Adashev A. U. senior lecturer
Namangan Engineering Construction Institute
Yuldashev O. O. student
Namangan Engineering Construction Institute
Abstract: Small business is one of the most important sector of economy. At the same time, it plays an important role not only in the national economy, but also in the social sphere. In this article we will discuss the theoretical foundations of the organization and improvement of the production process in small businesses and make recommendations.
Key words: Small business, organization of production, trade - brokerage, principle, service, improvement
A market economy requires every producer to take a worthy place in the competition. We are talking about state assets in enterprises that require technical and technological renewal in real sectors of the economy, expanding the range of products and increasing their competitiveness. It is known that small businesses are constantly studying the demand in the market for the supply of various goods to the market, as well as to study the needs of consumers and competitive enterprises in order to make a profit.
In fact, all types of enterprises are achieving economic growth in all areas of the country as a result of attention to the independence and freedom of entities in the laws adopted by the state. Most importantly, the desire to achieve economic interest in the activities of enterprises is growing day by day.
The theoretical basis for the organization and improvement of the production process in small businesses, as the economy develops, it is of scientific importance to repeatedly study it scientifically, to develop conclusions and recommendations. In small business entities, the attitude towards an activity (work), more precisely, the economic relations of business people.
The organization of production is a way of existence of any production, production itself is one of the forms of manifestation in the material form of small business entities. As for the concept of "organization of production", it is a type of activity to create the necessary conditions for its emergence and duration. The task of organizing production, which derives directly from its essence, consists of the subject and objects
The peculiarities of the organization of small business are determined not only by its content and structure, but also by the construction of the production process in time and space, types of production, production structure of the enterprise
and other organizational and economic factors. The organization of production in small businesses is aimed at creating conditions for the efficient use of all elements of production to achieve the greatest production results at the lowest cost, for which the following model is proposed (Figure 1).
Organization of production
Creating conditions for the production and sale of products
Assignment of tasks
Formation of ratios between material (intangible) elements of production
Ensuring the relationship between material and personal production elements
Maintaining relationships between people in the production process (common goal, common
economic interest)
Subject of production
Creating and providing conditions for the production of products of a certain quality and quantity
Production facility
Ensuring the interconnection between material and social elements of production (materials, equipment,
workers, workplaces, sites, shops)
Achieving the goal
Production, performance of works, rendering of services, profitability, improvement of product quality and ensuring
production continuity
1-Model of improved organization of production in small businesses
The formation of a system of organization of production in small businesses is the same as the formation of a system of organization of production of all types: on the basis of both structural and functional approach.
The development of small business has a positive impact on the development of various sectors of the country's economy. Including in production. This can be seen in the table below. (Table 1).
Key indicators of small business in January-September 20203
Unit of measurement 2019 y 2020 y (+;-)
Number of small enterprises and micro-firms operating unity 323 014 391 300 68 286
Newly established small enterprises and micro-firms unity 72 411 70 251 -2 160
Small business shares:
Gross domestic product % 54,7 54,2 -0,5
Industry % 27,2 25,3 -1,9
Agriculture, forestry and fisheries % 98,1 97,8 -0,3
Investment % 44,3 50,3 6,0
Construction % 76,6 72,1 -4,5
Trade % 85,0 81,4 -3,6
Services % 53,5 52,4 -1,1
Shipping % 54,3 52,3 -2,0
Cargo turnover % 77,9 76,7 -1,2
Passenger transportation % 91,2 94,3 3,1
Passenger turnover % 95,1 96,4 1,3
Export % 26,2 17,6 -8,6
Import % 61,1 51,4 -9,7
According to the table, the growth rates of small businesses across industries fall in the service sector, i.e. passenger traffic and passenger turnover. It was observed that 94.3% of passenger traffic and 96.4% of passenger traffic. It can also be seen that investment in small business and private entrepreneurship also has a high share. The rest of the small business indicators listed in the table show no increase compared to 2019. Conversely, GDP fell by 0.5%, industry by 1.9%, and agriculture, forestry, and fisheries by 0.3%.
The basic principle of the organization of the production process is the principle of its differentiation, that is, the division into separate parts (redistribution, stages, operations). Based on this principle, the whole technology of conversion of raw materials into finished products, ie a series of separate manipulations with the object of labor, is carried out sequentially or simultaneously.
In our opinion, the formation of a system of organization of production in small businesses is the same as the formation of a system of organization of all types of production: it is expedient to implement it on the basis of both structural and functional approach. The following subsystems are distinguished in the formation on the basis of a structural approach: selection, installation of the necessary equipment, ensuring its rational use in terms of power and time; selection,
3 Source: State Statistics Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan Socio-economic situation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 2020, Tashkent, 243 p.
installation of the necessary equipment, ensuring its rational use in terms of power and time; organization of labor facilities (selection of raw materials and ensuring the maximum production of suitable products); organization of labor (selection and placement of qualified personnel and the creation of conditions for their effective use in the production process).
The functional approach is implemented in the selection of the following subsystems: organization of production, including a subsystem of product quality assurance; production flows, services and production; organization of logistics; organization of economic processes, sales and social processes within production.
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