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Ключевые слова
innovations / professional training / competencies / tendencies / modernization

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Zaskaleta S., Buglay N.

The article is devoted to the problem of professional training of history teachers. Its general tendencies are defined. These are: reforming the system of professional training of specialists, innovative orientation of profes-sional training of history teachers; continuity of professional training. It is noted that the reform processes in edu-cation aimed at acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities by future professionals, their transformation into compe-tence, which will ensure the success of their professional and personal development, readiness to respond mobile to the challenges of time, implementation of socially important tasks lifelong learning.

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Zaskaleta S.

Doctor of Science in Pedagogy, Professor of English Language and Literature Department, Mykolaiv V. O. Sukhomlynskyi National University, Ukraine ORCID iD 0000-0002-5417-2612 Buglay N.

Doctor of Historical Sciences (Dr. Hab. In History), Professor of History Department, V. O. Sukhomlynskyi Mykolaiv National University, Ukraine ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0674-4313


The article is devoted to the problem of professional training of history teachers. Its general tendencies are defined. These are: reforming the system of professional training of specialists, innovative orientation of professional training of history teachers; continuity of professional training. It is noted that the reform processes in education aimed at acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities by future professionals, their transformation into competence, which will ensure the success of their professional and personal development, readiness to respond mobile to the challenges of time, implementation of socially important tasks - lifelong learning.

Keywords: innovations, professional training, competencies, tendencies, modernization.

The unifying processes of the European continent, the dynamic development of modern technologies, fierce competition in the labor market, the high level of requirements for the specialist necessitate a comprehensive study of the conceptual framework and the search for effective mechanisms for training. In the context of Ukraine's integration into the European educational space, the issue of determining trends in teacher training has become relevant. Solving complex problems is possible only on the basis of effective professional training of a teacher capable of innovative activities.

In the conditions of formation of the pan-European space the demand for professionalism of the teacher, his readiness for innovative activity becomes obvious. In this regard, the problem of transformation of the content of professional training of students of pedagogical educational institutions in the direction of development of their readiness for innovative activity becomes especially relevant. Therefore, the problem of professional training of history teachers for innovation in the context of modern European integration processes is extremely relevant today. However, the problem of effective professional training of history teachers in today's realities remains insufficiently monitored.

Today, the prospects of vocational training are impossible to imagine without such phenomena as globalization, integration, modernization, which are external factors influencing the vocational training system.

Ukraine has clearly defined the entrance for entering the educational and scientific space of Europe, modernizes educational activities in the context of European requirements. The vector of state educational policy is aimed at forming a developed and self-sufficient person, professional, personality.

According to the National Doctrine of Education Development in Ukraine in the XXI Century, such tasks are implemented in the context of significant intensification of European integration processes.

To radically update the system of vocational training, turning it into the most accessible way to obtain a profession, the philosophical and value sources of education have been reviewed and priority areas for reforming and developing the system of vocational training have been identified. Thus, these factors determine the development of professional training of history teachers.

An important element of education reform is the definition of the tasks of historical education. As Go-fron Andzej notes in his dissertation research, the task of education is to provide conditions for a person to realize his own project of self-creation in dialectical unity with the system of values, which is transmitted and transmitted by education [2, p.25].

In order to determine the trends of professional training, we studied its state in the countries of the European educational space in the historical, philosophical, socio-political, historical and pedagogical and other domestic and foreign literature published in recent years:

1) generalizing works on the whole complex of problems of professional training of specialists in Ukraine and in some countries (S.U. Goncharenko, T.M. Desyatov, A.A. Sbrueva, V.G. Kremen, V.I. Lugovyi, N. G. Nychkalo, S.O. Sysoeva, O.V. Su-khomlinska);

2) scientific works, which consider the problems of professional training in the countries of the European Union (A.G. Androschuk, L.I. Zyazyun, O.I. Lokshina, N.M. Nosovets, L.P. Pukhovska and others);

3) works devoted to certain aspects of professional training of history teachers (L. Riabovol, I. Kulyk and others);

4) research on the history, political science, sociology, theory of public administration, economics of the European Union (S.O. Bilan, G.P. Pedchenko, E.A. Marunyak).

Important for the study of the problem of professional training of history teachers are works on the philosophy of education V.P. Andrushchenko, I.A. Zyazyuna, V.G Flint, M. Ognevyuk.

The analysis of research in recent years confirms the need and relevance of further solving the problem of professional training of future historians in Ukraine and identifying its main trends.

The problem of modernization of professional training in the context of innovative trends in society is analyzed in the works of V.G. Kremen. The scientist notes that modern education and professional training must meet the new challenges of today. V.G. Kremen emphasizes that the most important priorities of any society is the formation of a knowledge society [6]. V.G. Kremen also notes that educational and pedagogical changes on a national scale are taking place in the context of generally civilized transformations due to the widespread use of new educational technologies based on the use of opportunities and needs in individual personal development. Analyzing the problem of modernization of education in the context of innovative trends in society, the scientist points out that the further progress of civilization, which in the XXI century is protoglobal, is associated with innovation, the need to form an innovative person with a new innovative type of thinking [7, p.24- 36].

The need for research in the field of education in its sustainable development emphasizes V.O. Ognev'yuk. According to the concept of V.O. Ognev'yuk osvitology as a scientific direction of integrated knowledge of education most fully reflects all knowledge related to education [11]. Therefore, in our opinion, professional training should be considered from the point of view of the concept of lifelong learning.

Carrying out a retrospective and comparative analysis of the experience of professional training in the countries of the European Union and Ukraine N.G. Nychkalo notes that lifelong learning is one of the key tasks of the 21st century. The concept of lifelong learning requires "new thinking, taking into account global trends and regional characteristics, as well as prognostic approaches." The developed strategies and decisions are based on the real experience, traditions and potential of the national education systems of the EU member states. (10, p.132).

The development of innovative processes in higher educational institutions is devoted to the scientific works of M.G. Chobitko [15; 176]. Analyzing the problem of individualization and differentiation of education abroad, the scientist states that an important area of public policy of economically developed countries was the development at the national and regional levels of special programs in the field of educational

and personal vocational guidance based on differentiated and individualized approaches. M.G. Chobitko draws attention to the need to study the experience in the field of individual-differentiated learning in Romania, Hungary. Differentiation and individualization of education serves as a guiding principle in the training of future professionals, helps to identify and develop students' abilities, reduce their overload, provides the opportunity to choose the direction of study in accordance with their aptitudes, interests, requests [15, p.20].

O.P. Meshchaninov emphasizes that high-quality harmonious professional training of specialists in higher educational institutions is possible under the conditions of realization of the basic principles of functioning and self-development (continuity, continuity, systemicity, innovation, integrity and integration, individual orientation), use of classical methods (comparison, composition and decomposition). systematization, modeling and forecasting, generalization, integration and differentiation) design of modern innovative systems of university education to meet the needs of the individual and society in certain activities in a particular area of social division of labor "[9, p.41].

Sysoeva S.O. notes that the urgent problem of today is not only the improvement of subject competence of students of higher educational institution of non-pedagogical profile, but also the formation of its psychological and pedagogical competence [15]. Based on the analysis of international experience, scientists come to the conclusion that the success of reforming educational systems in terms of socio-economic transformations is determined by two leading trends: the hu-manization and technologicalization of the educational system.

Considering the problem of professional training of history teachers should pay attention to the formation of social and professional qualities of the teacher. L. Ryabovol provides for the assimilation and gradual increase of the necessary and sufficient amount of systematic scientific knowledge in pedagogy, psychology, history, law, formation of specific and practical skills, ways of thinking, psychological and moral qualities, values, professional competence acquired in the field of humanities. qualification of a teacher of history and law at the levels (bachelor and master) of higher and continuous training [13]. The most important pedagogical competencies, according to the researcher, include: socio-personal, instrumental, general scientific, professional.

Particularly important in the renewal of professional training of future teachers Kulik I. identifies the formation of a modern style of professional activity, personal and professional qualities; ability to live and work in an innovative mode, to be ready to carry out innovative activities. The preparation of the future history teacher for the implementation of his tasks should focus on the formation of professional skills, humanistic worldview and psychological readiness to effectively carry out innovative activities in specific conditions of the pedagogical process [8].

Poberezka G.G. identified trends common to Western Europe and their specific manifestations in higher education. Among them are the following:

- prolonging the duration of human acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities;

- diversification of the system of educational institutions, closing of some profiles and opening of others, constant updating of curricula and programs, modernization of means and methods of teaching.

Considering the problem of professional training in universities in the UK, N.M. Bidyuk determines the directions of development of the university education system in the country. They are: modernization of organizational structure and forms of management, improvement of legal support, expansion of educational institutions, optimization of educational process, professional development of teaching staff, updating the content of education in accordance with the development of society and economic needs high level of quality of professional training, search of optimal ways of financial support, development of mechanisms of international cooperation, solution of problems of interrelation of education with industrial sector, increase of cultural level of the country with preservation of traditional values of education [1].

The European vector of higher education development is determined by supporting higher education institutions in developing and improving their teaching and learning strategies, as well as encouraging them to offer interdisciplinary programs. Students must engage in research or research and innovation activities at all levels of higher education to develop a critical and creative mindset that will enable them to find innovative solutions to emerging challenges. This shows the synergy between education, research and innovation [12].

Today, universities are included in modern processes of internationalization, academic mobility and involvement in the European context, which generates numerous surveys on advanced pedagogical approaches that meet the framework of the general European policy of language learning. In order to implement the program of Common European Framework of Reference for Languages in order to use interdisciplinary links, it is important, in our opinion, to apply the CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) approach proposed by the British Council in foreign language classes. An approach to academic teaching, such as historical sciences, in which an academic or lecturer assumes some responsibility for the language used to teach the discipline and seeks to address students' language problems.

Thus, proficiency in English for professional communication allows students to use it in independent work. The expected learning outcomes are:

- ability to use the basics of general theoretical disciplines to the extent necessary to solve pedagogical and research problems, successful development of methodological and applied issues of the specialty, issues of fundamental general historical and special disciplines; disciplines of psychological and pedagogical cycle: pedagogy, psychology, methods of teaching history, methods and organization of extracurricular (extracurricular) work, foreign language of professional communication;

- ability to apply the principles of editing and preparation of materials for publication, compilation of abstracts, reviews, reviews, including in a foreign language;

- awareness of scientific standards and compliance with them on the accuracy and scope of localized documentation used and cited in the tasks and conclusions of practical training;

- ability to work in a group productively, playing a leading role in some cases, chairing debates and discussions in an international and multicultural group, which involves the use of a foreign language.

Thus, knowledge of historical disciplines is based largely on knowledge of a foreign language, the ability to work with foreign documentary sources, which makes it possible to activate the student's independent cognitive activity. This gives grounds to conclude that it is appropriate to include the skills and abilities of independent cognitive activity of students, which includes independent work with foreign professional literature to the professional qualities of the competencies of future historians.

There is no doubt that knowledge of a foreign language opens wide opportunities for integrated courses and the use of English-language sources. The interconnected study of historical disciplines and a foreign language is especially relevant at the faculty, where a foreign language provides an opportunity to be involved in foreign sources.

Conclusions The study and implementation of the positive experience of the countries of the European educational space and Ukraine on the professional training of history teachers gives grounds to identify its general trends. They are:

- reforming the system of professional training;

- innovative orientation of professional training of history teachers;

- internationalization of professional training;

- continuity of professional training;

Reformation processes in education, aimed at acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities by future specialists, their transformation into competence, which will ensure the success of their professional and personal development, readiness to respond mobile to the challenges of time, realization of socially important task - lifelong learning.


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culture of the Belgorod region" Belgorod city, Russia


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и физической культуры Белгородской области»

г. Белгород, Россия


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В статье изложены результаты воздействия разработки специализированных комплексов корригирующих упражнений для профилактики отрицательных воздействий продолжительных статических нагрузок у молодых стрелков из винтовки.

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