TOURISM CLUSTER DEVELOPMENT AS AN IMPORTANT FACTOR IN CREATING NEW JOBS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Социальная и экономическая география»

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Аннотация научной статьи по социальной и экономической географии, автор научной работы — Usmanov M., Ibragimov L., Boratova G.

This article focuses on the study of the geographical possibilities of organizing tourist clusters in the country and special attention is paid on the main objectives of the organization of tourism clusters, stages of development, the main tasks of technological clusters, the important tasks of integrated development of tourism and the creation of new jobs through it.

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Usmanov M. associate professor Department of social - economic geography Samarkand State University Uzbekistan Ibragimov L. associate professor Department of social - economic geography Samarkand State University Uzbekistan Boratova G. master student Samarkand State University Uzbekistan



Abstract. This article focuses on the study of the geographical possibilities of organizing tourist clusters in the country and special attention is paid on the main objectives of the organization of tourism clusters, stages of development, the main tasks of technological clusters, the important tasks of integrated development of tourism and the creation of new jobs through it.

Keywords. Tourism clusters, new jobs, infrastructure, natural conditions.

Introduction. Uzbekistan became a member of the World Tourism Organization (WTO) in 1993. At a meeting with the WTO Secretary General in Samarkand, the President noted that the four main directions of tourism development in Uzbekistan are promising. In our opinion, one of the urgent tasks is to create a regional tourism cluster as a key mechanism for the effective use of these promising areas.

Tourism is considered an important source of income for many countries around the world.The tourism sector produced 10.4% of world GDP and employed 319 million people in 2018 (WTTC, 2019). It is one of 11 important jobs and $ 1.3 trillion in exports, accounting for more than 6% of world exports.The World Tourism Organization's 2016 report shows that international tourism visit consisted of 1,186 million people and generated revenue of $1,260 billion, compared to 1,035 million people and revenue of $ 1,075 billion.

This means that the growth rate of international tourism is growing rapidly. This will create many new jobs in the industry.At the same time, Uzbekistan must use all opportunities to find its place. Women make up the bulk of the tourism workforce.Approximately 54% of those employed in tourism are women worldwide (UNWTO, 2019).

Women's unemployment is one of the most important issues in Uzbekistan. Although a relatively large number of women graduated from higher education, only a small proportion are employed in the first five years (Boltaboev M., 2016).

The main part. Today, as in other sectors of the economy, the competitive environment in tourism is growing day by day. Standardization of tourism services, creation and expansion of the consumer demand chain, staff training, and proper marketing research are important factors in winning this competition. Tourism clusters have a special place in this.

It is planned to effectively use the tourism potential of the country, create favorable conditions for business entities, build hotel complexes, cultural and health, trade and entertainment and other tourism infrastructure, create new jobs and increase employment and welfare.

What are tourist clusters? This concept was introduced to science in Europe in the 1980s by Michael Porter and began to be used. Tourism clusters are a combination of enterprises that are geographically close to each other, use tourism resources, infrastructure and local staff together, carry out joint management and marketing activities, and have similar or interrelated activities.

The main objectives of the organization of tourist clusters:

- Tourism products are consumed locally, which means that regional development is one of the important factors.

- Tourism products are multi-elemental, is many entities are involved in the creation of products. That is why the cooperation of these subjects is necessary.

- Tourist products have intangible properties, so they cannot be seen or evaluated during consumption.

That's why trust in a product is important, and that trust can be generated by consumers with clusters through a specific regional brand.

Tourism clusters go through the following stages of development:

1) Formation of tourist clusters - a project of tourist clusters is developed and agreements are reached with local governments, organizations and institutions in the region.

2) Expanding economic ties - increasing the number of cluster entities in order to increase competitiveness and consumer demand chain.

3) Creation of new organizations - introduction of new types of activities.

4) Climb to the top - increase the popularity and attractiveness of the cluster by expanding the subjects.

5) Cooperation with non-profit organizations - Cooperation with educational institutions, information centers and similar non-profit organizations is important for the development of clusters at this stage.

Today, one of the most important issues is the creation of the necessary infrastructure in areas with natural-climatic, historical, cultural, educational, social and domestic tourism facilities. However, for a number of reasons,

domestic tourism has become seasonal. To this end, the first steps have been taken by the state today and are beginning to yield positive results. It is necessary to form the socio-cultural literacy and motivation of the population.

First of all, it is necessary to take into account the natural and climatic conditions.

Secondly, it is a relatively small number of tourist products.

Third is the lack of development of this tourist infrastructure.

And fourth, it is associated with the holidays of schoolchildren and students during traditional holidays.

Today, one of the important tasks is the creation of clusters in the complex development of a new approach in the economic and social spheres. Therefore, in the creation of clusters, there are sectoral-industrial, territorialregional, socio-social aspects.

The clusters, which have been tested in international practice in our country, are now beginning to establish this structure in the textile and light industry of our economy.However, in our opinion, the creation of clusters in the field of tourism is one of the urgent tasks. What are the advantages of a tourist cluster?In response, the experience of developed countries shows that the role and importance of clusters, such as free economic and tourist zones, is very high in ensuring sustainable socio-economic development of regions, increasing tourism investment activity, production of competitive tourist packages.In many countries around the world, there is a lot of experience in the use of clusters in the formation of tourism cooperation.

The analysis of foreign and domestic researchers provides a number of definitions of the concept of "cluster".

A cluster is a group of enterprises united in one field and interconnected.

A cluster is a group of firms located in a single geographical area and forming a single network.

A cluster is a group of interconnected and complementary companies and institutions operating in a single geographic area across specific industries.

A cluster is a group of commercial and non-commercial organizations that serves to ensure the competitiveness of each firm operating in the group.

A cluster is an industrial complex that unites suppliers of goods and raw materials, major producers, based on regional concentration and connected to the technological chain.

In general, clustering is a group of firms concentrated in a single geographical area and focused on solving a specific task, which is an interconnected process of uniting the workforce in order to strengthen collective competition.Formation of cluster structures for regional developmentoffers new features such ascreating additional jobs, increasing local budget revenues,distribution of powers, interaction with business structures, acceleration of information exchange and promotion of innovations, increase of innovative activity of small business and private entrepreneurship and

innovative attractiveness of regions, diversification of regional economy. Clusters for business structures are a key factor for participation in large investment projects, additional income, access to new markets, reduction of costs for innovation, infrastructure support for innovation, staff development, involvement of small businesses in innovation and ultimately increase competitiveness. In this case an enterprise that is a member of each cluster not only increases the efficiency and competitiveness of its business pursuing its own goals; but also contributes to the economic growth of a variety of other businesses operating in the region, while helping to shape the business infrastructure.

According to foreign and local experts, participation in the regional cluster can also be attractive for science and education institutions, as this can create new opportunities to increase funding for research and development, improve its quality, increase the level of technical support of research, participate in foreign investment projects, improve the skills of research and teaching staff.According to foreign expert Michael Porter, based on his research,priority of cluster strategyis explained by the unprecedented opportunities for enterprises (firms) to increase labor productivity and production efficiency due to their direct links to suppliers, qualified personnel, information, service and training centers.Moreover, conditions for the creation of new scientific and methodological developments, their short-term testing, greater incentives for employees and specialists in production and research, the invention of new products in the cluster system, educational and research centersraised. Clustering is assessed as a structure that fully meets the requirements of the process of increasing the competitiveness of enterprises on the basis of accelerating their innovative activities, resisting the strong influence of competition.

A tourism cluster is an interconnected state and public organization engaged in the tourism business and other organizations that serve the tourism industry.This connection is primarily aimed at using the existing tourism potential of each region in terms of tourism development, and all of these organizations are interested in the development of tourism in the region.The rapid development of innovation in tourism began in 1972 with a patent granted for the invention of wheeled suitcases by Bernard David Sadow, an employee of the company "United States Luggage".Most of the tourist visits to Uzbekistan come to Samarkand. This is a great opportunity for the region.

Name of district and city Total number of historical /^Vt-íi 1 m /Zit-ï-fo Number of museums Number of memorial objects Number of archeological objects Number of places of pilgrimage Number of monumental objects

According to region: 1626 11 581 975 34 36


Samarqand 490 9 417 14 23 36

Kattaqurgon 23 1 23 - - -


Bulungur 25 - 6 19 - -

Jomboy 45 - 6 39 - -

Ishtixon 70 - 8 62 - -

Kattaqurgon 50 - 8 42 - -

Qushrabot 57 - 3 54 - -

Narpay 56 - 10 46 - -

Nurobod 55 1 5 50 - -

Oqdaryo 114 - 8 105 1 -

Payariq 97 - 6 91 - -

Pastdargom 148 - 3 144 1 -

Paxtachi 41 - 9 32 - -

Samarqand 140 - 34 102 4 -

Tayloq 71 - 13 58 - -

Urgut 144 - 22 117 5 -

Table was compiled by the authors on the basis of information from the State Inspectorate for the Protection and Use of Cultural Heritage of

Samarkand Region

During his visit to Samarkand region, the President noted that today Samarkand should receive 5 million tourists, which means thousands of jobs. Tourism, in particular, has great benefits for the local population. They are employed. New jobs will be created.

Indeed, Samarkand region is famous for its huge tourist potential in the world. However, despite the high potential for the effective use of tourism potential in the districts of the region, they are not used effectively. This can be seen from the table below [3].

As can be seen from the table above, there are tourist facilities in most districts of the region. However, not all districts are able to take advantage of the existing opportunities. Because the innovative opportunities of tourism create new jobs in the regions, stimulate socio-economic development as an additional source of income.

Innovation is a new or significantly improved product (goods, service) or process introduced for use,a new style of sales or a new organizational style of

work practice, job creation and external relations. In this regard, the novelty of the product, the creation of tourist goods and services based on regional conditions will contribute to the further development of tourism innovation.It should not be ignored that the tour, which has become a common sight for us, is an interesting innovative tourist product for tourists from other countries.Therefore, the attractiveness of tourism products requires the creation of innovative tourism projects, including research at the level of geographical research.

Conclusions and suggestions.Innovative development of tourism potential of the regions should be carried out primarily through a comprehensive approach geographical research through the regional organization and development of clusters. To do this, the following is very important:

Introducing cluster approach to tourism based on the geographical place and location of the region;

Geographical and ecological assessment of the burden of acquaintance, recreation and vacation and health, and the burden of tourist reception, based on the natural conditions and specific climatic conditions;

Establishment of "free tourist zones" in regions with developed tourism clusters;

Further expansion of the range of tourist products; Further strengthening the material and technical base of tourism; Strengthening the focus on recreational tourism through health and recreation, attracting foreign tourists to the resort system; Improving the legal framework for tourism;

Conducting tourism research, as well as further strengthening innovation and investment cooperation in this area and the use of foreign experience.


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