of classifications of apologies types in the German linguaculture. Let us consider some classifications apologies types of such scientists as Natalya Ivanovna Formanovskaya, Renate Rathmayr, Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Pletnyova.

Renate Rathmayr allocates metacommunicative apologies, conventional apologies and apologies in essence (Rathmayr, 2003).

Metacommunicative apologies belong not to "extralinguistic behavior of a speaker", but to the speech itself, to violation of standards of conversational behavior. This type of apology concerns violations of norms of cooperative conducting of conversation, or norms preventing emergence and increase of conflictness in communication.

Conventional apologies are given in connection with insignificant violations of the rules of etiquette and politeness. They can consist of one minimum formula of apology, but their structure can include expansions too. They serve for preservation of harmony in a certain society. The convention demands stereotypic reaction from an addressee, i.e. a consent to accept apology, or minimization of damage.

Apologies in essence, which are given in serious occasions, in particular, when causing real damage, demand reasonable and convincing addresses and more powerful formulations. If apologies of the first two types assumes the positive reaction, which is quite often reduced to a minimum, reaction to apologies in essence has to be verbal and distinct and can be differentiated up to negative reaction, when the apology is not accepted. The violator or offender sometimes is excused only after some exchange of statements. In case of serious material damage, apologies in itself can be inappropriate: they have to accompany the offer to indemnify loss and real compensation of damage. In case of non-material damage, apologies in essence are given at violation of personal arrangements, great insults, carelessness and other mistakes conducting to serious consequences.

Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Pletnyova allocates three types of apology in her thesis: emphatic, fatic and official (Pletneva, 2009).

The main factors of emphatic apology are: high degree of gravity of the damage caused to the addressee, acceptance of responsibility for this damage be the speaker, speaker's emotional relation to the offense made by him, speaker's desire to make

amends before the addressee. In situation of emphatic apology, speaker sincerely regrets and worries about the event happened by his fault and unpleasant for both speaker and his interlocutor. As the result, speaker asks addressee to forgive him, because forgiveness is the unique way for speaker to find an internal peace of mind, and to restore the communicative harmony broken by his actions. At expression of emphatic apology (except use of the apology formulas corresponding to a situation), speaker can use additional resources, for example, explanation of reason of incorrect behavior in relation to interlocutor, promise to improve, instruction on unintentional action, etc.

Fatic apology is an act of interpersonal communication and is always carried out by that person, who caused real or virtual damage and who assumes responsibility for this damage by means of this act, concerning the person or group of people to whom the damage was caused. In case of fatic apology, the dominating factor is the need for communication participants to follow conventions and norms of social interaction in the most different circumstances of communication. Sincerity of apologizing person is thus irrelevant as the main requirement in these circumstances is implementation of rules of social etiquette. Such parameters as social and psychological distance between participants of communication, their communicative status and situation of communication have impact on a choice of fatic apology form accepted in language culture.

Official apology is a form of social ritual, which is carried out in a situation, when official persons, institutes or organizations cause the damage to particular persons or the whole groups of people. The main feature of this type is that it is carried out according to the defined, accepted in culture order in a certain occasion and in the form regulated by social rules. Thus, the relations between communicants and their attitude towards the caused damage and degree of personal responsibility for this damage recede into the background. In such circumstances, officials apologize to an affected party both from themselves personally (as responsible for the caused damage), and on behalf of the organization. In the latter case, the person making the act of apology may not have any relation the reason of apologies.

Natalya Ivanovna Formanovskaya's classification, in our opinion, opens completely all types of apologies, typical for the German linguistic culture. N. I. Formanovskaya (Formanovskaya, 1992) allocates the following types of apologies in the German language: stylistically neutral and stylistically raised types of apologies.

1. Stylistically neutral types of apologies

a) An apology without explanation the apology reason as they are obvious (purely etiquette expression). The most used phrases are Entschuldigen Sie; Entschuldige!; Entschuldigung!; Entschuldigen Sie bitte!; Verzeihen Sie bitte!, Verzeihung!

No. 1. Er kritzelte weiter, nahm dann das Papier und steckte es in eine Flasche. 'Verzeihung... ich wollte ja nur wissen, wie das hiesige Postsystem funktioniert... muß eine ausgetüftelte Sache sein..." "Anscheinend hatte ich den richtigen Ton getroffen, denn er wurde jetzt etwas weniger schroff." "Ist ganz einfach", krächzte er. (KQ-DWDS - Moers, W. Die 13 1/2 Leben des Käpt'n Blaubär, 1999: 367).

No. 2. "Lassen Sie nur", sagte Lisa. "Entschuldigung, ich bin das so gewöhnt. Sie lächelte schüchtern." (KQ-DWDS - Jentzsch, K. Seit die Götter ratlos sind, 1994: 142).

No. 3. Dabei wirbelt er seinen Kneifer wie einen Propeller um seinen Zeigefinger. "Entschuldigen Sie, Herr Kersten", sagt Gerda endlich mühsam. Es ist gleich vorüber (KQ-DWDS - Horster, Hans-Ulrich. Ein Herz spielt falsch, 1950: 41).

In these cases, apologies are formal, without explaining the apology reason to the addressee.

b) An apology with designation of the apology reason

No. 4. "Leonore? Ich freue mich, daß mein Vater Sie eingeladen hat, und entschuldigen Sie bitte, was ich heute morgen gesagt habe, Leonore, ja? Mein Vater erwartet Sie auf Zimmer 212. Ein Brief von Herrn Schrit?" (KQ-DWDS - Böll, H. Billard um halb zehn, 1959: 303).

No. 5. Als ich Gaby die Autotür aufhielt, bemerkte ich, daß mein M12 ein glanzloses altes schrottplatzsüchtiges Blechgespenst geworden war. Ich entschuldigte mich für die Luft im Wageninneren (KQ-DWDS - Walser, M. Halbzeit, 1960: 79).

Only the phrase sich entschuldigen is used in this type of apology. The sender apologizing in these cases tries to designate the reason of the actions.

2. Stylistically raised types of apologies

a) An apology with the indication of apology reason.

No. 6. Als Doktor Linz Sibyllas Zimmer betritt, sitzt sie in lebhaftem Gespräch mit Direktor Hersbach an dem kleinen Tisch des Krankenzimmers. "Verzeihung, wenn ich bei einer geschäftlichen Besprechung störe... "-" Aber nein, Doktor", Sibylla scheint in bester Laune. Wer so genau mit mir Bescheid weiß, für den hat auch meine Fabrik keinerlei Geheimnisse! (KQ-DWDS-Horster, Hans-Ulrich. Ein Herz spielt falsch, 1950: 64).

No. 7. Er hat die letzten scharfen Worte Peter van Boovens vernommen und hebt peinlich berührt die dichten angegrauten Augenbrauen. Es ist ihm offenbar unangenehm, ungebetener Zeuge einer Auseinandersetzung zu sein: "Verzeihung, wenn ich störe..." Dann wendet er sich gleich an die Schwester: "Bitte, Schwester, das Zimmer von Frau Zander? - Das Mädchen blickt ratlos zum Doktor Linz (KQ-DWDS-Horster, Hans-Ulrich. Ein Herz spielt falsch, 1950: 32).

In this type of apologies, the following turns are mainly used: Verzeihen Sie mir! Verzeihung! The sender apologizes, foreknowing that he can disturb somebody by his actions.

b) Apologies with official shade:

No. 8. Das bestreite ich nicht, und die Polizei mischt sich auch nicht hinein. Schmied war, ich wiederhole es, privat bei Gastmann, und ich möchte mich deswegen offiziell entschuldigen; denn es war gewiß nicht richtig, daß er einen falschen Namen und einen falschen Beruf angab, wenn man auch manchmal als Polizist gewisse Hemmungen hat. Aber er war ja nicht allein bei diesen Zusammenkünften, es waren auch Künstler da, lieber Nationalrat (KQ-DWDS-Dürrenmatt, F. Der Richter und sein Henker, 1952: 65).

No. 9. Aber er nahm sich zusammen. "Ich möchte mich für meine Tat entschuldigen", preßte er hervor. Dann herrschte Stille (KQ-DWDS-Jentzsch, K. Ankunft der Pandora, 1996: 35).

The communicant officially apologizes to the victim, knowing about his wrong actions to the interlocutor or someone's actions could cause damage.

c) Turns with value of need, obligation:

No. 10. "Vera", sagte ich, "ich muß mich bei dir entschuldigen" (KQ-DWDS-Kant, H. Die Aula, 1965: 430).

No. 11. Sie war unsere Klassenlehrerin und haßte uns alle ausgiebigst. Man sprach viel vom Krieg und vom Vaterlandverteidigen, und als ich einmal fragte, gegen wen wir uns denn verteidigen sollten, da wir doch gar nicht angegriffen wurden, durfte ich zu meiner Freude und meiner Mutter Verzweiflung drei Tage nicht in die Schule gehen, der Blockwart sprach eindringliche Worte mit meinem Stiefvater, und ich mußte mich entschuldigen. Jeden Morgen betrat sie, ohne uns eines Blickes zu würdigen, die Klasse (KQ-DWDS-Knef, H. Der geschenkte Gaul. 1970: 15).

This type of apologies contains the shade of a necessity. The sender knows about the wrong relation, action and he has to apologize to the victim.

d) Emotional-expressional expression of apology is the compound sentence:

No. 12. Lutz sagt: "Entschuldige", darauf ich: "Du kannst hier nicht solche Scheiße bauen und dich dann einfach entschuldigen, davon wird' s auch nicht besser. Darauf Lutz: Entschuldige, entschuldige, entschuldige. Da war ich vielleicht sauer" (KQ-DWDS-Sparschuh, J. Der Zimmerspringbrunnen, 1995: 36).

No. 13. "In welchem Ton denn? Ich bitte den Herrn um Entschuldigung, ich bitte den Herrn um Entschuldigung, ich bitte den Herrn um Entschuldigung. Das sind die drei Töne, die mir zur Verfügung stehen, und nun suchen Sie sich bitte den Ton, der Ihnen passt, aus" (KQ-DWDS-Böll, H. Billard um halb zehn, 1959: 37).

The sender tries to paint the words emotionally to make the sense of guilt clear to the addressee.

e) The exaggerated way of apology (as a rule, for a small offense; it is rather rare):

No. 14. "ich bitte aber tausendmal um Verzeihung!" (KQ-DWDS-Kant, H. Die Aula, 1965: 229).

No. 15. "ich bitte vielmals um Verzeihung!" sagte sie so (KQ-DWDS-Morris, G. Brigitte wehrt sich, 1952: 27).

In this type of apologies, it is possible to meet the use of words-exaggerations. Using them, the sender thinks that he will be surely forgiven for some incorrect actions from his side.

Thus, the apology was considered in various sciences, namely, in cognitive linguistics, pragmalinguistics, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics. Based on N. I Formanovskaya's classification and examples from fiction, it is possible to allocate two types of apologies typical for the German linguistic culture, namely, stylistically neutral and stylistically raised.


1. Formanovskaya, N. I & Sokolova, Kh.R. (1992) Speech etiquette. Russian-German compliances: Reference book, 2nd edition, revised and added, Moscow, Vysshaya shkola, 95 P.

2. Pletnyova, E. A. (2009) Communicative and pragmatic range of apology formulas in the British language culture: thesis of candidate paper on philology, Voronezh, 264 P.

3. Rathmayr, R. (2003) Pragmatics of apology: Comparative research on material of the Russian language and the Russian culture, translated by E. Aralova, Moscow, Languages of Slavic culture, 272 P.

4. http://www.dwds/de

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