THE USE OF VIRTUAL COMPUTERS IN TEACHING OF INFORMATION DISCIPLINES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Компьютерные и информационные науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по компьютерным и информационным наукам, автор научной работы — Toyirov A.X., Zaripova M.J., Jumaev F.T.

The questions of possibility of use of virtual computers in teaching of information disciplines are considered in the article. The main stages and technology of creation of virtual computers are described.

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11. TINA Cloud project home: http://www.tina.com /English/tina/

12. PartSim project home: http://www.partsim.com/

13. RT-LAB project home: http://www.opal-rt.com/company/company-profile/

14. FineSim Pro project home: http://news.synopsys.com/2013-02-07-Latest-Advances-in-FineSim-Deliver-Up-to-2X-Performance-and-Capacity-Improvements


Teacher Toyirov A. X., Senior teacher Zaripova M. J., Teacher Jumaev F.T.

Uzbekistan, Termiz, Termiz State University.

Abstract. The questions of possibility of use of virtual computers in teaching of information disciplines are considered in the article. The main stages and technology of creation of virtual computers are described.

Keywords: virtual computer, VirtualBox, virtualization.

Main difference of informatics from other technical disciplines studied at the higher school, consists that its subject of studying changes with accelerated rates. Today the number of computers in the world exceeds 500 million units, moreover each computing system is in own way unique. To find two systems with identical equipment rooms and program configurations very difficult and therefore effective operation of computer facilities requires from experts rather wide level of knowledge and practical skills. At the same time, in a quantitative sense rate of numerical growth of computing systems considerably exceeds rate of the training of specialists, capable effectively to work with them.

But from the moment of introduction at the higher schools of a course of informatics disputes don't stop: what to teach and how to teach. The purpose of training of informatics in particular, demands the following:

1. to be able to work with the computer equipment which becomes daily reality as the TV or


2. to be able to be guided at the huge amount of information which increases in sizes with an enormous speed;

3. to be able to adapt and live in the becoming complicated world.

Now the students who are training in "Applied mathematics and informatics" study a set of disciplines of subject preparation, among which: "Bases of the theory of information", "The theory of algorithms", "Programming", "Numerical methods", "Architecture of the computer", "Computer networks", "The Internet and technology multimedia", "Information and communication technologies in education", "Computer modeling", "A technique of training in informatics". Besides, for the students who are training in "The applied mathematics and informatics" are provided by educational programs of discipline of subject preparation at the choice of the student, established by educational institution.

Among the listed disciplines, most dynamically "Computer networks, the Internet and technology multimedia" and "Software" develop in recent years. Constantly there are new technologies (Wi-Fi, WiMax, new network services (ip-television, IP-telephony)), the software develops. Mastering students skills of work with operating systems and their network opportunities within these disciplines is very important.

However very often in educational institutions for safety access to the computer from under the account with the limited rights and opportunities is provided to students. On the other hand, in the majority of educational institutions computers work under control of operating systems of Windows family. This system has many shortcomings. Today to a dress with Windows there is the alternative full-fledged Linux operating system meeting all modern requirements.

Linux represents quickly developing software, extended on the terms of the license GNU GPL, i.e. it is free and public. This system also as well as Windows has the graphic interface. Linux can be integrated into any local network, all network protocols and services, work in TCP/IP networks are supported. Use of this operating system in educational institutions could lower costs of software acquisition significantly. However, today among teachers and students of higher education institutions it isn't enough of those who is familiar with this operating system and has any skills of work in it.

The analysis of curricula and programs shows also that within discipline "Computer networks, the Internet and technology multimedia" not enough attention is paid to server technologies (to PHP, MySQL, Apache). All these technologies also are supported in Linux, and programs necessary for this purpose are included in any distribution kit of this OS. Other feature of training of students in "The applied mathematics and informatics" is that the most part of time within discipline "Software" is taken away on studying of office programs and not enough attention is paid to other applied programs.

When studying operating systems and computer networks so-called virtual computers can render to teachers and students significant assistance.

Recently there were popular the programs emulating operation of the computer in an operating system. Such programs are called as virtual computers. The virtual computer is a program imitation of operation of the separate computer. In the environment of any OS, for example Windows, it is possible to start some such virtual computers. On one of them, for example, Ubuntu Linux, on another -Mandriva, on the third - Windows of any version, etc. will be established. These virtual computers can be united in a virtual network, and also connect to other computers in a real network.

There are many options of use of virtual computers. For example, to the students who are training in "Applied mathematics and informatics" to have to test the programs in various versions of OS. Not always there is an opportunity to use some computers on which all Windows versions are established. It is enough to establish these versions on several virtual computers which are "located" in only one computer. Probably, students will want to test some distribution kits of Linux before notice the decision on transition to this system with Windows, it is also possible to establish various distribution kits of Linux and to choose the most suitable [1].

It is important to understand that the virtual computer spends resources of the computer on which it is installed. That is resources of the processor, random access memory, video memory the main OS (established on your computer) and guest OS (established on the virtual computer) divide among themselves. Therefore it is necessary to consider that the virtual computer can't use all resources of the computer and consequently, it isn't necessary to wait from it for high efficiency. However, cases when on guest OS even play three-dimensional games are known. Certainly, everything depends on computer power - if in the computer 4 Gb of the RAM are established, and 2 Gb are thus given to guest OS, quite productive system turns out.

So, the virtual computer represents the usual computer program "in" which it is possible to install system, other than that that is established on the computer. And this system will fully work. Also, it is possible to install applied programs and to carry out in them habitual operations.

There is a set of programs for work with virtual computers from different producers. We will list some of them:

For example, for creation of virtual computers programs of VMware firm are most popular and today in a line of products of VMware one program, and is offered at once not a little. Among VMware Workstation, VMware ESX Server, VMware VirtualCenter is most interesting the Workstation version. The operating system installed on the virtual computer can be started in a separate window. VMware ensures functioning of several virtual computers on one personal computer. Besides, the system of VMware virtual computers allows to share files and appendices different virtual computers due to use of a virtual network (even within one computer).

Also, it is possible to pay attention to one more free VirtualBox program which can be downloaded on a site www.virtualbox.org. The VirtualBox program - the powerful tool for those who should work with a set of various operating systems. Various versions of this program for installation on various platforms, including on computers under control of Windows are available, to Linux, MacOS and Solaris.

VirtualBox (Oracle VM VirtualBox) — the software product of virtualization for the operating systems Microsoft Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, Mac OS X, Solaris/OpenSolaris, ReactOS, DOS and others. (Virtualization is an abstraction of the software from the hardware, giving any advantages

before an original configuration; multiprocessor systems in which operating systems are configured so are an available example that some CPU are represented as one module) [2].

The above advantages of these programs opens ample opportunities for studying of computer networks and server technologies. It is natural that all this turns out by division of resources of the real computer therefore requirements to the basic computer raise.

In the majority of computer classes the Windows XP operating system is installed now. Therefore we will consider creation of the virtual computer in the environment of Windows XP by means of the VirtualBox program.

Work with virtual computers requires at least 256 Mb of random access memory, but in this case some delay of work will be noticeable as a result two operating systems will be loaded into the RAM at the same time. Comfortable work requires 512 Mb of random access memory more.

Creation of virtual computers promote the following rules.

1. We load the VirtualBox program. The program can be loaded from a site of the developer: http://www.virtualbox.org.

2. We will install the program and we start the VirtualBox program. The program is installed and started in the usual way for Windows.

3. We create the virtual computer. For example, the virtual computer for the Edubuntu 7.04 installation (the version of a kernel 2.6). For it we will allocate a half of random access memory (512 Mb), a half of memory of the videocard (64 Mb), we involve CD ROM and we will specify need of use of a Flash-disk. On a hard disk of 40 Gbytes one section in which Windows XP is established.

After start of the VirtualBox program its window opens. The sequence of steps on creation of

the new virtual computer begins click of a mouse on « the Create button. We will click a mouse on the Further button and we will set a name of the virtual computer and type of an operating system.

We will click a mouse on the Further button. In this step we will set memory size for the virtual computer. Under the terms of a task it is a half of random access memory available in the computer - 512 Mb. We will click a mouse on the Further button. Now it is required to specify, what memory size on a hard disk the virtual computer can use. At present the hard disk isn't defined therefore we will click a mouse on the Create button. The "Create a New Virtual Disk" dialog box will open. We will click a mouse on the Further button. In this case the hard disk has the volume of 40 Gbytes, we will allocate a quarter of its volume for the virtual computer. As a result on a physical hard disk the special file which will be used as a virtual disk will be written down.

Options for creation of a virtual hard disk two:

• the fixed size, on a physical hard disk will be written down at once the file of the corresponding sizes;

• dynamically increasing size, on a physical hard disk will be written down at once the file significantly the smaller size which in process of work will gradually increase, but won't exceed the specified size.

We will choose a virtual disk of the fixed size. We will click a mouse on the Further button. We will specify the size of a hard disk and a name of the file which will be used as a virtual disk. We will click a mouse on the Further button. Now we estimate information and if everything is right, we will click a mouse on the button "Is ready". The virtual hard disk is set. We will click a mouse on the Further button. Total information on the created virtual computer is provided in a window of dialogue. Parameters can be changed (Back button).

We will click a mouse on the button "Is ready". The virtual computer is ready. The virtual

computer is started by click of a mouse on

the Start button. After that against the VirtualBox

window the window of the virtual computer opens. Having pressed the <F12> key, it is possible to choose the device from which loading will be carried out.

If in it there is no need, loading is carried out according to earlier established order. The virtual computer when work in a guest operating system comes to the end with usual order is switched off.

Transfer of management by "keyboard" and "mouse" devices from a guest operating system in the main and back - pressing of the right <Ctrl> key. The indicator - a button in the right bottom corner of a window of the virtual computer:


- the keyboard and a mouse work in the main operating system;

l_J- the keyboard and a mouse work in a guest operating system.

The computer under control of Linux is loaded much more long, than under control of Windows. It also is the negative moment when using this system in educational process. But nevertheless, use of virtual computers and the Linux operating system allows pupils to understand better that fact that except Windows there are other operating systems. And here the knowledge of bases of the organization of operating systems and the principles of their functioning is not only desirable, but obligatory.

Uses in training of technologies of virtual computers while it is widespread a little. We consider that development of this subject can increase efficiency of teaching of information disciplines considerably.


1. Усманов Ш.Н. Виртуальные машины в преподавании информатики. 2007. (Usmanov Sh. N. Virtual computers in informatics teaching.) http://www.rusedu.info/Article787.html

2. Леонов В. Секреты Linux. М.: Эксмо, (Leonov V. Linux secrets.) 2010. - 336 с.

3. Сушков С.А. «Новые подходы к обучению ИТ-дисциплинам будущих учителей информатики». (Sushkov S. A. "New approaches to training in IT disciplines of future teachers of informatics") 2007.

4. http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/virtualbox/

5. http://inflin.narod.ru/



Zhanys Aray Boshanqyzy PhD, professor

Professor Russian Academy of Natural number 7524 Kokshetau University named after Abay Myrzahmetova mobile: 8-701-217-80-82, email: aray.zhanys@gmail.com Republic of Kazakhstan, Kokshetau, 020000

Nurkasymova Saule Nurkasymovna doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Eurasian National University by name is L.N. Gumilyov Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana, 010000 mobile: 87753694697SauleNurkasim@mail.ru

Nadyrova Fatima Kamalovna Lecturer, Department of Information and Computer Science ssitemy Kokshetau University named after Abay Myrzahmetova mobile: 8-701-217-80-82, email: aray.zhanys@gmail.com Republic of Kazakhstan, Kokshetau, 020000

Abstract. This paper describes the author developed an algorithm for obtaining expressions for the recording of the root system of linear algebraic equations analytically. We present a theoretical basis reduce the time for solving systems of equations by using this algorithm with dense matrices filled. It is shown that by using the proposed algorithm is applied to sparse systems of equations also manages to achieve an increase in the rate of production decisions, with even more reduced the cost of RAM.

Keywords: Efficiency, algorithm, system of linear equations, Gauss method, matrix, classic stimulant, a mathematical model, a stimulant, the number of iterations linearization, integration, information systems, inert process processing core.

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