Научная статья на тему 'TOXICITY OF FEED SUPPLEMENT'

TOXICITY OF FEED SUPPLEMENT Текст научной статьи по специальности «Животноводство и молочное дело»

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Аннотация научной статьи по животноводству и молочному делу, автор научной работы — Lysenko A.A., Lysenko Y.A., Luneva A.V., Ponomareva L.O.

The article focuses on the research results of toxicological properties of liquid complex probiotic-fermentative feed supplement on laboratory white mice and broiler chicken. The toxicological evaluation of Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bacillus subtilis and Ruminococcus albus strains and also their combined use in feed supplement was done on broiler-chicken and nonlinear laboratory white mice as to acute and chronic toxicity according to the approved documents. While conducting acute toxicity it was established that no mouse was dead from the experimental or control group whatever the dose of the researched microorganisms' composition introduced into laboratory animals was during the whole period of the experiment. No significant deviations from behavior norm were registered, in animals' general condition and appetite; they were agile and active, ate well, preserving all reflexes. To determine half lethal dose of the feed supplement components was not successful. While conducting chronic toxicity it was established that mice and broiler chickens of all experimental groups remained clinically healthy and did not die during the whole period of the experiment. The general state of experimental and control animals and poultry was good, the appetite remained. It was established that at the end of the experiment in the groups which were given supplement the live weight of mice was bigger than in the control group by 12,8-14,2 %. On the whole, according to the toxicological research the designed liquid three strain complex feed supplement is safe to use and can be introduced into poultry farming.

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Текст научной работы на тему «TOXICITY OF FEED SUPPLEMENT»

against opportunistic microflora in disbacteriosis treatment, which stimulates growth of good microorganisms (Lactobacteria and Bifidus bacteria) increasing live weight, preserving chicken population and also reducing feed cost per 1 kg of live weight growth. Chlorella micro alga concentrate can be an alternative type to feed antibiotics used in poultry farming.


1. Антибактериальная активность микроводоросли / Ю. А. Лысенко, Н. Л. Мачнева, В. В. Борисенко, В. И. Николаенко // Молодой ученый. - 2015. - № 5-1 (85). - С. 17-20.

2. Петенко А. И. Повышение биологического потенциала перепелок-несушек при использовании пробиотических кормовых добавок / А. И. Петенко, Ю. А. Лысенко // Ветеринария Кубани. - 2012. - № 5. - С. 5-7.


Doc.vet.science Lysenko A. A. cand.biol.science Lysenko Y. A. cand. biol. science Luneva A. V. student Ponomareva L. O.

Russia, Krasnodar city Kuban State Agrarian University after I. T. Trubilin

Abstract. The article focuses on the research results of toxicological properties of liquid complex probiotic-fermentative feed supplement on laboratory white mice and broiler chicken. The toxicological evaluation of Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bacillus subtilis and Ruminococcus albus strains and also their combined use in feed supplement was done on broiler-chicken and nonlinear laboratory white mice as to acute and chronic toxicity according to the approved documents. While conducting acute toxicity it was established that no mouse was dead from the experimental or control group whatever the dose of the researched microorganisms' composition introduced into laboratory animals was during the whole period of the experiment. No significant deviations from behavior norm were registered, in animals' general condition and appetite; they were agile and active, ate well, preserving all reflexes. To determine half lethal dose of the feed supplement components was not successful. While conducting chronic toxicity it was established that mice and broiler chickens of all experimental groups remained clinically healthy and did not die during the whole period of the experiment. The general state of experimental and control animals and poultry was good, the appetite remained. It was established that at the end of the experiment in the groups which were given supplement the live weight of mice was bigger than in the control group by 12,8-14,2 %. On the whole, according to the toxicological research the designed liquid three strain complex feed supplement is safe to use and can be introduced into poultry farming.

Keywords: Feed supplement, acute toxicity, chronic toxicity, laboratory mice, broiler chicken, blood morphology.

Solution of the main industrial problem - to provide population with food products - is directly connected with development of cattle breeding, in particular poultry farming. This conditions the goal of the state agrarian policy till 2020 which is described as effective import substitution with domestic products in poultry home market. Meat consumption demands will be met due to domestic production. It demands introduction of innovative technologies into poultry feed [2]. However, in conditions of intensive industrial poultry production there is high possibility of opportunistic and pathogenic microorganisms' development. To prevent development of many pathologies can be achieved by using feed enriched with biologically active probiotic supplement - stabilized cultures of microorganisms and products of their fermentation that are able to optimize intestine microbiocenosis, suppress growth and development of pathogenic and ooportunistic microflora, improve metabolism and protective reaction by boosting cell and humoral immunity [1].

The goal of this work was to research toxicological properties of complex probiotic-fermentative feed supplement to use in poultry farming. The work was done with the support of Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in the Scientific and Technical field.

Materials and research methods. The toxicological evaluation of Lactobacillus acidophilus,

Bacillus subtilis and Ruminococcus albus strains and also their combined use in feed supplement was done on broiler-chicken and nonlinear laboratory white mice as to acute and chronic toxicity according to the approved documents SST R ISO 10993-11-2009.

Results discussion. Preparation forms of feed supplement components were introduced to mice after 12-hours fasting one-time with the help of metal probe. Physiological saline was used in the control group. After introducing the substance, the animals were under observation for 14 days; all changes of their general state and behaviour were registered (table 1).

Table 1. The research results of acute toxicity of the feed supplement strains on laboratory white mice

Experiment results, heads

Group Mouse number, heads Liquid volume, ml Number of introduced microbe cells fell ill died Survived

Control 10 1 - 0 0 10

Bacillus subtilis

1st experimental 10 1 4,3x10' 0 0 10

2nd experimental 10 1 8,6x10' 0 0 10

3d experimental 10 1 2,0x10s 0 0 10

Lactobacillus acidophilus

4th experimental 10 1 4,3x10' 0 0 10

5th experimental 10 1 8,6x10' 0 0 10

6th experimental 10 1 2,0x10s 0 0 10

Ruminococcus albus

7th experimental 10 1 4,3x10' 0 0 10

8th experimental 10 1 8,6x10' 0 0 10

9th experimental 10 1 2,0x10s 0 0 10

Liquid complex probiotic-fermentative feed supplement

10 th experimental 10 1 4,3x10' 0 0 10

11th experimental 10 1 8,6x10' 0 0 10

12 th experimental 10 1 2,0x10s 0 0 10

The research established that no mouse was dead from the experimental or control group whatever the dose of the researched microorganisms' composition introduced into laboratory animals was during the whole period of the experiment. Moreover, no significant deviations from behavior norm were registered, in animals' general condition and appetite; they were agile and active, ate well, preserving all reflexes. It allowed making a conclusion that bacterial components of the feed supplement and finished feed supplement in the researched concentration did not cause distinctive toxicosis and that was why they could be considered low toxic.

The research of chronic toxicity was done on14-days' non-linear white mice and broiler chickens by oral introduction of complex feed supplement with liquid feed (table 2).

Because LD50 in the experiment to evaluate acute toxicity we did not established, that was why three times increased dose 1,3*108; 6,0*108; 2,6*108 cells/day was used as a daily dose. As the result of 30-days' feeding the animals with suspension it was established that mice and broiler chicken of all experimental groups remained clinically healthy during and did not die.

Table 2. The research results of feed supplement on chronic toxicity

Group Dose, cells/day Population number Experiment results, heads

fell ill died survived

White mice

Control - 10 0 0 10

1st experimental 1,3x10s 10 0 0 10

2nd experimental 6,0x10s 10 0 0 10

3d experimental 2,6x10s 10 0 0 10

Broiler chicken

Control - 10 0 0 10

1st experimental 1,3x10s 10 0 0 10

2nd experimental 6,0x10s 10 0 0 10

3d experimental 2,6x10s 10 0 0 10

56 № 8(12), Vol.1, August 2016


The research showed that long-time feeding mice and broiler chicken did not lead to toxicosis development. The general state of experimental and control animals and poultry was good, the appetite remained during the whole period of the experiment.It was established that at the end of the experimental in the groups which received the supplement the mice's live weight was reliably (Р < 0,05) bigger than in the control group by 12,8-14,2 %, with 100 % preservation of animals in all groups. The weight of 30-days' broiler chickens was reliably (Р < 0,05) bigger in the experimental groups where the daily weight increase was 39,8 g on average, that was higher than the control value by 13,7 %. Chickens' death was not registered in all groups, feed consumption was less than in the groups which were given complex feed supplement.

At the end of the experiment blood was taken and its morphological structure checked. Using the experimental feed supplement by mice for 30 days did not lead to significant changes of the morphological structure of blood; all indices were within physiological norm. However, in the experimental groups in comparison with the control one it was registered increase of erythrocytes (by 11,5 %) and thrombocytes (on average by 20,2 %), and concentration of haemoglobin increased on average by 8,2 %. Using the supplement to feed broiler chickens lead to changes of number of blood form elements within physiological norms: reliably (Р < 0,05) increased number of erythrocytes (on average by 18,6 %) and reduced the number of leukocytes (on average by 9,6 %) in comparison with the control group.

Thus, the research of toxicity of the complex feed supplement on laboratory white mice and broiler chicken and also evaluation of some morphological blood indices proved no toxicological effect of the preparation on the experimental animals.

Conclusion. The designed liquid three strain complex feed supplement, characterized by probiotic and fermentative properties, according to the toxicological research is safe and can be used in industrial poultry farming.


1. Перспективы использования микробиологических препаратов/И. В. Щукина, А. В. Степовой, В. В. Борисенко, В. И. Николаенко // Молодой ученый. - 2015. - № 5-1 (85). - С. 25-28.

2. Пробиотическая кормовая добавка с антибиотическими свойствами для птицеводства / С. А. Волкова, А. В. Степовой, В. В. Борисенко, В. И. Николаенко // Молодой ученый. - 2015. -№ 5-1 (85). - С. 4-6.

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