THEORETICAL MODELING OF ASSESSMENT OF PROFESSIONAL SKILLS OF ATHLETES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки о здоровье»

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Theory and Practice of Physical Culture
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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам о здоровье, автор научной работы — Kharitonova A.I., Klimova E.M.

Objective of the study was to develop a theoretical model for assessing the level of professional skills of athletes. Methods and structure of the study. On the basis of theoretical analysis, synthesis, expert evaluation and modeling, criteria, indicators, indicators for assessing the level of professional skill of athletes were identified, which made it possible to develop a theoretical model for assessing the level of professional skill of athletes, consisting of target, technological, procedural and resultant components. Results and conclusions. In the course of the theoretical analysis, it was determined that the professional skill of an athlete is an integral indicator that includes the highest level of mastered professional skills in the field of sports, efficiency and reliability, responsibility, emotional stability, special abilities, self-realization of an athlete and includes the highest qualification. Given these indicators, the theoretical model for assessing the professional skills of athletes includes the following components: target, technological, procedural and resultative.

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Theoretical modeling of assessment of professional skills of athletes

UDC 159.99:076

PhD A.I. Kharitonova1

PhD, Associate Professor E.M. Klimova2 Central Sports Club of the Army, Moscow 2Moscow Region State University, Mytishchi, Moscow Region

Corresponding author: kharitosha85@mail.ru


Objective of the study was to develop a theoretical model for assessing the level of professional skills of athletes.

Methods and structure of the study. On the basis of theoretical analysis, synthesis, expert evaluation and modeling, criteria, indicators, indicators for assessing the level of professional skill of athletes were identified, which made it possible to develop a theoretical model for assessing the level of professional skill of athletes, consisting of target, technological, procedural and resultant components.

Results and conclusions. In the course of the theoretical analysis, it was determined that the professional skill of an athlete is an integral indicator that includes the highest level of mastered professional skills in the field of sports, efficiency and reliability, responsibility, emotional stability, special abilities, self-realization of an athlete and includes the highest qualification. Given these indicators, the theoretical model for assessing the professional skills of athletes includes the following components: target, technological, procedural and resultative.

Keywords: professional excellence, skill assessment, target component, technological component, procedural component, resultant component.

Introduction. The main goal of elite sport is the demonstration by athletes of high sports results. Sports activities are associated with the evaluation of the results of sports achievements, the analysis of the development of an athlete and the level of his preparedness. Modern sport is at such a stage of development that the level of preparedness of the strongest athletes practically does not differ, which makes it difficult to assess their professional skills.

The professional skill of an athlete "cannot be assessed by one indicator, its full characterization requires a multilateral approach" [9], since obtaining information about the athlete and various indicators of professional skill is carried out using a comprehensive assessment or comprehensive control, which allows determining the level of the athlete's preparedness and contributes to management of the process of his sports improvement [1, 10].

Objective of the study was to develop a theoretical model for assessing the level of professional skills of athletes.

Methods and structure of the study. Currently, scientists identify various indicators for assessing the professional level of athletes, forming the so-called "ideal model of skill":

• V.E. Milman developed a questionnaire for assessing mental reliability, by which he understood the stability of the functioning of the main mental mechanisms in difficult competitive conditions, which consists of a set of indicators of the components: competitive emotional stability, self-regulation, motivational-energy component, stability and noise immunity [3];

• Yu.I. Smirnov, when evaluating the competitive reliability, took into account such indicators as the coefficient of motor performance and the coefficient of readiness, indicators of error-freeness, recoverability and timeliness [8];



Methodological principles of building a model: activity-based, problem-oriented, practice-oriented

Legal and regulatory framework: The

Unified All-Russian Sports Classification was approved by Order of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation of April 10, 2020 No. 295 in accordance with Part 8 of Article 22 of the Federal Law of December 4, 2007 No. 329-FZ "On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation". Normative documents that determine the procedure for conferring official titles and ranks.

The purpose of the assessment:

to improve the level of professional skills of athletes

Assessment functions:

informative, educational,

diagnostic, reflective, developing


1. Objectivity, fairness effectiveness of the assessment;

2. Level of competition;

3. Qualification of judges;

4. Level of participants.



Assessment of sports readiness: objectivity, consistency, purposefulness, reliability and reliability, universality, simplicity and accessibility, practical feasibility.

Skill assessment.

Technical, tactical, physical, theoretical, psychological.

The ideal model of an athlete's professional skills is the highest level of mastered professional skills in the field of sports, efficiency, reliability, responsibility, his own individual style, creativity, emotional stability, attitude to risk, special abilities, self-realization, the highest qualification, adequate self-esteem, focus on self-development.

Requirements for assessment materials: compliance with regulatory documents, the presence of several options, a comprehensive assessment, reproducibility.

Checking the quality of evaluation materials. Expert evaluation, federal standards of sports training by sports.


The manifestation of the personal potential of athletes:

self-actualization, resilience, self-efficacy,

meaningful life orientations, self-respect, a high level of subjective control in the field of achievements, goal orientation, value orientations.

Meaningfulness, independence, inclusion, internality, positivity.

Professional evaluation of the skills of athletes

External assessment of skill: sports categoiy or title, place taken, world ranking, referee, technical means.

Internal evaluation. Questionnaires of self-control: objective and subjective data, self-control by taking into account sports achievements, assessment of the psycho-emotional state.

Objective assessment of skill: self-assessment, collective assessment of specialists and colleagues.



Types of skill +




Criteria for the formation of professional skills of athletes Sports achievements: included in the main team of the national team, a high result in the championship of Russia, Europe, a place in the world ranking.

Qualification. Discharges (1,2,3 junior and adult. Candidate Master of Sports), titles: Master of Sports, International Master of Sports of Russia. Honorary title: Honored Master of Sports of Russia.

Assessment of the level of professional skills of athletes

• V.G. Nikitushkin and FFP. Suslov evaluates the effectiveness of an athlete in martial arts by the coefficient of reliability of attacking and defensive actions, as well as by the activity of technical and tactical actions [5];

• S.V. Pavlov developed a methodology for assessing the technical and tactical readiness of taekwondo athletes in competitive fights. Determining the level of technical readiness is carried out through an assess-

ment of the effectiveness of technical actions performed by an athlete during a fight. The level of tactical preparedness through the assessment of actions that contribute to the implementation and restructuring of the conduct of combat, as well as situational and preparatory tactical actions [7];

• A.M. Ovechkin, using the methodology for assessing the technical and tactical readiness of hockey

players, calculated the average complexity of using technical and tactical actions per game or training session [6];

• E.V. Melnik and E.V. Silich revealed an expert assessment of the success of sports activities, which takes into account many indicators that reflect the subjective and objective aspects of sports activities, as well as a latent assessment, which is calculated taking into account judges' ratings, difficulty coefficient and grade coefficient [2];

• I.Yu. Mihuta, P. Sun and Y Liu revealed an integral assessment of the degree of readiness and readiness of an athlete for competitive activity, represented by the following blocks: control of competitive activity; pedagogical control; psychological and psychophysiological control; morphofunctional control; biome-chanical control [4].

Results of the study and their discussion. In the course of the theoretical analysis, it was determined that the professional skill of an athlete is an integral indicator that includes the highest level of mastered professional skills in the field of sports, efficiency and reliability, responsibility, emotional stability, special abilities, self-realization of an athlete and includes the highest qualification [ eleven]. Considering these indicators, we have developed a theoretical model for assessing the professional skills of athletes (see figure).

We consider it important to note the need to highlight the target, technological, procedural and resulta-tive components in the theoretical model for assessing the professional skills of athletes.

The target component is based on the methodological principles of building a model: activity, problem-oriented and practice-oriented and is based on the legal framework, includes the goal, functions and conditions for assessing the athlete's professional skills.

The technological component includes an assessment of sports readiness and focuses on the ideal model of an athlete, skill assessments, requirements for assessment materials and is implemented through checking the properties of assessment materials.

The procedural component takes into account the manifestations of the athlete's personal potential, professional assessment of the athlete's skill, includes both external, internal and objective assessment, which makes it possible for us to attribute the athlete to one of the selected types of professional skill.

The effective component reflects the criteria for the formation of professional skills of athletes and neces-

sarily takes into account sports achievements and the level of sports qualifications.

Conclusions. The evaluation of an athlete's professional skills is a complex indicator that includes evaluation of the procedure and results of sports activities.

The introduction of an athlete's professional skill assessment sheet into sports activity, which reflects the procedural and performance components, can significantly expand diagnostic capabilities in assessing the preparedness of athletes and outline new approaches to improving their professional skills.

When evaluating the professional skills of athletes, it is important to take into account objective and reliable qualification characteristics, professional skills and abilities of athletes.


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