Научная статья на тему 'The value of physical culture and sports in the student environment in modern Russia'

The value of physical culture and sports in the student environment in modern Russia Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
training / physical culture / spirituality / society / обучение / физическая культура / духовность / общество.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Gladkikh Olga Vladimirovna, Ermilova Oksana Yuryevna, Zobova Olga Anatolyevna, Borlyuk Irina Anatolevna, Shcherbinina Lyubov Ivanovna

The article deals with the role of physical culture and sports among students in Russia. It is proved that the main contradiction in the formation of students ' orientation in mastering the norms of physical culture is the contradiction between the abstract attitude of society to health promotion as a result of attending the relevant classes and the needs of the individual in self-realization and self-assertion. Particular attention is paid to the contradictions between the need for students to master the competencies acquired in the school in the field of physical culture, and the stereotypical content of knowledge and skills that they receive in the classroom at the University.

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В статье рассматривается роль физической культуры и спорта в среде студентов в России. Доказано, что основным противоречием в формировании ориентации студентов в усвоении норм физической культуры является противоречие между абстрактным отношением общества к укреплению здоровья в результате посещения соответствующих занятий и потребностями личности в самореализации и самоутверждении. Особое внимание уделяется противоречиям между необходимостью овладения студентами компетенциями, приобретенными в школе в области физической культуры, и стереотипным содержанием знаний и умений, которые они получают на занятиях в вузе.

Текст научной работы на тему «The value of physical culture and sports in the student environment in modern Russia»

Publication date: May 20, 2019 DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2651399

Historical Sciences



1 0 Gladkikh, Olga Vladimirovna1, Ermilova, Oksana Yuryevna2, Zobova, Olga

Anatolyevna3, Borlyuk, Irina Anatolevna4, Shcherbinina, Lyubov Ivanovna5

1Teacher, Voronezh State Technical University, 20 years of October street, 84, Voronezh, Russia 2Teacher, Voronezh State Technical University, 20 years of October street, 84, Voronezh, Russia 3Teacher, Voronezh State Technical University, 20 years of October street, 84, Voronezh, Russia 4Teacher, Voronezh State Technical University, 20 years of October street, 84, Voronezh, Russia 5Senior Lecturer, Voronezh State Technical University, 20 years of October street, 84, Voronezh, Russia


The article deals with the role of physical culture and sports among students in Russia. It is proved that the main contradiction in the formation of students ' orientation in mastering the norms of physical culture is the contradiction between the abstract attitude of society to health promotion as a result of attending the relevant classes and the needs of the individual in self-realization and self-assertion.

Particular attention is paid to the contradictions between the need for students to master the competencies acquired in the school in the field of physical culture, and the stereotypical content of knowledge and skills that they receive in the classroom at the University.

Keywords: training, physical culture, spirituality, society.


Currently, the system of physical education in educational institutions is devoid of the principle of continuity. As a rule, a graduate of secondary schools loses interest in attending physical education classes. In this regard, personal motivation and the desire to master the space of physical culture, the interest of


teachers, all these factors become important conditions for the formation of physical culture of the student. One of the fundamental conditions for the preservation of the physical and mental health of students is the systematic attendance of classes in physical culture.

However, in terms of form, content, and methods of reference, they do not always meet the needs of modern students. Comprehensive analysis of the problem of identifying major contradictions in the process of forming students' physical culture is all the more necessary since only their resolution can serve as the basis for qualitative changes in the development of a healthy lifestyle and life strategies of the young generation. which are aimed at the constant strengthening and skillful use of the mental and physical forces of the body.


In analyzing the process of the formation of students' physical culture, analyzed through the prism of identifying the relationship between the natural and the social in a person, the approaches of Dimov, Izutkin, Lisitsyn are considered. They were supplemented by the provisions of the concept of a healthy lifestyle and the attitude to health of A. Ponomarchuk and A. B. Sahno. Since the physical culture of a person is understood as the need for unity of ideological, intellectual, and bodily components, it is advisable to turn to an understanding of the essence of physical culture in the context of the axiology of physicality within the framework of the concept of Bykhovskoy.

From the point of view of this approach, physical culture is revealed through an understanding of the integrity of the functioning and development of a person. The scientific and practical significance of the work lies in the expansion and deepening of scientific ideas about the socio-cultural aspects of physical culture, the resources for its formation and development. The proposed theoretical and practical conclusions can find application in the work of sociologists, historians and professionals working with young people.


On the various components of physical culture, the forms and types of which are presented through the prism of clarifying their role, their place in the general system of factors aimed at optimizing the physical condition and human development, by researchers such as I.M. Arshavsky, LV Volkov V.M. Zatorsky A.A. Loginov V.V. Petrovsky clarified the relationship of the components of physical culture in the general system of factors aimed at optimizing the physical condition and human development.

L.A. Zelenov, Y.A. Lebedev, L.P. Matveyev associate consideration of physical culture with activities aimed at the physical health of the person. L.I. Lubysheva - with a set of intellectual, socio-psychological and motor components. Various studies have given a deep understanding of the new results of the development of the subject of the general theory of physical culture and its conceptual representation in the form of educational and scientific disciplines. Such studies were carried out by Balsevich, Vydrin, Zykova. B. Turner is the author of a sociological theory of the development of the organism, formulated by M. Featherstone, focused on the study of the communicative features and capabilities of the human body.

He connected the body to the social space in which the body manifests itself and responds to the tasks and problems formulated by society. The analysis of the human body is also presented in the writings of one of the largest representatives of the phenomenology M. Merlot-Ponty, who considered bodily experience as primary for the organization of the world.



The data obtained allow us to conclude that the most promising strategy for improving the sphere of physical culture and sports at the university is, above all, organizing the interaction of various social divisions as an objective and universal form of combining the resources of a responsible structure. for the implementation of sports policy in the region. It is also important to introduce regulatory and statistical indicators of the main components of the development of physical culture at the university: material and technical base, qualifications of teaching and coaching staff, physical activity of students, the number of people involved in physical culture and sports.

Analysis of the results allows us to conclude that young students are aware of the importance and necessity of physical activity in everyday life and that personal attitudes and motivation for this type of activity, as well as active actions to improve health and overcome unwillingness to lead a healthy lifestyle, as the main social factors Forming ideas about physical culture and a healthy lifestyle, are the immediate environment and social institutions, it becomes obvious the need for teamwork excellent departments and agencies to create a conceptual program of interagency cooperation in promoting healthy lifestyles.

The current state of society implies a high level of competition among young professionals and requires not only professionalism, but also an appropriate level of psycho-physical health. From this point of view, health is not only an important social resource, but also a person's potential, allowing him to be competitive in his chosen professional activity.

The main reserves of effectively attracting students to physical activity are concentrated on the stage of formation of the national sports policy. At the macro level, the general conditions and national policies for the development of sports and its individual types are formed, which are of a basic, institutional nature. At the meso-level, the main factor determining the formation of physical culture is the promotion and understanding of the importance of attracting students to recreational activities at the regional level. Macro and meso-level factors determine the effectiveness of the process of introducing students to physical culture and sports, which depends on a number of features: the presence and reproduction of highly qualified personnel, developed information infrastructure, as well as the material and technical base with modern requirements.

According to the study, there are several aspects that actualize the need for physical activity of students. This is fashion, imitation, a way to maintain or improve physical fitness. It is important that students who do not attend classes at the university due to poor health often visit health and fitness centers in their spare time. Conducted theoretical and practical studies prove that the problem of preserving the health of young people and the formation of motivation to engage in recreational practice is becoming an increasingly socially significant area.

In terms of the physical state of human potential, Russia lags far behind the advanced countries of the world community. In particular, a full-fledged national system of physical, spiritual and moral recovery of the population, promoting healthy lifestyles - with access to individual self-awareness and operational monitoring of health status - still remains on the periphery of the priority directions of state policy. Thus, it is obvious that when solving the problem of increasing the role of physical activity and healthy lifestyle of young people, it is necessary to strengthen the comprehensive organizational strategy of the state level, represented not only by direct or indirect financial and material support, but also by the sphere of physical culture and sports, which will be determined by law.

The economic, political and social restructuring of society involves finding solutions to the problems of not only the transformation of the person himself, but also his attitude to many phenomena of social life. This defines a number of areas for the modernization of the education system, including its humanization and personal orientation. Man as an end in itself of the development of society and transformation in the state determines humanization, which, in turn, implies the responsibility of the education system for the health of students.

However, the existing education system not only does not improve the health of students, but often leads to its deterioration. At the state level, measures are being taken to change the objective conditions related to the organization of living conditions and the education of children and young people. Not always



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the content, direction of impact, methods of forming the personal characteristics of students become the object of close attention of scientists and researchers. This situation, on the one hand, does not allow for the effective implementation of a health preservation system, and on the other hand, it does not contribute to the development of a student's health culture.

The study of the influence of loads of different power on the state of the psycho-physiological functions of athletes showed that the loads of submaximal power performed to failure do not cause any significant deterioration of the psycho-physiological functions, and in some cases cause their improvement. Extremely high power loads cause temporary inhibition of various body functions (within 10-20 min.)

Deterioration of short-term visual and auditory memory, distribution, switchability and concentration of attention, information processing speed in the visual sensory system, analysis, distraction and synthesis functions. It is possible that with limited work of moderate power (duration more than 30 minutes) changes in psycho-physiological functions will be significantly greater than with high power. This must be taken into account when planning the educational process to improve the efficiency of students' cognitive activity.


It is known that with an insufficient level of health culture, a person stops active work in maintaining and developing his own health. The culture of personal health, which is understood as a multi-competent personal education, which characterizes the conscious activity of an individual in preserving and strengthening health, is manifested directly through motivated activity. It is the activity component that is an integral indicator of the culture of human health. As culture generates defining value orientations, developing into socially significant, developed and reflected axiological systems that affect all spheres of public life, so education as one of these spheres does not only reproduce cultural patterns, but also forms new values and ideals , designed to facilitate the design of a new model of education, a new state of culture and ways of social organization. Obviously, the contribution of physical education to general higher education should be to provide students with all aspects of knowledge about life, health and healthy lifestyles, as well as to master the entire arsenal of practical skills that ensure the preservation and promotion of health, development and improvement of their psychophysical abilities and personal qualities.

Only such a humanitarian trend of physical culture in a higher educational institution can serve as a basis for a substantial increase in its culture-forming functions. With the help of knowledge obtained from the discipline "Physical Education", students should create a holistic view of the processes and phenomena occurring in nature, more fully understand the possibilities of modern scientific methods of knowledge of nature.


Amosov N.M. and Brendet H.A. (1975) Physiology of activity and heart. Kiev: Health. 255 s. Bogdanov S.N., Chubarov MM, Yankovsky Yu.T. (1990) Teaching the subject of "physical education" using a personal computer. Theory and practice of physical culture. № 8. Pp. 32-33.

Ashmarov I.A., Ershov B.A. (2018) Church as a social and economic institution of society in the XIX -early XX centuries. II International Scientific and Practical Conference "Orthodoxy and Society: the Edge of Interaction." Chita: Transbaikal State University. Pp. 33-41.

Davidenko D.N., Lesnoy N.K. (1982) The influence of factors of high mountains on the efficiency of regulation of the circulatory system. Circulation in conditions of high mountain and experimental hypoxia. Frunze: Ilim. Pp. 43-44.

Efimenko V.F., Reznik N.I., Reznik A.D. (1988) Interdisciplinary communication: methodological functions. High School Bulletin. №. 9. Pp. 32-37.


Ershov B.A. (2009) The value of spiritual and moral values in the education of young people. Bulletin of the Voronezh State Technical University. № 3. Pp. 34-37.

Ershov B.A., Zimenkova E.V. (2016) Consequences of the collapse of the USSR. International Journal of Humanities and Natural Sciences. № 3. Pp. 20-22.

Ershov, B.A., (2012) Historiographical aspects of the relationship between the Russian Orthodox Church and state structures in the provinces of the Central Chernozem region in the XIX-early XX centuries. Bulletin of the Voronezh State Technical University. Series "Humanities". Pp. 188-192.

Hettinger Th. (1961) Der Sportarzt vereinigt mit Sportmedizin. №. 2. Pp. 32-44.

Katch F.W. Walace Y.P. (1976) Physiological variables during ten years of endurance exercise. Medicine und Sport. №. 5. Pp. 8-12.

Khozyainov G.I. (1987) Improvement of the educational process with the help of technical means of education. Theory and practice of physical culture. № 2. Pp. 18-20.

Kirey N.I., Kukosyan OG (1986) Psychological and pedagogical foundations of the adaptation period of first-year students. Modern Higher School. № 3. Pp. 109-123.

Loskutova T.D. (1975) Evaluation of the functional state of the human central nervous system by the parameters of a simple motor reaction. Physiological Journal of the USSR. № 1. Pp. 3-12.

Nefedova E.V., Kozlovtseva E.A., Lubkin Y.Y., Ezhova A.V. (2018) The use of a circular method of training to improve the physical fitness of students of special medical groups in physical education classes. Scientific notes of the University named after P.F. Lesgaft. № 3 (157). Pp. 229-232.

Neverkovich S.D. (1988) Methodology and structure of organizational learning games. Theory and practice of physical culture. № 1. Pp. 12-16.

Petrov P.K. (1982) Questions of the methodology for including programmed materials in the study of theoretical sections of the course of gymnastics. Theory and practice of physical culture. № 10. Pp. 38-40.

Rusanov V.P. (1979) Influence of the differentiated physical activities on physical and mental working capacity of students: the Dissertation of the candidate of pedagogical sciences. 180 p.

Sagittarius B.I. (1989) Quasi-professional activity and simulation game. High School Bulletin. № 8. Pp.


Solodkov A.C. (1978) Physical reserves of the body leading problem of the physiology of naval labor. Military Medical Journal. № 10. Pp. 66-68.

Trifonov E.V. (1982) Prediction in the cardiorespiratory system is one of the mechanisms of an organism's adaptation to physical exertion. Current issues in the physiology of labor. Mater All-Union Conference. Alma-Ata. Pp. 61-62.

Vilenoky M.Y. (1971) Comparative characteristics of the recovery period after intense physical and mental work. Theory and practice of physical culture. № 5. Pp. 46-49.




1 9

Гладких Ольга Владимировна1, Ермилова Оксана Юрьевна2, Зобова Ольга Анатольевна3, Борлюк Ирина Анатольевна4, Щербинина Любовь Ивановна5

1 Преподаватель, Воронежский государственный технический университет,

ул. 20 лет Октября, 84, Воронеж, Россия 2Преподаватель, Воронежский государственный технический университет,

ул. 20 лет Октября, 84, Воронеж, Россия 3Преподаватель, Воронежский государственный технический университет,

ул. 20 лет Октября, 84, Воронеж, Россия 4Преподаватель, Воронежский государственный технический университет, ул. 20 лет Октября, 84, Воронеж, Россия 5Старший преподаватель, Воронежский государственный технический университет,

ул. 20 лет Октября, 84, Воронеж, Россия


В статье рассматривается роль физической культуры и спорта в среде студентов в России. Доказано, что основным противоречием в формировании ориентации студентов в усвоении норм физической культуры является противоречие между абстрактным отношением общества к укреплению здоровья в результате посещения соответствующих занятий и потребностями личности в самореализации и самоутверждении.

Особое внимание уделяется противоречиям между необходимостью овладения студентами компетенциями, приобретенными в школе в области физической культуры, и стереотипным содержанием знаний и умений, которые они получают на занятиях в вузе.

Ключевые слова: обучение, физическая культура, духовность, общество.


Amosov N.M. and Brendet H.A. (1975) Physiology of activity and heart. Kiev: Health. 255 s. Bogdanov S.N., Chubarov MM, Yankovsky Yu.T. (1990) Teaching the subject of "physical education" using a personal computer. Theory and practice of physical culture. № 8. Pp. 32-33.

Ashmarov I.A., Ershov B.A. (2018) Church as a social and economic institution of society in the XIX -early XX centuries. II International Scientific and Practical Conference "Orthodoxy and Society: the Edge of Interaction." Chita: Transbaikal State University. Pp. 33-41.

Davidenko D.N., Lesnoy N.K. (1982) The influence of factors of high mountains on the efficiency of regulation of the circulatory system. Circulation in conditions of high mountain and experimental hypoxia. Frunze: Ilim. Pp. 43-44.


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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Efimenko V.F., Reznik N.I., Reznik A.D. (1988) Interdisciplinary communication: methodological functions. High School Bulletin. №. 9. Pp. 32-37.

Ershov B.A. (2009) The value of spiritual and moral values in the education of young people. Bulletin of the Voronezh State Technical University. № 3. Pp. 34-37.

Ershov B.A., Zimenkova E.V. (2016) Consequences of the collapse of the USSR. International Journal of Humanities and Natural Sciences. № 3. Pp. 20-22.

Ershov, B.A., (2012) Historiographical aspects of the relationship between the Russian Orthodox Church and state structures in the provinces of the Central Chernozem region in the XIX-early XX centuries. Bulletin of the Voronezh State Technical University. Series "Humanities". Pp. 188-192.

Hettinger Th. (1961) Der Sportarzt vereinigt mit Sportmedizin. №. 2. Pp. 32-44.

Katch F.W. Walace Y.P. (1976) Physiological variables during ten years of endurance exercise. Medicine und Sport. №. 5. Pp. 8-12.

Khozyainov G.I. (1987) Improvement of the educational process with the help of technical means of education. Theory and practice of physical culture. № 2. Pp. 18-20.

Kirey N.I., Kukosyan OG (1986) Psychological and pedagogical foundations of the adaptation period of first-year students. Modern Higher School. № 3. Pp. 109-123.

Loskutova T.D. (1975) Evaluation of the functional state of the human central nervous system by the parameters of a simple motor reaction. Physiological Journal of the USSR. № 1. Pp. 3-12.

Nefedova E.V., Kozlovtseva E.A., Lubkin Y.Y., Ezhova A.V. (2018) The use of a circular method of training to improve the physical fitness of students of special medical groups in physical education classes. Scientific notes of the University named after P.F. Lesgaft. № 3 (157). Pp. 229-232.

Neverkovich S.D. (1988) Methodology and structure of organizational learning games. Theory and practice of physical culture. № 1. Pp. 12-16.

Petrov P.K. (1982) Questions of the methodology for including programmed materials in the study of theoretical sections of the course of gymnastics. Theory and practice of physical culture. № 10. Pp. 38-40.

Rusanov V.P. (1979) Influence of the differentiated physical activities on physical and mental working capacity of students: the Dissertation of the candidate of pedagogical sciences. 180 p.

Sagittarius B.I. (1989) Quasi-professional activity and simulation game. High School Bulletin. № 8. Pp.


iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

Solodkov A.C. (1978) Physical reserves of the body leading problem of the physiology of naval labor. Military Medical Journal. № 10. Pp. 66-68.

Trifonov E.V. (1982) Prediction in the cardiorespiratory system is one of the mechanisms of an organism's adaptation to physical exertion. Current issues in the physiology of labor. Mater All-Union Conference. Alma-Ata. Pp. 61-62.

Vilenoky M.Y. (1971) Comparative characteristics of the recovery period after intense physical and mental work. Theory and practice of physical culture. № 5. Pp. 46-49.


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