Научная статья на тему 'TYPES AND GENRES OF FINE ARTS'

TYPES AND GENRES OF FINE ARTS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Искусствоведение»

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Ключевые слова
Image / Art / species / color / gamma / tus / music / sound / note / landscape / painter. / образ / искусство / вид / цвет / гамма / тус / музыка / звук / нота / пейзаж / живописец.

Аннотация научной статьи по искусствоведению, автор научной работы — Badiev, Makhmud Marupovich, Narziyeva, Makhfirat Abdullaevna

This article describes scientific ideas about Fine Arts and its types. In the course of researching this article, the types of art and its features were widely discussed.

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В данной статье изложены научные представления об изобразительном искусстве и его видах. В ходе исследования данной статьи широко обсуждались виды искусства и его особенности.

Текст научной работы на тему «TYPES AND GENRES OF FINE ARTS»

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 3 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7


Badiev Makhmud Marupovich

Bukhara State University Pedagogical Institute, direction of Fine Arts and

applied decorative arts

Narziyeva Makhfirat Abdullaevna

Master's degree in Fine Arts and applied decorative arts from the Pedagogical Institute of Bukhara State University. Teacher of Fine Arts of the 4th Secondary School of Romitan district

This article describes scientific ideas about Fine Arts and its types. In the course of researching this article, the types of art and its features were widely discussed.

Keywords: Image, Art, species, color, gamma, tus, music, sound, note, landscape, painter.

В данной статье изложены научные представления об изобразительном искусстве и его видах. В ходе исследования данной статьи широко обсуждались виды искусства и его особенности.

Ключевые слова: образ, искусство, вид, цвет, гамма, тус, музыка, звук, нота, пейзаж, живописец.


Fine art appeared in very ancient times, as a result of the development of the labor process. In the process of labor, human thinking has been perfected, the sense of beauty has increased, the concepts of beauty, comfort and usefulness in reality have expanded. Sinfiy as soon as the society came into being, great changes took place in social development; mental labor began to be separated from physical labor. And this has become important in the development of Science and art. Professional arts and artists appeared in this period. And the fine art, manifested its distinctive feature, classicism, became a powerful ideological weapon, propagating the ideology of the ruling class. But despite this, talented creative people who grew up among the masses created works that express the dreams of the people's masses of hard-working, their understanding of beauty and selfishness, nobility and humanism. The stagnation, behavior and habits of the people, achievements and defeats found their expression in their works. Such art, which existed in every era, described the beauties of life, perfected high qualities and qualities in people, encouraged them to strive for equality, freedom, unity, a bright future.



Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 3 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

There are a lot of types of art. They are music, cinema, theater, choreography, visual arts, etc. Art, which usually reflects existence in figurative images, shapes, spatial latitude or plane (on the surface of paper, on the surface of walls, etc.), is called Fine Art. Since the artist is an image of the real being in his works, he will never move it mechanically. Otherwise, the works of art he created will not be different from the pictures he created by the photographer. The task of the artist is higher. Since it is an image of events and phenomena that exist in life, it promotes any thought that excites itself through the image, seeks to reveal the essence of events and phenomena that occur in social life, expresses its attitude to them, conveys judgment. For example, since the artist works a picture of a person, he will never be limited to trying to make him look just like himself.


Through this image of a worker, the artist first tries to convey his thoughts and feelings to the audience. The viewer is proud to see the noble, courageous man in the picture (because the artist also worked with pride in this picture), imitates and imitates him. If the game depicts a lowly, ugly man, the audience will hate him. The viewer tries to make sure that he does not have such features. It is obvious that the works of fine art actively influence the knowledge, study and discovery of other wonderful forms of art - literature, cinema, theater. its secrets. Fine art is an art designed to be seen. You can enjoy watching it. The beauty of the melody and the song, the artist's work cannot be described in words. Let's look at some examples of how to properly understand works of fine art.

A.The plot of plastov's work called Noon is very simple, even at first glance it seems that there is no subject worthy of art. It is also possible that the person who has heard the same work, if it is described in words, Well, what is happening, can say and neglect it. But the viewer who looks at the work will never say so. This work, which seems to be simple in appearance, forces him to think, encourages him to feel how beautiful the surroundings are, to be excited about this beauty. Indeed, there are many beauties, anecdotes in the gentle light of a quiet nature, zilal Water, The Sun, which gives rest to the soul of a person, full of senseless, power. The artist rejoices with this, seeks to share the same joy with others. To achieve this, the means of expression of Fine Arts use the possibilities of composition, color, light, shadow, line, texture. The artist chose such a composition that it was revealed when and where the event took place, making the picture used surface (Holst) look like a whole. Let's see any details from the composition from the same picture, say, remove the motorcycle or replace one of the imagestirib then the effect power of the image will be lost. The

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 3 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

integrity of the composition is violated. The artist took advantage of the opportunities of light and shadow to show the time when the incident occurred. The shadow falling under the water drinkers testifies to the fact that the event takes place in the afternoon, during which the sun comes to a standstill. The color gamut chosen for the work - Colorite served to feel the warm heat of summer. The yellowish-green greens, saturated with sunlight, as well as the red motorcycle, refined in sunlight, the colors of the brownish people's beak together make up the color gamum of the whole work. That's why on account of this warm color gamma, when we look at the work, we feel the scorching heat of summer. It seems that the cool spring water in the center of the composition breaks through this whirlpool, creating cool air around, and the spectator of the specific struggle of life is looking at it. The artist also uses the emotional capabilities of the lines when creating a work. It is known that a different line makes a different impression on a person. If smooth ehiziks often give peace of mind, calmness, on the contrary, palatability in all directions cause uneasiness, excitement.

When observing works of fine art, it is also important to be able to correctly demonstrate how the psychological sensations of each image in it are solved, their attitude to the environment. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to both the color palette used by the artist and the composition of the event that is happening, the skill of the artist's performance, the character of each chosen form, the general color gamut - color, the character of the surface (for example, the smoothness of the surface of the state in which the arti st worked, or the It is onl y then that one can l earn to understand the true essence of the works of Fine Arts and correctly analyze them.

It is known that in all types of Fine Arts, color plays an important role. Color gamma refers to the shades and col ors used i n i mage processi ng. Landscape-bei ng i n the works of the genre, views in nature reflect reality will run. Not only things and events in the landscape, but also the interior of the painter their senses are also expressed. Some of the mosavvirs mountains-rocks of the valleys if they are in love with the i mage, others are in the i mage of the sea landscape they're ski llful.

Natyurmort is a French word, which means "inani mate nature". I n this genre, the painter mainly describes the surrounding objects that surround a person, the objects that he uses in life, food products, flowers, fruits, etc. He can also show in his work his characteristic features by describing the surroundings, at what period the event occurred. Through ishlangan suratlar in the historical genre, we get acquainted with the events of the distant past, with historical personalities, with the culture of the people's lives. One of the manifestations of the historical genre is the battle (botal) landscapes. Botal genre-botal is a French word, which means" Battle'," war". Tiradi

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 3 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

he refl ected i n the battl e l andscapes. The mai n pl ace in this genre is the l andscape of battl es and mi l i tary marches. I n the works of botal ists - artists, the i mage of a warri or, his heroism, courage and boundless love for his native land are expressed. Leonardo da Vinci, M. B. Grekov, G.K. Sevisky, A.A.Deyneka, V.V.Volkov and others are such musicians. Animalist-genre is an unusual kind of Fine Art. He means in Latin "anima", "animal world". The Animalist artist is accompanied by a keen interest in the animal world, love and skill. At that time, they painted pictures of deer, buffalo, mammals on the walls of the caves. In ancient Japan and China, the images of animals were considered basic in drawing decorative patterns and creating monumental compositions, by the XVI century the anatomy of the animal world was studied by the great musicians Leonardoda Vinci and A. The dyurers worked.

Elderly sculptor and graphic painter V.A. In his works, Vatagin describes his four-legged friends truthfully and confidently. It is desirable that the leader of the training, in order to fully reveal the meaning in the process of giving theoretical knowledge to the students, together with his speech through live speech, will make fruitful use of photographs, literature, film and diaphragm and slides from the works of the musicians.


Household genre: in fine arts, works of this genre embody the everyday life of people, various events. For the first time in the XVII century, the household genre, which mostly reflects in the painting, is manifested in the works of Dutch artists Peter de Cox, Ostade, Sten, Terborx, Vermer etc. From realistic artists P.Fedotov, V.Perov, V.Maksimov, V.Makovsky, K.Sevisky, I.Repin vs contributed greatly to the development of the household genre. From Uzbek artists R.Ahmedov, M.Saidov Z.Inagomov, R.Report This Website Abdurahmonovs also came up with a blessed creation in this genre.


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