TRENDS IN INFORMATIZATION OF EDUCATION FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Dziatkovskii A.

Digitalization of education is being actively implemented in the life of modern society. The article poses a problem: to what extent the introduction of artificial intelligence in the educational process contributes to the development of education for sustainable development - the main trend of the global educational process in the 21st century; how the socio-cultural interaction of these areas of transformation of our lives in the global Internet space is built. It proves that the new tasks assigned to education can not be solved by old methods, they require new technologies for their implementation, especially information. The task of artificial intelligence in education for sustainable development is formulated - to create simulators of biosphere-compatible way of life based on consideration of ecological imperative for education of new eco-centric values, opposing egocentrism, visualization of features of formed culture of sustainability, formation of experience of nature-based practical actions for sustainable development. The possibilities of artificial intelligence, blockchain technology and zerodisclosure evidence technology in education for sustainable development are considered. The benefits that students and teachers gain from digitalization of education for sustainable development are presented. The risks posed by the digitalization of education are analyzed. The conclusion is made that the opportunities offered by the digitalization of modern education should not overshadow its main goal: educating a generation that understands and accepts the ideas of sustainable development and is able to actively implement the strategy of sustainable development in everyday and professional life.

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UDC 37

Dziatkovskii A.

Ph.D. in Education (Information Technologies) CEO of PLATINUM VC & Incubator Australia



Digitalization of education is being actively implemented in the life of modern society. The article poses a problem: to what extent the introduction of artificial intelligence in the educational process contributes to the development of education for sustainable development - the main trend of the global educational process in the 21st century; how the socio-cultural interaction of these areas of transformation of our lives in the global Internet space is built. It proves that the new tasks assigned to education can not be solved by old methods, they require new technologies for their implementation, especially information. The task of artificial intelligence in education for sustainable development is formulated - to create simulators of biosphere-compatible way of life based on consideration of ecological imperative for education of new eco-centric values, opposing egocentrism, visualization of features of formed culture of sustainability, formation of experience of nature-based practical actions for sustainable development. The possibilities of artificial intelligence, blockchain technology and zero-disclosure evidence technology in education for sustainable development are considered. The benefits that students and teachers gain from digitalization of education for sustainable development are presented. The risks posed by the digitalization of education are analyzed. The conclusion is made that the opportunities offered by the digitalization of modern education should not overshadow its main goal: educating a generation that understands and accepts the ideas of sustainable development and is able to actively implement the strategy of sustainable development in everyday and professional life.

Key words

Education for sustainable development, artificial intelligence, blockchain, zero-knowledge proof, digitalization of education


Education for sustainable development and informatization of education are two key trends in the development of the global educational process. Education for sustainable development is a fundamentally new phenomenon for global education, answering the question "Why?" and restructuring the entire content of education. Informatization of education answers the question "How? Despite the differences, these processes are interrelated. Digitalization of education is developing much faster and on a larger scale than education for sustainable development. This can contribute to education for sustainable development [1].

Thus, education for sustainable development and informatization of education are two-way socio-cultural interaction in the global Internet space.

The development of digital technologies, comparison of space images for the last 50 years allowed registering the ongoing changes of the planet, the severity of environmental problems and the relevance of education for sustainable development.

In half a century there has been desertification of the African tropics, the shrinking of the Antarctic ice sheet, the disappearance of the Kilimanjaro snow.

On land, the number of animals decreased by 20%, and in the sea by a third.

Agriculture and animal husbandry, consuming 75% of fresh water reserves, have occupied more than a third of the land surface.

The area of cities has doubled, and the productivity of the land surface has decreased by 23%.

Pollution has created 400 "dead zones" in the world's oceans larger than the size of Great Britain.

Over 50 years 90% of the world's big game fish stocks have been destroyed.

Seventy percent of the world's forests have been destroyed.

The remaining forests have been fragmented and degraded.

More than 45,000 lakes have been destroyed along with the forests [2].

Object and subject of research

The time to remedy the situation is rapidly shrinking; tomorrow is already here. It is not technological progress, but education and culture that can slow down the ongoing processes. Environmental education has a new mission as a platform for education for sustainable development. To do so, it must be guided by the principles laid down by the United Nations Intergovernmental Conference on Environmental Education (1977).

It is the coordination of science education and social and humanitarian education to realize the integrative ideas of environmental education. It is the coordination of educators with different functions in the implementation of environmental topics. It is coordination of actions of teachers of general and additional education, specialists of different departments. It is an expansion of network forms of interaction of education, science, culture on dissemination of the ideas of ecological education for sustainable development.

Target of research

Solving the tasks that have been set for education requires updating resources, primarily information resources.

Literature analysis

New requirements for technology arise. Traditional information technologies are being replaced by smart technologies. The experience of countries, leaders in the educational space, such as Great Britain, the USA, Germany, France, China and Japan, allows us to state the effectiveness of using the ERP-system in the management of educational processes. This is a specialized program-assistant in the category of "smart", which can be adapted to the specifics of educational organizations at various levels.

Smart education implements the "transfer" of education in an interactive electronic digital environment, uses ICT and elements of artificial intelligence. However, "smart" education is not reduced only to new technologies, organizational forms and tools, but also includes a content component [3].

The task of artificial intelligence in Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is to create simulators for a biosphere-compatible way of life based on consideration of the ecological imperative, to visualize the features of modern ecological culture [4].

Information technologies can help to understand and accept the objectivity of limitations of human activity in the environment, which are dictated by the limits of sustainability of natural ecological systems and their ability to preserve the ecological quality of the environment.

To solve these complex educational tasks, digital twins of content fragments are required. The information model of the studied objects allows to study the existing prototype, to investigate it, to experiment, which is impossible with real objects [5].

Robotic systems, algorithms and technologies equipped with special sensor parts that allow online observation and analysis of changes in various parameters of the surrounding material space (temperature, humidity, pressure, etc.) [6]

With the emergence of informational virtual prototypes of the object under study it becomes possible not only to visualize environmental tragedies of the past, but also to design "definite" ideas about the future, about the culture of sustainable development, so as not to broadcast the "past" environmental culture of industrial society [7].

Artificial intelligence is able to compensate for human difficulty in thinking on large spatial and temporal


"Augmented (enhanced) intelligence" allows all subjects of education to receive and process the

information needed to make more "informed" decisions.

It is a set of technological solutions that allows us to simulate human cognitive functions and obtain results comparable to the intellectual achievements of humans when performing specific tasks.

Artificial intelligence is the ability to distinguish and identify visual and acoustic images of objects; to formulate and solve professional tasks; to search, process and use all types of information and knowledge; to understand the meaning of some manifestations of human activity (facial expression, body position in space, speech) [8].

Since we teach children to socialize into a society that does not yet exist, artificial intelligence is indispensable so that the knowledge and skills formed are not abstract.

Teaching to think globally, to connect the present with the past and the future is the task and possibilities of information technology, virtual reality, visualization of invisible ecological connections [9].

An important task of artificial intelligence is to learn and identify human-society-nature connections in information contexts in order to teach this to students.

In general, we are talking about the information model of "noosphere education," which should convince students that without ensuring the continued existence of all mankind, no part of it (including the individual) can fully live and develop. The main idea of education for sustainable development is a significant shift from the satisfaction of the interests of the individual to the interests of all mankind. It is important to teach the individual to see the future not only in an egocentric dimension, but in the perspective of all humanity as a whole. This is a form of humanism for a global society that has come to realize that it is a tightly interconnected society of finite resources. This understanding of the planetary situation concerns the essence of humanity's survival on the planet [10;11].

Teachers have to understand the characteristics of contemporary ecological culture, a biosphere-compatible way of life, and the essence of the ecological imperative.

Students have to accept the objectivity of the limitations of human activities in the environment, which are dictated by the limits of the stability of natural ecological systems and their ability to preserve the ecological quality of the environment.

Artificial intelligence is indispensable in noosphere education - it is targeted information search system; library of electronic educational and methodical materials on education for sustainable development; digital system of monitoring of knowledge level, progress, and activity of students; base of control tasks; program of monitoring of coordinated inclusion of ESD topics into content of different subjects; it is operative communication system which provides interaction of all subjects of education - teachers, students and parents [12;13].

These are educational AI systems (AIEd), which include online training courses, means of remote assessment, control and validation of examination and certification procedures; information assistants in the format of adaptive courses simulating the activities of a teacher; multimedia interactive educational courses that can be used at all stages of training (TeachPro, TeachPro-3 D, etc.).

Means of artificial intelligence are "distance learning laboratories"; 3D printers, 3D modeling, manufacturing of robotic technical parts and devices; use in the educational process of avatars and chat-bots for consulting, testing and designing individual educational routes; virtual and augmented reality; use in the educational process of various installations with elements of augmented reality; "smart assistants" (speech recognition, information gathering and storage).

Self-learning information systems of a highly intelligent profile, capable of learning and broadcasting factual information of varying levels of complexity, are also important.

Research results

In our opinion, a little mastered, but promising ICT-area of noosphere education can be game self-learning AI-systems as a tool of gamification in the educational space [14].

Organization of learning based on artificial intelligence and blockchain will require transformation of education into distance learning formats. For this purpose, the educational process must be organized using online educational platforms. This includes broadcasting educational content through various TV and radio channels and using electronic textbooks in educational processes [15].

We have previously written about ways to revise the content of textbooks in the context of education for sustainable development [16; 17]. We emphasize that this process, in essence, must affect ALL textbooks, for all subjects, since education for sustainable development is a cross-cutting vector of the modern educational process, its meaning.

In essence, it is a work with big data.

This is why researchers are turning their attention to the tandem of artificial intelligence and blockchain, and together, to zero- knowledge proof technology [18].

Blockchain is a technology for creating and storing records that uses a distributed database. Transaction transparency makes a change made to a single blockchain link immediately visible to all participants in the chain. Each of them becomes aware of all changes in the chain, no matter who made them. Blockchain is all about ethics and transparency in the collection, use and distribution of data.

Blockchain enhanced by zero-knowledge proof technology (ZKP or zero-knowledge proof) is the most interesting for ESD. ZKP is a cryptographic technology that allows the verification of the truth of information (or parts of it) without disclosing the information itself. As it spreads, zero- knowledge proof technology is expected to be increasingly used in blockchain and Web3. This technology is used when it is necessary to verify sensitive information without providing access to it [19].

What is a triplet: AI+blockchain+ZKP - for ESD?

It is access to information from a variety of sources to formulate interdisciplinary themes, discovering new sources of information, validation of information,

representing learning information in a variety of ways (verbal, non-verbal, figurative, metaphorical, visual...),

visualization of hidden interconnections of natural, social and economic processes,

an opportunity to "see" the past, compare it with the present and look into the future,

"traveling" from the local to the global level and vice versa,

constructing individual learning paths for students;

coordination of ESD in different subjects,

ensuring the integrity of the ESD process,

integration of ESD into textbooks without duplication and "gaps".

It is a unified educational paradigm, overcoming the fragmentation of the theory and practice of ESD, a common institutional approach to ESD.

This is the integrity of the value and attitudinal bases of the educational process: lessons, extracurricular activities, theory and practice.

IT technology is the way to bridge the gap between countries in the achievement of ESD; the new possibilities and prospects of artificial intelligence in the educational space are quite obvious. It is getting rid of routine workloads, transition to "expert tutoring" by the teaching staff. Involvement of the environment of the subjects of education (family, friends, etc.) in the educational process;

Effective and timely control;

Analytical assessment of educational processes and results; Efficiency of the management of educational resources; Social protection and support for teaching staff;

Optimization of planning and management of educational resources;

Development of coordinated curricula at the local, regional, national and international levels by public authorities;

Diversity and variability of educational methods, techniques and formats, e.g;

"Intermediate learning" (the use of special programs to repeat the studied material at different stages of the educational process);

mutual communication between all participants in the educational process; access to educational audio- and video-materials, control and certification tasks, electronic library resources, etc;

monitoring and control of the correctness of examinations, certifications;

risk management of digital AI technologies based on the Internet of Things - a computing network of tangible objects with built-in AI technologies for mutual and external communication, eliminating from some operations the need for human participation;

predictive analytics, including assessment of teaching and learning resources, their compliance with the requirements of the internal (students) and external (employers) environment;

wireless presentation technologies, which allow transmitting materials from personal gadgets to the "educational screen" using Wi-Fi;

automation of the processes of "animation" of educational resources by transforming static images into moving objects and changing forms;

increasing free time from routine time activities.

However, artificial intelligence in the space of modern educational space carries certain risks [20,21]. It can be a "digital divide": unequal access of subjects of education to the Internet and artificial intelligence technologies;

ethical problems of artificial intelligence (lack of transparency and control over the use of artificial intelligence, etc., when trust in artificial intelligence overcomes reasonable arguments);

the emerging dependence of subjects of education on technology, which leads to a decrease in their cognitive and creative abilities;

the need for continuous improvement of the technical competence of the participants; superficiality of the conclusions of artificial intelligence in the emotional-psychological field; lack of "live communication", which is especially critical for students - future educators; decrease of cognitive functions training, decrease of educational subjects' working memory due to redistribution of intellectual load; adaptation of educational software to the interests of particular educational subjects;

problems arising from mastering the new function of a teacher - facilitator.

In this regard, such functions of AI technologies as the formation of students' cognitive independence skills, development of their intellectual abilities and skills (for example, mastering foreign languages, despite the improvement of electronic translators; handwriting skills, despite the availability of the keyboard; numeracy skills in mind, despite the availability of calculators) are discussed.

Prospects for further research development The development of AI technologies is also associated with the formation of project-research and teaching-pedagogical skills, social and emotional development of subjects of education, through open access to domestic and foreign educational resources, opportunities to learn "at a convenient time and place".

It is important for teachers to have opportunities for their cooperation and "live" communication, increase the level of professional development and self-analysis; expansion of professional tools, not limited only by digital means.


There is no doubt that digital generations will continue to evolve under the influence of the further development of the Internet, social networks, computers, smartphones, mass consumption of digital products and services. However, the emerging opportunities should not overshadow the main goal of modern education: raising a generation that understands and accepts the ideas of sustainable development and is able to actively implement the strategy of sustainable development in everyday and professional life.

Therefore, the focus of the digitalization of education for sustainable development should be on worldview questions:

what are the limits of acceptable human activities in the environment, so as not to destroy its ecological niche (a set of physical, chemical, biotic indicators of the natural environment); what values should form the basis of educational literature, teaching and research and teaching and project activities; what experiences at the individual, collective, local community level can be gained through artificial intelligence to solve problems of poverty and hunger on the planet, preservation of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems; ensuring safety, resilience and sustainability of cities and human settlements; forming a new biosphere-compatible society; the ability to cooperate to achieve common goals, overcoming egocentrism. References

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5. Helbing, D. & Pournaras, E. Society: build digital democracy. Nature 527, 33-34 (2015).

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6. Kazi Mohammad Abrar Faisal Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Development Goal. A systematic literature review - (PDF) A SYSTEMATIC LITERATURE REVIEW - Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Development Goal (researchgate.net)

7. Steering AI and Advanced ICTs for Knowledge Societies. A Rights, Openness, Access, and Multi-stareholder Perspective. UNESCO 372132eng.pdf (unesco.de)

8. UNESCO report "Steering AI and advanced ICTs for Knowledge Societies/A rights, openness, access and multi-stakeholder perspective" (2019) focuses on the governance of AI and advanced ICTs in digital societies.

9. UNESCO World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development. https://en.unesco.org/ events/ESDfor2030

10.Dirican C. (2015). The Impacts of Robotics, Artificial Intelligence on Business and Economics. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, [online] 195, pp.564-573.

11.Lisa M. Butler, Harrington. (2016) Sustainability Theory and Conceptual Considerations: A Review of Key Ideas for Sustainability, and the Rural Context. Papers in Applied Geography 2:4, pages 365-382.

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13.UNESCO (2021). Global Education Monitoring Report 2021/2: Non-state actors in education: Who chooses? Who loses? Paris, UNESCO.

14.Vinuesa, R., Azizpour, H., Leite, I. et al. The role of artificial intelligence in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Nat Commun 11, 233 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-019-14108-y

15.Whittaker, M. et al. AI Now Report 2018 (AI Now Institute, 2018).

16.Textbooks for Sustainable Development: A Guide to Embedding (2017). Mahatma Gandhi Institute of

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17.Dziatkovskii A. (2022) loT Technology Based on AI Platform for Blockchain E-education. World Science. 6(78). doi: 10.31435/rsglobal_ws/30122022/790

18.Dziatkovskii A. Artificial intelligence and blockchain interaction in the context of inclusive education// Proceedings of the XXXVI International Multidisciplinary Conference «Recent Scientific Investigation». Primedia E-launch LLC. Shawnee, USA. 2022. DOI:10.32743/UsaConf.2022.9.36.344687

19.Dziatkovskii A. Education through the lens of blockchain and vice versa // Journal of Modern Education Review (ISSN 2155-7993, USA), Academic Star Publishing Company, 2021, Issue 6.

20.Matsuzaki, T. (2018). Ethical Issues of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. [online] 55, pp. 255-274.

21.Jordan, Karen and Kristjansson, Kristjan, (2017) Sustainability, virtue ethics, and the virtue of harmony with nature. Environmental Education Research 23:9, pages 1205-1229.

© Dziatkovskii A., 2023

УДК 37

Гурбанов М.,

Заслуженный тренер Туркменистана, Заведующий кафедрой физического воспитания Туркменского государственного института экономики и управления.

Кадыров Ы., Преподаватель.

Туркменский государственный архитектурно-строительный институт.

Ашхабад, Туркменистан.



Чистота, естественные силы природы, физические упражнения и т. д. важны для физического развития детей, большое влияние на физическое развитие детей оказывают различные виды деятельности (труд, игра, музыка, рисование, рисование, организация и др.). Эти виды упражнений развивают отдельные части тела. Ежедневные тренировки, отдых, прием пищи и сон создают условия для правильного роста тела.

Ключевые слова:

физкультура, уроки, воспитание, наука, школа, педагогика, природа, упражнения.

Gurbanov M.,

Honored Trainer of Turkmenistan, Head of the Department of Physical Education of the Turkmen State Institute of Economics and Management.

Kadyrov Y., lecturer.

Turkmen State Institute of Architecture and Construction.

Ashgabat, Turkmenistan.

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