THEORY AND METHODOLOGY OF SPEECH GROWTH Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
speech / methodology / theory / task / methodical theory / child speech / intellect / thought.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Gulyora Olmos Qizi Qodirova, Farangiz Khudoyorova

This article discusses the methods of speech development in children, the importance of attention to the development of speech in children at an early age, speech development techniques, language development methods and its main task, content, aspects.

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Текст научной работы на тему «THEORY AND METHODOLOGY OF SPEECH GROWTH»


Gulyora Olmos qizi Qodirova

Samarkand State University

Farangiz Khudoyorova

Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages


This article discusses the methods of speech development in children, the importance of attention to the development of speech in children at an early age, speech development techniques, language development methods and its main task, content, aspects.

Keywords: speech, methodology, theory, task, methodical theory, child speech, intellect, thought.


Speech development methodology is the study of the laws of pedagogical activity aimed at the development of speech in preschool children. The ability of an early childhood and preschool educator to teach children their mother tongue is an important indicator of his or her professional training. All the mental abilities that a child is endowed with by nature are revealed and developed through the acquisition of the mother tongue, especially by learning it at a pre-school age[1-6] .

The extent to which children inherit the spiritual wealth of the people passed down from generation to generation in their mother tongue, the ability of pupils to master the scientific achievements of their time in the future, their devotion to the advanced poetic and aesthetic ideals of humanity their ability to be full-fledged builders of society depends on the educator [7-11].

In order to teach children their mother tongue, the future educator must thoroughly study the theory of speech development methods and master the methods known in science in this field, understand the laws of the child's mother tongue. Methods of teaching the mother tongue is a branch of pedagogical science. It includes methods of speech development in kindergarten and methods of teaching Uzbek (Russian) in primary and secondary schools. Each has its own purpose and content. Speech development methodology is the study of the laws of pedagogical activity aimed at the development of speech in preschool children [12-16].


The main task of the methodology is to develop the most effective tools, methods and techniques of speech development on a scientific and psychological basis, and to equip kindergarten teachers with them to successfully develop the necessary speaking skills in children.

The main purpose of the method of speech development is to form in children the skills of oral communication, his communication skills with others. The methodology of speech development allows you to find answers to the following key questions: what to teach (what speech skills to develop in children), how to teach (under what conditions should be used in the formation of children's speech, what methods and techniques to use), why now necessary (what methods of speech development are based on the data of theory and practice).

The theory of speech development methodology reflects the objective features of teaching children their native language, summarizes all the positive results in the field of speech development methodology, created and currently in the Republic of Uzbekistan and abroad [17-21].

The theory of speech development methodology is developing along with methodological practice. The viability of some methodological rules is being tested in practice, and the practice itself poses important issues to science that have not yet been resolved.


An educator who does not know the methodological theory blindly educates children only on the basis of his own assumptions or by copying the experiences of others. He misses a lot because he doesn't know the colorful methods and techniques. Speech development techniques are inextricably linked to other special methods in preschool education, as speech is one of the most important tools for the full development of a child's personality. Understanding the speech of others and the child's own active speech is necessary in any pedagogical process. Speech accompanies the child's whole activity [22].

It is also important to pay attention to the development of the child's speech in the early stages, because during this period the child's brain grows rapidly and its functions are formed. Physiologists know that the functions of the central nervous system can be easily exercised during their natural formation [23-26]. Without exercise, the development of these tasks slows down and may even stop altogether. "Such a' decisive 'period of speech development is the first three years of a child's life: by this time the anatomical maturation of the speech areas of the brain is largely complete, the child learns the basic grammatical forms of the mother tongue, forming a large vocabulary. If the child's speech is not given enough attention in the first three years, he or she will have to work hard to make up for it in the future. "[1] The methodology of speech development, like any other pedagogical discipline, is one of the social sciences. The teachings of language and thought are its methodological basis.


Like language, the thinking that emerges and develops during a person's cooperation is a reflection of the being that surrounds him. Language is inextricably linked to thinking because of the need for people to be productive, to exchange ideas, and to work together. Although language and thought cannot exist without each other, they do not belong to the same phenomenon.

Thinking is the opposite of an objective being, and language is a way of expressing, reinforcing an idea, and conveying it to others. Words and concepts are dialectically related [27].

The principle of the interdependence of thinking with language is crucial for the development of a system of teaching children their mother tongue and for substantiating the demand for the interdependence of education and upbringing. Intelligence, that is, the ability to perceive the external world through memory, imagination, imagination, thinking, and speech, are important features that distinguish man from animals. And both intellect and speech appear in a person in early childhood, and he develops rapidly in adolescence and youth not only because his body is developing, but also if this person has mastered speech.

If the adults around the child teach him to speak correctly from the cradle, then such a child develops intellectually normally: he develops the ability to imagine, and then to think and imagine; this ability develops at each age stage. Simultaneously with the development of the child's intellect, his emotional-volitional sphere also improves.

The methodology of speech development is based on the laws and categories of dialectics, which reflect the general forms, aspects and interdependence of any development.

Language is a historical and changing phenomenon. Every people, nation, ethnic group and people has its own language. The language of each nation reflects the process of historical development of this society, its living conditions, changes and innovations in social life, new discoveries and achievements in social and labor activities. Each language has its main components - vocabulary, sound system (phonetics) and grammatical structure (grammar).

Vocabulary seems to contain a variety of knowledge about the world around us, about a person's mental life. The main thing in a word is its content and semantic structure. Vocabulary is the building block of language, its content aspect. The more developed the language, the richer its vocabulary. From the large number of words in each language, it is possible to distinguish a certain group of key words that make up the main vocabulary of the language. The vocabulary of a language is a very stable, centuries-old part of the lexicon that serves as the basis for all or almost all new words and phrases.

The sound system is closely related to vocabulary and grammar. With the help of loud speech, a person communicates with other people and expresses his thoughts and feelings. The phonetics of one language is usually not the same as the phonetics of another language, that is, the sound of speech seems to distance one language from another. The rules of pronunciation within a language are the same (dialects are bigger than literary language, they are different from it).

The grammatical structure of a language is the generality of the laws and rules governing the change of words and phrases in a sentence. With the help of grammar, the words in a sentence are placed and combined with each other. Words become a means of communication only through words. Any word, whether it is in the native language or in a foreign language, does not have a definite meaning. Therefore, mastering the grammatical structure of a language is very important in learning it. Modern standards of orthoepy, grammar and vocabulary should be taken into account when teaching children.

The methodology of speech development is based on the basic principles of psycholinguistics. His basic principle that "language serves as a means of communication in all spheres of human activity" is programmatic in the methodology of speech development. Therefore, the methodology of speech development is aimed at equipping the educator with knowledge and skills related to the development of children's speech as a means of communication.

The basis of the language is the lexicon, sound system and grammatical structure of the native language. The Kindergarten Speech Development Program is based on the achievements in linguistics and aims to enrich children's vocabulary, develop the phonetic aspects and grammatical structure of the native language. In the formation of various speech skills of children, they are taught their native language, Uzbek, that is, they have a unique Uzbek lexicon, specific phonetics of the Uzbek language and grammar of the Uzbek language. properties.

In order to acquire professional skills in teaching children their mother tongue, the educator must thoroughly study the theory of speech development methods, master the scientific methods of this development and know the laws of speech development of the child.


In short, the methodology of speech development is a pedagogical discipline that studies the laws of pedagogical activity aimed at the formation of speech in preschool children in kindergarten. The main task of the methodology is to develop the most effective tools, methods and techniques for the development of speech on a scientific and pedagogical basis, with which to equip kindergarten teachers. The main purpose of the method is to develop children's oral skills and communication skills with others.

Speech development methodology answers the following questions: what to teach (what speech skills should be developed in children), how to teach (what methods and techniques should be used in the formation of children's speech, under what conditions they should be used), why now it is necessary to teach exactly this (what methods of theory and practice are the proposed methods based on).


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