Theoretical and methodological approaches to the definition of the state export potential concept in terms of its change and assessment
Alexey V. Tebekin
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Doctor of Economics, Professor
Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Moscow, Russia E-mail: [email protected]
Nelia I. Allayarova
Samara State University of Economics, Samara, Russia E-mail: [email protected]
Abstract. The research considers need to increase the export potential of the Russian Federation in the current geopolitical and economic situation. On the one hand, the threats caused by the complex effect of anti-Russian Western sanctions as part of processes aimed at redistributing spheres of influence in the world. But, on the other hand, the emerging opportunities for expanding partnerships (primarily economic) with friendly countries. These countries and Russia are steadily converging and striving to unite in the conditions of the collective West growing irresponsibility. The purpose of this research paper is to investigate the concept of national export potential in terms of theory and methodology in order to improve the processes of its change and the procedures for assessing a country's export potential. The novelty of the research results is the specification of the state export potential concept, highlighting the distinctive features of this particular concept for the benefit of its measurement and assessment. The practical significance of the results obtained is the possibility of applying the revised state export potential concept when implementing the processes of its measurement, assessment, and search for ways of its enhancement.
Keywords: theoretical and methodological approaches, state export potential concept, change and assessment. JEL codes: B10, B20, D62, E10, F63
For citation: Alexey V. Tebekin, & Nelia I. Allayarova. (2023). Theoretical and methodological approaches to the definition of the state export potential concept in terms of its change and assessment. Journal of regional and international competitiveness, 4(1), 12.
In the context of the ongoing events related to the redistribution of spheres of influence in the world, the elements of which at the present stage are anti-Russian Western sanctions, Russia has an objective need to increase the export potential of the country. The implementation of this trend, on the one hand, is quite complex and problematic, and, on the other hand, is necessary and realistic today, if we consider the current crisis geopolitical conditions not only as a set of threats (dangers), but also as a set of emerging new opportunities (Fig.1).
Thus, the need to increase the export potential of the Russian Federation in the current geopolitical and economic situation is due to:
- threats caused by the complex action of anti-Russian Western sanctions as part of the processes aimed at the redistribution of spheres of influence in the world and weakening the power of our country;
- the emerging opportunities to expand partnership relations (primarily economic) with friendly countries which will increase Russia's economic power. The friendly countries and Russia are steadily converging and striving to unite in the conditions of the collective West growing irresponsibility.
These circumstances predetermined the relevance of the research.
The purpose of this research paper is to investigate the concept of national export potential in terms of theory and methodology in order to improve the processes of its change and the procedures for assessing a country's export potential.
© Alexey V. Tebekin, Nelia I. Allayarova, 2023 12
Danger Opportunity
Figure 1. Interpretation of the crisis in Chinese as a combination of emerging dangers and opportunities
Source: Tebekin, 2021
Methodological base of research
The following well-known scientists studied the issue of the export potential: Andreeva & Malysheva (2003), Budarina & Basalaeva Yu.A. (2021), Kosmin, Kuznetsova & Kosmina (2019), Koshelev (2022), Petrov-Rudakovsky (2015), Safin (2016), Sergienko & Zubarev (2022), Sukhikh & Katz (2015), Fokina & Belyakova (2014), Yakushev (2015), etc.
The following researches formed the methodological base of the work (Allayarova, 2022; Tebekin, 2020)
To consider the content and essence of the «state export potential» as an economic category, it is necessary to define the basic categories of its components - «potential» and «export».
The term «potential» in its etymological meaning derived from the Latin word potentia, - «strength». We summarized the existent definitions of «potential». The results are presented Table 1.
Table 1 - Results of summarizing the existent definitions for «potential»
Definition Source
"Potential (from Lat. potentia - power), in a broad sense -means, reserves, sources available and able to be mobilized, put into action, used to achieve a certain goal, implement a plan, solve a task; the capabilities of an individual, society, state in a certain area: economic potential (means), production potential (means)" The Great Soviet Encyclopedia
"The totality of available means, capabilities in any area, for example, the military potential of a country - the totality of its economic, moral, political and military resources for waging war" Big Economic Dictionary
"A general term meaning the ultimate possibility or ability of some activity, the implementation of some actions, etc. It can be talked about the production potential of a country or region Economic and Mathematical Dictionary: Dictionary of modern Economics
Definition Source
(the possible volume of production under the best possible conditions), about consumer potential and demand potential (it is important to know them when forecasting production growth), and also about innovation potential and some other similar categories»
"Potential (from Lat. potentia - power) - sources, opportunities, means, reserves that can be used to solve a task, achieve a certain goal; the capabilities of an individual, society, state in a certain area (for example, economic potential)" Large Encyclopedic dictionary
"The degree of power in some respect, the totality of some means, capabilities. The economic potential of the country. Military potential (resources for warfare). Nuclear potential. Internal capabilities" Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language
"Potential (from Latin. potentia - power, opportunity). The totality of means, conditions necessary for conducting, maintaining, preserving something (new policy). The potential of war (resources for waging war)" A large explanatory dictionary of the modern Russian language
Source: composed by authors
The analysis of domestic encyclopedic sources presented in Table 1 allows us to highlight the following characteristics of the concept of «potential».
Firstly, in the most general sense, potential is the means, reserves, sources available for mobilization, activation, achieving of a certain goal, to implement a plan, to solve a problem or to perform a specific task. In this case we consider the capacity of an individual, society, state in a particular area: economic potential (means), production potential (means).
Secondly, in a narrow sense, «potential» is a term meaning the ultimate possibility or ability of some activity, the implementation of some actions (Lopatnikov, 2003).
Thirdly, potential is the level of power in any sphere, a set of means, capabilities (meaning internal capabilities) (Ozhegov, 1994).
Thus, the definition of «potential» is based on the concept of capabilities as a set of means, reserves, sources, conditions necessary to achieve a certain effect.
This approach in the scientific literature is known as «effective», since the potential is considered as a possible achievable result in the implementation of a controlled process.
In terms of defining the concept of «state export potential», it is important to consider the applied meanings of «potential» concept. This concept is interpreted in the scientific literature on the theory of potentials in various aspects.
Thus, the researchers in the works concerning the study of the theory of potentials: Belomestnov (2017); Verenikin (2009); Karapeychik (2014); Kruglov (2006); Mochalov (1982), etc., present many definitions of potential, for example: national economic potential; economic potential; foreign economic potential; innovation potential; scientific and technical potential; natural resource potential; export potential; organizational potential; labour potential; production potential; information potential; marketing potential; educational potential, intellectual potential, etc.
Most researchers ofthe potential theory pay attention mainly to the economic potential. However, despite a considerable number of studies in this area, there is no uniform approach to the definition of economic potential, understanding of its essence, constituent determinants, and its relationship with categories as «national wealth», «level of economic development» among researchers.
Thus, there is no unequivocal interpretation or precise definition of «economic potential» to date.
The economic nature of «export potential» provides definite rationale for categorising it as «economic
For instance, E.V. Volkodavova (2007) in her dissertation indicates the economic potential as «a generalizing characteristic and manifestation of the combined influence of the following interrelated and interdependent sides: production potential, export potential, innovation potential, human resources potential. All these aspects or components of economic potential are interrelated, but their economic opportunities are implemented in different ways...».
According to her dissertation, M.M. Gurova (2012), analyzing the structure of the country's economic potential, concludes « the more potential the national economy possesses, the greater its export potential. In this regard, the category «export potential» appears closely interconnected with the structural elements of economic potential of the country's economic complex. Consequently, as follows, export potential is a part of the system «economic potential,» reflecting the «system-element» ratio».
The reference point of such consideration is the study of the essence of «economic potential» concept.
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia gives the most extensive interpretation of the definition «economic potential», in which the economic potential is understood as «the aggregate ability of the national economy to produce industrial and agricultural products, carry out capital construction, transportation of goods, and provide services to the population at a certain moment in history. The economic potential is determined by the number of labour resources and quality of their professional training, capacity of industrial and construction organizations, production capacity of agriculture, length of transport routes and availability of vehicles, development of non-productive industries, achievements of science and technology, resources of explored mineral resources, i.e. the elements constituting the productive forces of society in the aggregate; it depends on the size of the national wealth of the country.
According to the Modern Dictionary of Economics, «economic potential» includes: «the aggregate ability of a country's economy, its industries, enterprises, and households to implement production and economic activities, manufacture products, goods, services, meeting the needs of the population, and ensuring the development of production and consumption. The economic potential of a country is determined by its natural resources, means of production, labour, scientific and technical potential, and accumulated national wealth.
The economic and mathematical dictionary by L.I. Lopatnikov defines economic potential as «the generalized ability of an economic system to manufacture products and perform other tasks of economic and social development. This ability is determined by the state, size and dynamism of production, its infrastructure, availability of reserves, amount of natural resources and other elements of national wealth, cultural and technical level and personnel mobility».
In terms of encyclopaedically sources, economic potential is an economic category representing the ability of the economic mechanism to perform a production function (Malamanova & Starinsky, 2016). However, other aspects of economic potential are also known, but this characteristic of economic potential is considered as the most important one.
The next concept related to export potential is «export». It derives from the Latin «exporto», which means «to take out». The interpretation of the legal status and economic nature of export is quite specific - it is the export of goods from the Russian Federation without an obligation to re-import them . In terms of encyclopaedic sources given in Table 2, export is the taking out of goods, services, capital, technologies intended for sale in foreign markets or for processing in another country. Thus, the objects of export are goods, services, capital, and technology. In accordance with it, the subjects of export are individuals, legal entities, and the state.
Table 2 - Results of summarizing the existent definitions of «export»
Source Content of concepts
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia "Export (English - export, from Latin exporto - to take out) the export of goods and services abroad for their sale on the foreign market; the opposite of the import of goods and services is import"
Source Content of concepts
Modern Economic Dictionary "Export (from Lat. exporto - take out) is the taking out of goods, capital, sold to foreign buyers, intended for sale on foreign markets or for processing in another country. Export also includes the transportation of goods through another country and the export of goods brought from another country for sale in a third country (re-export). Export also includes the export of capital abroad and the provision of services to foreign partners"
Big Economic Economic and Mathematical Dictionary: Dictionary of modern Economics
Dictionary "Export of goods sold to a foreign customer or intended for sale on a foreign market. Export also includes the taking out of goods for processing in another country, the transit of goods through another country, the taking out of goods brought from another country for sale in a third country (reexport), etc."
Economic and Mathematical dictionary "The export of products ('visible export') and services ('invisible exports') from one country to other ones. As a rule, these are exports performed on a refundable basis, sales for the purpose of obtaining foreign currency spent, in particular, to import goods and services required the country"
Dictionary of Financial Terms "Export of goods, services and capital abroad for sale on foreign markets"
Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language "Export of goods, capital, and technology abroad; counter is import"
Federal Law No. 164-FZ "On the Fundamentals of State Regulation of Foreign Trade activity" "Export of goods from the Russian Federation without obligation to reimport"
Source: composed by authors
In general, export is an important factor for the country's economy, since:
a) export ensures the sale of surplus products which cannot be sold on the domestic market, but are in demand on the external market;
b) export ensures the receipt of currency, which is spent, in particular, on the import of goods and services necessary for the country.
The content of export potential in scientific and specialized professional literature is considered at the macro level (export potential of the state), meso level (export potential of the territory), micro level (export potential of the enterprise), as well as as a concept invariant to economic levels.
The results of systematization of approaches to the identification of the concepts of «export potential in a broad sense (invariant to the scale of the economic systems under consideration)», «export potential of the national economy (country)», «export potential of the territory (region)», «export potential of the enterprise, industry, complex» are given in Table 3-6.
Table 3 - Results of systematization of approaches to the identification of the concepts of «export potential in a broad sense (invariant to the scale of the economic systems under consideration)»
Source Content Approaches used
Functional direction of research
Tokarev (1997) "Export potential at the level of an enterprise, industry, and the economy as a whole is the aggregate ability of the national economy branches to produce industrial and agricultural products which are competitive in foreign markets, to provide services to foreign legal entities or individuals, as well as to export capital abroad at a certain historical moment" Process approach
Source Content Approaches used
Zorkova (1999) "Export potential" can be defined as an indicator of the national and regional productive forces development level, characterizing the degree (share) of their inclusion in the international division of labour" The quantitative approach
Savinov & Migunov (2008) "Export potential is the ability of the national economy, its sectors, industries, enterprises, and companies to produce goods and services which are competitive on the world market through the use of comparative national advantages (large-scale natural resources, favorable geographical, infrastructural, and other factors, high labor productivity, etc.), as well as new competitive advantages based on scientific and technological progress" Process approach
Dadalko & Dubkov (2013) "In a broad sense, export potential is the ability to produce world-class products both in terms of their consumer properties and their origin. However, there should be sales markets for these products, because, otherwise, the quality of the products does not make sense" Commodity-marketing approach
Source: composed by authors
Table 4 - Results of systematization of approaches to the identification of the concepts of «export potential of national economy (country)»
Source Content Approaches used
Functional direction of research
Kamolov (1998) "Export potential is the ability of the economic system to produce goods, technology, and services that are competitive on world markets with the achieved level of development of resources, productive forces, science, service, and sales infrastructure and the monetary and financial support export system" Process approach
Mirzoev (2002) "Export potential is the ability of the national economic complex to produce and sell goods (including services, technologies, and intellectual property rights) which are competitive in foreign markets with an ever-increasing level of efficiency in the use of natural resources, the development of scientific and technical potential, productive forces, currency, financial and credit systems, as well as service and sales infrastructure support export without harming the economy while ensuring the economic security of the country" (export potential is considered as the basic one for the state development of foreign economic activity) Process approach
Ultan & Rogovskaya (2012) "Export potential is a tool for activating the existing and potential competitive advantages of the country's economy in the international division of labour, a mean of facilitating the country's entry to the stable economic growth" Functional approach
Muravin (2003) "The country export potential is the ability of the economic system to produce goods, technology, and services which are competitive on world markets with the achieved level of development of resources, productive forces, science and service, and marketing infrastructure, without harming the national economy" Functional approach
Khokhar (2010) "Export potential as a macroeconomic indicator is the aggregate ability to ensure sufficient, efficient, and competitive sale of goods on foreign markets, as well as the required level of service" Market-oriented approach
Source Content Approaches used
Multidisciplinary endeavour of the research
Andreeva & Malysheva (2020) "The combination of process and resource approaches allows us to define the concept of export potential. On the one hand, as a complex of internal resources of subjects of the national economy used in the creation and production of products/services competitive on the world market. And on the other hand, in terms of the national Process-resource approach
economy as a tool to promote the realization of competitive advantages of these subjects on world markets, taking into account national interests of the country"
Andreeva & Malysheva (2020) "The combination of process and resource approaches allows us to define the concept of export potential. On the one hand, as a complex of internal resources of subjects of the national economy used in the creation and production of products/services competitive on the world market. And on the other hand, in terms of the national Process-resource approach
economy as a tool to promote the realization of competitive advantages of these subjects on world markets, taking into account national interests of the country"
Source: composed by authors
Table 5 - Results of systematization of approaches to the identification of the concepts of «export potential of the territory (region)»
Source Content Approaches used
Resource direction of research
Maltsev (1991) "The export potential of the territory is the export base of the region, estimated by the possibilities of entry and consolidation in a particular foreign market. The regional export base is a set of export-producing (goods and services) industries, together with other enterprises in this territory manufacturing products which are competitive according to international standards, but do not ship them abroad" Functional approach
Mikhailovsky (2001) "... the export potential of the territory is a system of quantitative and qualitative indicators characterizing the region in terms of its position on the world commodity markets and maximizing the long-term foreign exchange earnings. However, the foreign economic potential of the region should determine the possible degree of the territory participation in the international division of labour system. Generally, the foreign economic potential is determined by the competitiveness of goods and services produced in the region on the world market and the possibilities of using technological, labour, intellectual, natural, and other resources of the territory in the structure of global cooperative relations. The degree of the region's foreign economic potential realization is characterized by its export complex" Functional approach
Resulting direction of research
Seifullayeva (2001) "The export potential of the region is its real opportunities to form and maximally satisfy the needs of domestic and foreign customers in goods and services in the existing and forecasted market conditions Functional approach
in the process of optimal interaction with the surrounding marketing environment and rational use of available export resources"
Source Content Approaches used
Butaev (2003) "The export potential of a region can be defined as the ability of the entire social production (enterprises, industries, and the economy as a whole) located within a given territory to produce and sell competitive goods and services on specific foreign markets under the achieved level of the economic factors development and the system of organizational and economic export support" Functional approach
Kirsanov (2005) "The export potential of a region is the ability of regional production (enterprises, industries, and the economy of the region as a whole) located within a given territory to produce and sell competitive in future goods and services on specific foreign markets with the existing level of development of market relations, economic factors and the system of organizational and economic support for exports" Functional approach
Elkin (2010) "The "export potential of the region" is considered as a category not only economic, but also as socio-economic, characterized by dialectical interaction of economic, organizational, industrial, and social relations. The export potential is an element of the socio-economic potential system and determines the ability of the region's economy to sell competitive goods (manufactured products, extracted resources) and services in specific foreign markets" Functional approach
Saveliev (2011) "The export potential of the region is the complex ability of an innovative export-oriented system to create and produce competitive products and services for export, promote them on the foreign market, profitably sell and provide the required service level" Industrial approach
Prytkov & Nemirova "In terms of its essence, the export potential of the region is the aggregate ability of the regional economic system to produce goods, technology, and services meeting international standards with the rational use of the natural resources of this region" Market-oriented approach
(2011) "In terms of an economics, the export potential of the region is the maximum possible volume of goods and services export competitive on the world market under the existing regional industry structure" Commodity-marketing approach
Source: composed by authors
Table 6 - Results of systematization of approaches to the identification of the concepts of «export potential of an enterprise, industry, complex»
Source Content Approaches used
Resource direction of research
Samokhin (2000) "Export potential is a complex indicator taking into account the properties and characteristics of an enterprise and market for the possible sale of its goods; it also correlates with the requirements for a potential sales market which are determined by its nature (properties, characteristics, and features)" Marketing approach
Gritsev (2004) "The aggregate ability (of the industry) of an enterprise to produce competitive products for export, "promote" it to foreign markets and sell it profitably consists its export potential" Market-oriented approach
Source Content Approaches used
Frolov (2004) "The export potential of the Russian gas complex is its ability to further foreign economic (including foreign trade) activities based on the availability of export resources. The gas complex implements this ability using reserves" Market-oriented approach
Manin (2005) "The export potential of an industrial enterprise is the aggregate ability of an enterprise to create and produce competitive products for export, promote it on the foreign market, sell goods profitably, and provide the required level of service" Commodity-marketing approach
Nevsky (2005) "The export potential of industrial enterprises is the volume of competitive products in demand on the foreign market, which can be produced and sold by economic entities under the existing market conditions" Industrial approach
Gubin (2006) "The export potential of machine-building enterprises is a set of production, technological, scientific, labour factors determining the ability of the industry to produce high-quality, competitive products for selling on the foreign market" Factor approach
Kruglov (2006) "The export potential of an industrial enterprise is the real or possible ability of an enterprise, determined by the totality of its production, financial, personnel and market potentials, to provide trading activities in the foreign market under the volatile external environment factors influence" Factor approach
Volkodavova (2007) "The export potential of an industrial enterprise" is a dynamically changing component of economic potential, the organizational and technical structure of which, correlating with the mission and goals of the enterprise, takes into account the impact of environmental and internal factors, provides stable sales with a given level of profitability in the markets of far and near abroad" Systematic approach
Sidorenko (2010) "The export potential of an enterprise represents the aggregate capabilities of an enterprise available and capable of being mobilized to meet the objectives of self-preservation and development in the world market through export of consumer values, considering the impact of external environment factors" Marketing approach
Khokhar (2010) "The concept of export potential should be considered at the enterprise level within a single industry as the aggregate ability to produce competitive in foreign markets products" Market-oriented approach
Gurova (2012) "Export potential of the grain market" refers to the ability of the agrarian sector of the country's economy to ensure stable supplies of competitive products of the grain industry to the foreign market while meeting the domestic needs of the country for sustainable economic growth and strengthening national positions in the world market" Market-oriented approach
Rusakov (2012) "The export potential of an enterprise implies the aggregate ability of an enterprise, based on its production and economic capabilities, to sell its products abroad, to attract foreign direct investment and participate in international cooperation and industrial processes" Systematic approach
Source Content Approaches used
Sychev (2012) "An enterprise's export potential is the combination of the company's available resources and capabilities to produce competitive products, sell and serve them on foreign markets, both in the short and long terms" Market-oriented approach
Dadalko & Dubkov (2013) "In the narrow sense, the export potential of industrial enterprises is the current or potential ability of an enterprise, determined by the development of the totality in its production, financial, human and market potentials, to implement, under the influence of endogenous (internal) and exogenous (external) factors, activities aimed at promoting its own products or their derivatives to foreign markets, which is assessed within some socioeconomic system" Factor approach
Karachev (2016) "Export potential (as a poly-structural dynamic component of economic potential) is defined as the ability of an enterprise, based on available and possible resources and technologies, considering external environment factors, to ensure the production and supply of competitive products to foreign markets in the current period and in the mid-term perspective" Market-oriented approach
Fokina (2014) "Export potential is "the availability of scientific and technological capabilities of an enterprise to organize the production of competitive products meeting the technical requirements and standards of the international market, as well as the ability of the enterprise to adapt to continuous changes in the external environment and achieve strategic development goals" Industrial approach
Source: composed by authors
Based on the analysis of the results of systematization of approaches to identify the concepts of «export potential in the broad sense (invariant to the scale of economic systems under consideration)», «export potential of national economy», «export potential of territory (region)», «export potential of enterprise, industry, complex» given in Tables 3-6, the research process highlighted characteristic features typical of the concept «export potential», presented in Table 7.
Table 7 - Results of the identification of features typical for the concepts of «export potential» corresponding to different scales of economic systems (macro-, meso- and micro-levels)
Variants of the "export potential" concepts
Indicators Export potential in a broad sense (invariant to the scale of the economic systems under consideration) Export potential of the national economy Export potential of the territory (region) Export potential of the enterprise, industry, complex
Ability to produce + + + +
Competitiveness in foreign markets (compliance with international standards) + + + +
The level of development of productive forces + + +
Degree of inclusion in the international labour division + + +
Variants of the "export potential" concepts
Indicators Export potential in a broad sense (invariant to the scale of the economic systems under consideration) Export potential of the national economy Export potential of the territory (region) Export potential of the enterprise, industry, complex
Comparative national advantages +
World-class products both in terms of their consumer properties and in terms of their origin +
Resource development level + + +
The level of scientific and technical potential development + + +
The level of the currency, financial and credit systems development (financial potential) + + +
The level of service and sales support infrastructure (organizational and economic support systems) for exports + +
Ensuring the country economic security +
Basis for the foreign economic activity development + +
A tool for activating the economy +
A tool for sustainable economic growth +
Economic efficiency (profitable implementation) + + +
The possibility of establishing a foothold in world commodity markets in the medium and long terms + +
Global cooperative relations + +
Maximum satisfaction of customers' needs for goods and services in the existing and forecasted market
conditions +
Variants of the "export potential" concepts
Indicators Export potential in a broad sense (invariant to the scale of the economic systems under consideration) Export potential of the national economy Export potential of the territory (region) Export potential of the enterprise, industry, complex
Socio-economic category characterized by dialectical interaction of economic, Organizational, industrial, and social relations +
Availability of an innovative export-oriented system +
Sustainable use of the natural resource +
Complex indicator +
Ability to "promote" products to foreign markets +
Availability of resource reserves +
Ability to provide the required level of service + + +
Resistance to the variability of environmental factors +
Ability to mobilize aggregate capabilities +
Strengthening of positions in the global market +
Attracting foreign direct investment +
Ability to adapt to changes in the external environment +
Source: composed by authors
Hence, the research conducted on different variants of the «export potential» concepts corresponding to different scales of economic systems (macro-, meso- and microlevel) within the framework of the performance, resource, functional and mixed research areas showed the following common characteristics.
First, the most common characteristics of export potential are the ability of an economic system to produce and sell products (goods, works, and services) competitive in foreign markets, i.e. compliance with global standards.
Secondly, the economic systems under consideration should possess the necessary resources (level of development of productive forces, scientific and technological potential, monetary and financial and credit systems (financial potential), service and supply infrastructure to support (system of organisational and economic support) export, innovative export-oriented system, and natural resource potential) as well as resource reserves.
Thirdly, export potential indicates the extent to which the economic system under consideration is included in the international division of labour, and participates in global cooperative linkages.
Fourthly, export potential represents the comparative national advantage.
Fifth, the export potential of an economic system represents the conformity of exported products with global levels, both in terms of their consumption properties and origin. Although, we should note, many countries are quite successful and profitable mediators between the exporting and importing countries.
Sixth, export potential represents the level of a country's economic security, as export potential is a tool to stimulate the economy and a means to ensure stable economic growth.
Seventh, export potential can be considered as the basic foundation for foreign economic development.
Eighth, export potential characterises the economic efficiency (profitable sales) of products.
Ninth, export potential represents the ability of the economies under consideration to gain a foothold in world commodity markets in the medium and long terms.
Tenth, export potential should be considered as a socio-economic category characterised by a dialectical interaction of economic, organisational and production as well as social relations.
Eleventh, export potential involves the sustainable use of the natural resources.
Twelfth, export potential can be considered as a composite indicator, determined by a number of factors.
Thirteenth, export potential indicates the ability of an economic system to «promote» products to foreign markets.
Fourteenth, export capacity represents the ability of an economic system to provide the required level of service for long-life products.
Fifteenth, export potential indicates the sustainability of an economic system to the variability of external environmental factors, including its ability to adapt to changes in the external environment.
Sixteenth, export potential indicates the ability of an economic system to mobilise its aggregate capabilities.
Therefore, a combination of these attributes should be taken into account when considering the development of the export potential of managed economic systems.
The work was done on a personal initiative.
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Alexey V. Tebekin - conceptualization, project administration, writing - original draft. Nelia I. Allayarova - data curation, formal analysis, writing - review & editing
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Received 01.03.2023 Revised 23.03.2023 Accepted 25.03.2023