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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Suvorova S.L., Knyazheva A.V.

The article considers theoretical foundations for the formation of university students' readiness for media educational activities. The authors formed the frame structure of the terminological field of the problem and described the substantive-semantic content of the central concept of the study “students' readiness for media educational activity”. Readiness for media educational activities is considered from the point of view of structural, functional and systemic approaches and is interpreted as a type of professional readiness, including knowledge of the structure, language and theory of media, perception, interpretation, creation of media text and its adaptation for students, experience in using media technologies and individually professional qualities necessary to implement professional pedagogical activity. The article presents the results of an analysis of the historiography of the problem of the formation of future teachers' readiness for media educational activities in three main periods. For each period the authors analyze the level of formation of scientific ideas on the central concepts of research and the development trends of the problem under study. Based on the data obtained, the scientific basis for the design of the pedagogical system for the formation of university students' readiness for media educational activity is described and a definition of this system is given. The authors consider the interactive approach and the information and communication approach based on the digitalization of education as theoretical and methodological approaches to the development of the system.

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DOI: 10.14529/ped200304


S.L. Suvorova, alex97@shadrinsk.net A.V. Knyazheva, amur20@mail.ru

Shadrinsk State Pedagogical University, Shadrinsk, Russian Federation

The article considers theoretical foundations for the formation of university students' readiness for media educational activities. The authors formed the frame structure of the terminological field of the problem and described the substantive-semantic content of the central concept of the study "students' readiness for media educational activity". Readiness for media educational activities is considered from the point of view of structural, functional and systemic approaches and is interpreted as a type of professional readiness, including knowledge of the structure, language and theory of media, perception, interpretation, creation of media text and its adaptation for students, experience in using media technologies and individually professional qualities necessary to implement professional pedagogical activity.

The article presents the results of an analysis of the historiography of the problem of the formation of future teachers' readiness for media educational activities in three main periods. For each period the authors analyze the level of formation of scientific ideas on the central concepts of research and the development trends of the problem under study.

Based on the data obtained, the scientific basis for the design of the pedagogical system for the formation of university students' readiness for media educational activity is described and a definition of this system is given. The authors consider the interactive approach and the information and communication approach based on the digitalization of education as theoretical and methodological approaches to the development of the system.

Keywords: media education, media educational activity, readiness for media educational activity, formation of readiness for media educational activity, system offormation of readiness for media educational activity, interactive approach, information and communication approach, digitalization of education.


Modern information processes in the world give rise to specific features of interaction in the media sphere, set the vector for new areas of theoretical research, and lead to a rethinking of traditional research methods and methodological approaches. In this context, the need for a theoretical generalization of the knowledge accumulated in the practice of preparing specialists for the analysis of media information, in revealing the mechanisms of interaction in the field of media and factors contributing to an adequate understanding and interpretation of media culture are becoming more and more justified [4, p. 39; 12, p. 174].

The text of the qualification description of a future specialist at the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education says that "a university graduate must be familiar with the methods of searching, processing and using information, be able to interpret and adapt it for the addressee, be capable of re-evaluating the accu-

mulated experience, analyzing the conditions of the development of science and changing practice of their capabilities, to be able to acquire new knowledge using modern information educational technologies". This allows us to state that the basis of the modern educational system as a whole and the basis of media education in a university in particular should be a certain sequence of purposeful and appropriate actions aimed at preparing competent specialists for media education in the information society.

1. Methodology

To determine the essence of the students' readiness for media educational activity and develop a concept of modeling theoretical and methodological bases of its formation, we used the conceptual and terminological analysis method, which allowed us to establish the following.

As the analysis showed, over the past decade, research has been conducted to develop the concepts of media education, improving the professional training of a specialist in the field of

media, and developing the abilities for creative professional media educational activities. The system of teacher education at the university at the present stage of its functioning is studied comprehensively - based on the analysis of three fundamentally developed areas: modern information education; vocational education based on the formation of the personality of the future teacher in a culturally specific space; methods of applying appropriate pedagogical technologies.

However, at present, in the pedagogical and media educational knowledge paradigm, a conceptual vacuum is felt due to the lack of new research approaches and epistemological guidelines necessary for studying the phenomenon of media educational activity and the specifics of its formation in a pedagogical university. Observations and analysis of studies on the problems of media education [3, 5, 17] show that, on the whole, the innovative transformations of mass educational practice are non-systematic in nature, and a large number of contradictions of a social and pedagogical nature are revealed that manifest themselves at different levels:

1) at the micro level - as a mismatch between the readiness of students to carry out media educational activities and the undeveloped theoretical, pedagogical, methodological and technological foundations of their readiness for media educational activities;

2) at the meso level - as a mismatch between the needs of students in the implementation of productive media educational activities and the lack of the necessary media environment;

3) at the macro level - as a result of the layering of the above-mentioned contradictions, a mismatch appears between the system of higher professional education and the needs of social development (in particular, the computerization of education), which impedes the full implementation of socially and personally significant higher education functions.

Important reasons for the existence of the above contradictions are, in our opinion, the underestimation of global trends in media education at the national and international levels, difficulties in solving the problem of the practical development of mass media technologies, the inadequate analysis and consideration of the dialogic nature of the educational process at a teacher training university. A qualitatively new development of the educational environment should correspond to such professional training at the university in the field of media, which would

be aimed at the functional mastery of models of media educational activities based on the use of new pedagogical and information technologies [2, p. 119; 14-16].

2. Results

The analysis of modern psychological and pedagogical research, the practice of Russian higher education show the emergence of new approaches to addressing the problems of university students' professional training. So, the issues of professional training of future specialists in the field of education are highlighted in the works of V.I. Andreeva, E.F. Zeer, M.T. Gromkova, N.B. Krylova, V.A. Slastenin, N.M. Yakovleva and others. These scientists have identified ways and means of forming the professional competence of future specialists. The general foundations of media education are dedicated to the work of domestic (O.A. Baranov, L.S. Zaznobina, Yu.M. Rabinovich, A.V. Fedorov, A.V. Shari-kov, etc.) and foreign (R. Bart, J. Berger, J. Brown, B. Wilson, R. Lopez and others) scientists, the problems of the formation of media literacy -studies of W. Weber, Yu.N. Usova, A.V. Fedo-rova, I.V. Chelysheva and others), the problems of the essence of media competence - the works of D. Baake, V.V. Gurus, I. Pottinger and others.

We have identified three periods in the history of the development of the concept of "media education":

• in the first period - from the 20s of the XX century to the 50s of the XX century research on the concept of "media education" is limited to psychological and practical spheres; the concept of "media education" is interpreted taking into account the specifics of the search for optimal models of multichannel perception of media text from the standpoint of its information value; there are no studies of the concept of "readiness", the first attempts are being made to prepare professional media educators;

• in the second period - from the 50s of the 20th century to the 80s of the 20th century the semantics of the concept of "media education" are filled with an aesthetically oriented component, the definition of media education for the first time is formulated by the International Council on Film and Television at UNESCO; the concept of "media education" is interpreted taking into account trends in the positioning of the psychological component of the perception of media information; the essence of the concept of "readiness" varies in research from considering it synonymous with the concept of "com-

petence" at the beginning of a period to positioning readiness as a special type of organization of subject-specific knowledge at the end of a period; the development of theoretical foundations and practice-oriented technologies for training teachers in the field of media education begins;

• in the third period - from the 80s of the XX century to the present, the study of the essence of the concept of "media education" is extrapolated to the field of pedagogical theory and practice; there is an expansion of the terminological field of research in the field of media; the concept of "media education" is interpreted taking into account its educational dominance in terms of the use of media in the learning process; the essence of professional and pedagogical competence is determined through structuring, segmenting and combining its main components -sub competencies; the requirements for professional and pedagogical education and training in the field of media pedagogy are determined by the trends towards integration, multi-level, orientation towards the decisions of the Bologna process in the field of teacher education.

An analysis of the basic concepts that make up the terminological field of research has allowed us to give the following definitions and to present its frame structure [18, pp. 20-22].

Readiness is a set of skills, individual style of their implementation, practice-oriented experience and reflection of activity.

Media educational activity is an interactive model of media education with substantial and

active characteristics aimed at achieving the goal -to prepare a new generation for life in modern information situations, to perceive a variety of material, as well as to educate a person to perceive it, to realize the consequences of its action on the psyche, to master communication methods based on non-verbal forms of communication with the assistance of technical means and modern information technologies.

Readiness for media educational activities of future teachers is a type of professional readiness, including knowledge of the structure, language and theory of media, perception, interpretation, creation of media text and its adaptation for students, experience in using media technologies and individual and professional qualities necessary for professional teaching activities.

The formation of readiness for media educational activities of future teachers is a process that goes through several stages in its development and has the ultimate goal of achieving students' ability and readiness to carry out media educational activities.

The frame structure of terminological field of our research can be represented as follows

(Fig. 1).

3. Conclusions

A study of the theoretical sources and practical experience of domestic media education showed that none of the studies claimed to develop a holistic system of formation of readiness for media educational activities among future teachers. Therefore, we set the task of developing a special

Fig. 1. The frame structure of the terminological field of the problem of formation of readiness for media educational activities of future teachers

system that ensures the students' readiness for media educational activities in the process of professional education. We have chosen the development of the system for the following reasons. Despite the fact that most Russian experts [7, 9, 10, 13] consider the most acceptable synthetic way of media education, combining its integration into compulsory disciplines of universities with autonomous special courses, elective courses or classes / clubs, we hold the point of view that the readiness for students' media educational activities, firstly, does not form independently and requires efforts to form it, and, secondly, the fragmentation and portioning of the studied process, carried out synthetically, cannot guarantee its effectiveness and the high quality of its results.

The system for the formation of readiness for media educational activities of students should provide a description and scientific justification for this process. Therefore, by the system of formation the readiness for media educational activities among future teachers, we mean an ordered set of interconnected components that form a holistic unity, subordinate to the goals of students' media education.

We have represented system components -motivational-targeted, organizational-substantive, operational-technological, final diagnostic; principles of the functioning of the system - general (scientific, accessible, conscious) and specific (participatory, dialogic, critical autonomy, linguo-didactic modeling); system characteristics -consistency, integration and stability of all components; a set of pedagogical conditions for the effective functioning of the system, including:

1) modeling of educational information in the media environment;

2) the implication of formal and informal media education at the university [1, 6, 8, 11, 13];

3) the introduction of innovative methods of working with new media formats.

The process of formation of readiness for media educational activities of future teachers, like any pedagogical process, is based on theoretical and methodological approaches as a strategy for the implementation of research positions. We consider the interactive approach and the information and communication approach based on the digitalization of education as theoretical and methodological approaches to the development of the system.

The methodology of the interactive approach means the subjective positions of all participants in the educational process, orientation

towards interaction and cooperation. The theoretical platform for an interactive approach to development of students' readiness for media education is the provision that knowledge of the structure, language and theory of media, the skills of perception, interpretation, creation of media text and its adaptation for students are formed in an interactive mode - in an interaction mode. To implement an interactive approach, it is advisable to introduce interactive technologies -media workshops, language media club, case technology, etc.

Another methodological approach to the study of the problem of forming students' readiness for media educational activities and the practical aspects of its implementation is an information and communication approach based on the digitali-zation of education.

The information and communication approach based on the digitalization of education represents, in our opinion, such an orientation of research and such a methodological and technological tactics of teaching, the essence of which is the design and implementation of classes on which segments of formal and informal learning are integrated. The intensive development of the digital economy, and in the field of teaching foreign languages digital linguodidactics, requires the introduction of digital educational resources and interactive technologies for working with them in the educational process. Digital educational resources make it possible to transform the traditional components of learning content, complement them, extrapolate their capabilities to the learning process of working with media resources. Digital educational resources are quite harmoniously "woven" into the methodological concept of the lesson and allow the teacher to carry out both educational and monitoring activities.

4. Acknowledgements

This research has been funded by the FS source on the topic "The digitalization strategies of the multicultural environment of the university in the context of VUCA" (No. 32H from 13.04.2020).


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Received 10 May 2020

УДК 374.1 йО!: 10.14529/рва200304


С.Л. Суворова, А.В. Княжева

Шадринский государственный педагогический университет, г. Шадринск, Россия

Статья посвящена рассмотрению теоретических основ формирования готовности студентов вуза к медиаобразовательной деятельности. В рамках исследования авторы сформировали фреймовую структуру терминологического поля проблемы и описали содержательно-смысловое наполнение центрального понятия исследования «готовность студентов к медиаобразовательной деятельности», а также сопряженных понятий. Готовность к ме-диаобразовательной деятельности рассматривается с точки зрения структурно-функционального и системного подходов и трактуется как вид профессиональной готовности, включающей знания о структуре, языке и теории медиа, умения восприятия, интерпретации, создания медиатекста и адаптации его для учащихся, опыт использования медиатех-нологий и индивидуально-профессиональные качества, необходимые для реализации профессиональной педагогической деятельности.

В статье представлены результаты анализа историографии проблемы формирования готовности будущих учителей к медиаобразовательной деятельности в трех основных периодах, в каждом из которых авторами сделаны выводы об уровне сформированности научных представлений о центральных понятиях исследования и тенденциях развития исследуемой проблемы.

На основании полученных данных описывается научный задел для проектирования педагогической системы формирования готовности студентов вуза к медиаобразователь-ной деятельности и дается определение данной системы. В качестве теоретико-методологических подходов к разработке системы авторами рассматриваются интерактивный подход и информационно-коммуникационный подход, основанный на цифровиза-ции образования.

Ключевые слова: медиаобразование, медиаобразовательная деятельность, готовность к медиаобразовательной деятельности, формирование готовности к медиаобразовательной деятельности, система формирования готовности к медиаобразовательной деятельности, интерактивный подход, информационно-коммуникационный подход, циф-ровизация образования.


1. Amir, H.A. An Investigation into the Benefits of the Intercultural Approach to EFL Learning and Teaching: A Case Study of Taif University, KSA / НЛ. Amir // Journal of Language Teaching and Research. - 2017. - Vol. 8, No. 1. - P. 52-63.

2. Чистяков, А.В. Развивающий потенциал иностранного языка в педагогическом процессе / А.В. Чистяков // Международный научно-исследовательский журнал. - 2016. - № 4 (46). -С. 119-120.

3. Ефимов, В. С. Цифровизация в системе приоритетов развития российских университетов: экспертный взгляд /В. С. Ефимов, А.В. Лаптева // Университетское управление: практика и анализ. - 2018. - Т. 22, № 4. - С. 52-67.

4. Ермакова, Т. Ф. Принципы неформального образования при обучении иностранным языкам / Т.Ф. Ермакова // Среднее профессиональное образование. - 2012. - № 2. - С. 39-40.

5. Fedorov, A. Practical development of modern mass media education in Poland / A. Fedorov // Acta Didactica Napocensia. - 2012. - Vol. 5, no. 3. - P. 47-52.

6. Hewitt, P. Formal and Informal Education: Learning Skills / P. Hewitt. -Willford Press, 2017. -236 p.

7. Иванченко, В.Н. Инновации в образовании: общее и дополнительное образование детей / В.Н. Иванченко. - Ростов н/Д.: Феникс, 2011. - 314 с.

8. Jeffs, T. Informal Education: Conversation, democracy and learning / T. Jeffs, M. Smith. - Educational Heretics Press, 2005. - 142 p.

9. Хангельдиева, И.Г. Эдьютейнмент как философия и интегрировано-креативная технология современного образования /И.Г. Хангельдиева // Aktualni pedagogika. - 2016. - № 1. - С. 13-17.

10. Копылова, Ю.В. Принципы обучения иностранному языку в условиях дополнительного языкового образования /Ю.В. Копылова //Пед. образование в России. - 2017. - № 4. - С. 112-117.

11. Новосёлова, О.А. Использование элементов неформального образования в деятельности учреждения дополнительного образования детей / О.А. Новоселова //Наука, образование и культура. - 2017. - № 6 (21). - C. 55-58.

12. Preeti. Education and Role of Media in Education System / Preeti // International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Research (IJSER). - 2014. - Vol. 2. - Iss. 3. - P. 174-177.

13. Ройтблат, О.В. Неформальное образование - современный тренд в обеспечении непрерывного образования / О.В. Ройтблат // Специфика пед. образования в регионах России. - 2016. -№ 1 (9). - C. 35-36.

14. Сороковых, Г.В. Вызовы XXI века: неформальное иноязычное образование и стратегии его реализации /Г.В. Сороковых, О. С. Кутепова //Язык и культура. - 2018. - № 4. - C. 214-225.

15. Suvorova, S. Functional map of a profession: problems of modeling / S. Suvorova // Modern European Researches. - 2016. - No. 4. - P. 129-135.

16. The project to increase the competitiveness of leading Russian universities among the world's leading research and educational centres. Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. -http://5top100.ru/about/more-about/(дата обращения: 06.05.2020).

17. Устюжанина, Е.В. Цифровизация образовательной среды: возможности и угрозы / Е.В. Устюжанина, С.Г. Евсюков //Вестник РЭУ им. Г.В. Плеханова. - 2018. - № 1 (97). - С. 3-12.

18. Yarnykh, V. Media education in the educators' training - modern approaches and prospects / V. Yarnykh, N. Makarova // European Journal of Education and Applied Psychology. - 2017. - No. 1. -P. 20-22.

Суворова Светлана Леонидовна, доктор педагогических наук, профессор, профессор кафедры теории и практики германских языков, Шадринский государственный педагогический университет, г. Шадринск, alex97@shadrinsk.net.

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Княжева Анна Валерьевна, аспирант, Шадринский государственный педагогический университет, г. Шадринск, amur20@mail.ru.

Поступила в редакцию 10 мая 2020 г.


Suvorova, S.L. Theoretical and Methodological Bases of Formation of the University Students' Readiness for Media Educational Activity / S.L. Suvorova, A.V. Knya-zheva // Вестник ЮУрГУ. Серия «Образование. Педагогические науки». - 2020. - Т. 12, № 3. - С. 52-58. DOI: 10.14529/ped200304


Suvorova, S.L., Knyazheva A.V. Theoretical and Methodological Bases of Formation of the University Students' Readiness for Media Educational Activity. Bulletin of the South Ural State University. Ser. Education. Educational Sciences. 2020, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 52-58. DOI: 10.14529/ped200304

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