Научная статья на тему 'TRANSLATION AND MODERNITY'

TRANSLATION AND MODERNITY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
translation / translation studies / types of translation / text adaptation / localization.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Hulkar Ibrohimovna Majidova

The purpose of the article is to analyze the study of the peculiarities of translation, the tasks of translation studies, new trends that contribute to increasing efficiency in translation studies. The essence of the tasks of the translator arising in the process of translation, the diversity of the translation and its result are revealed.

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Текст научной работы на тему «TRANSLATION AND MODERNITY»


Hulkar Ibrohimovna Majidova

Lecturer at the Department of Russian Language and Literature of the Naval State

Pedagogical Institute


The purpose of the article is to analyze the study of the peculiarities of translation, the tasks of translation studies, new trends that contribute to increasing efficiency in translation studies. The essence of the tasks of the translator arising in the process of translation, the diversity of the translation and its result are revealed.

Key words: translation, translation studies, types of translation, text adaptation, localization.

Translation is one of the oldest forms of human activity, thanks to which we can clearly imagine the history of human development in all its details.

Translation is a powerful weapon in the interests of friendship, brotherhood and cooperation between peoples, as well as the expansion of economic, political, scientific, cultural and literary ties between them.

Translation speeds up the process of interaction and interaction between the literatures of different nations. Thanks to the translated works, readers will enjoy the masterpieces of world literature, their aesthetic flair will increase, tastes will increase, and an idea of beauty will appear.

Translation, as a necessary tool for the development of languages, accelerates their development, increases and improves the richness of the vocabulary. Translation enriches the spiritual life of a person, expands the capabilities of the native language, enriches it. Thanks to translation, the reader's thinking is sharpened and enriched with new ideas and concepts. Translation serves to establish new relationships and attitudes in society. Translation creates a new plot, genre.

The main feature of translation is that it is by all means the art of words. The expressiveness of the word, its power of influence makes it possible to apply translation at the level of art. When translating, one should also take into account the specifics of the interrelated relations of two peoples and languages, two spiritual lives, national cultures, eras and two writers.

Today literal translation, creative translation, free translation, authorized translation and a number of other translations are widely used. The reason for this is the different approach to the translation process. But regardless of the type of translation, any translation has a goal and objectives.

The purpose of the translation is to recreate a text created using the linguistic means of a foreign language, based on materials in the native language. To do this, the translator must first fully understand the original, perceive its different sides, and then reinterpret it in his own language. In order to fully comprehend the artistic and aesthetic reality created by the author, the translator must be able to conduct a broad observation and correctly understand the semantic and aesthetic and methodological aspects of the linguistic means in the work of art, as well as the main ideas of the author. As a result, the translation made by the translator must produce the same an impression on the reader that gives the reader artistic and aesthetic pleasure like the original.

The task of translation is to recreate the unity of the form and content of the original by means of the native language, carefully mastering the similarities and differences between the lexical, grammatical and stylistic phenomena of the original and the translated languages. Failure to comply with this principle will lead to a violation of the standard of accuracy and expression in translation [1].

If the author of the original is required to accurately reflect the facts, the translator is obliged to correctly interpret the original.

In the last two to three decades, the conditions for the implementation of translation activities have changed significantly. Translators now work in the computerized world, covered by the Internet, use a variety of platforms and environments, translation memory systems. The use of machine translation systems is also becoming an increasingly pronounced reality. Moreover, the types of translation that were previously on the periphery of the translation profession or did not exist at all are gaining popularity: audiovisual translation, social translation, translation-editing, transcreation,). Often these types of translation activities are presented as something fundamentally different from the so-called "translation proper", opposed to it. As Yves Gambier writes, "indeed, depending on the specific field, this term (" translation "-V.S.) crowds out or replaces other terms ... They reflect various professional realities and practices, as well as specific directions in research (italics mine. - V.S.) "[2, p. 56].

Analysis of the information presented on the Internet indicates that the translation production process is divided into certain stages. When it comes to translating websites, computer games, etc., the initial stage is the creation of an internationalized text in FL. Internationalization (often the term "globalization" is used instead of this term) is an adaptation of the text for the international market. "The goal is to eliminate all cultural identity so that the product can easily adapt to any linguistic environment or country. If regional features were not completely removed at the initial stage, this should be corrected during localization "[3].

As a result of internationalization, a "product localized in many languages is created, in which, without references to the source text, a universal, international version is simply used and the necessary changes are made based on the taste of the

target audience and the cultural and social situation of the scene" [4]. Thus, internationalization precedes localization. Essentially, localization is seen as a cultural adaptation of the text. On one of the sites we read: "localization ... is the process of adapting a foreign text to the cultural context of the country into the language of which the translation is being made. In other words, we can say that localization is one of the types of adaptation "[5].

Localization is presented as a kind of activity, although it is part of the structure of the translator's activity or the sphere of his responsibility (though, perhaps not always), but fundamentally different from the so-called "translation proper" (see, for example, the "Services" section on the company's website "Lingvakontakt" [6]). At the same time, the translation itself is considered as a reproduction of the content of the original text, and sometimes its formal features, by means of the translating language. The distinction between "translation" and "localization" in practical translation activities has become such a stable phenomenon that, by the will of the developers of the professional standard, which was originally supposed to be called "Translator", was reflected in its name - "Specialist in the field of translation and localization".

What is interesting in these definitions is that latent adaptation is separated from translation, presented as a special kind of activity that exists in addition to translation. It turns out that this is a kind of method of "polishing" the resulting text, necessary for the "adaptation" of the text to the host culture. Accordingly, localization also acquires the right to a special status: "Localization is often viewed as a" high-level translation "" [3].

A comparative study of the means of different pairs of languages to create translation consistency requires the identification of the aesthetic originality of the literary text, the methodological and balanced features of its material-logical, emotionally expressive and imaginative system and stylistic basis. The stylistic nature of linguistic units allows us to decide whether different pairs of linguistic units are semantically and stylistically compatible. This analysis of translation enriches the imagination and thinking in this area. They are not only linguistic, but also psychological, sociological, outside of linguistic knowledge [7,8,9].

Pragmatic, cultural adaptation of the text, the need for which arises in connection with the differences between the two cultures, is considered as a separate type of translation activity that goes beyond

the actual translation, with which one cannot agree. In those cases when the cultural factor acquires special significance or the ways of using the translated text are of particular importance, researchers tend to consider the translator's activity as separate types of translation or to give this activity the status of a separate translation "strategy", which also raises our objections. In our opinion, in all cases, we should talk about the actual translation, carried out with varying degrees of cultural adaptation in different communicative situations.

One of the differences between the new entities and the actual translation is the degree of transformation of the resulting text under the influence of the factor of cultural distance and, in addition, such a factor as the special needs of the recipient of the translated text and the way of using the PT [10,11]. In our opinion, these factors are equally significant in all communication situations with the use of translation and must certainly be taken into account by the translator. The "cultural turn" in translation studies, which took place back in the 1980s and led to the recognition of the need to adapt the text to the host culture, as we have seen, did not require the allocation of new entities and the creation of new concepts to denote them.

The result of the translation, accordingly, will differ in varying degrees of transformation. Thus, we can say that the translation is diverse - the essence of the fact observed in reality. Recognizing this fact, researchers should also take into account that in the process of translating a translator, a translator solves a whole range of tasks, including the task of ensuring that the resulting text meets the expectations and needs of the translation consumer.


1. New trends in translation studies. Sdobnikov V.V. - Kazan Bulletin of Young Scientists. Pedagogical sciences. Translation in the 21st century: challenges of the era and development prospects. 2018, volume 2, No. 4, P.72-79.

2. Gambier I. Translation and translation studies at the crossroads of digital technologies // Bulletin of St. Petersburg State University. Series 9. Philology. Oriental studies. Journalism. 2016. Issue. 4, pp. 56-74.

3.https://m.wikipedia.org/wikiAH3biKQBaH локализация

4. http://termin74.ru/articles/internationalization/


6.https://lin guacon tact.com /localizati on/

7. V. N. Komissarov Modern translation studies. Tutorial. Moscow: ETS, 2001.424 p.

8. Petrova O.V., Lanchikov V.K. How many guitars can translate. On one concept of translation strategies // Mosty. Journal of translators. No. 1 (53) / 2017. M .: R.Valent, 2017.S. 40-50.

9. Pym A. What Technology Does to Translating // Translation and Interpreting.Vol.3.№1(2011):https://cloud.mail.ru/public/4QBA/ZuUpBXypn/PYM.What technologies does to translating.pdf.

10. Prunch E. Ways of development of Western translation studies. From linguistic asymmetry to political / Per. from German, Moscow: R. Valent, 2015, 512 p.

11. Oryol M.A. Nanophilology, or are there little things in translation? // Problems of theory, practice and didactics of translation: Sat. scientific. works. Series "Language. Culture. Communication". Issue 14. Volume 2.Novgorod: N.A. Dobrolyubov NGLU, 2011. pp. 91-102.

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