Научная статья на тему 'Two schools of Russian soil cartography'

Two schools of Russian soil cartography Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о Земле и смежные экологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о Земле и смежным экологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Stepanova V.I., Lopachev N.A., Ishkhanova A.A.

In soil cartography, relief is considered the universal factor of soil combinations formation. Unique character of relief plaster lies in the fact that it allows to detect local, regional and global regularities of formation of geology and tectonics of our planet. All world scientific revolutions in cartography of the Earth sciences are based on geometric principles. Their development and implementation into praxis became possible thanks to longstanding activity of soil scientists under the leadership of academicians V.A. Kovda, V.R. Volobuev and professor I.N. Stepanov. Method objective is cartographic authentic mapping of the Earth shell structure dynamics. It is not possible to name the idea itself innovative because almost 150 years ago J. Clerk Maxwell in one of his articles wrote about regularities of location of "swells and valleys" of the Earth surface. Analogues of relief plaster map can be met on the maps of the famous Russian soil scientists Dimo and Volobuev, geologist Sobolevsky. Today the relief plaster method is developing and improving on the basis of Institution of Biological Engineering of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Pushhino. The new computer methods of morpho-isograph procedure are developed (zero planned curve lines), suggested by professor Stepanov.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Two schools of Russian soil cartography»

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Stepanova V.I., Researcher Степанова В. И., научный сотрудник E-mail: agroecology@inbox.ru Federal State Budgetary Scientific Establishment Institute of Biological Engineering With Pilot Production of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IBE-RAS),

Moscow region, Russia Федеральное государственное бюджетное учреждение науки Институт биологического приборостроения с опытным производством Российской академии наук (ИБП РАН), Московская область, Россия Lopachev N.A., Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Лопачев Н.А., доктор сельскохозяйственных наук, профессор E-mail: lopachev.nikolai@yandex.ru Ishkhanova A.A., Applicant Ишханова А. А., соискатель E-mail: aishhanova@mail.ru Federal State Budgetary Educational Establishment of Higher Education "Orel State Agrarian University named after N.V. Parakhin", Orel, Russia ФГБОУ ВО «Орловский государственный аграрный университет имени Н.В. Парахина», Орел, Россия

In soil cartography, relief is considered the universal factor of soil combinations formation. Unique character of relief plaster lies in the fact that it allows to detect local, regional and global regularities of formation of geology and tectonics of our planet. All world scientific revolutions in cartography of the Earth sciences are based on geometric principles. Their development and implementation into praxis became possible thanks to longstanding activity of soil scientists under the leadership of academicians V.A. Kovda, V.R. Volobuev and professor I.N. Stepanov. Method objective is cartographic authentic mapping of the Earth shell structure dynamics. It is not possible to name the idea itself innovative because almost 150 years ago J. Clerk Maxwell in one of his articles wrote about regularities of location of "swells and valleys" of the Earth surface. Analogues of relief plaster map can be met on the maps of the famous Russian soil scientists Dimo and Volobuev, geologist Sobolevsky. Today the relief plaster method is developing and improving on the basis of Institution of Biological Engineering of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Pushhino. The new computer methods of morpho-isograph procedure are developed (zero planned curve lines), suggested by professor Stepanov. Key words: soil cartography, method of relief plaster, relief, cartography, soil areal, soil stripes, soil profile, invariant

В почвенном картографировании рельеф признан наиболее универсальным фактором образования почвенных комбинаций. Уникальность метода пластики рельефа заключается в том, что он позволяет выявить локальные, региональные и глобальные закономерности формирования геологии и тектоники нашей планеты. Все мировые научные революций в картографии наук о Земле, основаны на геометрических принципах. Их разработка и внедрение в практику стало возможным благодаря многолетней деятельности почвоведов под руководством академиков В.А. Ковды, В.Р. Волобуева и профессора И.Н. Степанова. Задача метода - картографическое достоверное отображение динамики структур земной коры. Саму идею нельзя назвать инновационной, так как еще почти 150 лет назад в одной из своих статей Дж. Клерк Максвелл, писал о закономерностях расположения «холмов и долин» земной поверхности. Аналоги карты пластики рельефа можно встретить на картах известных русских почвоведов Димо и Волобуева, геолога Соболевского. В настоящее время метод пластики рельефа продолжает развиваться и совершенствоваться на базе Института биологического приборостроения РАН в Пущино. Разработаны новые компьютерные методы проведения морфоизографы (линии нулевой плановой кривизны), предложенной профессором Степановым.

Ключевые слова: почвенная картография, метод пластики рельефа, рельеф, картография, почвенные ареалы, почвенные полосы, почвенный профиль, инвариант.

First attempts of soil cartography were done at the beginning of XVIII century. Special soils were marked on some French maps - "field" for wheat, hemplands, vinelands etc. The first soil map of the European part of Russia in scale 200 of milestone in inch, was compiled by economist and climatologist K.S. Veselovsky and it was published in 1851. Then it was republished in 1853 and improved in 1857 and 1869. These maps featured only predominate main soils: chernozem, loams of all colors, sand, clay loam and sandy clay, pulp, alkaline earth, tundras and swamplands, stony areas, h.e. soils different in character of organic matter, vegetation and mechanical composition.

In 1873-1879 new soil map of the European part of Russia in scale 60 of milestone in inch was created by the famous economist and statistician V.I. Chaslavsky. V.V. Dokuchaev helped him at the last period. The map was compiled according to the newest works in the soil geography sphere. There were already 32 conventional signs for soil featuring. Chernozem is divided into sandy, sandy loam, clay loamy and clayed. Podzol, gray soil (transition to chernozem), fertile and limy chernozem, alkali soils, etc. are determined for the first time. The map was a big success and its manuscript copy in 1873 was on exhibit at the World Expo in Vienna. The map was edited in 1879 with Dokuchaev's explanatory text.

Modern relief representation on the maps in the sign system form of horizontals with bergstrichs, pointing convex-concave character of semi-continuum (C), was preceded with a long story of presentation of the landforms on the perspective (A) and hachure (B) maps. It was completed with the new topographic map - relief plaster (D) (Fig. 1).

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Figure 1 - Relief maps of different four cartographic stages: A - perspective; B - hachure; C- iso-plaster; D - morpho-isograph (relief plaster maps) [12]

This centuries-long history of cartography is simultaneously soil science history because horizontals reflect the structure of soil surface with referenced soil thickness of about 30 sm. The difference between soil maps C (semi-continuum one dimension, lineal) and D (discontinuum, two dimension, non-lineal) depends on the choice of initial axioms of soil science: on map C the vertical soil profile is considered as theoretic framework. It is not formalized and not referenced to one or another soil system part, 2 - on map D the horizontal ground profile, presented with horizontals assembly is considered as a framework [11].

All world scientific revolutions in cartography of the Earth sciences are based on geometric principles: map A presents perspective and similarity, map B - hachure (hachures), map C - iso-lines of equal height, map D - iso-lines of equal curve. The last ones are relief plaster maps (D); we consider them as maps of agricultural designation of XXI century. Their development and implementation into praxis possible thanks to longstanding activity of soil scientists under the leadership of academicians V.A. Kovda, V.R. Volobuev and professor I.N. Stepanov.

The relief plaster method is closely connected with morphological and genetics ideas of V.V. Dokuchaev. Let's consider the method of soil differentiation according to the Earth surface elemenets, carried out by the founder of the Russian soil science V.V. Dokuchaev (Fig. 2, B). Dokuchaev's theory power is in the following: while creating soil classifications and maps he got on the path of abstracting. It is to be recalled that Dokuchaev developed binary classification of soil surface, determining first the soil class according to their bedding barely with three features of the relief: water partings, slopes and slope toes, which were referenced to the corresponding soils: normal, intergrade,

abnormal, and river valley depositions. Then, he differentiated among normal soils the soils classes according to soil genesis: terrestrial-vegetative, terrestrial-swampy and swampy (semi-terrestrial) soils, and among intergrade soils - outwashed and terrestrial-deposited. Remarkable that, the first stages of Dokuchaev's classification are of the symbolic character - the diversity of the definite forms of the relief (uplands, hummocky, featureless, valley, etc.) were changes by him with variables: normal soils of water partings and intergrade and abnormal soils of slopes.

Dokuchaev's soil abstractions (water partings, slopes, slope toes) on the maps, being compiled by the relief plaster method are replaced with more precise and conventional variable - surface curvature that is a fundamental notion of physics and mathematics [12, 13].

Figure 2 - Fragments of small-scale soil maps (M 1:2 500 000), compi ed for the same territory (interfluve of rivers the Vyatka and the Vala) by different authors: A - V.I. Chaslavsky, B - V.V. Dokuchaev, C - L.I. Prasolov, I.P. Gerasimov, D - I.N. Stepanov

M.M. Filatov was the successor of Dokuchaev's ideas in soil cartography, who published in 1923 the book "Soils of Moscow guberniya" with appendix of polychrome soil map of Moscow guberniya with scale 1:420 000. It happened so that Filatov's soil map with authentic content and contours of Dokuchaev's school, being compiled by the famous soil scientists (S.A. Zakharov, A.N. Rozanov, M.A. Orlov, R.S. Ilyin, N.D. Ponagaibo, M.I. Sladkov), dropped off radar of scientists and experts. For this reason unfortunately in the second half of XX century Filatov's map based on V.V. Dokuchaev's principles, did not become the scientific basis for the scientists of the Russian science about soils and grounds. Instead of this the scientists particularly, of Soil Institute named after Dokuchaev, suggested fundamentally different method of demonstration of soils and contours properties on the maps of medium and small scale. In our opinion, in the national soil science, there are two different understanding of soil nature and their mapping. This is Dokuchaev's school (Fig. 2, B), its principles are presented on Filatov's map and on the maps of the Pushhino soil scientists (V.A. Kovda, V.R. Volobuev, I.N. Stepanov) (Fig. 2, D), and Prasolov-Gerasimov's school (Fig. 2, C), representing V.I. Chaslavsky's principles on the maps (Fig. 2,A). Filatov's work and its analysis provides the critical estimation of the existing methods of modern thematic maps compilation, recovery from scientific knowledge resources forgotten and undeveloped treasure that can help to further perfecting of cartography in the Earth science [1, 3].

Filatov's map traceries can create deceptive impression on the existence of soil stripes (zones, subzones), stretching along the latitude from the west to the east: sandy soils stripes are changed from the north to the south with loamy soils stripes. Stripes of heavy podzolic soils in the same sequence are changed with middle and cryptopodzolic. Such interchange of soil stripes can be explained by the influence of the main external

factor - the climate. In fact, we can observe something different - the soil bodies forms. These are single and integral systems created by the water streams of the greatest rivers of the Russian plain - the Volga and the Oka, and the Klyazma, the Sestra, the Dubna, the Pakhra and others. In the long run of their history each of them created stream systems which in the form of convexities (uplands) are fixed on Filatov's map. Now while speaking about position in space and time of one or another soil (or ground) it is necessary to stress the stream and stream part (upper, middle or lower) they belong to and what stream part (upper, middle or lower) they are located, their correlation with specific points (repeller, attractor, bifurcations), what slope exposition and steepness they are situated. Filatov's map gives all these data unlike the «patchwork» map (Fig. 2, C), in which the principle of "normal" soils is denied, h.e. where water parting and water parting soils and valley soils are excluded [13, 14].

Water parting soil areals is the result of activity of ancient water streams - nautical, limnetic, glacied, fluviatile. They share direction from the west to the east, connected with fluviation of the Volga, the Oka, and the Moskva. Apparently, this idea of presentation of soil geological covering regulated structure in the stream form was suggested by R.S. Ilyin. He found the relationship of soil geological structure formation with altitude gradient between upper and lower points of drainage basin but not with the climate and biomass, h.e.as it is suggested in modern concept of the relief plaster.

Filatov's map discovers the essence of the Russian plain soils, which is based on system view that explains the origin of "spots and lands". It turned out that, "spots and lands" are non-casual formations; they are areas of powerful fluvial systems, directed by the terrestrial gravitation field and they organize the lateral movement of streams of the ancient and modern Volga-Oka hydrographic system in the form of mechanical paths. The order here means mutual entity of relationship of elements and parts of integral systems, which are for the first time presented in the world cartographic praxis and scientifically proved by Filatov [13].

Transition from unordered accidental "spots and lands" of the past soil maps to ordered streams-paths of Filatov's map is a great step forward in the soil. For the first time movement of the earth matter appeared on the maps as a form of the geological and soil substance existence. The structure of soil and geological covering movement is presented here in the form of limnetic, glacied streams, their successive movement one after another from the west to the east. Each such body is connected with neighboring body by physical event continuity. In this connection, there is a possibility to observe the evolutionary soil transformation according to genesis and composition along the horizontal structure of stream "movement". The stream structure of soil covering and grounds of Filatov's map has become logical and explainable from physics and mathematics point of view as sequencing the determined system of natural body relations, than demonstration of unordered "patches" of conventional maps. On Filatov's map, the property of every soil and geological body is determined with its location in the stream by means of other contiguous bodies. In the stream, there is no entirely independent body. The stream is more precise and objective theoretically based presentation of soils, geological material, grounds, and landscapes on maps. That is why there is hesitation in the Earth sciences use such blurred empiric notions, as "plain", "low land", "upland", which do not discover nature body relations [8, 9].

It is remarkable that in spite of the changes of stream forms and areas (length, width, bending) water partings with "normal" soils, as iso-lines of positive maximal curve, keep their values unchanged on Filatov's map. This phenomenon is called invariant. It means keeping the succession order of separate points, forming a path. Invariance is closely connected with symmetry notion. Thus, Filatov;s map the starting point to implement the notions of physics and geometry into the Earth sciences.

Contours of modern soil maps, for example, issued by Soil Institute named after Dokuchaev, differ fundamentally from Filatov's map contours. In 1920-1950 the majority of maps has "patch" character with flat homogeneous and isotropic bodies. Such maps has no ordered structure, they reflect Sibirtsev's idea to display on maps "patch" soil bodies in the form of "spots and lands". "Patch" maps acquired official

recognition after creation of a series of manuscript soil maps of the Moscow region (M 1: 300 000) and other parts of Russia by Soil Institute named after Dokuchaev. The refusal from the "normal" soils principle of Dokuchaev on these maps resulted in characterization of one or another soil zone taking into account the complex of soils spread in it, and dominant soils occupied the place of "normal zone type" [4, 10].

From the beginning of 1980-s Institution "Roszemproject" started to create the regional middle-scale soil maps based on generalization of large-scale soil maps previously compiled by state project institutes of land development. Based on the old technology the regional maps were developed by Soil Institute named after Dokuchaev in correspondence with the integrated program. But stream maps appeared. They were suggested as reference by Pushhino soil school. For this reason, the editorial board was presented two maps, compiled by: 1 - Soil Institute named after Dokuchaev (the All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences named after V.I. Lenin) with "patch" method and 2 - Institute of Soil Science of the former Academy of Sciences of the USSR (Pushhino) with relief plaster method. The editorial board accepted the relief plaster method for the regional map contour base. Never the less soil scientists of Soil Institute and Moscow University insisted on the following - the part of the regional maps should be compiled on the "patch" map principle. Without any discussions that would drag out the regional map release, the editorial board gave the freedom of choice to the regional state project institutes of land development. They started to show the initiative at application of one or another method at map creation. It happened so that state project institutes of land development of the North-West, the Central, the Ural and the West-Siberian regions of our country compiled and released the regional soil maps based on the relief plaster method. The same years (1985-1992) the Saratov, the Volgograd and Astrakhan regions, Khalmykia, Dagestan, the Stavropol and the Krasnodar territory compiled and released "patch" maps. Accumulated over the last 80 years of XX century disagreements in understanding cartographic soil designation resulted in polarization of the soil science. The struggle for ideals of Filatov-Dokuchaev's and Prasolov-Gerasimov's cartographic schools is still being continued.

On the regional soil maps, compiled by the relief plaster method, Dokuchaev's "normal" soils of rises and "abnormal" soils of degradations were clearly differentiated.

The map (Fig. 3) includes not only the Moscow region, but its neighboring territories of other regions. It does not display soils and their age. We have quite different objective -to show the advantage of stream map in comparison with "patch" map. The creators of the map did not limit themselves with presentation of mechanical composition (characteristic of geological material and soils), they represented above geological material level -geometric image of a stream, integrating any characteristics of soils and geological material. Moving water streams soak up any material on theyr way, and then distribute it along the length of space-time continuum according to the hydrodynamics laws [6].

The map presents tree-shaped convex streams (uplands) with "normal" soils and concave valleys with "abnormal" soils. According to V.V. Dokuchaev's ideas, zone "normal" soils are formed on the stream surfaces. Mechanical composition of soils and grounds is the following: 1 - light loams; 2 -heavy clay loam mantle with loams; 3 - middle and light clay loam; 4 - middle and light clay loam with rock and gravel stone; 6 - sands and sandy clay.

The map (Fig. 3) is schematic. In the original (M 1:300 000), it is more complete. It displays parent rock material including evolutional complex of multiple-aged soils of Holocene and Pleistocene. Here the attention is paid to the diversity of stream systems. For example, the streams, coming from the medium textured loams (4) of Rzhev (one of the powerful repellers) via the bifurcation points in the directions of loamy streams (1) to Volokolamsk, Moscow, Mozhaisk, Kaluga, Serpukhov complete their way in the Ryazan' region (attractor). Sandy streams of Meshhera join from the north to the attractor (Ryazan'), and from the south - clay loam mantle streams of the Tula coal basin. The picture of the relief, geological material and soils of map Fig. 3 was created by the ancient generations of the Volga and the Oka during many geological periods [2, 5, 7, 12].

Figure 3 - Fragment of schematized soil map of the Moscow region and neighboring territories. M 1:300 000. 2008. Institute of Biological Engineering of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Editor I.N. Stepanov, contributors: V.I. Stepanova, I.P. Baranov

Today the relief plaster method is developed and improved on the base of Institute of Biological Engineering of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Pushhino.

New computer methods of carrying out morpho-isograph (line of zero planned curve) suggested by professor Stepanov are developed.

As it turned out at practical field and desktop studies and examinations of geophysical structural maps, plaster maps represent not only surface, quaternary deposits, but also deeper geological horizons. Here we can speak about geological hierarchy of the relief. On the base of the modern investigations of the plaster method the group of cartographers of our university, carry out successful works on mineral exploration (oil, gas, gold, etc.) and deposits of fresh and mineral waters [12, 13].


1. Dokuchaev V.V. Cartography of Russian soils/ St-Petersburg: Ministry of State Owned Property. Printing house Kirshbaum, 1879.

2. Dokuchaev V.V. Soil map of the European part of Russia [maps]. V.3. M.: Selkhozgiz, 1949. 446 p.

3. Ilyin R.S. Nature of the Narymsky territories. Tomsk, 1930. 156 p.

4. Kovda V.A. Soil classification principles // Objectives and methods of soil investigations. M.-L.: Selkhozgiz, 1933. P. 7-23

5. Soil map of the European part of Russia [maps] / responsible editor V.I. Chaslavsky. M 1:2 520 000. 1879.

6. Soil map of Moscow guberniya [maps] / Under the editorship of M.M. Filatov. M., M 1: 420 00. 1923.

7. Prasolov L.I. Soil regions of the European Russia. M.: Gosizdat, 1922.

8. Prasolov L.I. Soil map of the European part of the USSR [maps]. Leningrad.: the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1930. M 1:2 520 000.

9. Sibirtsev N.M. Soil science. St-Petersburg, 1898. 136 p.

10. Sibirtsev N.M. Soil science: Lecturs. Ed.4. 1901.

11. Stepanov I.N. Forms in the soil world. M.: Nauka, 1986.

12. Stepanov I.N. Space and time in soil science. M.: Nauka, 2003. 184 p.

13. Stepanov I.N. Theory of relief plaster and new thematic maps. M.: Nauka, 2006. p. 230

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