THE USE OF MULTIMEDIA MEANS IN LANGUAGE TEACHING Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Kayumov Sh.

This article deals with various electronic means of language learning are available in the world experience. We gave the information the text-book. The text-book includes of the three-step program includes grammar, writing, listening comprehension, and reading skills, ranging from the words and phrases used to start a conversation to the conversations on complex topics.

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Kayumov Sh.

Senior Teacher, NamETI


This article deals with various electronic means of language learning are available in the world experience. We gave the information the text-book. The text-book includes of the three-step program includes grammar, writing, listening comprehension, and reading skills, ranging from the words and phrases used to start a conversation to the conversations on complex topics.

Key words: foreign languages and computer skills, direct communication in English, writing, listening comprehension.

The President and the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan pay great attention to the development of knowledge of foreign languages and computer skills of specialists receiving scholarships to the national economy. Nowadays, students can easily "communicate" with the latest computer programs. Today, computers are developing to such an extent that they are rendering invaluable services in key sectors of the economy. We believe that we should use computers extensively in language learning. For example, it would be useful to take different levels of English test kits from http://www.englishteststore.com/ and use them in lessons. This web page ranges from the most basic level tests to the most advanced level tests, and they are electronic tests. Another noteworthy aspect is that these tests are not only grammar tests but they also serve to assess students 'knowledge of language teaching methods such as grammar, writing, listening comprehension, reading. True, a lot of work has been done in this regard around the world, and many multimedia programs have been created for language learning. In Uzbekistan, popular programs for learning English are being used in practice.

The Uzbek State University of World Languages has created a course of practical English for professors and teachers of universities, its complex and program materials are prepared on a laser disk. However, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is time to fully computerize the current language learning classes. Recently, English language courses for those of all ages interested in learning English have been offered on various Uzbek television channels.

At present, various electronic means of language learning are available in the world experience. Take, for example, the English for you e-textbook. In this textbook, lessons are taught by language learners. The three-step program includes grammar, writing, listening comprehension, and reading skills, ranging from the words and phrases used to start a conversation to the conversations on complex topics. Each stage is named separately: Beginner level, (elementary level), elementary level and intermediate level. Each video lesson is conducted in its entirety in the form of direct communication in English with several students, and the mastery of each topic is analyzed comparatively with many examples. At the end of each lesson, the topics covered in the form of a free conversation are repeated and reinforced. In our lessons, we paid special attention to the fact that the lesson will be mastered only if the student can fully understand the dialogue at

the end of the video lesson, and if it is difficult to understand, it is necessary to repeat the lesson. Students also use the Lingvo x3 electronic dictionary effectively.

Another program is called "Polyglot" (this program is available on the Internet) and is designed for Russian speakers or those who know Russian. These classes are also conducted in an open communication manner and are designed for older people working in different fields who have a certain understanding of the language.

First of all, we believe that we should have our own special language teaching programs in Uzbek and English-Uzbek electronic dictionaries. To do this, a special team of authors will be formed, first to improve the general language teaching tools on the basis of state educational standards, and then to work on the directions (here in the non-professional universities language teaching programs corresponding to higher education).

Today's youth are well versed in the use of mobile phones. We believe that the practice of using telephone teaching software in the world should be widely developed in our country. To do this, we need to create those programs in Uzbek. In this regard, it is necessary to give program developers a broad opportunities; because having a lot of alternative programs in the selection of teaching programs will be only useful.

There is a strong emphasis on teaching written speech in Europe and the West. At the same time, we believe that the development of written speech would have a positive effect on the process of thinking and expressing the thoughts of the language learner. If our students intend to go abroad to study, they will definitely need to state their Statement of purpose in their chosen field. In this process, there is a great need to develop the skills of our students. Therefore, it is advisable to pay attention to this area when creating e-text-books.

The systematization and popularization of the accumulated experience in the creation of modern electronic means of language teaching is also important. Only if the electronic means of language teaching (presentation, listening comprehension, multimedia) are focused on one goal, namely the improvement and development of modern electronic means of language teaching, we will be able to fully meet the language requirements of our President, the Ministry of Higher Education and the government. We are currently using a distance learning program. However, we cannot boast that we are doing what we set out to do. We still have a

lot to learn and teach. This area is still the most pressing issue today. This is another area of research and we will return to it.


1. Sattorov T. Q. Bo'lajak chet tili o'qituvchisining uslubiy omilkorligini shakllantirish texnologiyasi. -T.: TDYUI, 2003.-191 b.

2. Jalolov J. J. Chet til o'qitish metodikasi. Chet tillar oliy o'quv yurtlari (fakultetlari) talabalari uchun darslik. -T.: O'qituvchi, 1996. -368 b.

3. J. Jalolov. B. Zalotov. "Inglizcha talaffuzni o'rgatishda texnika vositalaridan foydalanish" T-2003.8b

4. Website http://www.englishteststore.com/


Mamadaliyeva B.

Senior teacher, Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology


The purpose of this article is not to the teaching methods of a foreign language, it seems important to us to define the role and error correction technology to implement declared competencies Keywords: teach, to communicate, learning, difficult, mistakes. process, language.

To teach students to communicate naturally in an artificial learning situation is difficult and to avoid mistakes in the process of mastering the language is not possible, therefore, the teacher must be warned and methodically correct the errors that arise. Based on the content of these competencies, the conclusion suggests itself that students should be able to use a foreign language for its intended purpose — to communicate and extract information and at the same time have a sufficient degree of literacy to achieve these goals. Fix problem: mistakes always worried teachers' strange language. Question to correct errors or no, but if corrected, how much depends on the methodology that the teacher uses in his work, as well as on the type of speech activity the fact in which the correction takes place mistakes. Having examined the brief history of the approach to error correction problem, every teacher English must first of all answer to the questions:

1) to correct errors or not? 2) when should be fixed and how?

In 1978, J. Hendrickson formulated urgent questions on the problem of fixing errors side, and in response to the first question from the list we give the answer is yes, in the process of teaching a foreign language errors need to be fixed. Other issues nominated by J. Hendricks are still standing in front of teachers.

— When should errors be corrected? Answering this question, the teacher should wives to consider the goals and objectives of the lesson, as well as forms educational activities. So, when fixing the grammar material (verb tenses, degrees comparing adjectives, modal verbs) it is advisable for the teacher to correct errors students directly in the course of utterance and fix the correct option. However, during me spontaneous (dialogic or monologue speech) when the goal is communication, and students express their opinion more reasonably and effective for the teacher to fix errors and analyze and correct them after completion of students' speech. Least effective we consider the method of delayed board (delayed correction), when parsing and mistakes are carried out by the teacher through a few days after completing the work (write test, essay, etc.).

— What mistakes should be corrected? Before answering this question, study the most typical causes in

a forest mistakes made by students studying foreign language.

1. The influence of the native language. Such errors pronounced by students in pronunciation of words (center, London, production), preowned logs (in Monday, in the cinema, on the station), in sentence constructions (In the room many tables. Me like this film), used in the sense of a synonym (business affair, case; case- incident, accident, occasion, case).

2. Fuzzy knowledge of the rules. Knowing the rule about adding -ed to the correct words goals, students add it by analogy to non- correct (growed, builded) or confused rules the formation of degrees of comparison of monosyllables and polysyllabic adjectives (colder, bigger, difficulter).

3. Errors made by inattention.

The causes of these errors can be different (same-the desire to demonstrate their knowledge, thoughts, focus on content, personal problems etc.). If the work performed by a student wears communicative nature and focus. The focus is on content only errors that prevent understanding. Duplicate errors are necessary. I must fix it. When working on gram math material, as well as when working on the formation of writing skills, attention- strong and weak should be given mistakes, including oversights.

— Who should correct the mistakes? Of course, the initiator of the process is the teacher, without its directing influence this process is impossible. At each lesson, the feeder is confronted with student errors that he must qualify for the reasons for the occurrence, quality, and in a matter of seconds organize the activities of the error correction team. Theoretical research and the experience of practitioners provide teachers with information for reflection, but, alas, there are very few recipes. The most recognized error correction methods:

self-correction (student self-correction of his mistakes); peer-correction (correction of errors by members of the group); teacher correction.

Having studied this problem, we can formulate the following conclusions: Errors — an integral element of the cognition process, an indicator of the assimilation of program material by students. Failure to correct mistakes prevents progress in learning a foreign language.

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