Научная статья на тему 'Theoretical aspects of wood resources cost formation'

Theoretical aspects of wood resources cost formation Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — Preshkin Н.

Статья посвящена теоретическим аспектам формирования стоимости лесных ресурсов и интенсификации использования лесных насаждений для устойчивого роста эффективности лесопользования и воспроизводства лесов в условиях новой экономики.

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The paper deals with theoretical aspects of cost forming and rational use of wood resources for steady growth of forestry efficiency and reproduction of woods in new economy.

Текст научной работы на тему «Theoretical aspects of wood resources cost formation»


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H. Preshkin, Cand. Tech. Soi., Department of "Economy and Management", Ural state timber university, Ekaterinburg, Russia, hpreshkin@usfeu.ru


Т/*онцепция новой экономики предопределяет сбалансированное использование всех видов при-Â. V родных ресурсов с их воспроизводством (естественным и искусственным) при одновременном повышении качества жизни людей за счет индустриализации жизненного пространства.

Внутренний стратегический стимул роста экономической эффективности использования доступных и возобновляемых лесных ресурсов заключается в увеличении объемов их потребления и адекватного воспроизводства при существенном росте добавленной стоимости в стоимости лесных продуктов. Задача адекватного лесопользования и воспроизводства лесных материальных ресурсов носит не только территориальную направленность, она одновременно включает в себя воспроизводство стоимости полезных функций лесов, которая, по оценкам многих специалистов, много ценнее стоимости древесных ресурсов и должна включаться в потребительскую стоимость.

Жизнь заставляет перейти к парадигме новой экономики, основные принципы которой составляют переход к рациональным ресурсосберегающим и экологически перспективным технологиям природопользования. Именно экологические факторы воспроизводства лесных ресурсов являются регуляторами оценки экономически рационального лесопользования отраслями лесного комплекса на качественно иных принципах новой экономики.

The economic sphere of action of internal and external factors in formation of cost of wood resources is multicoherent and variable integrity which develops of the processes adjoining to each other, of circuits of different dimensions. They can be investigated, allocating in bowels of integrity of object of an estimation steady qualitative and quantitative parameters of a condition of elements biocenotic formations. Such formation should reproduce itself conditions of the existence, i. e. in a basis of any qualitative definiteness the closed circuit of different quality processes and functions (cycles) lays. Cycles (revolutions of partial cutting), as against disconnected circuits (clear cutting), are capable to active reproduction and consequently can develop rather independently and steadily for the period of average life expectancy of the person. The concept of new economy predetermines balanced use of all kinds of natural resources with their reproduction (natural and artificial) at simultaneous improvement of quality of a life of people due to industrialization ofvital space.

The ecological wood system has variety not only structures (types of woods), but also the major biotic and unbiotic factors of the processes proceeding in these structures. The question is accumulation of cost of material streams of the wood blessings and indissoluble qualitative growth of potential of useful functions of woods. In ecosystem the cost of resource (material) streams are based on structural elements of the lowest dimension, on the bottom borders (rates of forest taxes, etc.), - this feature in the greater degree is caused by external factors (more often the transport component authorized by authorities by a technique of calculations of rates, taxes for ecosystem's services ofthe wood grounds, etc.).

For material streams this or that variant of a principle of preservation of weight, substance, volume, quantity is characteristic, are external displays of development of system. Potentials of useful functions of woods are distributed on the top borders of value ecosystems, forming an ecological cost estimation of territory which then

№ 8 (16) ОКТЯБРЬ 2011


журнал научных публикаций Ж

forms requirements1. Thus, the system as though forks, becomes dual, is simultaneously both a material stream, and potential of useful functions of woods. Material streams as a whole for economy of region form internal and external restrictions. The material steady stream of profitableness from use of the wood blessings is a natural regulator of growth of "home market" of the enterprise, transforming social system in social ecology and economic system through a limit of inexhaustible uses ofthe natural wood blessings2.

Russian forest users of wood resources, first of all in the forest settlements, for strengthening of their status are obliged to create to itselfpermanent compact forest base, using opportunities of an item 9 Wood Codes ofthe Russian Federation, in particular, the right oftermless using forest plots for its formation to not appear insolvent socially and economically - to become outsiders in the markets of wood products. The internal strategic stimulus of growth of economic efficiency of use by the owner of accessible and renewed wood resources consists in increase in volumes of their consumption and the adequate reproduction, essential growth of the added cost in cost of wood products due to perfection of productions on the basis of modern systems of machines, management, deep processing of initial raw material with use of small waste technologies3. Then the gain of internal cost potential of profitableness will serve as the economic lever of stability which will allow at long-term planning social, ecology and economic activity of the enterprises smoothly to lift a degree of quality of a life of the local population, to smooth influence of sharp fluctuations of external factors and systematically to invest deductions from incomes of economic activities on actions on reproduction of wood resources, development of a road transport infrastructure, wood land improvement ofthe boggy grounds, etc.

The major estimated parameter of an overall performance of imperious bodies and basic component of growth of internal economy of wood territories of region is stable reproduction of the population - society which shows to economy growing inquiries not only about social and material components of life-support at settling not mastered wood territories. Now in Russia accustoms about 0,1 volumes ofthe annual allowable final cut, to Sverdlovsk area it is about 30

% that shows on insufficient attention of regional authorities to development of the wood cutting as the first raw beginning of complex use of wood resources in various wood consumption branches of production with the high added cost. Russia for preservation of the status of wood power now cannot and should not reduce up to such degree forest usage and manufacture of wood products of the first-rate quality4. On the contrary, Russia should increase at 3-10 time the presence in the internal and external markets of wood products and create workplaces for Russians.

The problem of adequate reproduction of wood resources carries not only a material orientation, it simultaneously includes reproduction of a complex of useful wood functions which, according to many economists, it is a lot of higher the cost of wood resources. To satisfaction of spiritual and improving inquiries of Russians in active and careful dialogue with the nature is served with recreational and other useful functions of woods, other natural objects. The person should become an imperative in new economy5.

The society will undertake all necessary efforts to provide the existence and development, generating demand for consumer, natural and social resources. It is important, that this demand was solvent, i. e. is supported by growing incomes -wages, tax transfers, budgetary grants, etc. For this purpose it is necessary to the fibro consummating and woodworking enterprises of forest branch to incorporate ecological basic funds - natural renewed resources with the right oftermless using the forest plots, forming territory of permanent raw base of the concrete enterprise. Then the society of settlement, region will find stable development even if on it active external demand temporarily will decrease. The matter is that forest user - the owner does not release itself from necessity to compete for the natural resources by decrease the resource capacity rate of his manufactures, to raise external competitiveness, prestige and demand for the goods and services, to carry burden ofcharges on reproduction ofwoods, etc.

The threshold consumption level of the material and social wood blessings corresponds to the maximal economic expenses for restoration of ecological and raw potential of the ecosystem. The technique of an estimation of efficiency of the means enclosed in reproduction of wood resources in the author's approach is based on classification of


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ecological investments, revealing of their potential, a share from interaction, interrelation and effect of interface. The more considerable the volume of economic expenses is used, the less will be profitableness from traditional forest busyness on the initial stage. Therefore manufacture of wood products with the high added cost becomes inducing stimulus to growth price and expenditure efforts. In conditions when the range external - not necessarily export - cost of a commodity unit is known, as a rule, it is uniform for all enterprises of the region which are letting out the given wood product of a certain degree of quality. However internal cost of a product in every of the enterprise is different. The cost independently is present at its criterion function, relying on an opportunity of the limited resources. Precisely as not for any wood product there can be predicted enough a range of its market cost. Scope of fluctuations depends on character of demand of consumers of the given kind and quality of the goods, and also inducing influence of the prices of other commodity groups. Such prices of the response have the nature of dual estimations of the limited resources received during the decision of a dual optimizing task. Our experience of decision the numerical optimizing tasks for various natural, industrial and economic conditions has shown on efficiency of use of results of the decision not only initial, but also dual optimizing tasks by variants of formation of cost of wood resources as round wood products. For filling economic-mathematical models by the concrete contents the new regional specifications for a technical and economic estimation of wood resources were required. Results of our optimizing calculations of use of volumetrical and qualitative properties of wood resources on set of scripts of statements of tasks were applied in procedures of decision-making on practicable plans of current use of forest and a production potentialities applied to the concrete enterprises and regions as a whole6-1.

For the concrete enterprises results of decisions optimizing tasks appeared rather useful to a complex estimation of potential of cost of objects of the wood real estate with application of a principle of the best and the most effective utilization. This principle assumes preparation of scripts of conjuncture for an estimation of economically accessible potential of the round wood products on forest plots by a choice of the best and most effective plan of manufacture which is properly technologically proved and financial

feasible, corresponds to the current legislation, and thus opportunities of ecological reproduction of the wood environment are most full realized.

Thus, for preservation of the status of great wood power it is necessary to increase cardinally consumption of wood resources for manufacture of wood products and deliveries of them, first of all, by a home market.

Ecological factors of reproduction of wood resources are regulators of an estimation economically rational forest usage as one of kinds of wildlife management by branches of a wood complex on qualitative other principles of new economy8. So, steady development and dimension social systems on the expediency should in norm correspond to reproduction potential of the ecological systems. It causes necessity ofexistence of scientifically proved limit of number of people for wood settlement, as town-planning specification at which normal maintenance of the population with all resources for ability to live and satisfaction of spiritual needs in conditions of natural reproduction of an inhabitancy is achieved, i

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5. http://www.gmu.edu/departments/economics/facultybios/smith. html (дата обращения: 26.09.2011).

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7. Preshkin H. A. Model of optimization the assortment plans / Coll. scientific works: Problems of optimum planning / Institute of Economy and the Organization of Industrial Production. - Novosibirsk: Publ. house of IE & OIP Academia of Science of USSR (Siberian Branch), 1976. P. 52 - 54.

8. Ecological indicators of quality of growth regional economy / Supervised by I. P. Glazyrina, I. M. Potravny; Moscow: NIA- NATURE, 2006.

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