THE VARIATION OF ESP IN DESIGNING CURRICULUM Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
EFL / ESP / EOP / assessment / communication / ELT. / EFL / ESP / EOP / оценивание / общение / ELT.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Mamanabiyeva Shaxrizoda Sharofiddin Qizi

the demand for English language education around the world is increasing because it is the language of international business, technology and science. Therefore, ESP will flourish and grow more in nonnative English speaking countries. ESP will use computer based curricula and authentic texts. In other words, ESP will use more sophisticated learner centered curricula. Since ESP is sensitive to the learners’ background and the context in which the learners use English, it will be sensitive to cross cultural issues. As a result, ESP will research the cross cultural issues related to ESP learning. ESP will still use need analysis, however, the focus of need analysis will be shifted because ESP will be done more in non native English speaking countries. ESP will be the part of ESL or EFL teaching, which will be the part of English Language teaching in general. Developments in applied linguistics will certainly influence ESP teaching in particular. Furthermore, Content Based Instruction and Task Based Instruction will become more popular in ESP.

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спрос на обучение английскому языку во всем мире возрастает, поскольку это язык международного бизнеса, технологий и науки. Таким образом, экстрасенсорное восприятие будет процветать и развиваться в странах, для которых английский язык не является родным. ESP будет использовать компьютерные учебные программы и аутентичные тексты. Другими словами, ESP будет использовать более сложные учебные программы, ориентированные на учащихся. Поскольку ESP чувствителен к фону учащихся и контексту, в котором учащиеся используют английский язык, он будет чувствителен к межкультурным проблемам. В результате ESP будет исследовать межкультурные проблемы, связанные с обучением ESP. ESP по-прежнему будет использовать анализ потребностей, однако фокус анализа потребностей будет смещен, поскольку ESP будет больше проводиться в странах, для которых английский язык не является родным. ESP будет частью обучения ESL или EFL, которое будет частью обучения английскому языку в целом. Развитие прикладной лингвистики, безусловно, повлияет, в частности, на преподавание ESP. Кроме того, обучение на основе содержания и обучение на основе задач станут более популярными в ESP.




Abstract: the demand for English language education around the world is increasing because it is the language of international business, technology and science. Therefore, ESP will flourish and grow more in non- native English speaking countries. ESP will use computer based curricula and authentic texts. In other words, ESP will use more sophisticated learner centered curricula. Since ESP is sensitive to the learners' background and the context in which the learners use English, it will be sensitive to cross cultural issues. As a result, ESP will research the cross cultural issues related to ESP learning. ESP will still use need analysis, however, the focus of need analysis will be shifted because ESP will be done more in non native English speaking countries. ESP will be the part of ESL or EFL teaching, which will be the part of English Language teaching in general. Developments in applied linguistics will certainly influence ESP teaching in particular. Furthermore, Content Based Instruction and Task Based Instruction will become more popular in ESP. Keywords: EFL, ESP, EOP, assessment, communication, ELT.


Маманабиева Ш.Ш.

Маманабиева Шахризода Шарофиддин кызы - преподаватель, кафедра английского языка прикладных дисциплин № 2, Узбекский государственный университет мировых языков, г. Ташкент, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: спрос на обучение английскому языку во всем мире возрастает, поскольку это язык международного бизнеса, технологий и науки. Таким образом, экстрасенсорное восприятие будет процветать и развиваться в странах, для которых английский язык не является родным. ESP будет использовать компьютерные учебные программы и аутентичные тексты. Другими словами, ESP будет использовать более сложные учебные программы, ориентированные на учащихся. Поскольку ESP чувствителен к фону учащихся и контексту, в котором учащиеся используют английский язык, он будет чувствителен к межкультурным проблемам. В результате ESP будет исследовать межкультурные проблемы, связанные с обучением ESP. ESP по-прежнему будет использовать анализ потребностей, однако фокус анализа потребностей будет смещен, поскольку ESP будет больше проводиться в странах, для которых английский язык не является родным. ESP будет частью обучения ESL или EFL, которое будет частью обучения английскому языку в целом. Развитие прикладной лингвистики, безусловно, повлияет, в частности, на преподавание ESP. Кроме того, обучение на основе содержания и обучение на основе задач станут более популярными в ESP. Ключевые слова: EFL, ESP, EOP, оценивание, общение, ELT.

Traditionally ESP is divided into English for Academic Purpose (EAP) and English for Occupational Purpose (EOP), both of which are sub-divided into further like English for science and technology, English for law, English for vocational purpose etc. Hutchinson and Waters (1987) divided ESP into three: English for Science and Technology, English for Business and Economics and English for Social Science, each of which is subdivided into EAP and EOP. They didn't see much difference between EAP and EOP, and pointed out that "people can work and study simultaneously; it is also likely that in many cases the language learnt for immediate use in a study environment will be used later when the students takes up, or returns to, a job" [2, p. 16]. It is implied here that the end purpose of both EAP and EOP are one and the same but the means to achieve this is very different. However, there is a difference between these two terms. EAP refers to English requires in an educational institution like school, college and university and it is concerned with those communication skills in English which are required for study purpose in formal educational system. Whereas, EOP refers to English required for professional communication in professional context like medical, engineering, aviation and business. According to Hamp- Lynos (2001) EAP is: a branch of applied linguistics consisting of a significant body of research into effective teaching and assessment approaches, methods of analysis of the academic language needs of students, analysis of the linguistic and discoursal structures of academic texts, and analysis of the textual practice of academics [1, p. 126]. EAP is a shift from teaching literature and culture of speakers of English to teaching English language for communicative purpose. The students need EAP for higher education.

The teachers may be native or non- native speakers. The course may be presessional (full time), in- sessional and usually part time. It may be a short term or long term. The course may include formal teaching program, self access situations, distance learning materials or CALL (Computer Aided Language Learning). GE (General English) course teaches learners conversational and social genres of the language, whereas EAP course teaches formal academic genres and EOP course teaches genres related to occupation. To be precise, EAP and EOP are specific because they teach language skills required for learners' immediate purpose by selecting vocabulary, grammar pattern. In addition, they use the topic and themes that are relevant to learners' immediate needs and address learners" immediate communicative needs.

Unlike General English, EAP begins with learner and situation and teaches academic genres. It started with a goal, genre and focus which are different from literary language in the 1960s, to which many additions and adaptations have been done since then. EAP has broadened its scope by including more disciplines and texts to it, for instance, EAP course in Agronomy and ESP course in computer repairs. Currently, EAP is offered in variety of international setting. There are four types of EAP offered in higher education contexts. The first type of EAP is taught either intensively or extensively in English speaking countries like the USA, the UK and Canada where it is done for international students of graduates and undergraduates. The second type is offered in countries like Singapore and Zimbabwe where many native languages exist and English is recognized officially in education. The third type of EAP can be seen in Middle East countries where subjects like medicine, technology, business, science and IT are taught in English in higher education. The fourth type of EAP is taught in South American countries where higher education is in L1 (mother tongue), but English is recognized as an auxiliary language.

In English speaking countries EAP is largely a pre- university bridge program, in which it links English language with content courses and both ESL instructors and content instructors work as a team. The aim of such program is to enable the learners to enter university directly by making them proficient in English language required for a specific academic program. Furthermore, such courses assist second language (L2) students in acquiring language skills needed for successful work in higher education. Whereas, in nonspeaking English countries such as Middle East countries EAP is a part of academic program, in which students are required to take a compulsory subject like study skill as an intensive program, which is a part of pre- planned syllabus.

References / Список литературы

1. Hamp-Lyons L. (2001). English for Academic Purposes. In R. Carter &D. Nunan (Eds.). The Cambridge Guide to Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. Pp. 126-130.

2. Hutchinson T. & Waters A. (1987). English for specific purposes: A learning-centered approach. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.

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