Научная статья на тему 'Transformation of conceptual approaches of professional and amateur arts in the sphere of government management'

Transformation of conceptual approaches of professional and amateur arts in the sphere of government management Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
systemic approach / amateur / professional / art / state administration / transformation / системний / підхід / аматорське / професійне / мистецтво / державне управління / трансформація

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Lebiedieva Nadiia Anatoliivna

Arts turned to the background of the attention of public administration proceeding from the fact that our country is in a rather difficult political and economic situation. Therefore, it is not surprising that globalization processes affect the weakest, from a managerial point of view, state-building aspects. Art is the philosophical and spiritual layer of social consciousness, which is not manifested as clearly as, for example, some industrial branches, but its significance does not become less from it. The proof of the magnitude development of arts’ state management is an example of some negative globalization impact on modern Ukrainian society. Also relevant is the consideration of the conceptual public administration approaches to professional and amateur arts, their transformation into modern conditions of society development. The transformation of conceptual approaches to public administration is dedicated to a large number of studies by leading Ukrainian scholars. Each of them made a significant contribution to the state-management transformations development of almost all branches of government. The aim of the article is to consider the conceptual approaches of public administration transformation to professional and amateur arts through the analysis of scientific research of modern Ukrainian scholars. In the management there is always a public authority or its official, the other part is a citizen, or an association of citizens, an enterprise, an institution, an organization. And if in public administration a citizen is the main subject of publiclegal relations, then public administration of professional and amateur art aims more broad on the population of the country. It has been concluded that in the broad sense the state administration of art will be understood as a system of social development management. This is disclosed through the activities of public administration and local government. They are fully accountable to the public and operate in their interests, with the help of co-ordination of decisions on the development and implementation of state policy on the development of professional and amateur art.

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Виходячи з того, що Україна перебуває у досить складному політично-економічному становищі, мистецтво відійшло на другий план уваги державного управління. Тому й не дивно, що глобалізаційні процеси вражають саме слабкі, з управлінської точки зору, державотворчі аспекти. Мистецтво є філософсько-духовним шаром суспільної свідомості, яка не виявлена так чітко, як, наприклад, промислові галузі, але значущість мистецтва від цього не стає меншою. Доказом неабиякої ваги розвитку державного управління мистецтвом є приклад негативного впливу глобалізації на сучасне українське суспільство. Також актуальним є розгляд концептуальних підходів державного управління до професійного та аматорського мистецтв, їх трансформація до сучасних умов розвитку суспільства. Трансформації концептуальних підходів державного управління присвячено чимало досліджень провідних українських вчених. Кожен з них вніс вагомий внесок у розроблення державно-управлінських трансформацій практично всіх галузей управління державою. Розглянемо трансформації концептуальних підходів державного управління до професійного та аматорського мистецтв за допомогою аналізу наукових досліджень сучасних українських науковців. В управлінні однією зі сторін завжди є орган публічної влади чи його службова особа, другою стороною — громадянин, або об’єднання громадян, підприємство, установа, організація. І якщо у публічному управлінні саме громадянин є головним суб'єктом публічно-правових відносин, то у державному управлінні професійним і аматорським мистецтвом — населення країни. У широкому розумінні державне управління мистецтвом розумітиметься як система управління суспільним розвитком. Це розкривається через діяльність органів державного управління та місцевого самоврядування. Вони є цілком підзвітними суспільству, і здійснюють діяльність в його інтересах за допомогою скоординованості рішень з розробки та реалізації державної політики розвитку професійного та аматорського мистецтва.

Текст научной работы на тему «Transformation of conceptual approaches of professional and amateur arts in the sphere of government management»

UDC: 351:37.013 / 7.071

Lebiedieva Nadiia Anatoliivna,

post-graduate student of the Department of Public Administration, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, 03039, Ky-iv, Str. Frometivska, 2, tel.: (063) 481 52 95, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0003-4095-2631 Лебедева Нaдiя Анатолпвна, acnipaHm кaфедpы ny^:^Í4Ho^o aдмiнicmpy-воння, Mi^eúoHaMbHa Ашдемш уа^^в-лгння nеpcoнaлoм, 03039, м. Кыгв, вул. Фpo-меmiвcькa, 2, шел.: (063) 481 52 95, e-mail: [email protected]

ORCID: 0000-0003-4095-2631 Лебедева Надежда Анатольевна, acnupaum кaфеâpы nyy^^^^^^^^ aâмыныc-mpыpoвaныя, Межpегыoнaльнaя Атдемыя ynpaвленыя nеpmнaлoм, 03039, г. Киев, ул. Фpoмеmoвcкaя, 2, гпел.: (063) 4815295, e-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-4095-2631 DOI https://doi.org/10.31618/vadnd.v1i13.137


Abstract. Arts turned to the background of the attention of public administration proceeding from the fact that our country is in a rather difficult political and economic situation. Therefore, it is not surprising that globalization processes affect the weakest, from a managerial point of view, state-building aspects. Art is the philosophical and spiritual layer of social consciousness, which is not manifested as clearly as, for example, some industrial branches, but its significance does not become less from it. The proof of the magnitude development of arts' state management is an example of some negative globalization impact on modern Ukrainian society. Also relevant is the consideration of the conceptual public administration approaches to professional and amateur arts, their transformation into modern conditions of society development. The transformation of conceptual approaches to public administration is dedicated to a large number of studies by leading Ukrainian scholars. Each of them made a significant contribution to the

state-management transformations development of almost all branches of government.

The aim of the article is to consider the conceptual approaches of public administration transformation to professional and amateur arts through the analysis of scientific research of modern Ukrainian scholars.

In the management there is always a public authority or its official, the other part is a citizen, or an association of citizens, an enterprise, an institution, an organization. And if in public administration a citizen is the main subject of public-legal relations, then public administration of professional and amateur art aims more broad on the population of the country.

It has been concluded that in the broad sense the state administration of art will be understood as a system of social development management. This is disclosed through the activities of public administration and local government. They are fully accountable to the public and operate in their interests, with the help of co-ordination of decisions on the development and implementation of state policy on the development of professional and amateur art.

Keywords: systemic approach, amateur, professional, art, state administration, transformation.


Анотащя. Виходячи з того, що Украша перебувае у досить складному по-лiтично-економiчному становищ^ мистецтво вщшшло на другий план уваги державного управлшня. Тому й не дивно, що глобалiзацiйнi процеси вража-ють саме слабю, з управлшсько! точки зору, державотворчi аспекти. Мистецтво е фшософсько-духовним шаром сустльно! свщомосп, яка не виявлена так чггко, як, наприклад, промисловi галуз^ але значущють мистецтва вщ цьо-го не стае меншою. Доказом неабияко! ваги розвитку державного управлшня мистецтвом е приклад негативного впливу глобалiзащl на сучасне украшське сусшльство. Також актуальним е розгляд концептуальних пiдходiв державного управлшня до професшного та аматорського мистецтв, !х трансформа-щя до сучасних умов розвитку сустльства. Трансформаци концептуальних пiдходiв державного управлшня присвячено чимало дослщжень провщних украшських вчених. Кожен з них вшс вагомий внесок у розроблення держав-но-управлшських трансформацш практично вах галузей управлiння державою.

Розглянемо трансформаци концептуальних пiдходiв державного управлшня до професiйного та аматорського мистецтв за допомогою аналiзу нау-кових дослщжень сучасних украшських науковцiв.

В управлшш однiею зi сторiн завжди е орган публiчноl влади чи його службова особа, другою стороною — громадянин, або об'еднання громадян, шдприемство, установа, оргашзащя. I якщо у публiчному управлшш саме громадянин е головним суб'ектом публiчно-правових вщносин, то у дер-

жавному управлшш професшним i аматорським мистецтвом — населення краши.

У широкому розумiннi державне управлiння мистецтвом розум^иметься як система управлiння суспiльним розвитком. Це розкриваеться через д^ яльшсть органiв державного управлiння та мюцевого самоврядування. Вони е цiлком шдзвггними суспiльству, i здiйснюють дiяльнiсть в його штересах за допомогою скоординованосп рiшень з розробки та реа^зацп державно! полiтики розвитку професiйного та аматорського мистецтва.

Ключовi слова: системний, пiдхiд, аматорське, професiйне, мистецтво, державне управлшня, трансформацiя.


Аннотация. Учитывая то, что наша страна находится в достаточно сложном политико-экономическом положении, искусство отошло на второй план внимания государственного управления. Следовательно неудивительно, что глобализационные процессы поражают слабые, с управленческой точки зрения, государственные аспекты. Искусство является философско-духовным слоем общественного сознания, который не проявлен так четко, как, например, промышленные отрасли, но его значимость от этого не становится меньше. Доказательством важности развития государственного управления искусством является пример негативного влияния глобализации на современное украинское общество. Также актуально рассмотрение концептуальных подходов государственного управления к профессиональному и любительскому искусствам, их трансформация в современных условиях развития общества. Трансформациям концептуальных подходов государственного управления посвящено немалое количество исследований ведущих украинских ученых. Каждый из них внес весомый вклад в разработку государственно-управленческих преобразований практически всех отраслей управления государством.

Рассмотрены трансформации концептуальных подходов государственного управления профессиональным и любительским искусством на основе анализа научных исследований современных украинских ученых.

В управлении одной из сторон всегда выступает орган публичной власти или его должностное лицо, другой стороной — гражданин или объединение граждан, предприятие, учреждение, организация. И если в публичном управлении гражданин является главным субъектом публично-правовых отношений, то в государственном управлении профессиональным и любительским искусством — все население страны.

В широком смысле государственное управление искусством должно по-ниматся как система управления общественным развитием. Это раскрывается благодаря деятельности органов государственного управления и местного самоуправления. Данные структуры полностью подотчетны обществу, и осу-

ществляют деятельность в его интересах, с помощью скоординированности решений по разработке и реализации государственной политики развития профессионального и любительского искусства.

Ключевые слова: системный, подход, любительское, профессиональное искусство, государственное управление, трансформация.

Target setting. Proceeding from the fact that our country is in a rather difficult political and economic situation, arts turned to the background of the attention of state administration. Therefore, it is not surprising that globalization processes affect the weakest, from a managerial point of view, state-forming aspects. Art is the philosophical and spiritual layer of social consciousness, which is not manifested as clearly as, for example, some industrial branches, but its significance does not become less. As a proof that the author's assumption of this scientific article about a great significance of developing state art management is important, one can cite the example of the negative global impact on modern Ukrainian society. Well-known Ukrainian scientist, Radmila Voytovych, believes that today globalization "leads to the redistribution of intellectual resources between states (more powerful in the socio-economic and political plans of the state use the potential of less developed countries to realize their own interests), the question arises about the development of effective mechanisms for the protection of their intellectual resources. One of such mechanisms should be the development of an appropriate regulatory framework that clearly regulates relations between states regarding the attitude not only to the intellectual but also to a human potential in general" [1,

p. 293]. Consequently, the relevance of considering the conceptual approaches of state administration to professional and amateur arts, their transformation to modern conditions, does not cause any doubt.

Analysis of recent research and publications. A large number of studies by leading Ukrainian scholars as for the transformation of conceptual approaches to state administration are dedicated. Each of scientists made a significant contribution to the development of state-management transformations of almost all branches of government. Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor G. S. Shevtsova investigated the transformation of conceptual approaches to the management of the chemical industry development in the context of neoindustrialization [2]. The conceptual foundations of the study of political regimes' transformation in terms of the transitological approach are described by Ukrainian researcher L. Priyamak [3]. The transformation of the approaches to the choice of regulatory models of foreign trade by the Professor L. P. Kudirko's scientific research is devoted [4]. Doctor of Philosophy, professor O. S. Toko-venko devoted his scientific research on the transformation of the conceptual foundations of political science in the cultural-historical context [5]. Under the influence of globalization, the trans-

formation of migration processes by the Ukrainian researcher M. Kurilich [6] was researched. Another scientist, V. P. Kozub, conducted a theoretical analysis of the social conditionality of the concepts of "new management", "receptive administration" and analyzed the characteristics that distinguish the "networking society" from other forms of management activity in the field of public needs and interests [7].

The purpose of the article — based on the analysis of scientific research of contemporary Ukrainian scholars, to consider the transformation of conceptual approaches of state administration to professional and amateur arts.

The statement of basic materials. Ukrainian scientists L. G. Chernyuk and T. Pepa studied the conceptual foundations of the transformation and systematic organization of social infrastructure. Scientists emphasize that "the main driving force of the modern civilization process is the humanitarian factors — education, science, culture, health, personal qualities, values, and outlook of a person. Based on our European choice, our country has initiated the process of transformational change, laying the foundation for its further development of the interests of man, his desire to live in harmony with world values, with society and nature". According to scientific point of view, such strategic priorities are embodied in the concept, the main idea of which is contained in the principle approach, which offers integration into a single system of all humanitarian factors of social development. They, in turn, act as factors for the integration and consolidation of Ukrainian society. "The task of the concept is to find the answers to the

demands of transformation facing the modern country. One of the priorities in the formation of a knowledge society is the creation of a developed national information space and an information society" [8, p. 19].

Ukrainian scientist V. P. Kozub notes that "the redefinition of the content and direction of public administration reform from the point of view of further democracy improvement and the development of the law state rule is facilitated by the fundamental changes in the external globalized world that take place at the beginning of the 21-st century, and in particular, the transformation of essence and role state in society, the development of information technology, dissatisfaction of citizens with fairly rigid bureaucratic forms of government" [7, p. 1].

The transformation of conceptual approaches to professional and amateur arts can be considered through the prism of public administration. Doctor of Sciences in Public Administration, Associate Professor and Professor of the Chair of Law and European Integration, Vitaliy Bashtannik, describes public administration as an extremely wide area of social management in regulated social relations. The author of this scientific article agrees with V. Bashtannik's point of view that practically there is no such "sphere of public life, where the norms of public law and administration" would not operate [9, p. 6]. In public administration, always one of the parts is always a public authority or its official, the other is for the citizen, or an association of citizens, an enterprise, an institution, an organization. And if in public administration it is the citizen who is the main sub-

ject of public-legal relations, then the state administration of professional and amateur art aims wider, that is, on the population of the country. Under such conditions, in my opinion, the problem of humanization of public administration is being updated. Professor V. Bashtanyk also finds a similar view that there is "the humanization at the present stage of state formation, the establishment of peculiarities of the formation of organizational and legal mechanisms for its implementation of the humanization factor in the reform of public administration". And it is necessary [10, p. 6].

Openness of the state administration system is a complex administrative system, where the principles, mechanisms, forms and methods of "territorial governance with the strengthening of tools and mechanisms of powers' delegation, the construction of multilevel, vertically integrated management structures" are constantly being harmonized [9, p. 6].

According to V. A. Grigorieva, "the process of releasing from the conservative components that prevent the system from crisis, and the emergence of new mechanisms is characterized by an increase of the self-development and self-organization levels. It should be noted that the management strategy does not always coincide with the main tendencies of self-organization. There are many disagreements, contradictions and inconsistencies" [11, p. 4]. As in all other areas of state administration, such phenomena have historical roots, as in the processes of domestic organization and self-organization, the state has been a leading factor for a long time. The period of building society and

reforming the cultural industry during the years of independence was marked by a significant weakening of the state role, which led to the destruction and instability of the system" [11, p. 4].

The openness of the state administration system will determine a qualitatively new direction of research. Therefore, the study of theoretical and methodological foundations of the state administration transformation in the field of professional and amateur arts' development acquires systemic constancy. The management by this system is basic, it will have a fundamental characteristic for the stable functioning of professional and amateur arts. "For this reason, the transformational process of public administration must be determined by studying the factors (regulators) that stabilize the system (both predicted and spontaneous). It is necessary to identify the areas of public interest (relations), achieve stability and isolate the sphere of social relations that meets the requirements of stability for all others" [9, p. 10].

In terms of the systematic approach, we believe that professional and amateur art is a flexible, open system of development. This is a complex, "the institutions of which are capable of rebuilding, change their structure in view of the processes of self-organization" [9, p. 4]. Management of the open system of professional and amateur arts can be considered as the interaction of self-regulatory capabilities of decentralized cultural management bodies with external state regulation, which will be limited to monitoring and evaluation of the system's activities in order to achieve the expected result [9, p. 4].

Thus, the determination of the process of state art management, in my opinion, will be carried out through the improvement of financial and economic factors that will stabilize its development. The author of this scientific article defines the sphere of public interest in the management of professional and amateur art as a spiritual and patriotic resistance of the population of our country to globalization processes. As a result, stability of social relations in the population of the country is achieved, which will correspond to the stability of all other components of the state. Thus, the sphere of state administration of professional and amateur art reform should be based on the democratization of managerial relations in accordance with the principles of separation of powers, openness, society control, provided that social interaction as a result of reconciling the interests of the population. "The transformation of society in the direction of democratic transformation acts as a process of formation of democratic institutions, and democracy defined as a certain system of development and completion of inter-group conflicts in society" [10, p. 5].

According to the Ukrainian researcher O. Karmazin, the science of state administration is "practically oriented, closely related both to the direct activities of the authorities, and with the relevant branch of education, which provides the training of qualified specialists for work in these spheres, the concept of public administration appears extremely valuable, and the specification of the forms of publicity is really in demand, since public administration integrates social management, regulation of social relations and

the organization of state power" [12, p. 10]. Thus, the authorities, using education, are capable to influence the spiritual development of the population by means of forming a relation to the finished product of professional and amateur arts. As a result, the qualifications of specialists as bodies of power, state administration, and other branches will contribute to the patriotic population increase the country as a whole.

Conclusions. In the broad sense, state management of art, in our opinion, can be understood as a system of social development management. This is disclosed through the public administration and local government the activities. They are fully accountable to the public and operate in their interests, with the help of co-ordination of decisions on the development and implementation of state policy on the professional and amateur arts' development.

references -

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список використаних джерел -

1. Войтович Р. В. Глобалiзацiя та li вплив на систему державного управ-лшня : аналiз, проблеми, перспекти-ви: монографiя / Р. В. Войтович. — Чершвщ: Технодрук, 2011. — 368 с.

2. Шевцова Г. З. Трансформащя кон-цептуальних пiдходiв до управлшня розвитком хiмiчноi промисловост в контекст неошдустрiалiзащi / Г. З. Шевцова // Економжа та право. — № 2 (44). — 2016. — С. 146156.

3. Приймак Л. Концептуальш засади дослщження трансформацп поль тичних режимiв: транзитологiчний пщхщ / Л. Приймак // Evropsky politicky a pravni diskurz. — 2015. — Vol. 2, Iss. 1. — C. 154-156.

4. Кудирко Л. П. Трансформащя пщ-ходiв до вибору регуляторних моделей зовшшньо'1 торгiвлi / Л. П. Кудирко // Reporter of the Priazovskyi State Technical University Section: Economic sciences, 2015. — Issue 29. — C. 295-303.

5. Токовенко О. С. Трансформащя кон-цептуальних засад полггично'1 науки у культурно-юторичному контексл / О. С. Токовенко // Гршг Полгголо-пя. — № 8 (100). — 2013. — С. 65-70.

6. Курилич М. Трансформацiя та полггизащя мiграцiйних процесiв шд впливом глобаизацп / М. Курилич // Наук. записки. — Вип. 49. — 1ШЕНД iм. I. Ф. Кураса НАН Укра1-ни, 2010. — С. 364-380.

7. Козуб В. П. Розвиток теорй публiч-ного адмiнiстрування в контекст су-спiльних перетворень / В. П. Козуб [Електронний ресурс]. — Режим доступу: http://www.kbuapa.kharkov. ua/e-book/tpdu/2010-4/doc/1/06.pdf

8. Чернюк Л. Г., Пепа Т. В. Концеп-туальш засади трансформацп та системно'1 оргашзацп соцiальноi iнфраструктури / Л. Г. Чернюк, Т. В. Пепа // Економша та держава. — № 3. — 2015. — С. 19-22.

9. Баштанник В. Гумашзащя публiчно-го управлшня як iмператив держав-но-управлiнських трансформацiй /

B. Баштанник // Вкн. НАДУ при Президентовi Укра!ни. — № 4. — 2012. — С. 5-12.

10. Баштанник В. Структурш характеристики та тенденцп оргашзацш-ного розвитку нащональних систем публiчного управлiння в умовах сучасних eвроiнтеграцiйних проце-сiв / В. Баштаник // Вiсн. Укра!нсь-ко! Академп держ. управлiння при Президентовi Укра!ни. — 2009. — № 1. — С. 5-24.

11. Григор'ева В. А. Трансформащя ме-ханiзмiв управлшня освггою як вщ-крито! системи [Електронний ресурс]. — Режим доступу: http://lib. iitta.gov.ua/3454/1/%D0%93%D1%8 0%D0%B8%D0%B3%D0%BE%D1% 80_%D0%9A%D0%A0%D0%98%D0 %9C.pdf

12. Кармазина О. О. Теоретико-мето-долопчш засади дослiдження взае-модп оргашв публiчного управлiння з громадськiстю / О. О. Кармазина // Держава та репони: Держав-не управлшня. — 2012. — № 3. —

C. 8-12.

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