TOOLS AND METHODS FOR DEVELOPING STRENGTH QUALITIES OF YOUNG JUDOGAS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Медицинские технологии»

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Аннотация научной статьи по медицинским технологиям, автор научной работы — Abduvaliyev X.

In this article, Judo aims to develop the physical qualities of wrestlers and provide them with practical support and theoretical knowledge.

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Abduvaliyev X.

Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute



Annotation: In this article, Judo aims to develop the physical qualities of wrestlers and provide them with practical support and theoretical knowledge.

Key words: Judo, wrestling, technique, tactics, physical training, special training, health.

Introduction: Physical fitness of a wrestler is one of the important components of sports training and is a process aimed at developing physical qualities - strength, endurance, flexibility, agility and quickness Kerimov F.A., 6. Arsloniov Sh. A., Bagdasarov A. Yu., Shuliki Yu. In scientific treatises and textbooks of scientists of A. and other fields, they emphasize that the main tasks of physical training are the following - to increase the level of health of athletes and the functional capabilities of various systems of their bodies. development of physical qualities. Physical training is divided into general, auxiliary and special training. The general physical training of a wrestler is the foundation and necessary basis for achieving high results.

It mainly provides the solution of the following tasks: all-round harmonious development of the wrestler's body, increase of its functional capabilities, development of physical qualities. Increase the level of health. Correct use of active rest during intense training and competition loads General physical training includes a set of different tools. Among them, exercises performed in shells and with shells, exercises performed with a partner on special simulators, general developmental exercises taken from other sports: acrobatics, athletics, sports games, swimming, etc. are distinguished.

Auxiliary physical training is designed to create a special basis necessary for effective performance of a large volume of work aimed at the development of special movement skills. It has a rather narrow and specific direction and solves the following tasks: It is very important to selectively develop muscle groups that are highly involved in the wrestler's movements. As advanced means of auxiliary physical training, such exercises are used that According to its kinematic and dynamic composition and neuromuscular tension, it is suitable for the main actions of the wrestler during the competition.

These are described as follows: - general strength is the strength shown by the athlete without reference to the specific actions of the wrestler. - special strength - shown by the athlete in special movements corresponding to competition movements. - absolute strength - is characterized by the potential of strength manifested in the actions of an athlete with a very large characteristic. In wrestling, it is important for getting one-on-ones with power. Relative

strength, that is, the strength corresponding to 1 kg of the athlete's weight, is an indicator of the wrestler's ability to overcome his personal weight. It is important to perform these methods quickly. - Fast - strength is reflected in the ability of muscles to quickly perform movements associated with overcoming relatively small external resistance. - Explosive strength - according to its intensity in a short time describes the ability to exhibit large stresses. Endurance is the athlete's ability to exert muscle tension for a relatively long time. F.A. Kerimov, Yu. A. In the textbooks and scientific treatises of Shulik and other scientists, they note that the following methods are used to develop the wrestler's strength: repeated tension; short-term maximum voltages; increasing weights, striking, combined effect; variability; isometric tension techniques. The method of repeated stresses is that the athlete repeats the exercises with weights equal to 70-80% of the maximum weight while performing the exercise "to the last breath".

This method involves performing a series of strength exercises. Each series - "until the last breath", 3-4 series in total, the rest interval between series - 3-4 min. A type of repeated tension method is dynamic tension method. It is characterized by performing exercises at a limit speed of 20-30% of the maximum weight. In this case, a large muscle tension is achieved not at the expense of heavy weight, but at the expense of high-speed movement. The short-term maximum tension method is currently the most effective for increasing the absolute strength of the muscles. It involves working with weights at the limit and close to the limit. In muscle training, the method of maximum tension is manifested in simulators and in one approach using one or two movements, in exercises performed with a heavy barbell (swinging, lifting a hand, sitting and standing). A total of 3-4 approaches are performed in training. The rest interval between approaches is 3-5 min. The method of progressively increasing weights implies a gradual increase in the amount of resistance during one training session as well as in subsequent ones.

In the first approach to training, it is recommended to start with a weight equal to 50% of the weight that the athlete can lift 10 times (10 MT). In the second approach, the exercise is performed with a weight of 75% from 10 MT, and in the third approach - with a weight of 100% from 10 MT. Training is performed with 100% weight from 10 MT. A total of 3 approaches are performed during the training. Rest interval between approaches - 2-4 min. In each approach, the exercise is performed at the maximum speed until it is clearly exhausted. The percussive method is based on percussive stimulation of muscle groups by using the kinematic energy of the falling weight and the weight of the individual body.

Absorption of the energy of the decreasing weight by the exercising muscles helps the muscles to move to an active state, the rapid development of working tension, and creates the possibility of additional tension in the muscle. This ensures the intensity and speed of the next pushing movement and a quick

transition from the backward work to the overcome work. As a method of using a striking method of developing the explosive power of the legs, we can mention deep jump exercises performed with high or long jumps. The exercise is performed by falling to the ground from a height of 70-80 cm with the knees slightly bent, and jumping up quickly and violently. Jumps in series: in 2-3 series, 8-10 jumps are performed in each series. Rest interval between series - 35 min. The exercise is performed no more than twice a week. The joint effect method depends on the fact that the development of the strength capabilities of the wrestler occurs directly during the performance of specialized exercises.

Summary: At the same time, the wrestler's strength skills and technical-tactical actions are developed and improved. As an example of the use of joint effect method in wrestling, such exercises can be given, in which the wrestler improves his technical movements with an opponent of a heavier weight category. It is very important to determine the optimal size of the weight. An excessively large size leads to a violation of the composition of movement skills, which in turn has a negative effect on movement technique. Variation method mainly involves performing special exercises with weights of different weights. Exercises are performed serially with partners of different weights. In one series, first 10-12 throws are performed with an opponent of a heavier weight category, then 15-16 throws are performed with an opponent of the same weight, after which 10-12 throws are performed with an opponent of the same weight category. A total of 3 series will be performed. Rest interval - 3-4 min. The method of variation is especially effective in the development of quickpower qualities (moderate, small). Improving the methods with a heavier opponent helps to develop special power capabilities, and with an opponent of a small weight category, it helps to develop the capabilities of quickness. This ultimately leads to an increase in the result in competition training. The method of isometric muscle tension refers to the static maximum tension of different muscle groups lasting 4-6 seconds. The value of isometric exercises is that they are not very large, do not take much time, and are much easier to perform. In addition, with their help, it is possible to selectively affect certain muscle groups in necessary situations or at the appropriate joint angles of bending or writing body parts.


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