TO THE PECULIARITIES OF THE COURSE OF CEREBELLAR TUMORS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Медицинские науки и общественное здравоохранение»

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Juraev A.M.


The urgency of the problem. In the structure of tumors of the posterior cranial fossa, neoplasms of the cerebellum occupy about 70.6-73.6% [1]. Tumors of the cerebellum can be either benign (astrocytomas), characterized by slow growth, or malignant, infiltratively growing (medulloblastomas). Medulloblastomas account for about 20.0% of all primary tumors of the central nervous system in children. In the United States, 2 new cases of medulloblastomas are detected per 1 million white population annually, 1 case per 1 million blacks, and 1,700 sick children are diagnosed annually under the age of 18 [4]. In adults, they are extremely rare - annually 5-6 new cases per 10 million [5, 6]. Every year, 1.4 per 100,000 children under the age of 16 fall ill with cerebellar tumors in Russia, which is approximately 450 new cases per year [2].

In the structure of morbidity, 2 peaks are determined - from 3 to 4 and from 8 to 9 years [7]. The syndrome of intracranial hypertension and hydrocephalus are clinically manifested by headache, often forced head position, nausea, and vomiting. Disorders of consciousness, convulsive seizures are possible [8].

Slow tumor growth, location in close proximity to CSF-containing spaces create good conditions for the development of compensatory mechanisms of the brain, due to which clinical manifestations occur at later stages of the disease, when the tumor reaches a large size and presents certain difficulties for surgical treatment [3] .

The defeat of the cerebellum, especially its worm, causes a violation of the statics of the body - the ability to maintain a stable position of its center of gravity, which ensures stability. When this function is disturbed, static ataxia occurs. The patient becomes unstable, therefore, in a standing position, he tends to spread his legs wide apart, balances his hands. With an isolated lesion of the hemispheres, coordination disorders are observed, accompanied by instability, swaying of the body, and a fall [4].

Until now, and quite often, patients with such pathologies receive unqualified treatment for a long time from pediatricians, infectious disease specialists, neurologists, and are hospitalized in neurosurgical departments in neglected, decompensated states.

It is pertinent to note that despite the presence of numerous works covering the course of treatment methods for cerebellar tumors, clinical symptoms, especially early signs, are not sufficiently represented in them, and therefore, we consider it expedient to conduct new studies in this direction.

Purpose of the study. The aim of our study was to study the features of the clinical course of cerebellar tumors.

Materials and research methods. The present study included data from clinical and neurological examinations of 35 patients (21 women, 14 men). The average age of the patients was 30 years (corresponding variation from 3 to 69 years), who were hospitalized in the neurosurgery department of the clinic of the Samarkand Medical Institute (SamMI) for cerebellar tumors from 2012 to 2014. It included 10 (28.5%) patients with tumors located in the cerebellar vermis, 8 (22.8%) patients in the cerebellopontine angle, 8 (22.8%) patients in the left hemisphere, 5 (14.2 %) of patients in the right hemisphere, 4 (11.4%) patients in the IV ventricle. All patients underwent a comprehensive examination, including computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

Results of the study and their discussion. The clinical picture of cerebellar tumors was characterized by a gradual progression of cerebellar and cerebellar-vestibular symptoms associated with local lesions of the cerebellar tissue, stem syndrome, depending on the compression of the trunk at the level of the posterior cranial fossa, as well as dysfunction of the nerves and a syndrome of increased intracranial pressure due to ventricular hydrocephalus.

An early symptom of the disease was headache, which was often accompanied by vomiting. The early symptoms of cerebellar tumors also include impaired coordination, nystagmus, and muscle hypotension.

Gradual progression of intracranial pressure was accompanied by vomiting in 28 patients (80.0%), it was often observed simultaneously with dizziness in 9 patients (25.7%), forced position of the head and trunk.

The most common symptom in cerebellar tumors was muscle hypotension in the extremities, which was observed in 34 patients (97.1%). Violation of the posture and position was detected in 32 patients (91.4%), which manifested itself with a fixed position of the head and tilting it back or tilting forward.

Cerebellar tumors were characterized by dysfunctions of the cranial nerves (80.0%), among oculomotor disorders the most distinct were quadrigeminal paresis and gaze paralysis observed in 13 patients (37.2%), indicating progression of compression trunk. Spontaneous nystagmus was noted in 29 patients (82.8%), paresis of the abducens nerve in 3 patients (8.6%), facial paresis in 10 patients (28.6%), auditory and glossopharyngeal paresis in 1 patient (2.9% ), related to late symptoms, while paresis of the soft palate was detected mainly on one side.

Life-threatening in patients with cerebellar tumors was the syndrome of descent of the cerebellar tonsil and its incarceration in the foramen magnum. The symptoms of an occlusive attack were caused by a rapidly increasing delay in the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid from the ventricular system as a result of complete (or almost complete) or temporary obliteration (blockage) of the outflow tract, observed in 19 patients (54.3%). Prolonged hypertension contributed to the occurrence of occlusive hydrocephalus, which was observed in 16 patients (45.7%). Occlusive hydrocephalus was also accompanied by intraventricular hypertension and compression of the brainstem.


An early symptom of cerebellar tumors is headache, which is accompanied by vomiting, incoordination,

nystagmus, and muscle hypotension. The progression of cerebral symptoms depends on either complete partial

blockade of the CSF circulation pathways, occlusion of the ventricular system.


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