THEORETICAL STUDY OF ART EDUCATION UNDER THE TREND OF UNIFIED CURRICULUM Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Integration curriculum / art education / innovative teaching / theoretical research

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Jiakun Deng

Integration is an important direction of the current global education development. The United Kingdom, the United States, Japan and Germany are headed by many countries, and the developed countries in the West have achieved remarkable results. Due to Chinese historical reasons, the unified curriculum started late and is still in the primary exploration stage. Therefore, in order to promote the sustainable extension of China's education level, the research process of the integrated curriculum should be accelerated. In this context, this paper briefly analyzes the theoretical research of art education based on the trend of integrated curriculum, and explores the current situation of art education, and puts forward the problems of current art education and the specific improvement strategies. Under the trend of effectively promoting the integration of curriculum, the theoretical teaching of art education can be continuously extended and the level of education can be effectively improved.

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JiaKun Deng

Doctoral student

Lviv National Musical Academy named after Mykola Lysenko


Integration is an important direction of the current global education development. The United Kingdom, the United States, Japan and Germany are headed by many countries, and the developed countries in the West have achieved remarkable results. Due to Chinese historical reasons, the unified curriculum started late and is still in the primary exploration stage. Therefore, in order to promote the sustainable extension of China's education level, the research process of the integrated curriculum should be accelerated. In this context, this paper briefly analyzes the theoretical research of art education based on the trend of integrated curriculum, and explores the current situation of art education, and puts forward the problems of current art education and the specific improvement strategies. Under the trend of effectively promoting the integration of curriculum, the theoretical teaching of art education can be continuously extended and the level of education can be effectively improved.

Keywords: Integration curriculum, art education, innovative teaching, theoretical research

The reform of the curriculum reform is a gradual process that requires the education staff to study carefully and practice it to produce results. At this stage, China's exploration and development of the integrated curriculum is still in its infancy. If we want to promote the sustainable development of art education, we must strengthen the reform of the curriculum to promote the vertical development of art education. Since the integrated curriculum refers to a curriculum design form, it is necessary to strengthen the relevant knowledge and experience of art education, effectively organize it, and promote the close integration of various knowledge points with teaching experience, so that students can easily learn in the art education learning process. Only by the importance and connotation of knowledge can we improve the classroom effect, thus enhancing the application level of knowledge and adapting to the needs of social diversification. This article elaborates on the following aspects, integrates the art education under the trend of the curriculum, and proposes specific educational strategies:

I. Overview of the theoretical foundation of the unified curriculum

(1) Multiculturalism

In the historical development and transformation, multiculturalism is produced. In the primary stage, multiculturalism means that people can have equal status and rights. With the change of history, multiculturalism has evolved into a comprehensive concept of people's political and ethnic aspects, and current multiculturalism. The theory is mainly defined as: 1. It is used to describe special characteristics and ways of life, such as family and religion, politics and ethics, and play its own role through multiple modes of survival and characteristics. 2. Multiculturalism also refers to a certain degree of evaluation. For the description of various characteristics and ways of life, multiculturalism is the sum of people's values.

Up to now, various cultures have been colliding and constantly innovating. People's perceptions and attitudes towards culture are also changing. There are two main changes: 1. Culture exists independently.

People who hold this view believe that Culture is a culture that can be called in a particular nation and a specific region. It is difficult to match between different cultures. 2. Culture has unity. Some people believe that the culture of the region and the culture of the nation, most people and a small number of people support, if most people support the cultural beliefs, it is the mainstream development culture of the nation and region.

With the gradual development of science and technology and social economy in China, people have learned that multiculturalism is the mainstream trend of current society. Cultural diversity is the origin of people's development and an inevitable trend of the development of the times.

(2) Postmodernism education concept

In the 1960s and 1970s, Western developed countries set off a post-modernist cultural trend of thought. Later, the modernist cultural trend was different from the architectural features of modernism and classicism. With the development of postmodernism culture, it has been widely used in many fields such as philosophy and literature, science, art, etc. The idea of postmodernism education concept advocates irration-alism, has critical rationalism, and opposes fundamentalism. The whole and the essence, rationalism, and the promotion of differences. For education, postmodernism is a brand new innovative style. The traditional educational concept has the characteristics of simplicity and controllability, but it is more limited to the development of post-modern educational concepts of students' ability. It has many characteristics such as uncertainty and complexity. Emphasis is placed on the use of the most complex or uncertain environment in teaching content to guide students to self-learning. From the perspective of analyzing students' cognitive learning, we can see that the modern educational concept refers to the fact that teachers blindly instill knowledge into students, but ignore the students' learning of knowledge. This process is one-way. Postmodern education concept refers to the interactive learning between teachers and students, and jointly

build a knowledge learning process. In this process, knowledge is not only taught, but more innovation. For teachers, the responsibility of applying modern educational theory teachers is to pass the classroom teaching content to the students, to ensure that the teaching tasks are completed, but to ignore the cultivation of students' creative ability. The concept of postmodern education advocates teachers as the organizers and guides in the process of student learning, and requires students to learn independently. For the textbooks, most of the modern educational concepts are displayed to the students. In the post-modern educational concept, the textbooks serve as a guide for students in the learning process, creating a platform for independent learning and opportunities for students. Under the trend of integrated curriculum development, the art education teaching should form a system that closely integrates students with teaching materials and teachers, so that students become the masters of learning, return the initiative to the students, and respect the students' subjective status.

(3) Knowledge Sociology

Knowledge sociology is divided into the classification and distribution of knowledge, and the distribution of social power. The famous Western educator Bernstein divides knowledge into a unified and aggregated type. These two courses are mainly related to the authority of teachers. In the traditional education process, teachers have certain authority, so the curriculum is mainly presented in a cluster. In the open teaching classroom, the authority of teachers is gradually reduced, and knowledge is also turned to a diversified development path. Therefore, the knowledge structure is integrated. type.

Second, the practical significance of art education under the unified curriculum

At present, China's social economy and science and technology have developed rapidly, human civilization has risen to a new level, and an era centered on multiculturalism has arrived. At the same time, various problems arising from the rapid development of society have seriously plagued our lives, studies and work. In the era of multiculturalism, we must adhere to the tradition, but also combine the trend of the times, abandon the traditional backward teaching concepts, and continue to develop and develop for the new situation, which will help improve the level of education and improve people's comprehensive quality. Under the era of multicultural development, art education has also had new challenges and opportunities. For the art education under the integrated curriculum and the development of aesthetic education, it is helpful to fully implement the national education policy and improve the comprehensive quality of students. Therefore, we must correctly understand the art system. The important meaning of the whole course.

(1) Theoretical significance

In recent years, with the gradual expansion of the scale of running colleges and universities, although the reform of the integrated curriculum of art education in colleges and universities has achieved certain results, there are still many problems. A tree reforming curriculum reform is a new development attempt

in the field of art education. There is no development experience to learn from, and there is no theoretical education guidance. In the process of integrating curriculum reform, we often encounter the constraints of traditional educational concepts. Innovative art education courses must strengthen the in-depth study and exploration of the theoretical knowledge of the integrated curriculum, in order to promote the art integration curriculum along the path of sustainable development.

(2) Practical significance

The era of multicultural development also has many characteristics. Multiculturalism also affects people's lack of deep thinking and inquiry. In the era of multiculturalism, some students are hard to resist the temptation of various forms. For this kind of development dilemma, we must correctly understand the importance of art education. Implement aesthetic education through art education to improve students' aesthetic ability and diversified aesthetic concepts. Art education can cultivate students' temperament and cultivate students' elegant aesthetic level, which will help students develop physically and mentally. Art education in colleges and universities can develop and tap students' intelligence, cultivate students' temperament, and also lead students to appreciate art works, improve students' creative consciousness, and strengthen art education. Students will think from many angles and explore problems from multiple perspectives. Helps improve the level and ability to solve problems. Art education can cultivate students' sense of cooperation. Most art forms reveal the wisdom of the group, carry out art education, enhance students' team cohesiveness and cooperation awareness, and help to strengthen the spirit of unity and friendship of students, thus sublimating to the motherland. Love the spiritual realm of the people.

All in all, art education is an important method and means in building campus culture. It is also an important carrier for the implementation of aesthetic education on campus. Through the development of art education, it helps to improve students' aesthetic ability and innovation consciousness, and promotes all-round development of students. The ideological culture and the effective integration of the resources of the art curriculum help to enrich the spiritual world of students and serve as the basis for the diverse development of students.

Third, the theoretical paradigm of the art integration curriculum

(1) Unique and innovative learning methods

Art is a special form of knowledge expression, and art-compatible learning methods are also different from other disciplines. Art education mainly guides students to explore knowledge from three aspects: perception, expression and thinking. Perception, by guiding students to strengthen the collection and integration of information, so that students perceive diverse knowledge, in the information age, information and various types of data grow at an alarming rate, so students must improve their perception of knowledge and data. Carry out art education, effectively improve students' perception level, promote students' perceptu-

al information in daily life, and carry out continuous learning and perfection. Perceptual information is mainly obtained through auditory or visual, but art education can enable students to learn information stratification and science. Reasonable acceptance of sensory information, through a personal experience into a good state of learning, thus feeling the education and edification of knowledge. Thinking means that in the art creation activities, students form a diversified way of thinking through imagination and association, through many dialectical relationships such as reason and emotion, inspiration and intuition, consciousness and unconsciousness. Through the perception, art education helps to improve students' learning dynamics, and through artistic thinking, it promotes the continuous expansion of students' thinking. The famous educator Sna said that artistic creation does not require a true right or wrong way of thinking. Through art education, we can guide us to analyze the things that are often neglected in daily life, to draw new perspectives, to observe and create, and thus to show that art education not only teaches the right and wrong knowledge, but through art diversity. The content and form of education, the expansion of students' imagination and innovative thinking will help to cultivate students' positive and enterprising spirit. Expression is the final stage of the acceptance of art information. Because of the variety of art education methods, art expressions include individual insights into knowledge and thinking.

(2) The relationship between teachers and students is ecological

At present, the international community believes that the curriculum of ecological county has many characteristics such as openness, background, nonlinear structure and self-organization. The teacher-student relationship of the ecological art integration curriculum should also have these elements. In the eco-art education curriculum, teachers and students are no longer the traditional knowledge-instilling learning relationship, but a cooperative and unified relationship of mutual learning and mutual promotion. In the process of fan-shaped art integration curriculum, teachers should reverse the tradition. The teaching mode of teaching, from the traditional discussion-

based teaching to the dialogue of the teacher's life, through equal exchanges and discussions, to obtain a common recognition of learning truth. In the process of teaching, the concept of teaching has been transformed from self-centered to centered on equality and harmony, and an equal and open attitude and thinking mode has been established. Good inter-disciplinary relationships can be established among various disciplines, which helps to promote art classes. Effective integration and penetration, and effectively strengthen the integration of art disciplines, can enhance students' interest in art learning and further improve the quality of teaching.


In summary, we can see that with the rapid development of the times, the integration and penetration of multiculturalism, and the development of art education will help improve the overall quality of students. Based on the development trend of the integrated curriculum, colleges and universities should innovate the art teaching methods, correctly understand the importance of art education, guide students to establish a good learning concept through the integrated curriculum, and lay a solid theoretical foundation for students. To promote the sustainable development of students and effectively improve students' social adaptability.


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Cui Jian

the V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University Senior visiting scholar,Associate Professor Associate Professor, Department of Music, Xinjiang Academy of Arts, China Master Instructor


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