TYPE OF COMPLEX POULTRY COMPOSITION IN SILVER CORN FIELDS IN KYZYLORDA REGION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Ключевые слова
corn for silage / phenological control / structural analysis / preparation / micro-fertilizer / phytosanitary monitoring / profitability. / кукуруза на силос / фенологический контроль / структурный анализ / препарат / микроудобрение / фитосанитарный мониторинг / рентабельность.

Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — Raimbekova Baktigul Tasbolatovna, Olzhabay Nazerke Myrzabaikyzy, Zholdasbek Gulnur Zholdasbekkyzy

the article presents materials on the study of silage corn moth (Ostrinia nubilalis Hbn) and onion moth (Loxostege sticticalis L.). Based on the results of the study of varieties of silage corn, the species composition of pests was determined. Resistant varieties against scaly wings have been planted. Along with agriculture, dairy and beef cattle breeding is developed in the region, therefore, the cultivation of high-yielding, high-quality crops is of great practical importance in providing the area with a sufficient amount of feed.

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в статье представлены материалы по изучению силосной кукурузной моли (Ostrinia nubilalis Hbn) и луговой моли (Loxostege sticticalis L.). По результатам изучения сортов силосной кукурузы определен видовой состав вредителей. Высажены устойчивые сорта против чешуекрылых. Наряду с земледелием в области развито молочное и мясное скотоводство, поэтому выращивание высокоурожайных, качественных культур имеет большое практическое значение в обеспечении района достаточным количеством кормов.



1Раимбекова Бактигул Тасболатовна - кандидат сельскохозяйственных наук, ассоциированный профессор;

2Олжабай Назерке Мырзабайкызы - магистр;

3Жолдасбек Гулнур Жолдасбеккызы - магистр сельскохозяйственных наук, ассистент, кафедра защиты растений и карантина, факультет агробиологии, Казахский национальный аграрный исследовательский университет, г. Алматы, Республика Казахстан

Аннотация: в статье представлены материалы по изучению силосной кукурузной моли (Ostrinia nubilalis Hbn) и луговой моли (Loxostege sticticalis L.). По результатам изучения сортов силосной кукурузы определен видовой состав вредителей. Высажены устойчивые сорта против чешуекрылых. Наряду с земледелием в области развито молочное и мясное скотоводство, поэтому выращивание высокоурожайных, качественных культур имеет большое практическое значение в обеспечении района достаточным количеством кормов.

Ключевые слова: кукуруза на силос, фенологический контроль, структурный анализ, препарат, микроудобрение, фитосанитарный мониторинг, рентабельность.


KYZYLORDA REGION Raimbekova B.T.1, Olzhabay N.M.2, Zholdasbek G.Zh.3 (Republic of Kazakhstan)

1Raimbekova Baktigul Tasbolatovna - Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor;

2Olzhabay Nazerke Myrzabaikyzy - Master's degree;


Abstract: the article presents materials on the study of silage corn moth (Ostrinia nubilalis Hbn) and onion moth (Loxostege sticticalis L.). Based on the results of the study of varieties of silage corn, the species composition of pests was determined. Resistant varieties against scaly wings have been planted. Along with agriculture, dairy and beef cattle breeding is developed in the region, therefore, the cultivation of high-yielding, high-quality crops is of great practical importance in providing the area with a sufficient amount of feed.

Keywords: corn for silage, phenological control, structural analysis, preparation, micro-fertilizer, phytosanitary monitoring, profitability.

UDС 632.3/9:635.63(574.51)


Currently, the increase in the population's demand for livestock products largely depends on the quality of production of livestock products. The main goal is to ensure the further development of animal husbandry in general with high-quality high-protein livestock products. The share of corn crops in the implementation of this goal is high.

Many farms of Kyzylorda region are located on desert-steppe lands. Animal husbandry plays a leading role in raising the economy from the air and improving the well-being of the local population. So far, the opportunities for the development of animal husbandry in the district have not been fully used [1, 4 p]. Therefore, their grain can be quite collected at the stage of baking. At this stage, corn harvesting for silage, along with increasing productivity, increases its quality.

From corn crops, it is possible to produce 100 c/ha of grain per hectare, 600-700 c/ha of silage corn products on irrigated land with full implementation of agrotechnical measures. However, the potential capabilities of corn crops are not fully used, since the silo mass accumulates more carbohydrates than the amount of protein.

Although the soil improves soil fertility, it is impossible to change the climate. This requires the best possible specialization of the economy by region. The use of agro-technical methods to ensure good yields, both in case of insufficient and in excess of moisture, the correct use of appropriate techniques helps to develop land reclamation, more effective fertilizers, reduce dependence of agriculture on weather [2, p. 280]. affects the rate. Among the meteorological conditions, precipitation, temperature and wind play a key role in soil formation.

The purpose of the study is to improve the measures of pest control of silage corn in the conditions of the Kyzylorda region and sow pest - resistant varieties of Flake-winged corn in the conditions of the Kyzylorda region.

The novelty of the study is that a determinant table was compiled for the Kyzylorda region, which determines the signs of damage by pests of silage corn. In addition, the optimal stage of development of silage corn pests, damage organs, and measures to combat them were proposed.

According to the research of our scientists Raimbekova B.T.,Bayrakimov S. I. in World crop production, silage corn is the second economically important grain crop after Rice, both by area of cultivation and by volume of production. Corn according to the classification of silage corn (lat. Zea mays is one of the annual crops belonging to the grain family [3, p. 19-22].

A heat-loving plant from the annual grain family. A single-sex, single-family plant. Corn grows at 12-140 C. The inflorescence is a sob. The root system is fringed, has auxiliary roots. Materials B, E, technical oil, linoleum, glue, artificial. Nitrogen and phosphorous fertilizers are required.

Research material and methods

The study of the species composition and distribution of Flake-winged silage corn was carried out in irrigation conditions in the fields of "Kazakh Research Institute of rice farming named after Y. Zhakayev" LLP in Kyzylorda, where the species composition of Flake-winged species, their distribution and development were determined on the varieties of silage corn grown on an experimental basis.

The soil of the experimental site is characterized by dark gray, medium clay, humus content in the arable layer is 2.7-3.0%, total nitrogen - 0.18 - 0.20%; total phosphorus - 0.19 - 0.20%.

For the study, varieties of silage corn tselinny 160cb, Kazakhstan 43 TV were selected. "Kazakhstan 583 SV", "Sterling", "Partizanka", "Dnepropetrovsky", "Kalina".

Corn stem butterfly Ostrinia nubilalis Hbn. - a polyphagous pest belonging to the family of butterflies-Pyralidae,the family of butterflies-Ostrinia. In June-August, favorable conditions for its development are created in regions where the air temperature is above +20°C and the amount of precipitation during this period exceeds 200 mm. More than 230 plants from 40 families are known as cornflower butterflies, of which about 50 species are cultivated [4, 532 p.].

Likes large-stemmed crops and especially corn. Due to the warming of the climate and the expansion of grain corn acreage, the range of moths of silage corn stalks is increasing.

Fig. 1. Period of damage to the cob, stem of the corn stem butterfly in 2020-2021 in the study

Poor-quality addition of plant residues, the main part of which is concentrated in the silage corn Moth for the next season, greatly contributes to the development of pests.

In the conditions of the Kyzylorda region, it periodically increases. Pupae overwinter in the soil. The spring flight of butterflies from the pupa begins when the soil temperature at a depth of 10 cm reaches 16-17°C. Butterflies fly en masse when the effective temperature set reaches 260-270°c, when the development limit is 15.5 °C.

The color of the forewings of Butterflies is mixed gray or dark gray with a brownish tinge, and the hindwings are gray or light gray. Starworms of older age are dark gray, with stripes along the back. Body length 25-35 mm. Starworms overwinter in the soil.

Based on the research of our scientists K.V. Novozhilov, V.A. Zakharenko, it pupates in spring, in summer it turns into a butterfly in mid-June and adapts to flight. It lays its eggs under the flower scales on its ears. It lays up to 2000-3000 eggs with a very high fecundity. It develops, giving one generation per year. Starworms of lower age grow inside the grain, leaving only the shell. From the age of four, they feed openly [5. 92 p].

Control measures: the necessary decisions are made on the autumn and spring survey indicators. The number of wintering starworms is determined by the density of the soil, digging up to 15 cm deep, each specimen is 0.25 m on sites of 8-16 specimens. If the survey found 23 starworms that have preserved life forms, then it is necessary to cultivate the soil. Or the cultivator is treated to a depth of 6-8 cm. When silage corn is sown at the optimal time, the timing of the mass flight of butterflies increases. At the age of 1-2 years, starworms take 20-25 sobs from 10 fields and put them in bags of 200-250 sobs.After packing the bag, it is dried for 1-2 days. To ensure that insecticides are not stored in the grain, it is necessary to strictly observe the sanitary time of burku operations.

Silage corn cultivation in our region has prospects both in terms of productivity and in terms of the market. The agrotechnical and ecological significance of this crop is great.

Fig. 2. The meadow butterfly (Loxostege sticticalis L.) is a typical polyphagous pest belonging to the pyralid family

The forecast of development and distribution of the meadow butterfly is very difficult with the flight of butterflies over long distances.Migration is often observed, and numerous foci of mass reproduction of pests and short-term settlement of large areas are associated precisely with the migration of butterflies from adjacent areas. In addition to flying over long distances (300-900 km), Meadow butterflies are also called "Nomadic" butterflies within individual stations, farms and areas.

Table ¡.Biological efficiency of tillers before sowing silage corn seeds (LLP "Abzal & K" Kyzylorda region, 2021)

Experience version Amount of insecticide taken, L / T Degree of damage to the stem butterfly,% Meadow butterfly degree of damage,% Biological effectiveness, %

Stem butterfly Meadow butterfly

Control (raw) - 9,9 8,6 - -

Sharpey, m.e. 250-(standard) 1,0 4,9 4,2 50,5 51,2

Karate 050 k.e. 1.5 4,4 3,7 55,6 57,0

Karate 050 k.e. 1,75 3,6 3,2 63,6 63,0

Under the influence of treatment of silage corn seeds with a karate 050 K. E. -1.5 L/T and 1.75 L/T (insecticide), the death of stem butterflies after 20 days was 55.6-63.6%, and Meadow butterflies - 57.0-63.0% biological efficiency, these indicators were 50.5% and 51.2% in the Sharpey 250 K. S. - 1.0 l/ha (reference) version.

For the population of Kazakhstan, silage corn is a valuable feed product. Agricultural technology should be a mandatory method of protection: autumn or spring tillage to a depth of 15 cm, which reduces the number of wintering earthworms; discarding or raking perennial grasses, autumn or spring plowing of fallow areas.

A very important method of reducing the number of Meadow moths is weed control: the food base of the pest. Crops can be sprayed with insecticides with an extreme strip with a width of 10 m from the edges of hayfields and natural Meadows when the pest colonizes the focus.

Despite the relatively favorable climatic conditions, silage corn in Kazakhstan does not meet the needs of the population. One of the most important reasons that prevent the cultivation of the crop is the widespread distribution of scaly plants. According to the research of A. O. Sagitov and other scientists, during the growing season and storage period, the loss of crop yield from various flycatchers is likely to be at least 10% annually, and in years favorable for their development — up to 30-50% or more [7, p. 354].


In the conditions of the Kyzylorda region, it is necessary to sow resistant varieties of silage corn and monitor crop rotation in a timely manner. Timely implementation of measures to protect against harmful organisms. The species composition of the stem butterfly and Meadow butterfly was determined, and the extent to which they caused damage to field crops was determined, including the varieties that are resistant to them in 2021. In Kazakhstan, it was proved that the most effective varieties of silage corn are allowed to be used in the varieties "Kazakhstan 583 SV", "Sterling", "Partizanka", "Dnepropetrovsky", "Kalina" (Kazniisa), and they are included in the offer.

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