THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF RURAL AREAS (TOGO) Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Malacoubame Kolani, Hanchar Andrei I.

The conservative approach to development sustainability focuses primarily on the preservation of resources and transmitting them to future generations, while at the same time the main objective of the system is to reproduce and renew the natural resources already used. The evolutionary approach; considers a development from the perspective that global changes are occurring in the environment. It consists of making adjustments, which in turn will allow the evolution of the trajectory of society as a whole.

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26.Номоконов В.А. О стратегии борьбы с коррупцией. // Коррупция и борьба с ней. Сб. А.И. Долгова (Ред.) М.: Российская криминологическая ассоциация. 2004. С. 263-271. [Nomokonov V.A. O strategii bor'by s korrupciej. // Korrupcija i bor'ba s nej. Sb. A.I. Dolgova (Red.) M.: Rossijskaja kriminologicheskaja associacija. 2004: 263-271. (In Russ).]

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29.Антикоррупционная политика. Уч. пособие для студентов по специальностям: управление, экономика, право, социология, политика. / Региональное Общество Фонд «Информатика для демократии «Фонд «Индем». Под ред. Г.А. Сатарова. - М.; «Спас» 2004. - 368 с. ; Левин М., Сатаров Г. Коррупция в России: классификация и динамика. // Вопросы экономики. 2012. № 10. С. 430. [Antikorrupcionnaja politika. Uch. posobie dlja studentov po special'nostjam: upravlenie, jekonomika, pravo, sociologija, politika. / Regional'noe Obshhestvo Fond «Informatika dlja demokratii «Fond «Indem». Pod red. G.A. Satarova. - M.; «Spas» 2004; 368. ; Levin M., Satarov G. Korrupcija v Rossii: klassifikacija i dinamika. // Voprosy jekonomiki. 2012; (10): 4-30. (In Russ).]

30.В. Клейнер. Коррупция в России, Россия в коррупции: есть ли выход? // Вопросы экономики. 2014. № 6 С. 81-96. ; Acemoglu D., Robinson J.A. Economics versus Politics: Pitfalls of Policy Advice // Journal of Economic Perspective / 2013. Vol. 27, No 2 P.173-192 [V. Klejner. Korrupcija v Rossii, Rossija v korrupcii: est' li vyhod? // Voprosy jekonomiki. 2014; (6): 81-96. (In Russ). ; Acemoglu D., Robinson J.A. Economics versus Politics: Pitfalls of Policy Advice // Journal of Economic Perspective. 2013; Vol. 27, (2): 173-192.]


DOI: 10.31618/ESU.2413-9335.2021.8.84.1312 Malacoubame Kolani, Hanchar Andrei I.

EI «Grodno State Agrarian University»


The conservative approach to development sustainability focuses primarily on the preservation of resources and transmitting them to future generations, while at the same time the main objective of the system is to reproduce and renew the natural resources already used. The evolutionary approach; considers a development from the perspective that global changes are occurring in the environment. It consists of making adjustments, which in turn will allow the evolution of the trajectory of society as a whole.

Keywords: sustainable development, evolutionary approach, economic system, rural problems, GDP, NDP, energy, Agro-industrial.

The evolutionary scenario involves the ecology of the economy, agriculture, the introduction of forward-looking innovations that respond to the challenges of the time (e.g. global warming), the orientation towards activities such as increasing the share of organic production, compliance with the climate agreements of bets. On this basis, it seems to us that a promising and favourable scenario for sustainable development is an evolutionary approach that, first, allows the rational use of available natural resources, and secondly, to preserve environmental resources, which in general will reduce the level of negative impact on changes in the environment. Despite this, according to L.G. Miller, the phrase "sustainable development" is a contradiction so from the point of view of content; sustainability and development. Thus sustainability is a firmness that is characterized by consistency, while development is certainly a concept in dynamics and having a sign of progressive or regressive variability. On the basis of this it is worth noting that the nature of the sustainable

development of the territory represents such a development of the socio-environmental and economic system, which is characterized by a very positive performance of the system in a stable state. The transition to sustainable development determines the search for new species of socio-economic development. It is not only at the level of countries or regions, but also in rural areas, where the preconditions for sustainable development are not developed. In addition, the emphasis on rural development is necessary for the village to reach a new level of development to tackle rural problems. The sustainable development of the rural community is also an ecologically, economically, socially reproductive and advanced development. This is a higher level and improve the quality of life of the rural population in a context of investment strategies. The table 1 provides a comparative analysis of existing views on the definition of "sustainable development".

Table 1.

Systematization of approaches to the definition of "sustainable development"

Authors Definition Approach characteristics

V.A. Koptug A model of social development in which the basic needs of life for present and all generations are met Conservative

Brundtland Commission Report Development in which generations meet their needs without deprive future generations of the ability to meet their own needs,

International Union for conservation This development, which brings a real improvement in people's quality of life and at the same time preserves the earth's natural diversity.

World Bank Managing the company's total capital to preserve and increase human capacity System

A.D. Ursul Management of social and natural development balanced by the system, not destroying the natural environment and ensuring the survival and security indefinitely existence of civilization

N.S. Davydova, O.I. Timofeeva Development that does not lead to irreversible changes in human habitat.

Analysis of the concepts presented from the systemic approach, shows that the authors are previously for sustainable development, so this approach includes:

Conservation and reproduction functions, which warrants careful treatment of available natural resources. The aim is to reproduce, enhance and transfer these to the future generation.

At the same time, the long-term global changes that are taking place on the planet affect the level of development of socio-economic systems, this dependence reflects the evolutionary approach to sustainable development of societies. Sustainability will be observed when a balance is achieved in the territory. The impact of climate change, and counter unwanted changes in the environment in order to obtain better living conditions and economic activities. Based on the selected approaches, we proposed scenario options for the sustainable development of socioeconomic systems, maintaining security and favourable environmental situation.

In a system scenario, the sustainable development process aims to restore natural resources through the development and implementation of natural resources. These targeted national and regional recovery programs are made up of forest, aquatic and land funds.

In conclusion, sustainable economic development is the support of the territories to the expansion of production, from the development of diversified agricultural and non-agricultural activities to small and medium-sized enterprises through the development of agricultural consumer cooperatives to improve the quality of life of the rural population, which unlike poor countries do not exist. The vision is to effectively use the territory's existing potential in all areas of rural economic development, and to expand the list of factors influencing the socio-economic development of poor areas, which include the socio-economic development of the environment, hence the development of tourism, which include the socio-economic evolution of rural areas, and economic, social and environmental factors.

In Togo, economic growth remained strong over the decade, averaging around 5%. In 2017, Togo's GDP per capita was $617. In 2018, this figure increased to $682, an increase of about 11%.

Investments in energy and transport infrastructure increased the investment rate from 12% to 26% of GDP over the period 2012-2015, and boosted economic growth estimated at 5.1% for 2019. However, these expenditures increased the risk of debt unsustainability by raising the debt ratio to over 80% of GDP in 2016. As part of a macroeconomic program (2017-2019) aimed at lowering the debt ratio below 70 % of GDP in 2020, state capital expenditure has been reduced by more than 40%. Despite this, growth picked up, 4.9% in 2018 and 5.1% in 2019, thanks to the initiation of reforms to expand the budgetary space, improve the business climate, and support the energy, agro-industrial and logistics sectors and digital [1].

Fiscal tightness and the decline in capital spending reduced the budget deficit from 8.3% of GDP in 2016 to 2.7% in 2019. The current account improved from a deficit of 9.9% of GDP in 2016 to 3% in 2018 following the drop of more than 20% in imports which marked the end of major infrastructure works. The unemployment rate was 3.4% in 2015 with high underemployment at 24.9%. The poverty rate is 53%, with a Gini index of 0.38, reflecting notable inequalities. The consumption expenditure of the richest 25% is 2.5 times that of the poorest 25%. Favorable and unfavorable factors the economic outlook is encouraging, with growth expected to reach 5.3% in 2020, and 5.5% in 2021, thanks to prudent monetary management and good agricultural performance. The debt ratio is expected to be below 70% of GDP in 2020, with an average budget deficit of 2.1% of GDP. The current account deficit is expected to reach 5.2% of GDP in 2020 and 5% in 2021.

Public finance reforms and improvement of the business environment have enabled Togo to gain several places in the "doing Business" reports for 2019 and 2020. Following the successful execution of the macroeconomic reform program, Standard & Poor's

called Togo's debt low risk. In the Human Development Index, Togo is ranked 165th out of 188 countries. The mismatch between training and available jobs results in major pressures on the job market, especially for higher education graduates. The economy is not very diversified, with a small industrial fabric and low manufacturing value added (16% of GDP on average in 2015-2018). The credits allocated to the agro-industrial sector do not exceed on average 0.5% of the credits to the economy, while the agricultural sector is the one which employs the most people. Institutional inertia and project structuring deadlines slow down the dynamics of change and structural weaknesses reduce the efficiency of public investments.

Public finance reforms and improvement of the business environment have enabled Togo to gain several places in the "doing Business" reports for 2019 and 2020. Following the successful execution of the macroeconomic reform program, Standard & Poor's called Togo's debt low risk. In the Human Development Index, Togo is ranked 165th out of 188 countries. The mismatch between training and available jobs results in major pressures on the job market, especially for higher education graduates. The economy is not very diversified, with a small industrial fabric and low manufacturing value added (16% of GDP on average in 2015-2018). The credits allocated to the agro-industrial sector do not exceed on average 0.5% of the credits to the economy, while the agricultural sector is the one which employs the most people. Institutional inertia and project structuring deadlines slow down the dynamics of change and structural weaknesses reduce the efficiency of public investments.

Thus, this small analysis of the socio-economic indicators of Togo shows the promising directions of growth of the country's economy.

A concept adopted for the sustainable rural and urban development of the Togolese Republic until 2022. Is a system of legal, financial, tourism, economic and institutional measures, defining the activities of the government (NDP), Adopted by the Government of Togo on 3 August 2018 and officially launched on 4 March 2019, the National Development Plan (NDP) is a five-year strategic document covering the period 2018-2022, which aims to structurally transform the Togolese economy. In Togo, local officials ensure the improvement, efficiency of the rural economy, and the quality level of the rural population, as well as the conservation, use and reproduction of the potential of the rural natural resources of the territory [2].

At present, there has been a change in the center for the adoption of management decisions at the regional level, determined by their role and importance in implementing important socio-economic challenges of the state, which updates the need for the development of sustainable development programs for regions and their rural areas.

It is important to change the trajectory of the transition to sustainable development and that of traditional society to economic society, where important attention is paid to environmental security. Ensuring sustainable development is not the growth of economic indicators, it also achieves a quality of life of

the population with the positive dynamics of the complex socio-environmental and economic indicators.

However, as practice has shown, development is a complex outcome, due to a large number of interconnected elements and their direct impact on sustainable development. Thus rural development processes are still in an unbalanced state.

Given the benefits and shortcomings of the author's land sustainability assessment methods, it is possible to formulate the basic principles necessary to develop a methodology for assessing the sustainability of the region's development.

• The principle of universality is an opportunity to use techniques developed for any regional system. The ability to use the technique reduces its laborious calculation, the inaccessibility of getting statistics. The weight of the indicators is implemented on the basis of evaluation and weighting indicator choices, by experts or the method of economic and mathematical calculation. The weight of the factors determines the importance and determines the degree of influence on the final integral indicator of the stability of the development of the territory.

• The principle of proportional results is important because the sustainability of the region's development has a characteristic dynamic that determines the importance of the time criterion. Systemic stability must be measured cyclically, at equal intervals.

• The principle of the systician reflects the moment of symbiosis of the environmental, economic and social content of development indicators. Therefore, a systematic approach to evaluating the development of these indicators is necessary, and this requirement satisfies the methodology on the basis of a comprehensive approach. Compliance with these principles in the development and construction of the methodology the evaluation of the regional sustainable development system will allow it to be sequenced. However, there have been few methodical framework studies to assess the sustainable development of rural areas, it should be noted that today their basic role of regional development is increasing. Currently, the state of the agricultural sector in African countries is characterized by a combination of socio - economic problems, a transition to a market system, the solution of which is possible within the framework of sustainable development. This is shown by the concept adopted a few years ago for the development of rural areas of the Togolese nation, where special attention is paid to the preservation and development of the natural potential of rural areas and the social infrastructure of the village. Our country's agricultural industry has always been the sector that employs more young people at the same time, products are low-income and labour-intensive have ensured the development of rural areas, allowing the creation of jobs and agricultural products. Structural changes in the country's agricultural sector over the past 20 years have had a positive impact on regional agricultural development indicators.

In the 1990s, rural areas were in a state of stagnation, the extinction of villages was a consequence of the exodus of people to cities, caused by the lack of

jobs and, consequently, the sources of income. These village problems required a certain approach to restoring life in rural areas and preserving culture in rural settlements. Structural imbalances of rural development developing new priorities in regional policy support and develop the village. One way to bring the territories of the stagnant state chooses a trajectory on their sustainable development. In the implementation of this area, a role plays not only the state of the environment of rural areas, but also the level of socio-economic development of the region, which is expressed assessment of its competitiveness.

Therefore, in order to meet the challenges, we believe it is necessary to assess the competitiveness of the territory and determine its vital role in the transition to sustainable development.

Bibliographic list

1. Togo: the African Development Bank's stimulating support opens up opportunities for young agricultural entrepreneurs: / African Development Bank Group [Electronic resource]. -URL: https://www.afdb.org/en?fbclid=IwAR1XEcqbf T0ocRwKd39yy6V0Weg49Jv6WMRlBPXaPt7oJJjP6 Sbj47YoVcs.-access. - Access date.01.11.2020.

2. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations / FAOLEX database [Electronic resource]. - URL: http://www.fao.org/faolex/results/details/fr/c/LEX-FAOC184778/ -access. - Access date.01.11.2020.

УДК 331.52


DOI: 10.31618/ESU.2413-9335.2021.8.84.1313 Гладких Роман Андреевич

аспирант кафедры «Экономика и бухгалтерский учет», Забайкальский государственный университет 672039 г. Чита ул. Александро-Заводская, д. 30


Статья содержит в себе анализ масштабов неформального сектора и неформальной занятости, исследованы возрастные, гендерные и отраслевые особенности ее формирования. Исследованы причины, способствующие расширению масштабов данной деятельности, предложены меры по снижению уровня неформальной (теневой) занятости.


The article contains an analysis of the scale of the informal sector and informal employment, examines the age, gender and sectoral characteristics of its formation. The reasons that contribute to the expansion of the scale of this activity are investigated, measures are proposed to reduce the level of informal (shadow) employment.

Ключевые слова: неформальная занятость, неофициальная занятость, неформальный сектор, теневая экономика, рынок труда, налоги, заработная плата.

Key words: informal employment, informal employment, informal sector, shadow economy, labor market, taxes, wages.

В настоящее время проблема неформальной (неофициальной) занятости в России становится всё боле и более актуальной, так по мнению независимых экспертов её масштабы существенно выше, нежели в других странах с развитой экономикой.

Над данной проблемой теневой экономики трудилось множество ученых, как зарубежных, так и наших соотечественников, а именно: Буров В.Ю. [1], Бобкова В.Н. [2], Голованов Е.Б [3], Харт К. [4], Э. де Сото [5], Ямала Г. [6].

Понятие термину неформальное занятости было впервые дано 1973 году, антропологом Кейтом Хартом в своей работе «Неформальные доходы и городская занятость в Гане» [4]. Его исследования показали, что большая часть трудящегося населения в малом и среднем бизнесе практически не контактируют с официальной экономикой. Вместе с К. Хартом значимый вклад в дальнейшее изучение внес перуанский экономист Эрнандо де Сото в своей книге «Иной путь» [5].

Следует выделить доцента, доктора экономических наук Бурова В.Ю. Он считает, что теневая экономика не присуща какому-либо конкретному государству, данной проблемой страдают абсолютно все страны мира, разняться лишь её масштабы: «Многие виды теневой экономики (например, уклонение от налогов) объясняются во многом именно недостатками государственного регулирования -

бюрократизацией управления, слишком высокими налогами и т.д. Однако, следует ясно отдавать себе отчет, что даже самая лучшая система централизованного управления может уменьшить масштабы теневой экономики, но никак не ликвидировать ее. И, что даже при самых минимальных налогах какая-то доля налогоплательщиков обязательно будет уклоняться от их уплаты» [1 с. 29].

На данный момент отсутствует как таковое единственное определение данного феномена -неофициальные трудовые отношения

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