Научная статья на тему 'To the problem of aggression: road rage analysis'

To the problem of aggression: road rage analysis Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Khokhlova K.P.

In the given article, the problem of aggressive behavior on roads is discussed. Nowadays this issue is particularly topical for all people who are at their car wheel, after all the situation on roads depends on each of them. In the present work the data on driving styles in different countries worldwide has been studied, opinion poll has been carried out and conclusions on this problem have been drawn.

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Текст научной работы на тему «To the problem of aggression: road rage analysis»

Секция «Актуальные на учные проблемы в мире (глазами молодьш исследователей)»

УДК 316.35


К. П. Хохлова Руководитель по иностранному языку - Т. В. Ухова

Сибирский государственный аэрокосмический университет имени академика М. Ф. Решетнева

Российская Федерация, 660037, г. Красноярск, просп. им. газ. «Красноярский рабочий», 31

Освещается проблема проявления агрессии на дорогах. В настоящее время этот вопрос очень остро стоит перед всеми людьми, находящимися за рулем автомобиля, ведь от каждого из них зависит обстановка на дорогах. В рамках представленной работы изучены данные по поведению водителей разных стран, проведен социальный опрос и сделаны выводы по проблеме.

Ключевые слова: агрессивное поведение, теория социального научения, водители, дороги, насилие, наказание, штраф, опрос, респондент.


K. P. Khokhlova Foreign Language Supervisor - T. V. Ukhova

Reshetnev Siberian State Aerospace University 31, Krasnoyarsky Rabochy Av., Krasnoyarsk, 660037, Russian Federation

In the given article, the problem of aggressive behavior on roads is discussed. Nowadays this issue is particularly topical for all people who are at their car wheel, after all the situation on roads depends on each of them. In the present work the data on driving styles in different countries worldwide has been studied, opinion poll has been carried out and conclusions on this problem have been drawn.

Keywords: aggressive behavior, road rage, theory of social learning, drivers, roads, violence, punishment, penalty, survey, interviewee.

According to theories of social learning, the deep understanding of aggression can be reached only paying close attention to: 1) how the aggressive behavior model has been acquired; 2) the factors provoking its manifestation; 3) conditions helping to fix this model of behavior. Aggressive reactions are acquired and supported by direct participation in aggressive situations, and also as a result of passive observation of aggression. According to a view of aggression as an instinct or motivation, individuals are constantly forced to violence either internally or externally. Theories of social learning claim that aggression appears only in the corresponding social conditions. Unlike other theoretical directions, theories of this kind are much more optimistic and promote possibility of prevention of aggression or its keeping under control.

Clarification of the attitude towards aggressive behavior of drivers on roads of our country is the purpose of our research. The objectives of the present research are as follows:

• To compare styles of driving on roads in the different countries;

• To define the most aggressive countries;

• To analyze the situation in Russia;

• To carry out a survey of the attitude towards road rage in Russia.

There is a huge number of cultures, people, and traditions in the world. And we, being in conditions of one culture can't understand all features of traditions of other countries. At the same time features are shown not only in language, but even in the style of driving.

Drivers from Great Britain, for example, surpass motorists from other countries in the level of aggression. The LeasePlan UK agency has carried out a poll among 3 thousand motorists from 20 countries of the world and has come to the following conclusion. British in a number of indicators were more aggressive than Spaniards and Italians who are considered as the most temperamental European nations. On


aggression level Czechs, French and Germans are similar to drivers from Great Britain. Among 20 countries participating in the rating, the last place on the level of aggression was taken by Turkey.

But we should not relax and think that if our country hasn't taken the leading position in this list, the situation on our roads doesn't demand improvement. To learn about the attitude and readiness to bear responsibility for road rage in our country, we have interviewed 30 drivers. We have asked them to respond to the list of questions.

Answering the question whether the aggressive behavior is punishable, the half of the respondents considers that it is punishable, and the others think that it is not. If punishment became more rigid, slightly more than a half interviewees (54 %) consider that the behavior of aggressive drivers would change, other 46 % disagree.

Another question was: 'What would you change to make the relations on roads less intense?' - 30 % of drivers consider that it is all about mentality, and, unfortunately, it can't be changed; 30 % - would enter new laws, which would improve outcomes on roads and work of Road Police; 19 % of the respondents would improve quality of roads; 21 % - offer various ways which personally helped them to calm down, such as listening to radio, comfort in the car, thoughts of responsibility for passengers, etc.

As for observation over road rage, 50 % of drivers have faced aggressive driving on the roads; 36 % have seen aggression in various mass media; other 14 % have heard from friends, or watched commercials on the Internet.

As for the punishments of aggressive drivers: 35 % of interviewed drivers consider that it is necessary to introduce additional penalties for road rage; 1 % considers that it is possible to bring such people to court; 22 % don't consider it necessary to punish aggressive drivers, and think that it won't help; 12 % are ready to deprive such drivers of the license or send them to social unpaid works; other 30 % suggest to check them for mental disorders, in addition to training the rules of driving, or provide other various trainings, etc.

About 23 % treat the question of approval of road rage positively, due to the fact that they themselves are aggressive drivers. 39 % - don't approve such driving and don't allow such behavior. Among those who disapprove the road rage because of their personal goal to get rid of this habit - 35 %.

Proceeding from the theoretical and practical knowledge gained from the present research it is possible to make a picture of the attitude of citizens of our country towards road rage and readiness for its improvement. Unfortunately, many take aggressive behavior driving for granted and don't see any sense of trying to change something. Yes, Russia doesn't win first place in ratings of the countries with the most aggressive drivers, but the statistics within the country says that more and more road accidents happen because of such style of driving. Also it is time for each driver who takes the wheel to think of it first of all. Moreover, the state has to provide the most comfortable conditions on roads and an optimum type of punishment for such drivers.


1. Reshetova E. Bolee polovini DTP v Rossii vyzvano agressivnym deistviem voditeley (More than half of traffic accidents in Russia are caused by aggressive actions of drivers.) Available at: http://opec.ru/1433248.html [9.11.15]. (In Russ)

2. Alekseeva E. Britantsi - samye agressivnye voditeli (Drivers from the UK are recognized as the most aggressive). Available at: http://bestspeed.ru/news/item.php?140419, [9.11.15]. (In Russ)

3. Mifi I realnost: Kak vodyat v raznikh stranakh. (Myths and reality: How to drive in different countries. Available at: http://www.molomo.ru/inquiry/driving_countries.html [09.11.15].

4. Baron R., Richardson D. (2001) Aggression. SPb. : Piter, 2001. 352 p.

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