Научная статья на тему 'To the question of the functional state and reserve capabilities indicators of cadets engaged in kettlebell lifting'

To the question of the functional state and reserve capabilities indicators of cadets engaged in kettlebell lifting Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о здоровье»

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Ключевые слова
cadets / kettlebell lifting / functional state of the body / reserve capabilities / physical performance.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о здоровье, автор научной работы — Nikolay A. Grankin, Zinaida M. Kuznetsova, Elena A. Kuznetsova

The article describes an experiment conducted with cadets of the Tyumen higher military engineering command school named after marshal of engineering troops A. I. Proshlyakov. Materials. The study involved cadets engaged in kettlebell lifting (17-22 years old). Research methods. The study used the method of multi-factor rapid diagnosis and reserve capabilities of the body "D&K-Test" [10]. Statistical processing of scientific data was carried out using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (W test), the student's t-test, and the Mann-Whitney U-test. Results. The study revealed the features of studying the indicators that characterize the functional state and reserve capabilities of the cadets body engaged in kettlebell lifting, before and after the experiment. All mechanisms of cadets’ energy supply are characterized by power and metabolic capacity. Conclusion. The proposed approach of applying the methodology of endurance training to improve the system of cadets engaged in kettlebell lifting sports training opens up additional reserve opportunities for the functional state of the body for the growth of their sports skills and improving the performance indicators of competitive activity.

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Текст научной работы на тему «To the question of the functional state and reserve capabilities indicators of cadets engaged in kettlebell lifting»

DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2020-15-4-21-26

To the question of the functional state and reserve capabilities indicators of

cadets engaged in kettlebell lifting

Nikolay A. Grankin1*, Zinaida M. Kuznetsova2, Elena A. Kuznetsova2

1Marshal of engineering troops A. I. Proshlyakov Tyumen Higher Military Engineering Command

School (military Institute)

Tyumen, Russia grankina.alla@mail.ru* 2Naberezhnochelninsky branch of the University of Management "TISBI" Naberezhnye Chelny, Russia ORCID: 0000-0002-5558-474X, kzm_diss@mail.ru ORCID: 0000-0002-5983-0848, journal@list.ru

Abstract: The article describes an experiment conducted with cadets of the Tyumen higher military engineering command school named after marshal of engineering troops A. I. Proshlyakov. Materials. The study involved cadets engaged in kettlebell lifting (17-22 years old). Research methods. The study used the method of multi-factor rapid diagnosis and reserve capabilities of the body "D&K-Test" [10]. Statistical processing of scientific data was carried out using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (W test), the student's t-test, and the Mann-Whitney U-test. Results. The study revealed the features of studying the indicators that characterize the functional state and reserve capabilities of the cadets body engaged in kettlebell lifting, before and after the experiment. All mechanisms of cadets' energy supply are characterized by power and metabolic capacity. Conclusion. The proposed approach of applying the methodology of endurance training to improve the system of cadets engaged in kettlebell lifting sports training opens up additional reserve opportunities for the functional state of the body for the growth of their sports skills and improving the performance indicators of competitive activity. Keywords: cadets, kettlebell lifting, functional state of the body, reserve capabilities, physical performance.

For citation: Nikolay A. Grankin*, Zinaida M. Kuznetsova, Elena A. Kuznetsova. To the question of the functional state and reserve capabilities indicators of cadets engaged in kettlebell lifting. Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2020; 15(4): 19-24. DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2020-15-4-21-26

INTRODUCTION The purpose of this work is to assess the

Kettlebell lifting is an applied sport. It is functional and reserve capabilities of the body of

widely used in the process of military educational cadets engaged in kettlebell lifting in the process

institutions cadets' physical training. It also reveals of implementing the methodology of endurance

the various physical and mental capabilities of training. cadets, both in terms of training and in terms

of personality formation [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,11]. MATERIALS AND METHODS

However, little attention is paid to the functional The study was conducted on the basis of

capabilities of the body. Qualified kettlebell cadets the Tyumen military, engineering and command

perform an average load, the total volume is equal school in the period 2012-2017. Cadets engaged in

to 60 tons in a microcycle and more than 180 tons kettlebell lifting at the age of 17-22 years took part

in a mesocycle. Such an intensive training process in the experimental work. One experimental (EG)

requires a cadet-weightlifter to have large reserves of and one control (CG) groups were formed, with 16

functional capabilities of the body. One of the most cadets each. The experimental method of endurance

important tasks in the training of cadets engaged in training is implemented within the framework of

kettlebell lifting is to build a training process with the conducted pedagogical experiment. The training

a focus on improving the functional and reserve process included aerobic exercises and a gradual

capabilities of the body. increase in the training effects of aerobic orientation

was carried out.

The method of multi-factor express diagnostics and reserve capabilities of the body "D&K-Test" was used in the work [10].. The cadet was asked to consistently perform 2 loads of moderate intensity with a pedal speed of 60-80 rpm. They were separated by a 3-minute rest interval. The load lasted 5 minutes. At the end, the heart rate was calculated for 30 seconds. The following formula was used to substitute the experimental values of heart rate and operating power:

PWCi70=Wi+(W2-Wi)x (i70-i2)/f2-fi Where Wi and W2 are the power of the first and second loads.

Statistical processing of the obtained data was carried out using the following criteria: to check Table i-Changes in indicators of the functional state and reserve capabilities of the body of the experimental and control groups cadets for the period of the experiment

the normality of the distribution, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Criterion (criterion W) was used; student's T-test was used to test the hypothesis of the difference between the two mean values for independent samples; comparison was carried out using the nonparametric criterion U-Mann - Whitney test in case of non-compliance of samples with the normal distribution. Statistical processing on the computer was carried out using statistical packages SPSS-i3, spreadsheets Microsoft Excel.


Changes in the indicators of the functional state and reserve capabilities of the body of the experimental and control groups cadets for the period of the experiment are presented in table i.

Groups № research series, statistic's indicators ANAMC AMC GMC PCP PGL PASES W TANM HR TANM

EG n=i6 1 (X±5) 74,24 ±0,51 251,38 ±3,47 301,58±12,53 27,74 ±1.58 30,55 ±0,53 65,66 ±0,84 63,77 ±0,66 161,63 ±3,04

2 (X±5) 91,73 ±1,39 291,05 ±1,44 356,41±2,75 37,13 ±0,94 37,91 ±0,55 40,49 ±0,55 73,84 ±0,85 172,13 ±2,16

t p. >2,119 >2,119 >2,119 >2,119 >2,119 >2,119 >2,119 >2,119

P <0,05 <0,05 <0,05 <0,05 <0,05 <0,05 <0,05 <0,05

Difference (2-1) 17,49 39,67 54,83 9,38 7,37 -25,16 10,07 10,50

Increase % 19,06 13,63 15,38 25,28 19,43 62,14 13,64 6,10

CG n=i6 1 (X±5) 72,11 ±0,98 249,69 ±3,21 296,93±3,90 27,14 ±0,71 30,00 ±0,79 66,29 ±2,71 64,97 ±1,04 162,81 ±1,59

2 (X±5) 74,93 ±0,76 255,36 ±3,35 300,32±3,59 29,14 ±0,69 32,18 ±0,81 69,30 ±2,65 66,57 ±1,51 164,19 ±2,07

t p. <2,119 <2,119 <2,119 >2,119 >2,119 <2,119 <2,119 <2,119

P >0,05 >0,05 >0,05 <0,05 <0,05 >0,05 >0,05 >0,05

Difference 2,82 5,67 3,38 2,01 2,18 3,02 1,59 1,38

Increase% 3,77 2,22 1,13 6,89 6,78 4,35 2,39 0,84

Note: ANAMC - anaerobic metabolic capacity; AMC - aerobic metabolic capacity; GMC - general metabolic capacity; PCP - power of creatine phosphate source of energy supply; PGL - power of glycolytic source energy supply; PASES - power of aerobic source of muscle activity energy supply; W TANM-threshold of anaerobic metabolism; HR TANM - heart rate TANM.

Prior to the pedagogical experiment, anaerobic metabolic capacity in cadets-kettlebell lifting CG was equal to 72.ii±0.98 cu, in cadets-kettlebell lifting EG 74.24±0.5i cu; in the study of aerobic metabolic capacity, the result in the CG was equal to 249.69±3.2i cu, and in the EG it was 25i.38±3.47 cu; total metabolic capacity was equal to 296.93±3.90 cu in the CG and 301.58±12.53

cu in the EG; the power of the creatine phosphate power supply source was recorded at 27.14±0.71 cu in the cadets of the control group and 27.74±1.58 cu in the cadets of the experimental group; the power indicators of the glycolytic energy supply source were equal to the following values: in the CG, 30.00± 0.79 cu, the in the EG, 30.55±0.53 c.u.; the power of the aerobic energy supply source for

muscle activity was determined as 66.29±2.71 c.u. in the CG and 65.66±0.84 cu in the EG; the threshold of anaerobic metabolism in the CG was 64.97±1.04 c.u., and in the EG, it was equal to 63.77±0.66 c.u..; the Heart Rate TANM in cadets of the CG was equal to 162.81±1.59 cu, in cadets of the EG - 161.63±3.04 cu.

This was shown by the analysis of the results after the pedagogical experiment. Indicators of the functional state and reserve capabilities of the cadets ' body increased in both groups, but at the same time in the EG to a greater extent.

The capacity of the anaerobic source of energy supply for the muscular activity of the body during the experiment period is characterized by the indicator of anaerobic metabolic capacity (ANAMC). The increase in the indicator for cadets of the CG was 3.77 %, and for cadets of the EG was 19.06 %. The ability of the body to perform loads of various sizes of mainly aerobic orientation is characterized by aerobic metabolic capacity (AMC). The increase in this indicator in the CG was 2.22%, and in the EG-

13.63 %.

The ability to resist fatigue and the level of overall performance is characterized by total metabolic capacity (OMC). In the CG, the increase in this indicator was 1.13%, in the EG cadets-15.38 %.

The level of reactivity and strength endurance of the body is characterized by the power of the creatine phosphate source of energy supply. For representatives of kettlebell lifting, this indicator is very important, as it is determined by the total amount of work for maximum and explosive force. Kettlebell cadets need to perform constant explosive lifts of kettlebells in conditions of significant muscle effort. In the control group, this indicator increased by 6.89 %, in the experimental group-25.28 %.

Indicators of the high-speed endurance development are characterized by the power of a glycolytic power supply source. In the control group, this indicator showed an increase of 6.78 %, in the experimental group-19.43 %.

The power of the muscle activity aerobic energy source is characterized by the PASES indicator. This indicator increased by 4.35 % in the control group, and by 62.14 % in the experimental

group during the experiment period.

The level of muscles aerobic capabilities development and the level of special endurance (economy, technicality, learning ability) is characterized by the threshold of anaerobic metabolism. The state of the cardiorespiratory system reaction to an increase in the mechanisms of anaerobic support over the mechanisms of aerobic support is characterized by indicators ofthe threshold of anaerobic metabolism by involving muscles with different metabolic profiles. Identification of the anaerobic metabolism threshold in the process of training cadets-weightlifters allows us to assess the nature of changes in performance. It is the central link in the system of the training process rationalization. The increase in this indicator from the beginning to the end of the experiment was 2.39 % in the CG, in the EG the increase was 13.64 %.

The criterion for the efficiency of using an aerobic power supply source is the studied heart rate indicator of the HR TANM. The volume of anaerobic glycolytic orientation work has a huge impact on the change in this indicator. In the CG, the increase in the indicator was 0.84 %, and in the EG-6.10 %.

Due to the targeted impact on the mechanisms of muscle activity energy supply in the EG of cadets, there was an increase in the capacity and power of the main sources. The improvement of adaptation processes was influenced by the use of special exercises within the framework of the proposed methodology. This was due to the use of targeted additional means of influencing various aspects of the cadets-weightlifters body functioning. This has also improved the effectiveness of training. The functional state and reserve capabilities of the body experimental group cadets characterize the range of individual changes indicators. This indicates the optimization of the functional training process, as well as the establishment of changes that characterize the adaptogenic effect.

Table 2 presents the results of the physical performance indicators study of the control and experimental groups cadets-weightlifters.

Table 2 - Changes in physical performance indicators of the experimental and control groups during the experiment period

Groups of the research n № series of the research work, Indicators of statistics PWC 170 (kg/m/min) MOC (l/min) MIE (c.u.)

EG n=16 1 (X±S) 1175,31±14,90 3,46±0,06 461,75±12,03

2 (X±6) 1434,93±16,41 4,07±0,07 558,53±15,06

t p. >2,119 >2,119 >2,119

P <0,05 <0,05 <0,05

Difference (2-1) 259,62 0,61 96,78

Increase % 18,09 14,93 17,33

CG n=16 1 (X±S) 1189,44±11,00 3,39±0,09 466,44±4,18

2 (X±6) 1292,82±12,82 3,63±0,09 499,11±5,23

t p. >2,119 <2,119 <2,119

P <0,05 >0,05 >0,05

Difference (2-1) 103,38 0,24 32,67

Increase % 8,00 6,59 6,55

This was proved by a comparative analysis of the physical performance indicators of the experimental group cadets. The results are significantly higher than the results of cadets in the control group (p<0.05). An increase of 8.00 % occurred in the control group at the initial values of

1189.44±11.00 kg / m / min in the PWC 170 test, the increase in PWC 170 in the experimental group at the initial data of 1175.3^14.90 kg/m/min was 18.09 %.

The state of the oxygen supply transport function to the body and the total mass of the

muscles involved in motor activity directly depend on the maximum oxygen consumption (MOC). An increase of 6.59% occurred in the control group of cadets in the MIE test with initial data of 3.39±0.09 l / min, the increase in the experimental group of cadets with initial data of MIE of 3.46±0.06 l/min was 14.93%.

In an athlete, the general state of endurance development is characterized by an indicator of the maximum endurance index (MIE). The presence of a high level of endurance development, both strength and general, is characterized by a long time and the performance of competitive exercises in kettlebell lifting. For a long period of time, muscle activity cannot remain at a high level, and natural fatigue processes occur. This leads to a decrease in performance. It is necessary to create conditions for relaxation or rest of the main muscles involved in order to maintain the level of physical performance at a high level for a long time. Alternating tension and relaxation of working muscles in kettlebell lifting is natural. The biomechanical and technical characteristics of performing competitive exercises determine this. The ability to achieve success as a weightlifter depends on the ability to strain and relax the muscles in a timely manner and on the level of endurance development.

An increase of 6.59% occurred in the control group in the MIE indicator at the initial data of 466.44±4.18 c.u., the increase in the experimental group at the initial data of 461.75±12.03 c.u. was 17.33%.

The following results were recorded at the end of the experiment in cadets-weightlifters. They characterize the level of physical performance: PWC 170 in the EG was 1434,93±16,41 kg/m/min into CG - 1292,82±12,82 kg/m/min; the MOC in the EG made of 4.07±0.07 l/min in KG to 3.63±0,09 l/min; MIE in the EG was 558,53±with 15.06 c.u., in the CG -499,11±of 5.23 c.u.


Thus, the proposed approach to improving the system of cadets sports training opens up additional reserve opportunities of the functional state for the growth of their sports skills and improving the performance indicators of competitive



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Submitted: 20.11.2020 Author's information:

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Nikolay A. Grankin - Senior Lecturer, 1Marshal of engineering troops A. I. Proshlyakov Tyumen Higher Military Engineering Command School (Military Institute), 625001, Russia, Tyumen, L. Tolstogo str., House 1, e-mail: grankina.alla@mail.ru

Zinaida M. Kuznetsova - Doctor of Pedagogics, Professor, Naberezhnye Chelny branch of University of Management "TISBI", 423806, Russia, Naberezhnye Chelny, Komsomolskaya naberezhnaya str., House 6, e-mail: kzm diss@mail.ru

Elena A. Kuznetsova - Candidate of Pedagogics, Associate Professor, Naberezhnye Chelny branch of University of Management "TISBI", 423806, Russia, Naberezhnye Chelny, Komsomolskaya naberezhnaya str., House 6, e-mail: journal@list.ru

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