THE USE OF POWER INDUSTRY TERMS IN LINGUISTICS. Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
transposition / translation / derivation / transformation / conversion / substitution / transition and transitivity. / транспозиция / перевод / деривация / трансформация / конверсия / замена / переход и транзитивность.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Sultanova, Muxlisa Nurillayevna

Linguistic research in recent decades has been characterized by great attention to the plan of language functioning. Of particular relevance is the complex of problems related to the functional aspect of linguistic phenomena, in particular, to various forms of recategorization of linguistic units in acts of communication, usually denoted by the term transposition. In the process of the historical development of language, linguistic phenomena are in constant motion and pass into each other. The transitivity of linguistic phenomena is the result of various processes occurring at different levels of the language. With regard to transitivity in the language, terms such as transposition, translation, derivation, transformation, conversion, substitution, transition and transitivity are often used..

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Лингвистические исследования последних десятилетий характеризуются большим вниманием к плану функционирования языка. Особую актуальность представляет комплекс проблем, связанных с функциональной стороной языковых явлений, в частности с различными формами рекатегоризации языковых единиц в актах общения, обычно обозначаемых термином транспозиция. В процессе исторического развития языка языковые явления находятся в постоянном движении и переходят друг в друга. Транзитивность языковых явлений является результатом различных процессов, происходящих на разных уровнях языка. Что касается транзитивности в языке, то часто используются такие термины, как транспозиция, перевод, деривация, трансформация, конверсия, замещение, переход и транзитивность.


Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences

SJIF 2024 = 7.404 / ASI Factor = 1.7


Sultanova Muxlisa Nurillayevna

Assistant professor of Tashkent state technical university


Linguistic research in recent decades has been characterized by great attention to the plan of language functioning. Of particular relevance is the complex of problems related to the functional aspect of linguistic phenomena, in particular, to various forms of recategorization of linguistic units in acts of communication, usually denoted by the term transposition. In the process of the historical development of language, linguistic phenomena are in constant motion and pass into each other. The transitivity of linguistic phenomena is the result of various processes occurring at different levels of the language. With regard to transitivity in the language, terms such as transposition, translation, derivation, transformation, conversion, substitution, transition and transitivity are often used..

Keywords: transposition, translation, derivation, transformation, conversion, substitution, transition and transitivity.


Лингвистические исследования последних десятилетий характеризуются большим вниманием к плану функционирования языка. Особую актуальность представляет комплекс проблем, связанных с функциональной стороной языковых явлений, в частности с различными формами рекатегоризации языковых единиц в актах общения, обычно обозначаемых термином транспозиция. В процессе исторического развития языка языковые явления находятся в постоянном движении и переходят друг в друга. Транзитивность языковых явлений является результатом различных процессов, происходящих на разных уровнях языка. Что касается транзитивности в языке, то часто используются такие термины, как транспозиция, перевод, деривация, трансформация, конверсия, замещение, переход и транзитивность.

Ключевые слова: транспозиция, перевод, деривация, трансформация, конверсия, замена, переход и транзитивность.


So'nggi o'n yilliklardagi lingvistik tadqiqotlar tilning ishlash rejasiga katta e'tibor berish bilan tavsiflanadi. Til hodisalarining funktsional jihati bilan bog'liq muammolar majmuasi, xususan, aloqa aktlarida til birliklarini qayta tasniflashning turli shakllari bilan bog'liq muammolar majmuasi alohida ahamiyatga ega, odatda transpozitsiya atamasi bilan belgilanadi. Tilning tarixiy taraqqiyoti jarayonida til

SJIF 2024 = 7.404 / ASI Factor = 1.7

hodisalari doimiy harakatda bo'lib, bir-biriga o'tib boradi. Til hodisalarining tranzitivligi tilning turli darajalarida sodir bo'ladigan turli jarayonlarning natijasidir. Tildagi tranzitivlikka kelsak, ko'pincha transpozitsiya, tarjima, derivatsiya, transformatsiya, konvertatsiya, almashtirish, o'tish va o'tish kabi atamalar qo'llaniladi.

Kalit so'zlar: transpozitsiya, tarjima, derivatsiya, transformatsiya, konversiya, almashtirish, o'tish va tranzitivlik.


This article is devoted to the study of general issues of terminology and terminological activity in the electric power field on the material of the Uzbek and Russian languages. The development of the electric power industry affects the state of various industries and the daily lives of people around the world. This industry affects the production of energy, its transmission, distribution and sale. Accordingly, all countries of the world pay due attention to it, and states carry out mandatory regulation in this area.

The electric power industry is also the most important industry in Uzbekistan, and the welfare of the country depends on the level of its development.

The relevance of the study is due to the following factors. The electric power industry is one of the science-intensive and advanced areas in the modern world and covers all spheres of life and human activity in the XXIst century. It is engaged in the production and transmission of electricity, the need for which is constantly growing both in industrial and social spheres. In connection with the development of science and technology, the energy industry has to face new challenges, for example, the development of non-traditional energy sources, improving the reliability of power systems, increasing the volume of data from various measurements, and so on. At present, international cooperation in the field of science and economics continues to strengthen, which requires the acceleration of work on the harmonization of the terminology of national languages.

At the same time, it is necessary to expand the boundaries of the existing terminological system in order to replenish its composition with new concepts, terms and definitions. At the same time, it should be taken into account that these new concepts, terms and definitions should be the same for all energy systems in order to exclude their ambiguous interpretation by specialists from various energy industries.


was the continuous sampling method, comparative analysis, the method of statistical data processing, semantic and contextual analysis, and the heuristic method.

SJIF 2024 = 7.404 / ASI Factor = 1.7

The materials of the study were the materials of the International Council on Large High Voltage Electrical Systems / CIGRE (French Conseil International des Grands Réseaux Électriques à Haute Tension), publishing publications in English, NERC (North American Electric Reliability Corporation / North American Reliability Council in the Electricity Industry) , IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), issues of the scientific journal "Transmission and Distrubition" for 2018-2019 and its Russian counterpart, as well as scientific articles in authoritative publications for the period 2012-2019 in the study industries.


The practical significance of the work lies in the possibility of using the results of the study to improve the lexicographic practice of industry dictionaries and the training of translators in a special field. The array of studied lexical units can be used as a glossary directly in the practical work of translators and specialists in the electric power industry or for compiling teaching aids. Also, the materials and conclusions of the study will find their application in teaching courses on terminology and lexicology, the practice of scientific and technical translation for students of higher educational institutions.

A large number of definitions of the term can be explained by the philosophical and epistemological approach, according to which terms act as tools for codifying information contained in scientific and technical texts, for describing areas of knowledge and activities. In the process of codification, along with terms, other means of cognition are used, such as proper names, symbols, schemes, and so on. Together, the terms and other means of cognition reflect the concepts, categories and patterns of a certain field of knowledge in the current state and contribute to the discovery of new knowledge in certain areas.

In connection with the emergence and development of cognitive terminology, the definition of the term "as a dynamic phenomenon that is born, formulated and deepened in the process of cognition (cognition), the transition from a concept - a mental category - to a verbalized concept associated with a particular theory, concept that comprehends this or that area of knowledge and (or) activity" [Leichik, 2012, p. 264]. Within the framework of this approach, the term is assigned an instrumental function, according to which it acts as a catalyst for "the process of forming an integral conceptual apparatus of a scientific discipline" [Vasilyeva, 2019, p. 458] and a tool for "involving new objects in the field of scientific analysis and launching terminological processes".

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This implies a logical connection between the term and the concept denoted by it. Regardless of the approach to the definition of the term, such a connection is recognized by everyone who works with terms in theoretical and practical aspects.

In an attempt to summarize all theories of term definition, the authors of the book "General Terminology: Questions of Theory" defined the following characteristic: "A term is a special word (or phrase) adopted in professional activity and used in special conditions. A term is a verbal designation of a concept that is part of the system of concepts of a certain area of professional knowledge. A term is the basic conceptual element of a language for specific purposes. Within its terminological field, the term is unambiguous. Equally, sounding terms of different fields are homonyms (wave in hydraulics, radio engineering, optics and general vocabulary). For its correct understanding, the term requires a special definition (accurate scientific definition)" [Superanskaya, Podolskaya, Vasilyeva, 2012, p. 248].

Transposition in the energy sector, a change in the relative position of the wires of individual phases along the length of an overhead power transmission line (TL) to reduce the undesirable influence of the power transmission line on each other and on nearby communication lines. During transposition, the entire power line is conditionally divided into sections, the number of which is a multiple of the number of phases. When moving from one section to another, the phases change places so that each of them alternately occupies the position of the others. The length of the section is determined by the conditions for reliable operation of the power line, the cost of its construction and the requirements for the symmetry of its currents and voltages, which increases as a result of equalizing the values of the inductance and capacitance of the phases of the power line during transposition. Perform transpositions on power lines over 100 km long and with a voltage of 110 kV and above. A full cycle of phase transposition is carried out over a length of no more than

Energy derivatives are financial derivatives whose underlying asset is fossil fuels, motor fuels or electricity.

It is known that over time, the language undergoes some changes, the language develops. Linguistic phenomena are also in constant motion and pass into each other. In the field of transitivity, other terms are also used, such as transposition, translation, derivation, transformation, conversion, substitution, transition and transitivity. For a certain amount of time, these phenomena have been studied by many linguists. As a result, various definitions and different terminology of the same phenomenon appeared. So, some scientists call the transition of language units from one category to another a transposition. In the linguistic encyclopedic dictionary: "Transposition is

300 km.

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the use of one language form in the function of another - its counterterm in the paradigmatic series" [V.G. Gag, 2002,519]. L. Tenier calls this phenomenon translation [Teniere 1988,378]. E.A. Kurilovich believes that the phenomenon of transitivity occurs as a result of morphological and syntactic derivation, therefore he calls such phenomena derivation [E. Kurilovich, 1962.61]. I.A. Melchuk and A.I. Smirnitsky use the term conversion as "a meaningful regular change in grammatical compatibility" [I.A. Melchuk, 1973.32; Smirnitsky 1953.71]. Meanwhile, V.N. Migirin calls these processes transformation and refers to them any transformations in the language [V.N. Migirin, 1971]. From the studied material, we can conclude that this phenomenon characterizes transitional phenomena in the language and is related to parts of speech. V.V. Babaitseva in her work "The Phenomenon of Transitivity in Grammar in the Russian Language" calls these phenomena "transition ", "transitivity".

Functional terminological derivation (term formation) is a regulated process, in contrast to the process of the emergence of words of a general literary language (words of general use), which occurs as a result of communication between people in society as a whole.

In a certain sense, term formation can be qualified as a conceptual classification; term derivative - as a taxon, as a unit of metataxonomic level; the totality of derivatives is a taxonomy based on a system of relevant signs of identification and differentiation of signs (metalinguistic taxonomic units) that serve as a designation.

The foregoing allows us to conclude that the opposition of discreteness (the zone of discreteness - formants, morphemes, models, bases, terminological elements, any distinguishable units - is the least studied in the field of terminological derivation) to the continuum in the language of science is of fundamental nature. The term is not inert in its development and meaning, which manifests the infinity of the cognitive-communicative process and language development, evolution in general, and the term-forming subsystem of the modern Russian and Uzbek national language is an autonomous, self-developing tier with specific parameters.

Since in the modern grammar of the Russian language all abstract concepts expressed by nouns are classified as an object, we put this principle at the basis of this categorical-conceptual differentiation. Thus, the category of objectivity in linguistic terminology is synonymous with the category of objects in other highly specialized terminologies (technical, natural science), which is due to the priority of the noun as a part of speech, denoting that which exists, and being at the same time a functional analogue of matter.

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A classifier, a derivational meta-unit, a post-root affix, "expresses the formal-semantic relation of the derivative to its conceptually modified producer," allows systematizing highly specialized linguistic concepts of the same order.

Words such as "transition", "transitivity", "transposition" mean movement, transformation and development.

Transitivity in the language is mostly considered not from the point of view of syntax, but from the point of view of morphology. V.V. Vinogradov, who studied the transition of one part of speech into another, writes: "Parts of speech are interdependent, therefore part-of-speech transitions are characteristic of living languages". The transition of some parts of speech to others in linguistics is carried out on the basis of the conversion process, which is one of the ways in which words are formed.

The transition of some linguistic phenomena into others does not take place at one moment, but proceeds for a long time. In the transition process, they go through language sorting and several stages. This means that linguistic phenomena, being in the intermediate zone, continue to function in the transitional period. So, for example, about the transition of one part of speech to another, N.A. Kalamova writes: "Where there is a complete transition of one part of speech to another, this process can be understood by referring to the history of the language, in the same place where the transition process is not complete , but observes the dual functioning of grammatical homonyms. According to the scientist, a linguistic phenomenon that has not completely passed has the characteristics of two different linguistic units (initial and subsequent).

In recent years, the issues of the transition of some parts of speech to others have been most comprehensively and deeply considered in the work of P.A. Lekant, in which he notes that along with features characteristic only for certain parts of speech, there are also common features: "There are no and cannot be boundaries between parts of speech: they have not only different, opposite, but also common features," therefore, the presence of "hybrid" and "wandering" words that have not yet found their part of speech or left it under the influence of various linguistic and speech factors, inevitably. From all this it follows that in the process of transition, linguistic phenomena retain the meaning and function of their initial categories, without losing their grammatical features, which indicates an incomplete transition of some parts of speech into another part of speech.

V.V. Shigurov identifies the following features of words passing from one part of speech to another:

1) Changing the syntactic function of the word;

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2) Changing the general grammatical (categorical) meaning of the word;

3) Changing the syntactic distribution of the word;

4) Changing the lexical meaning of the word;

5) Changing the lexical distribution of the word;

6) Changing the morphological features of the word;

7) Changing the morphemic structure of the word;

8) Changing the word-formation possibilities of the word

9) Changing the phonetic features of the word (stress, reduction of phonemic composition)

The transition of one part of speech to another is a widespread phenomenon, characteristic of many languages of the world. This phenomenon is also inherent in the Kazakh language. In Kazakh linguistics, the problem of the transition of words from one part of speech to another was comprehensively studied by Zh. Sarbalaev, according to whom "the transition of words from one category to another is a long process that takes place over a certain period of time. This process can be divided into two periods: a) the initial period, characterized by the transition of words from one category to another; b) the final period of the transition of words from one category to another. The reason for this periodization is that the words involved in this process, which originates from syntactic use, cannot immediately and irrevocably move to another part of speech. These words primarily exist between two parts of speech" in the "intermediate" or "mixed" category and have two different lexico-grammatical characteristics.


The scientific problem is the lack of a consensus on the essence of the phenomenon of transposition of parts of speech and, to a certain extent, similar transonymization factors, including a single terminological apparatus for denoting the outlined linguistic phenomena, as well as the need for historiographic fixation with subsequent systematization, classification and evaluation of the already accumulated in linguistics of theoretical material on transposition and transonymization in Russian. An in-depth linguo-historiographic study of the problem raised seems to be important and promising for the development of modern linguistics.


1. Leichik V.M. Terminology: Subject, methods, structure. 5th edition. M.: Book house "LIBROKOM", 2012. 264 p.

2. Vasilyeva N.V. On the instrumental function of the term (based on onomastic terminology) // Cognitive Studies of Language. Issue. XXXVIII: Languages, cultures,

SJIF 2024 = 7.404 / ASI Factor = 1.7

modalities: Integration of methods of cognitive studies of language: materials of the round table. Moscow State Linguistic University. November 1, 2019 / chief editor of the issue O.K. Iriskhanov. Tambov: Derzhavinsky Publishing House, 2019, pp. 458-

3. Superanskaya A.V., Podolskaya N.V., Vasil'eva N.V. General terminology: questions of theory. M.: Book house "LIBROKOM", 2012. 248 p.

4. Gak, V. G. Transposition / V. G. Gak // Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary / editor-in-chief V. N. Yartseva. - M., 2002. - p. 519.

5. Tenier, L. Fundamentals of structural syntax / L. Tenier. - M., 1988. - p. 378.


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