TRENDS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ECONOMIC POTENTIAL OF SERVICE ENTERPRISES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Erdonov M.E.

In this article, the socio-economic is more vital issue of increasing the labor potential through the effective use of labor resources in service enterprises, the manifestations and components for the labor potential, the criterias and indicators of increasing the efficiency of the use of labor resources are classified, and the main directions of the increase of the labor potential are researched.

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Erdonov M.E. independent researcher assistant-teacher Department of Real economics




Annotation. In this article, the socio-economic is more vital issue of increasing the labor potential through the effective use of labor resources in service enterprises, the manifestations and components for the labor potential, the criterias and indicators of increasing the efficiency of the use of labor resources are classified, and the main directions of the increase of the labor potential are researched.

Keywords: quality of service of enterprises, labor resources, labor potential, criteria, indicators, labor process, labor productivity, labor resources.

Introduction. Economic relations are arising on the basis of the economic reforms carried out in our republic created opportunities for the development of the service sector. At the present stage of development of our economy, the requirements for the increasing of quality services.

The service sector, in essence and content, includes various manifestations and directions of human activity and it is associated with the creation of conditions for the development of human capital, which are associated with ensuring the quality of modern life, as well as ensuring the transition of the division of Labor to a relatively high level. In this process, increasing the efficiency of the use of labor resources in the industry is a particular importance and also socio-economic importance.

Therefore, in the new Uzbek development strategy for 2022-2026, "reducing the share of the hidden economy in the service sector by 3 times. Providing additional benefits to business entities in the industry in order to increase the attractiveness of the services sector" [19] has been defined as an urgent task.

On the other hand, for the management of labor resources at service enterprises, it is especially important to identify the mechanism of action of each of the components of the employee's Labor potential and develop a system of interconnected measures and that affect the full use of his reserves.

Analysis of literature on the topic. Fundamental research of problems related to the development of service economy, economic growth, sustainable development of the service sector, improving the quality and competitiveness of services, effective use of production factors in the service process, increasing social and economic efficiency, development of modern service sectors,

increasing labor productivity, innovative development of the service sector Keynes J.M. [6], Marshall A. [10], Hacker K., Render B., Russell R., Sniper R. [9] illuminated in the ages.

Socio-economic significance of the development of the service sector, description and classification of services, mechanisms for increasing socioeconomic efficiency in service enterprises, effectively use of Labor-personnel labor in enterprises, increasing labor efficiency and productivity, ensuring service intensity, full satisfaction of consumer demand by improving the quality of services in service enterprises, factors and features of the development of Service, Artikov Z.S. [2], Belyaev K. K. [4], Teplisky V., Kostyukovsky Yu. [18], Rubs, And N.V. [16], studied in the works of Lars.

It is necessary to develop the main criteria for social and economic indicators of increasing the efficiency of the use of labor resources in service enterprises. Of particular importance is a scientific study, the assessment of these factors on the basis of qualitative and quantitative indicators, the determination of the influence of each of these factors on the growth of industries and sectors of the economy.

Research Methodology. In the research process, a dialectical and systematic approach to the study of economic systems and proportions for increasing labor potential in service enterprises, a comprehensive assessment, comparative and a comparative analysis, a statistical and dynamic approach, and grouping methods were used, and a classification of criteria and indicators was developed representing the effective use of labor resources in the service sector.

Analysis and Results. Currently, there are various views on the socioeconomic nature of service activities in many economic literatures. For example, G. A. Avanesova believes that "service activities are the mutual actions of people on the realization of individual, group and social services" [1]. Part of the people in the reciprocal movement want to receive material goods in order to satisfy many of their needs, while others satisfy the needs of people on the basis of the provision of certain services. The main goal of such a relationship is not to create material goods, but to more fully satisfy the ever - growing needs of people. Although service activities are embodied in items (material goods), it is considered the product of useful labor consumed directly in the process of Labor.

J.A.Romanovich describes service activity as activity [15], which is aimed at deepening the needs of people through the provision of services. However, it should be noted that in the process of carrying out service activities, the needs of an elegant person are not only mined, but also the needs of organizations and society.

These are:

- material processing activities it is carried out by man with the transformation of Nature, Society. In this process, the service activities embody the material needs of people (estimation, maintenance, trade, medicine, household services, general hunting, etc.);

- intellectual cognitive activity-requires knowledge and knowledge of the source of information as an activity aimed at deepening not the material needs of a person, but spiritual needs (educational services, information services);

- activity aimed at increasing dignity is carried out by increasing the value of people through advertising, expertise, psychodiagnostics, image service, artistic

- decorating activities, services of a religious nature;

- communicative activity is carried out through the organization of interaction between individual people, social groups, organizations. Service activities in this yunalish include meetings, exhibitions, lectures, online interviews, translation services and headsets.

Taking into account the above, service activities are focused on the mining of material, socio- material, educational requirements and needs of the population, social groups, enterprises and organizations on the basis of service in various forms and directions. It is an activity carried out with the direct or indirect participation of consumers in achieving the final results.

When studying the effectiveness of social production in economic sectors, it is of great importance to correctly understand and calculate its criteria and indicators.

Currently, for a comprehensive in-depth study and understanding of social and economic efficiency in the service sector, it is necessary to develop its criteria and indicators separately. But there is no opinion in this that the criteria and indicators of social and economic efficiency are not interconnected. On the contrary, they are inextricably linked and necessitate each other, complementing.

In the service sector, when economic efficiency is not qualitatively calculated and measured, it is impossible to carry out the established work on its regular increase.

Achieving high efficiency on the basis of the full and high-quality implementation of the provision of services to the population with the effective use of material, financial and labor resources at service enterprises is the main criterion for the effectiveness of service activities.

In the context of the development of market relations, the effective use of labor resources in service enterprises the implementation of its social aspects in the process of production and service is also of great importance.

Of great importance is the coverage of the full essence of the category "Labor potential" in order to cover the socio-economic content and essence of increasing the efficiency of the use of labor resources. But in most cases, the category of Labor potential the concepts of "Personnel potential", "labor force", "labor resources" are interpreted as complementary categories.

For example, the term" potential "comes from the Latin word" potentia", which literally means" Opportunity, Potential, Power". In this respect, the categories" labor potential "and" labor potential " mean the possibility of labor in

society, its capacity, the presence of labor-related forces, the level of qualifications, professional skills.

The content of Labor potential consists in a combination of factors that represent the formation of labor resources, their quality, quantitative assessment and effective use. Until now, this category was interpreted differently by scientists, who approached this concept from different points of view.

The Labor potential of a person is understood as the physical and intellectual ability of this employee at a certain time, when he can perform a certain job. The fact that workers have different physical and mental abilities causes their labor potential to be different as well.

The Labor potential of a team is understood as a set of employees of different ages, qualifications and genders who are able to perform any work (service) that this team must do.

If we look at the concept of Labor potential from the point of view of society, then its content is different from the Labor potential of one employee, since not all employees are involved in the labor process, but labor collectives, and this rises to the scale of society. Thus, this concept can be described from the point of view of society as follows.

To the socio-economic category of Labor potential, some economists approach it from a resource point of view and interpret it as a more quantitative indicator. In their opinion, Labor potential is a set of resources related to various labor activities necessary for the development of the country.

Another group of economists analyzing labor potential studies this category both in terms of quantity and quality, recognizing both indicators as complementary, equally influencing factors in the coverage of its essence. In their opinion, the mutual proportionality and harmony of quantitative and qualitative indicators means potential.

For Example, A.Ya.When Kibanov thinks about the category of Labor potential, looking at it as a force that creates the material goods and services of society, he gives it a tariff as follows: potential expresses in itself the qualitative and quantitative generalization of the capabilities of labor resources for work. However, it is not advisable to contradict the categories "potential" and "resource" in this.

A as a quantitative and factor approach to the coverage of the essence of the socio-economic category of Labor potential.S.We can recognize Pankratova's views. However, in this he studies the capacity of labor through the mutual harmony of the quantitative and qualitative aspects.

Based on the study of the opinions of economists - scientists who analyzed the Labor potential, it can be said that those who approach this category as a "factor" gave a more complete tariff compared to those who approach it as a "resource". Labor potential was interpreted by most scholars as a concept, and some viewed it as a socio-economic category. A number of researchers, having analyzed it more widely, recognize it as a complex, multifaceted socio-economic

category, differing in socio-economic content in the categories of "labor resources", "labor force". Those who interpret Labor potential as an economic category express Labor potential as a social form in the form of production relations in which the formation, progress of labor collectives and individual servants, as well as the practical use of the capabilities of the human person, are realized.

Labor potential is the Real and potential opportunities of the balance of socio-economic development of the country, providing a high effect on social Labor, expressing the possibility that all citizens who are able to participate in the labor process, along with quantitative indicators, have a combination of quality indicators affecting their production activities, as well as factors representing their effective use.

As soon as the labor force ceases to operate, the economic inactive again moves to the population category, but remains in the structure of the resource. Therefore, the labor resource differs from the Labor potential in the possibility of participation in many productions with its service.

Labor potential at different levels of economy management is divided into the following groups: individual employee labor potential, enterprise Labor potential (microdaraja), network (mesodaraja) Labor potential, country (society) labor potential (microdaraja) (fig.

The initial structural formation unit of the analysis of Labor potential is the employee labor potential, which at some higher structural levels is considered the basis of the formation of Labor potential.

Employee cocktail potential the result on the performance of tasks in the worker's production activities generates total physical and intellectual abilities for self-improvement in achieving high results and solving new issues as a result of the change in production in cocktail activities.

Figure 1. Manifestations and components of Labor potential Employee include potential:

• psychological potential - a person's ability and passion, health, ability to work, activity, perseverance, creative ability, organizational skills, etc;

• qualification potential-deep and comprehensive general and special knowledge, professional training and skills, possession of technical knowledge and hokozo;

• social personal potential - the level of social consciousness and social maturity, the ability to enter into an attitude into the community, self-assertiveness, determination make up such characteristics.

• The formation of the employee's Labor potential, the effective decisionmaking of the domestic labor market and the effective use of the employee's labor implies the introduction of the following basic principles in full implementation:

• the priority task is to ensure freedom and independence in the formation of the Labor potential of the employee, to give the employee the priority choice of whether to participate in social labor or not, to form his physical and intellectual abilities capable of Labor;

• the principle of emergency power, which consists in the use of its ability to work. It presupposes the right of the employee to work at any time in the place where he belongs.

• creation of conditions for the state in the formation and realization of the Labor potential of the employee;

• formation of a system of incentives for improving quality indicators that determine the personal factors of an employee.

• free establishment of the border of work and other legal income for the effective formation of the domestic labor market (within the enterprise) in compliance with the ka "not to be less than the necessary amount to make ends meet"established by the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

• ensuring conditions for increasing its social development, with the participation of the employee (worker)in the production (service) process.

The complexity of the criterion for a comprehensive program for the development of the service sector necessitates the need for indicators characterizing its goals and resources. In our opinion, the service sector in Uzbekistan is a sector that is developing in the same way as modern sectors of the economy.

These criteria are determined using indicators that represent the effectiveness of the activities of service enterprises. In the economic literature, indicators of efficiency are found in different ways: by the scale of assessment, by the degree of use of resources, by the importance of indicators, by their role in decision-making, by the degree of umulation, etc.

The indicators of economic efficiency are divided into two groups: private and generalized.

Private indicators characterizing the economic efficiency of the activities of service enterprises include indicators of the use of labor resources, indicators of the effective use of material and financial resources.

A special place in the system of indicators of the economic efficiency of service enterprises is occupied by indicators of the effectiveness of the use of labor resources. In our opinion, the level and dynamics of labor productivity in service enterprises (natural and value indicators); average labor remuneration; the ratio of the growth rate of the volume of services per employee's account and the rate of remuneration; using the system of indicators of the result obtained per ruble of wages, it is possible to have a broad description of the effectiveness

The level of labor productivity can be calculated in the form of natural and value. When calculated in Natural form, the ratio of the volume of goods to the average number of employees is obtained.


LP =


Where: Bp -brand-product size

Em-number of employees (directly)

The total increase in labor productivity in service enterprises (A Lp total) is divided by an increase in the volume of services and a decrease in the number of workers, and it is determined by the following formula

= 100(AT + Wp) , (2) 100 + Up v 7

Where: AV-percentage of the volume of growth of production in the current period at the enterprise.

Aup-percentage of reduction in the number of employees in enterprises.

If the number of handlers does not decrease, but increases, then the percentage of the number of handlers is expressed by the opposite sign.

In the increase in the amount of production of products or the volume(number)of services provided at service enterprises, how much is determined by the indicator representing the increase in labor productivity, how much is done in exchange for attracting additional resources (labor resources). This indicator is referred to as the intensive factor contribution formula.

, (3) Ifc =

f Ain^ 1_

x 100%

Where: IOC = intensive ^factor contribution;

Uis = additional increase in the number of workers;

UTM = additional increase in the volume of goods-products;

For a deep and comprehensive analysis of the effectiveness of the activities of service enterprises, along with private indicators of efficiency, generalized indicators are used.

Generalizing indicators in the literature include: profitability, relative level of costs, stock efficiency, all resources spent on stock efficiency and other indicators.

Social efficiency in service enterprises is understood as a set of measures that are associated with ensuring the development of employees in the process of production or service in their social aspect.

In general, the achievement of the social goal of society, which is the goal for the comprehensive and harmonious development of a person, is a criterion for social efficiency. This concept has different views from the point of view. At the present stage of development of society, the tool that contributes to the maturation of a harmonious person is the criterion of social efficiency. Social efficiency has not one, but several criteria. Its first criterion is the level of satisfaction of the people's needs and the improvement of the social structure of society, while the second criterion is the reduction of consumption processes that indirectly affect the growth of production efficiency.

The second criterion for social efficiency in sectors and sectors of the economy is to reduce consumer spending, which indirectly affects the growth of the effectiveness of social production.

In the service system, social efficiency cannot be measured by a single criterion, since the criteria and indicators of the social efficiency of the industry are not the same. If the criterion of social efficiency expresses its content and function, then its indicators serve as a weapon for measuring and evaluating effectiveness.

Static indicators of social efficiency can be studied in the following group:

1. Statistical indicators characterizing consumer demand satisfaction;

2. Indicators characterizing the reduction in service time;

3. Statistical indicators characterizing the improvement of working conditions and character.

Indicators characterizing the satisfaction of consumer demand, in our opinion, include:

• the volume of services per capita served;

• the amount of gross services per capita served;

• increase coefficient of services provided;

• indicators characterizing the reduction in service time;

• coefficient of reduction of the time spent by consumers in service enterprises;

• the time it takes to serve a consumer;

• the time spent on the re-visit of a consumer to a service enterprise. This indicator indicates a decrease in the social effect;

• time spent for someone who needs to be served once on average;

• To indicators characterizing working conditions and labor nature:

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• automation of labor processes (the degree of application of new techniques and technologies):

• service enterprises meet the level of modern requirements of buildings and structures;

• the degree of use of advanced methods of Labor Organization in the provision of services;

• advanced level of technology, equipment and mechanisms used in the enterprise;

• higher level of qualification, education, specialty of workers employed in the service;

• the level of Organization of training, retraining, professional development of personnel necessary for the industry.

If a separate one of the indicators highlighted above is applied, it does not represent the overall result. Because each indicator characterizes only a small percentage of the social effect. When these indicators are used together, a complete assessment of the social efficiency of service enterprises can be made.

Conclusions and suggestions. Today, the competitive struggle between subjects engaged in traditional and modern types of services is gaining momentum. The reason for this is the increase in the number of individuals engaged in the provision of paid services. At the same time, the strengthening of the competitive struggle between service entities makes it necessary to increase the efficiency of the use of employed labor resources in this area, as well as the organization of employee labor on a scientific basis.

In the process of modernization of the economy, the main attention should be paid to the effective use of the Labor potential of society, labor resources at the meso and micro levels.

For the effective use of labor resources in service enterprises, it is necessary to carry out the following activities:

S ensuring the balance of jobs with available labor resources in terms of quantity and quality;

S creation of impressive ways to grow the volume of production or service of labor resources on the basis of their participation in labor activity;

S improvement of conditions and forms of employment in labor; S increasing the qualitative aspects of the use of labor resources; S growing the professional-qualification level of labor resources.


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