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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Gorbenko Viktoriia D., Dominova Tatiana N., Ilina Natalia O., Mityakova Marina V.

In the conditions of a substantial increase in the number of foreign students in the universities of the Russian Federation in recent years especially relevant research of studying ways to increase the effectiveness of the formation of the communicative competence of this contingent of students in the educational and scientific sphere of communication at the stage of pre-university training. Professionally oriented teaching in groups of the humanitarian profile has its own specific features, due to the conditions of study, in which students who have chosen humanitarian areas of a fairly wide range can study in one group. The purpose of this paper is to describe the student body studying at the stage of pre-university training at Russian as a Foreign Language Center of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPbPU HSIEP RFLC), to find out their educational route and degree of conformity of the scientific prose style course, which is prepared based on traditional approaches, to communicative needs relevant to future majors of the students, and to propose and to present an argument for a more effective technology of modular education. As methods of scientific research, the work used the method of analysis of scientific sources devoted to the competence approach to teaching, professionally oriented teaching of Russian as a foreign language and modular technology. Also, the questionnaire method allowed us to obtain data as a result of a survey of 154 students of the pre-university training program of SPbPU HSIEP RFLC. On the basis of theoretical analysis, it has been established that, within the competence-based approach, professionally oriented training in groups of the humanitarian profile at the stage of pre-university training should take place taking into account the communication needs that are relevant for future specialties of students. Empirical method of study allowed identifying a list of future majors of pre-graduate training program trainees, the top of which are the following: linguistics (46%), foreign area studies (24%), majors related to art and culture (8%), psychological and educational majors (8%), law (6%), advertising and public relations (5%). Also a low level of foreign students’ satisfaction (39%) with the content of scientific prose style course based on traditional technology of mass group learning, which preconditions the need to use an innovative modular technology in teaching and learning process. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the description of the process of pre-university training of foreign students in humanitarian groups through the prism of the foundations of modular education. According to the authors, modular training will allow to quickly vary the content aspect of training, focusing on the communicative needs of a certain humanitarian direction.

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Перспективы Науки и Образования

Международный электронный научный журнал ISSN 2307-2334 (Онлайн)

Адрес выпуска: pnojournal.wordpress.com/archive20/20-05/ Дата публикации: 31.10.2020 УДК 372.881.161.1

В. Д. Горбенко, Т. Н. ДоминовА, Н. О. Ильина, М. В. МитяковА

Использование модульной технологии при формировании коммуникативной компетенции иностранных учащихся гуманитарного профиля в учебно-научной сфере общения на этапе предвузовской подготовки

В условиях существенного увеличения численности иностранных студентов в вузах Российской Федерации в последние годы особую актуальность приобретают исследования, направленные на изучение способов повышения эффективности по формированию коммуникативной компетенции данного контингента учащихся в учебно-научной сфере общения на этапе предвузовской подготовки. Профессионально ориентированное обучение в группах гуманитарного профиля имеет свои специфические особенности, обусловленные условиями обучения, при которых в одной группе могут учиться слушатели, выбравшие гуманитарные направления достаточного широкого спектра.

Цель статьи - на основе эмпирических данных описать состав контингента, обучающегося на этапе предвузовской подготовки по программе гуманитарной направленности в Центре русского языка как иностранного Санкт-Петербургского политехнического университета Петра Великого (ЦРКИ ВШМОП СПбПУ), выявить их будущий образовательный маршрут и степень соответствия содержания построенного по традиционным подходам курса по научному стилю речи коммуникативным потребностям, актуальным для будущих специальностей учащихся, а также предложить и обосновать более эффективную инновационную технологию модульного обучения.

В качестве методов научного исследования в работе использовались метод анализа научных источников, посвященных компетентностному подходу к обучению, профессионально ориентированному обучению РКИ и модульной технологии, а также метод анкетирования, позволивший получить данные в результате опроса 154 слушателей программы предвузовской подготовки ЦРКИ ВШМОП СПбПУ. На основе теоретического анализа установлено, что в рамках компетентностного подхода профессионально ориентированное обучение в группах гуманитарного профиля на этапе предвузовской подготовки должно проходить с учетом коммуникативных потребностей, актуальных для будущих специальностей учащихся.

Эмпирический метод исследования позволил выявить перечень будущих специальностей слушателей программы предвузовской подготовки, ведущими из которых являются: лингвистика (46%), зарубежное регионоведение (24%), специальности, связанные с искусством и культурой (8%), психолого-педагогические специальности (8%), юриспруденция (6%), реклама и связи с общественностью (5%). Также была установлена невысокая степень удовлетворенности иностранными учащимися (39%) содержанием курса по научному стилю речи, построенного по традиционной технологии поточно-группового обучения, что обусловливает необходимость использования в учебном процессе инновационной модульной технологии.

Научная новизна исследования заключается в описании процесса предвузовской подготовки иностранных учащихся в группах гуманитарной направленности через призму основ модульного обучения, которое позволит, по мнению авторов, оперативно варьировать содержательный аспект обучения с ориентацией на коммуникативные потребности, актуальные для каждого определенного гуманитарного направления.

Ключевые слова: модульная технология, гуманитарный профиль, иностранные учащиеся, предвузовская подготовка, учебно-научная сфера общения, русский язык как иностранный, профессионально ориентированное обучение

Ссылка для цитирования:

Горбенко В. Д., Доминова Т. Н., Ильина Н. О., Митякова М. В. Использование модульной технологии при формировании коммуникативной компетенции иностранных учащихся гуманитарного профиля в учебно-научной сфере общения на этапе предвузовской подготовки // Перспективы науки и образования. 2020. № 5 (47). С. 160-169. с^: 10.32744^е.2020.5.11

Perspectives of Science & Education

International Scientific Electronic Journal ISSN 2307-2334 (Online)

Available: psejournal.wordpress.com/archive20/20-05/ Accepted: 25 August 2020 Published: 31 October 2020

V. D. Gorbenko, T. N. Dominova, N. O. Ilina, M. V. Mityakova

The use of modular technology in the formation of the communicative competence of foreign students of the humanitarian profile in the educational and scientific sphere of communication at the stage of pre-university training

In the conditions of a substantial increase in the number of foreign students in the universities of the Russian Federation in recent years especially relevant research of studying ways to increase the effectiveness of the formation of the communicative competence of this contingent of students in the educational and scientific sphere of communication at the stage of pre-university training. Professionally oriented teaching in groups of the humanitarian profile has its own specific features, due to the conditions of study, in which students who have chosen humanitarian areas of a fairly wide range can study in one group.

The purpose of this paper is to describe the student body studying at the stage of pre-university training at Russian as a Foreign Language Center of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPbPU HSIEP RFLC), to find out their educational route and degree of conformity of the scientific prose style course, which is prepared based on traditional approaches, to communicative needs relevant to future majors of the students, and to propose and to present an argument for a more effective technology of modular education.

As methods of scientific research, the work used the method of analysis of scientific sources devoted to the competence approach to teaching, professionally oriented teaching of Russian as a foreign language and modular technology. Also, the questionnaire method allowed us to obtain data as a result of a survey of 154 students of the pre-university training program of SPbPU HSIEP RFLC. On the basis of theoretical analysis, it has been established that, within the competence-based approach, professionally oriented training in groups of the humanitarian profile at the stage of pre-university training should take place taking into account the communication needs that are relevant for future specialties of students.

Empirical method of study allowed identifying a list of future majors of pre-graduate training program trainees, the top of which are the following: linguistics (46%), foreign area studies (24%), majors related to art and culture (8%), psychological and educational majors (8%), law (6%), advertising and public relations (5%). Also a low level of foreign students' satisfaction (39%) with the content of scientific prose style course based on traditional technology of mass group learning, which preconditions the need to use an innovative modular technology in teaching and learning process.

The scientific novelty of the research lies in the description of the process of pre-university training of foreign students in humanitarian groups through the prism of the foundations of modular education. According to the authors, modular training will allow to quickly vary the content aspect of training, focusing on the communicative needs of a certain humanitarian direction.

Keywords: modular technology, humanitarian profile, foreign students, pre-university training, educational and scientific sphere of communication, communication needs, professionally oriented training

For Reference:

Gorbenko, V. D., Dominova, T. N., Ilina, N. O., & Mityakova, M. V. (2020). The use of modular technology in the formation of the communicative competence of foreign students of the humanitarian profile in the educational and scientific sphere of communication at the stage of pre-university training. Perspektivy nauki i obrazovania - Perspectives of Science and Education, 47 (5), 160-169. doi: 10.32744/pse.2020.5.11


earning of international students in Russian universities is an important part of the modern educational system, as it promotes the integration of Russian education into the global educational process [1]. The most important criterion for the success of education of foreign students in Russian universities is considered to be a sufficient level of formation of communicative competence that allows obtaining higher education in Russian language. Within the framework of the competent approach, formation of professional competencies of foreign students, which provide them with the opportunity to successfully study in an authentic Russian-speaking environment, is of particular importance.

The concept of "profession-oriented education" has been included in the method of RFL teaching thanks to works of L. P. Klobukova [10], [11], G. I. Kutuzova [14], A. I. Surygin [21]. I. A. Pugachev justly notes that the high degree of demand for Russian educational programs by foreign students "makes it relevant to develop a new concept of professional and communication competence, which involves creation of an innovative professionally oriented integrative model of RFL learning" [19, p. 19]. The peculiarity of profession oriented RFL learning is that it is a specially organized learning process, where all components of the learning system are in one way or another conditioned by the future major of students [4].

The process of forming the communicative competence of foreign students in the academic and scientific field begins at the pre-university stage of education, as "preparatory departments implement the first stage of trainee's entry into the Russian educational system" [18, p. 39]. In the context of professionally oriented education, the training of foreign students of pre-university training programs in the scientific prose style obviously becomes topical.

When we talk about teaching the scientific prose style as an important component of pre-university training, it should be noted that this process shall be carried out within the framework of the subject oriented approach. Traditionally, the subject oriented training in RFL teaching method is "the type of students training in the language and other disciplines depending on their professional interests and language needs [3, p. 264]. In modern regulatory instruments which regulate the requirements for proficiency in additional general education programs providing preparation of foreign citizens and stateless persons for professional educational programs in Russian language, the term "orientation of the educational program" is used, which can be scientific, engineering and technical, technology, humanitarian, economic and medical and biological [2].

In SPbPU preparation of foreign students for first-year studies is carried out in main professional profiles: technical, economic and humanitarian. Moreover, in terms of the number of students in 2019/2020 academic year the humanitarian profile is second after the technical one. This is due to the fact that majors of humanitarian orientation in Russian universities, such as law, international relations, linguistics, pedagogy, psychology, advertising and public relations, as well as manors related to art, are becoming more and more demanded by foreign students.

Not being a component of the learning system, learning conditions have a significant impact on it. For objective reasons, trainees of pre-university training programs who have chosen different areas of humanitarian orientation find themselves in the same training group of 12 people. In this situation, the teacher faces a serious problem of selection of

syllabus because the educational content, which shall be mastered by students, should be as correlated as possible with the goals of teaching future linguists, philosophers, sociologists, lawyers, psychologists, specialists in international relations, etc. This feature places RFL teachers before certain methodical challenges, namely, the purposeful study of communication needs of students according to their professional orientation, the determination of the scope of material studied, the selection and creation of educational materials, manuals that meet the needs of future students.

It is becoming apparent that in today's environment for professionally oriented RFL education at the pre-university training stage in humanitarian groups, the use of traditional technology of mass group learning for the organization of educational process is impractical, as it does not allow flexibility to select the content of training and takes into account the needs relevant either for only one specific field of study or simultaneously for many fields but very superficially, on a tangent basis. The mass group learning does not take into account the differentiation of students either by their level of training, nor by their cognitive characteristics, nor by their future educational trajectories, as learning is performed according to the general curriculum common for everybody, at a single pace and on the basis of means of learning that are not different in content. To improve the performance of communication competence in the educational and scientific fields in humanitarian groups, it is necessary to apply individually oriented innovative pedagogical technologies, one of which is modular technology.

The purpose of this paper is to describe the student body studying at the stage of pre-university training at SPbPU HSIEP RFLC, to find out their educational route and degree of conformity of the scientific prose style course, which is prepared based on traditional approaches, to communicative needs relevant to future majors of the students, and to propose and to present an argument for a more effective technology of modular education.

The hypothesis of this study is that in current conditions of a significant increase in the number of foreign students at pre-university training programs in Russian universities, including humanitarian programs, traditional approaches to the formation of communication competence are ineffective, so they should be replaced with innovative ones, in particular, with modular technology. It is modular technology at the stage of pre-university training in humanitarian groups that will enable to quickly vary the substantive aspect of training with a focus on communication needs relevant to each particular major, thus adapting the training system to the needs of different majors. As a result, modular training organization will improve the efficiency of the process of forming communication competence of humanitarian students in the educational and scientific communication field.

Researchers turned to the study of modular learning technology in the late 1980s. P. Yutsyavichene was one of the first to describe the main aspects related to the use of modular learning, defining the module as "the primary tool of modular learning, which is a complete block of information, and includes a targeted action program and methodical guidance to achieve the set didactic goals" [22, p. 40]. In the course of time the concept of modular technology has gradually been expanded and supplemented. In this paper, following Yu. V. Lopukhova and M. V. Yurina, the module refers to the "autonomous organizational and methodical structure of the subject of study, which includes didactic goals, a logically completed unit of educational material (composed with intrasubject and interdisciplinary links), methodical guidance (including didactic materials) and a control system" [15, p. 327].

The modular technology is implemented in accordance with the principle of modularity, structuring the content of training, dynamism, method of activity, flexibility (rapid response),

conscious perspective, versatility of methodical counseling and parity [20; 22], so that the technology is universal and can be used in teaching of a wide range of subjects, such as use of a graphical package of programs [9], in teaching electrical engineering and electronics [12], innovative engineering [17], mathematics [27]. In recent years, modular technology has increasingly been approached by context developers involved in foreign language training, for example, in profession-oriented education [8]; e-teaching English [25], when teaching English at pre-university courses [24], when creating a textbook in English for non-philologists [6], in teaching English grammar [26], in teaching French [23], in RFL teaching at the elementary level [5], in teaching Russian grammar [13; 16], when profession-oriented RFL teaching [19].

Modular technology, unlike the mass group learning, allows flexibility to the content of learning by selecting those structural and content units of learning that are relevant for students of each particular group of humanitarians. The use of training module system provides with an opportunity to overcome the problem of rapidly changing learning environment during pre-university training and to implement the principles of variability and individualization, which are one of the key when organizing the educational process in humanitarian groups. The use of modular technology contributes to the process of activation of the motivational factor of students when studying material, which thanks to implementation of the principle of professional orientation of each module correlates with their future major. The program trainee becomes a direct participant in the learning system, as the degree of its activity increases significantly; he has the opportunity to draw up his own educational route with a clear focus on his field of professional interests, thus adapting the system of education to the needs. An important factor in modular education organization is the intensification of self-study, which allows individualizing not only the content component, but also the time one, as students have the opportunity to choose the right working pace.

Materials and methods

The results of the study are based on the analysis of the scientific literature of Russian and foreign authors, dedicated to the outcome-based approach to learning, professionally oriented RFL teaching and to modular technology.

As the empirical method was used a method of survey conducted at the end of 20192020 academic year among students of the pre-university training program, who studied the course of scientific prose style for the humanitarian profile built on the basis of mass group learning technology at SPbPU HSIEP RFLC. Foreign students were asked to answer 11 questions in three languages: Russian, English and Chinese:

1. Where are you from?

2. Specify where you will study next year: bachelor degree course, master's degree course, postgraduate course.

3. Specify the university where you will study next academic year.

4. Specify your major.

5. Rate scientific prose style course (SPS) 1 to 5 (1 - very boring, 5 - very interesting).

6. Rate SPS course 1 to 5 (1 - useless, 5 - very useful).

7. Rate relevance of lexical units/terms studied during SPS course to your future major (1 - lexical units / terms DO NOT correspond to your major, 5 - lexical units / terms fully correspond to your major).

8. Do you think the course materials will help you to study at the 1st year of bachelor degree course, master's degree course, postgraduate course?

9. If you answered NO in item 8, please specify why.

10. What would you like to remove from the course content?

11. What would you like to add to the course content?

The pedagogical study, implemented using Google Forms tool, involved 154 foreign students from 14 countries: China (70%), Turkmenistan (20,5%), and 9.5% foreign nationals of other countries (Algeria, Afghanistan, Brazil, Vietnam, Iran, Italy, Colombia, Mexico, Palestine, Serbia, Syria, France). It is should be noted that China traditionally holds a leading position in the number of foreign students in SPbPU HSIEP RFLC, while Turkmenistan, for objective reasons, was the second by the number of foreign students only in 2019-2020 academic year. The main objectives of the survey were to identify further educational route of foreign students of pre-university training program (future major, university and stage of education) and to assess their satisfaction with the content of scientific prose style course for the humanitarian profile. The duration of scientific prose style course was 17-21 weeks (136-168 in-class hours) depending on the date of arrival of foreign students, the entrance level of Russian language proficiency - A2, the final level of proficiency - B1. The content of the course consisted of materials related to several humanitarian areas at the same time: material and spiritual culture of society, art (painting, music, theater, cinema), philosophy, literature studies, linguistics, history. All SPS course trainees studied under a single curriculum, unable to choose a topic for a deeper/superficial study.

_Results of the study

Theoretical analysis has established that as a part of the competent approach, professionally oriented training in humanitarian groups at the pre-university training stage shall consider communication needs relevant to future student majors.

The empirical method of study carried out in the form of a survey provided results

presented in Table 1.

Table 1

Future educational route for students of humanitarian groups

Level of education University Future major

• Bachelor degree - 80% • Peter the Great St. • Linguistics - 46 %

• Master's degree - 20% Petersburg Polytechnic • International Relations - 24 %

• Postgraduate - 0% University - 70% • majors related to art (music, vocals, art,

• St. Petersburg State painting, dance, photography) - 8%

University - 14% • Psychology and Pedagogy (including RFL) - 8 %

• Herzen State Pedagogical • Law - 6 %

University of Russia - 9 % • Advertising and Public Relations - 5 %

• Rimsky-Korsakov • Journalism - 1 %

St. Petersburg State • Literature - 1 %

Conservatory - 3 % • Political Studies - 0.5 %

• Moscow State University • Philosophy - 0.5 %

- 2 % • Linguistics - 46 %

• RUDN university - 0.5 % • International Relations - 24 %

• Russian State University for • majors related to art (music, vocals, art,

the Humanities - 0.5 % painting, dance, photography) - 8%

• St. Petersburg State • Psychology and Pedagogy (including RFL) - 8 %

University of Film and • Law - 6 %

Television - 0.5 % • Advertising and Public Relations - 5 %

• Université Cattolica del • Journalism - 1 %

Sacro Cuore - 0.5 % • Literature - 1 %

• Political Studies - 0.5 %

• Philosophy - 0.5 %

The study showed that the majority of foreign students of the humanitarian profile plan to get a higher education in Russia under the Bachelor degree programs (80%), while only 20% of respondents will study at the Master's degree course. Eight universities of St. Petersburg and Moscow are of interest as a place for higher education obtaining for future international students. And 70% of foreign students plan to continue their education in SPbPU. The second and the third are St. Petersburg State University (14%) and Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia (9%). In addition, 7% of respondents indicated other universities: Rimsky-Korsakov St. Petersburg State Conservatory, St. Petersburg State University of Film and Television, Moscow State University, RUDN University, Russian State University for the Humanities.

The most research interest when surveying was the identification of an up-to-date list of humanities and majors popular among foreign students. Analysis of responses showed that students of the pre-university training program are interested in obtaining higher education in Russia in 16 humanitarian areas and majors. Leading are 6 areas: linguistics (46%), foreign area studies (24%), art and culture, in particular in the field of music, vocals, dance, painting, photography, art studies (8%), psychology and pedagogy, including RFL teaching (8%), law (6%), advertising and public relations (5%) and other majors (journalism, literature, political science, philosophy) - 3 % respondents.

To determine the level of satisfaction with the content of the course of scientific prose style for the humanitarian profile built on the basis of mass group learning technology for the humanitarian profile, foreign students were asked to rate the course according to five-point scale in terms of its interest and usefulness (where 1 is very boring/useless, 5 is very interesting/useful).

Analysis of the responses received (table 2) allows us to say that the course is interesting for 87 % of respondents (4-5 points) and is not interesting for 13% of respondents (2-3 points). However, it should be noted that the majority of respondents (61%) noted the uselessness of the course for themselves (2-3 points) and only a third 39 % of respondents consider the course useful (4-5 points).

According to the results of the survey, the content of the course of scientific prose style based on traditional approaches, does not take into account the communication needs relevant to all future majors of foreign students. The majority of foreign students noted that the course hardly or only partially corresponds to their future major (70%), only 30% of respondents believe that the course highlights their future professional interests. 86% of students also note that the course materials will not help them to study at the 1st year of bachelor's degree / master's degree, as the materials studied during the course do not include texts corresponding to major International Relations, Linguistics and Law. 14% of respondents consider the course materials useful for their future major.

Responding to questions about possible changes in the content of the scientific prose style course, the majority of students note the need to adjust the course (76%), and only 24% of respondents are satisfied with the content of the course. The course trainees pointed out that it is necessary to change the thematic content of the course (86%): first, introduce topics in the field of Linguistics, Journalism, International Relations, History (39%); secondly, remove texts Literature studies, Science, What is the Society, Philosophy (24%); thirdly, rework texts on Art and Culture (16%), in particular, expand information on contemporary culture and the Soviet period, increase information on topics Music, Architecture, Cinema and famous actors, Religions, Russian Literature (biography of Russian writers), Russian Theatre, Russian Traditions; fourth, add texts about world culture and art (7%). In addition,

respondents noted that the number of exercises on vocabulary and grammar should be increased (8%), lexical material should be revised (5%), more visibility (1%) should be used.

Table 2

Assessment of satisfaction with the content of the course of scientific prose style by

students of humanitarian groups

Subject of assessment Scale of assessment

1 2 3 4 5

1. Assessment of interestingness of scientific prose style course (1-very boring, 5 - very interesting). 0 people 0 people 20 people 25 people 109 people

0 % 0 % 13 % 16 % 71 %

2. Assessment of usefulness of scientific prose style course (1- useless, 5 - very useful). 0 people 11 people 83 people 43 people 17 people

0 % 7 % 54 % 28 % 11 %

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3. Assessment of relevance of lexical units/terms studied during SPS course to future major (1 -studied lexical units / terms do not correspond to future major, 5 - lexical units / terms fully correspond to future major). 8 people 11 people 89 people 29 people 17 people

5 % 7 % 58 % 19 % 11 %

4. Assessment of correlation of scientific prose style course content to future major (1 - course content does not correlate with future major, 5 -course content fully correlate with future major). 2 people 15 people 116 people 9 people 12 people

1 % 10 % 75 % 6 % 8 %

Results and discussion

Thus, the pedagogical study showed that at present foreigners who study in humanitarian groups at SPbPU HSIEP RFLC will receive higher education in Russian language in 16 majors of humanitarian field in 8 Russian universities at the level of bachelor's and master's degrees. In addition, the results of the study suggest that the scientific prose style course for the humanitarian profile based on mass group learning approach to the formation of communication competence in the educational and professional sphere, despite its interest for foreign students is not able to meet the communication needs relevant for all future majors of foreign students. The received data indicating the low level of satisfaction with the content of the traditional course is in line with main provisions described in works of T.V. Vasilyeva and O. V. Baryshnikova [7], L. P. Klobukova [10], I. A. Pugachev [19], according to which the professionally oriented training in Russian as a foreign language shall be conducted with the obligatory consideration of the future major of students. The results of the study are also consistent with the points expressed in the works of N. V. Kaigorodtseva and M. N. Odinets [9], N. I. Naumkim and other [17], P. Yutsyavichene [22] and lie in the fact that to improve efficiency of learning in diversified groups it is more expedient to use not a mass group organization of the educational process, but a modular one, as the latter will allow meeting the mandatory requirement to consider the communication needs of all foreign students of pre-university training program, regardless of their future educational route.


Based on theoretical analysis it was found that, in accordance with the basic provisions of the competent approach, the professionally oriented training of future international students who have chosen humanities should be conditioned by current communication needs.

The empirical method of study has revealed a list of future majors of foreign students of pre-university training program, and the degree of their satisfaction with the content of the scientific prose style course based on traditional approaches, which aims to develop communicative competence in the educational and scientific field of communication. The content of the course was assessed in terms of its compliance with the communication needs relevant to future majors and fields chosen by students.

Data obtained by the analysis of survey results showed that the traditional technology of mass group organization of the educational process does not allow meeting mandatory requirement to consider relevant communication needs. The results of the pedagogical experiment show the need to use innovative modular learning technology, which allows flexibility in the approach to the content of education, thus significantly improving efficiency of the formation of communication competence of foreign students in the educational and scientific field of communication at the stage of pre-university training.


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Информация об авторах Горбенко Виктория Дмитриевна

(Россия, Санкт-Петербург) Кандидат филологических наук, доцент, директор Центра русского языка как иностранного Высшей школы международных образовательных программ Санкт-Петербургский политехнический университет Петра Великого E-mail: vdgorbenko@gmail.com ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0185-0325

Information about the authors

Viktoriia D. Gorbenko

PhD in Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of Higher School of International Educational Programs, Director of Сenter of Russian as a foreign language of Higher School of International

Educational Programs Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University E-mail: vdgorbenko@gmail.com ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0185-0325

Доминова Татьяна Николаевна

(Россия, Санкт-Петербург) Кандидат педагогических наук, доцент Высшей школы международных образовательных программ Санкт-Петербургский политехнический университет Петра Великого E-mail: t-nedzumi@rambler.ru ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6716-4339

Tatiana N. Dominova

PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of Higher School of International

Educational Programs Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University E-mail: t-nedzumi@rambler.ru ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6716-4339

Ильина Наталья Олеговна

(Россия, Санкт-Петербург) Доцент, кандидат филологических наук, доцент Высшей школы международных образовательных программ

Санкт-Петербургский политехнический университет Петра Великого E-mail: nataliailina.list@rambler.ru ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8923-1723

Natalia O. Ilina

(Russia, St. Petersburg) Associate Professor, PhD in Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of Higher School of International

Educational Programs Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University E-mail: nataliailina.list@rambler.ru ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8923-1723

Митякова Марина Владимировна

(Россия, Санкт-Петербург) Доцент, кандидат филологических наук, доцент Высшей школы международных образовательных программ

Санкт-Петербургский политехнический университет Петра Великого E-mail: mityakova@mail.ru ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8708-8700

Marina V. Mityakova

(Russia, St. Petersburg) Associate Professor, PhD in Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of Higher School of International

Educational Programs Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University E-mail: mityakova@mail.ru ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8708-8700

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