Научная статья на тему 'Theoretical and methodological identification of the concept of “marketing communications” (archetypal approach)'

Theoretical and methodological identification of the concept of “marketing communications” (archetypal approach) Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Ключевые слова
marketing communications / public administration / archetypal approach / civil society and the state. / маркетинговые коммуникации / государственное управление / архетипический подход / гражданское общество / государство.

Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Romanenko Yevhen Aleksandrovych, Chaplay Iryna Vіtalіivna, Hurkovskyy Vladimir Іgorovich

In the article its determined that instruments of prospective marketing communications are an effective means of providing to the mechanisms of public administration the dynamics of development, trends of which should meet the complex of needs and requests of citizens-consumers; analysed the features of formation and development; indicated on that marketing provides communications, eventually, more gravity toward the formation of civil society through democratization of governance mechanisms.

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В статье определено, что инструменты перспективных маркетинговых коммуникаций составляют эффективные средства оказания механизмам государственного управления динамики развития, направления которого должны соответствовать комплексу потребностей и запросов граждан-потребителей; проанализированы особенности их становления и развития; указано, что маркетинговые коммуникации обеспечивают в конце концов все большее тяготение в сторону формирования гражданского общества через демократизацию механизмов государственного управления.

Текст научной работы на тему «Theoretical and methodological identification of the concept of “marketing communications” (archetypal approach)»


Romanenko Yevhen Aleksandrovych,

Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Professor, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine, President of the Ukrainian Assembly of Doctors of Science in public administration, Head of the Department of Public Administration, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, 03039, Kyiv, Str. Frometovskaya, 2, tel.: (044) 490 95 00, e-mail:poboss@ukr.net

ORCID: 0000-0003-2285-0543 Романенко €вген Олександрович, доктор наук з державного управлтня, професор, Заслужений юрист Украти, Президент Всеукрaïнськоï aсaмблеï док-торiв наук з державного управлтня, завi-дувач кафедри публгчного адмжструван-ня, Мiжрегiонaльнa Акaдемiя управлтня персоналом, 03039, м. Кшв, вул. Фроме-тiвськa, 2, тел.: (044) 490 95 00, e-mail: poboss@ukr.net

ORCID: 0000-0003-2285-0543 Романенко Евгений Александрович,

доктор наук по государственному управлению, профессор, Заслуженный юрист Украины, Президент Всеукраинской ассамблеи докторов наук по государственному управлению, заведующий кафедрой публичного администрирования, Межрегиональная Академия управления персоналом, 03039, г. Киев, ул. Фрометовская, 2, тел.: (044) 490 95 00, e-mail: poboss@ukr.net ORCID: 0000-0003-2285-0543 Chaplay Iryna Vitaliivna, PhD in Public Administration, Executive Director of the Presidium of the civic scientific organization, "Ukrainian Assembly of doctors of science in public administration", Assistant professor of the Department of Public Administration, Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, 03039, Kyiv, Str. Frometovskaya, 2, (063) 951 78 55, e-mail: irina_pravo@ukr.net

ORCID: 0000-0003-4927-0610

Чаплай 1рина Вталйвна,

кандидат наук з державного управлтня, Виконавчий директор Президiï Всеукрат-ськт aсaмблеï докторв наук з державного управлтня, доцент кафедри публгчного ад-

мтстрування, Мгжрегюнальна Академия управлтня персоналом, 03039, м. Kuïe, вул. Фромет1вська, 2, тел.: (063) 951 78 55, e-mail: irina_pravo@ukr.net

ORCID: 0000-0003-4927-0610 Чаплай Ирина Витальевна, кандидат наук по государственному управлению, Исполнительный директор Президиума Всеукраинской ассамблеи докторов наук по государственному управлению, доцент кафедры публичного администрирования, Межрегиональная Академия управления персоналом, 03039, г. Киев, ул. Фрометовская, 2, тел.: (063) 951 78 55, e-mail: irina_pravo@ukr.net

ORCID: 0000-0003-4927-0610

Hurkovskyy Vladimir Igorovich,

Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Professor of the Dept. of Information Policy and Electronic Governance, National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, 03057, Kyiv, Str. Eugene Pottier, 20, Apt. 215, tel.: (044) 455-69-66, e-mail:general@academy.gov.ua

ORCID: 0000-0003-2021-5204

Гурковський Володимир 1горович,

доктор наук з державного управлтня, професор кафедри iнформацiйноï полтики та електронного урядування, Национальна академiя державного управлтня при Прези-дентовi Украти, 03057, м. Кшв, вул. Ежена Потье, 20, кшн. 215, тел.: (044) 455-69-66, e-mail: general@academy.gov.ua

ORCID: 0000-0003-2021-5204

Гурковский Владимир Игоревич,

доктор наук по государственному управлению, профессор кафедры информационной политики и электронного управления, Национальная академия государственного управления при Президенте Украины, 03057, г. Киев, ул. Эжена Потье, 20, комн. 215, тел.: (044) 455-69-66, e-mail:general@academy.gov.ua

ORCID: 0000-0003-2021-5204


of "marketing communications"

(ARCHETYPAL approach)

Abstract. In the article its determined that instruments of prospective marketing communications are an effective means of providing to the mechanisms

of public administration the dynamics of development, trends of which should meet the complex of needs and requests of citizens-consumers; analysed the features of formation and development; indicated on that marketing provides communications, eventually, more gravity toward the formation of civil society through democratization of governance mechanisms.

Keywords: marketing communications, public administration, archetypal approach, civil society and the state.


Анотащя. У статт визначено, що шструменти перспективних марке-тингових комушкацш становлять ефективнi засоби надання мехашзмам державного управлiння динамiки розвитку, напрями якого повинш вщпо-вiдати комплексу потреб та запипв громадян-споживачiв; проаналiзовано особливостi 1хнього становлення та розвитку; вказано, що маркетинговi ко-мушкацп забезпечують врештi-решт все бiльше тяжшня в бiк формування громадянського сустльства через демократизацiю механiзмiв державного управлшня.

Ключовi слова: маркетинговi комунiкацiï, державне управлшня, архе-типний пiдхiд, громадянське сусшльство, держава.


Аннотация. В статье определено, что инструменты перспективных маркетинговых коммуникаций составляют эффективные средства оказания механизмам государственного управления динамики развития, направления которого должны соответствовать комплексу потребностей и запросов граждан-потребителей; проанализированы особенности их становления и развития; указано, что маркетинговые коммуникации обеспечивают в конце концов все большее тяготение в сторону формирования гражданского общества через демократизацию механизмов государственного управления.

Ключевые слова: маркетинговые коммуникации, государственное управление, архетипический подход, гражданское общество, государство.

Target setting. Today, the issue of public-civil partnership becomes of national importance.

The use of modern means of communication, in this case, is the subject of research and development of new com-

munication structures and processes that led to a change in the social and communicative environment of a modern democratic society.

During the last quarter of the century, marketing shows a strong tendency

to expand of their approaches, ways of thinking, and communicative technologies in activity of state bodies. That is why it is important to evaluate the real prerequisites of the use of marketing communications in government, but also summarize some of the trends of their development and formation.

Analysis of the recent publications. Some theoretical and practical principles of the use of marketing communications in the mechanisms of governance explored in the works of such scholars as V. Homolska, S. Dubenko, A. Ivanytska, I. Koliushko, Kravchen-ko, S. Martov, R. Naumenko, M. Okla-nder, K. Romanenko, Y. Romanenko, Y. Romat, V. Tymoshchuk, T. Fedorov, I. Chaplay and others.

The purpose of the article is the reasoning of the archetypal approach to theoretical and methodological determination of the definition of "marketing communications."

The main material research. Adequate understanding of the essence of marketing communications is essential in today's conditions because it can correctly identify goals, objectives, types and their function as a means of bringing of the activity of the central and local government bodies and their apparatus in the line with the needs of social groups, acting as against the object of said activity.

The results of the study lead to the following conclusions:

1. Among the scientists, marketing specialists from the state marketing has no universally accepted definition of the term "marketing communications". Marketing communications are considered as philosophy and tools of the activity of public authorities, resulting

from the theory and practice of various scientific schools of public administration and marketing [1, p. 107].

2. Marketing communications is a set of related marketing tools that perform information, teamwork, integration and persuasive role in government. Inside the body of the government plays an important role hierarchical division of responsibilities between employees, forming the specific needs of communications, community and two sided intentions of the workers, especially the rules of communication. Hierarchical system of communication, writ-prescriptive should be reformatted to the system socially determined by the needs and demands of citizens' communications [2].

3. Marketing communications as the system has its functions, methods, tasks for implementation types. The main functions of marketing communications are the following:

• information — the transfer of data from public authorities to citizens;

• interactive (motivational) — the interaction between citizens and public services, coordination, impact on attitudes and beliefs, behavior, through the use of various forms of influence and manipulation;

• perceptive — public perception of the media and the establishment on this basis of understanding;

• expressive — the changing nature of excitation or emotional unrest of citizens [3].

Under the methods of marketing communication a set of means of communication influence that provides administrative reform by the social content and system-procedural nature is understand. And then there is

the mechanism of gradual orientation of public administration in general, on the needs of society and social actors. It provides, in the end, more gravity toward the formation of civil society through the democratization of governance.

However, because of this process is overcome of insertions of the shares of improvement of new tools of marketing communication of public administration. So this is not about narrowing of the functions of government, but rather of giving it a social dimension in the context of the formation of social and market factors of management activities [4; 5].

Regarding of the tasks of implementation of marketing communications, they require the formation and further providing of the scientific foundation of the realization of principles and mechanisms of government by the marketing communications, based on the achievements of modern ICT world level [6].

Consider some types of marketing communications that currently allow to provide the exchange of information.

The first type — interpersonal. At this stage, the main task of communication is the transfer of data and information from one person to another. In the mechanisms of governance this interpersonal exchange process is most important, since clearly perfected the system allows to instantly react on the slightest change, search and posing of new challenges. All this allows qualitatively coordinate goals and objectives with employees. In terms of interpersonal communication feedback plays the main role. This feedback makes two-way communication process. With the help of feedback manager or coordi-

nator can give a correct assessment of how clearly and effectively it communicates and, therefore, increase the work of signals [7].

The second type — a small group communication. Typically, these groups formed with several people who receive or send some information. Often in the mechanisms of government small groups called "departments" or "divisions". Departments and divisions are important for state and local agencies, because of their activities in a large extent depends the effectiveness of the mechanisms of governance.

The third type — public communication. In this type of communication one speaker transmits announcement to the audience where feedback is practically nonexistent. Public communication links are quite common in the mechanisms of government as meetings, conferences, ceremonies and simple assembly.

The fourth type — internal operational communication. This is structured communication within the department, that directly aimed on the achieving of the objectives of governance mechanisms in the form of individual development plans.

Fifth — communications networks. Network are created directly by managers and consist of three types of communication: diagonal, horizontal and vertical. These links can be established between the leadership and carried out between parts of the structure or equal to the level of individuals. The network of this relationships forms the real structure of governance mechanisms. The objective of this structure — to provide to the communication flows right direction. If the management will

be able correctly calculate and create a certain network, you can see how well developed communication and how they affect on the management of the system of public administration in general [7].

One of the main points is that the human communication takes place via verbal and nonverbal communication. In verbal communication information is transmitted in different ways: in the dialogue, in negotiations, meetings, telephone conversations, that is when the largest amount of relevant information is passed to each other through voice communication.

It's no secret that the man during intercourse, uses only 10 % of the developed communications. Non-verbal communication made through speech and language of gestures. Language of the gestures — the main component of nonverbal communication, because it uses up to 55 % of all communications. To the body language is possible to include everything that we experience during the eye contact, gestures, posture, posture, facial expressions, gestures, the distance between those who speak.

Possesses by the professional skills of the work of non-verbal communication, public servants can achieve high quality of interaction with each other using a communication connection for all types for the negotiation, because the lack of self-control of communications is often the main obstacle on the way of achieving of the effective activity of the governance mechanisms [8].

Important aspects of communication in public administration mechanisms are:

1. Without communication cannot produce and execute solutions, to ex-

ercise feedback and adjust goals and stages of activity of public authorities;

2. All functions and types of communication — essential elements of the making of activities of government agencies;

3. Managers and subordinates should make communication as the main condition on the way of achieving efficiency in their operations [9].

Thus, if state employees are paid enough attention to all the subtleties of communication and improve their skills in this area, the work with population of the public will be faster and better, communication transfer becomes more correct and meaningful, many processes in the mechanisms of government will be accelerated [10].

Summarizing the existing approaches to the definition of marketing communications, their features we can distinguish their general specific features used in the system of public administration (Table).

Due to the development of prospects of marketing communications, they need to be addressed as issues of management by them at the state and corporate levels, and clarifying of the question: what should be the right to be able to effectively regulate social relations in cyberspace.

As the D. V. Kislov stresed, its possible that simultaneously with the development of the theory and practice of network rights its necessary to develop a theory of network marketing communications [6]. This theory has already started to be developed in Russia: it offers for providing of network marketing communications, not passive instruments use "card" and personal terminals that can ensure the preser-

№ General specific features of marketing communications in public administration

1 is a function of social regulation of public administration from the standpoint of value creation for blog

2 identification of the interests and requests of citizens, and as a result, a focus on providing of the the entire complex of needs of the population

3 non-market nature of the relationship, which is due mediation of exchange, and focus on achieving marketing communications meet the needs and expectations of broad social groups

4 limitations in the means and resource capabilities as marketing communications in government depend on budget financing

5 magnitude in scope and tend to settle on a long periods

6 stable conditions for the implementation of marketing communications in government than in commercial sphere

7 establish effective social communication

8 Depending on the decisions of state bodies and political situation

Source: author's research results

vation and processing of information, interaction with owners and entrepreneurs. These terminals provide an opportunity to discuss the proposals with both consumers and other subjects of network in real time.

Thus, actively marketing communications tool is applied that can be used at home, at work, on the move, anywhere for the direct feedback with all structures of such network marketing communications.

Conclusions. So, summarizing the outcomes of investigation of the main theoretical and methodological foundations of marketing, we found that they use involve the implementation of a much more coherent, simple and personalized approach in the process of delivering of public services and information to the public which means restructuring of the functioning of state institutions and their interaction with citizens, private companies and own employees.

During the implementing of marketing communications and their subse-

quent implementation, the focus should be paid to ensuring of the full use of accurate, comprehensive and timely information in all areas of public administration. Their use, every year, should lead to the convergence of public to the government bodies, allowing each independently and process information, to participate directly in the discussion of the public concerned draft documents submitted for this by the government.

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