THE USE OF INTERACTIVE METHODS IN ENGLISH LESSONS IN A SECONDARY GENERAL SCHOOL Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
motivation / innovative technologies / interactive methods / learning process / moderator / creativity / reading / psychological comfort / мотивация / инновационные технологии / интерактивные методы / процесс обучения / модератор / творчество / чтение / психологический комфорт

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Artyna M.K.

The article deals with a problem of using interactive methods in teaching English in a secondary general school. The author focuses the main attention on solving a problem of effectiveness of teaching reading to students of elementary school. To solve this problem, the researcher proposes to turn to some game interactive teaching methods based on the practical experience of teaching by a teacher in a secondary general school. The results of the introduction of interactive forms in the educational process showed that interactive methods help to increase the level of motivation among schoolchildren, activate their cognitive and creative activities against the background of achieving a favorable psychological climate in the team through dialogue/polylogue communication. The author comes to the conclusion that it is interactive methods that allow the teacher to diversify learning activities, as well as rethink the role of the teacher as a moderator, whose main task is to manage the learning process skillfully with an emphasis on the dominance of the activity of the schoolchildren themselves in the learning process.

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В данной статье рассматривается проблема использования интерактивных методов в обучении английскому языку в средней общеобразовательной школе. Основное внимание в работе автор акцентирует на решении проблемы эффективности обучения чтению учащихся младшего школьного возраста. Для решения данной проблемы автор предлагает обратиться к некоторым игровым интерактивным методам обучения, исходя из практического опыта преподавания учителя в средней общеобразовательной школе. Результаты внедрения интерактивных форм в учебный процесс показали, что они способствуют повышению уровня мотивации у школьников, активизации их познавательной и креативной деятельности на фоне достижения благоприятного психологического климата в коллективе посредством диалогового/полилогового общения. Автор приходит к выводу, что именно интерактивные методы позволяют учителю разнообразить учебную деятельность, а также переосмыслить роль учителя как модератора, чья главная задача состоит в умелом управлении процессом обучения с акцентом на доминировании активности самих учащихся в процессе обучения.


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Инт ерфероме^ Маха- Цандера световых пучках


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Интерферометр на ультрахолодных атомных пучках


Рис. 5. Интерферометр Маха-Цандера на световых лучах иатомныйиитерферометр на ультрахолодных атомныхпучках

Эту чувствительность фазы к внешним факторам можно использовать для измерения:

- угловых скоростей,

- линейных ускорений,

- ускорения силы тяжести.

В квантовых гравиметрах используется чрезвычай ная чувствител ьность фазы пучков от ускорения свободного падения.

Ф = к-д^ Т2 (6)

Благодаря этому моменту относительная точность измерений ускорения свободного падения может быть до ШМО-12.

Данный пример использования атомной интерферометрии в измерении гравитационного поля может наглядно продемонстрировать:

1. Понятие корпускулярно-волнового дуализма;

2. Присутствие квантовых эффектов в нашей «земной» жизни.

Таким образом, в данной работе представлен иллюстративный материал к дисциплине «Физика» для вузов технических специальностей, а именно - к разделам «Элементы теории относительности» и «Квантовая физика», используя достижения в гравиметрии (измерении параметров гравитационного поля Земли). Приведены примеры использования:

1. Эффекта ОТО (замедления времени в гравитационном поле) для измерения гравитационного потенциала Земли и через него - высоту над средним уровнем моря.

2. Эффектов квантовой физики (корпускулярно-волновые свойства ультрахолодных атомов рубидия в атомных пучках) для измерения ускорения свободного падения.

Данные примеры могут наглядно продемонстрировать:

1. Понятия «эквипотенциальная поверхность» и «средний уровень моря»;

2. Понятия гравитационного и электрических потенциалов, напряженности электрического поля и ускорения свободного падения;

3. Присутствие эффектов общей теории относительности в нашей «земной» жизни.

4. Понятие корпускулярно-волнового дуализма;

5. Присутствие квантовых эффектов в нашей «земной» жизни.

Демонстрация данных случаев применения физических явлений на практических примерах (кейсах), которые реализуются в деятельности, связанных с будущей профессией студентов или с другими специальностями, может повысить их мотивацию к изучению дисциплины «Физика».

Библиографический список

1. Фатеев В.Ф. Релятивисткая теория и применение квантового нивилира и сети «Квантовый футшток». Альманах современной метрологии. 2020; № 3 (23): 11-52.

2. Фатеев В.Ф., Рыбаков Е.А. Экспериментальная проверка квантового нивилира на мобильных квантовых часах. Доклады Российской академии наук, Технические науки. 2021; Т. 496: 41-44.

3. Сарайский Ю.Н. Геоинформационные основы навигации: учебное пособие. СПбГУГА СПб. 2010.

4. Трофимова Т.И. Курс физики: учебное пособие для вузов. Москва: Академия. 2004.

5. Балыкин В.И. Атомная оптика и ее применение. Вестник Российской академии наук. 2011; Т. 4: 291-315.

6. Алейников М.С., Барышев В.Н., Блинов И.Ю., Купалов Д.С., Осипенко Г.В. Перспективы разработки чувствительного атомного интерферометра на холодных атомах рубидия. Измерительная техника. 2020; № 7: 9-12.

7. Прудников О.Н., Бражников Д.В., Афанасьев А.Е., Багаев С.Н. и др. Современное состояние и научно-практические проблемы создания атомных интерферометров как прецизионных датчиков угловых скоростей и ускорений. Физика ультрахолодных атомов: Х Всероссийская конференция. 2017: 31.


1. Fateev V.F. Relyativistkaya teoriya i primenenie kvantovogo nivilira i seti «Kvantovyj futshtok». Al'manah sovremennoj metrologii. 2020; № 3 (23): 11-52.

2. Fateev V.F., Rybakov E.A. 'Eksperimental'naya proverka kvantovogo nivilira na mobil'nyh kvantovyh chasah. Doklady Rossijskoj akademii nauk, Tehnicheskie nauki. 2021; T. 496: 41-44.

3. Sarajskij Yu.N. Geoinformacionnye osnovynavigacii: uchebnoe posobie. SPbGUGA SPb. 2010.

4. Trofimova T.I. Kurs fiziki: uchebnoe posobie dlya vuzov. Moskva: Akademiya. 2004.

5. Balykin V.I. Atomnaya optika i ee primenenie. Vestnik Rossijskoj akademii nauk. 2011; T. 4: 291-315.

6. Alejnikov M.S., Baryshev V.N., Blinov I.Yu., Kupalov D.S., Osipenko G.V. Perspektivy razrabotki chuvstvitel'nogo atomnogo interferometra na holodnyh atomah rubidiya. Izmeritel'naya tehnika. 2020; № 7: 9-12.

7. Prudnikov O.N., Brazhnikov D.V., Afanas'ev A.E., Bagaev S.N. i dr. Sovremennoe sostoyanie i nauchno-prakticheskie problemy sozdaniya atomnyh interferometrov kak precizionnyh datchikov uglovyh skorostej i uskorenij. Fizika ul'traholodnyh atomov: H Vserossijskaya konferenciya. 2017: 31.

Статья поступила в редакцию 21.05.23

УДК 372.881.111.1

Artyna M.K., Cand. of Sciences (Philology), senior lecturer, Srednekolymsk Secondary School n.a. N.I. Sharin (Srednekolymsk, Russia),

E-mail: mirartyna@yandex.ru

THE USE OF INTERACTIVE METHODS IN ENGLISH LESSONS IN A SECONDARY GENERAL SCHOOL. The article deals with a problem of using interactive methods in teaching English in a secondary general school. The author focuses the main attention on solving a problem of effectiveness of teaching reading to students of elementary school. To solve this problem, the researcher proposes to turn to some game interactive teaching methods based on the practical experience of teaching by a teacher in a secondary general school. The results of the introduction of interactive forms in the educational process showed that interactive methods help to increase the level of motivation among schoolchildren, activate their cognitive and creative activities against the background of achieving a favorable psychological climate in the team through dialogue/polylogue communication. The author comes to the conclusion that it is interactive methods that allow the teacher to diversify learning activities, as well as rethink the role of the teacher as a moderator, whose main task is to manage the learning process skillfully with an emphasis on the dominance of the activity of the schoolchildren themselves in the learning process.

Key words: motivation, innovative technologies, interactive methods, learning process, moderator, creativity, reading, psychological comfort

М.К. Артына, канд. филол. наук, доц., СОШ г. Среднеколымска имени Н.И. Шарина, г. Среднеколымск, E-mail: mirartyna@yandex.ru


В данной статье рассматривается проблема использования интерактивных методов в обучении английскому языку в средней общеобразовательной школе. Основное внимание в работе автор акцентирует на решении проблемы эффективности обучения чтению учащихся младшего школьного возраста. Для решения данной проблемы автор предлагает обратиться к некоторым игровым интерактивным методам обучения, исходя из практического опыта преподавания учителя в средней общеобразовательной школе. Результаты внедрения интерактивных форм в учебный процесс показали, что они способствуют повышению уровня мотивации у школьников, активизации их познавательной и креативной деятельности на фоне достижения благоприятного психологического климата в коллективе посредством диалогового/полилогового общения. Автор приходит к выводу, что именно интерактивные методы позволяют учителю разнообразить учебную деятельность, а также переосмыслить роль учителя как модератора, чья главная задача состоит в умелом управлении процессом обучения с акцентом на доминировании активности самих учащихся в процессе обучения.

Ключевые слова: мотивация, инновационные технологии, интерактивные методы, процесс обучения, модератор, творчество, чтение, психологический комфорт

Currently, in the system of Russian education, much attention is paid to the introduction of advanced learning technologies into the educational process, in particular interactive technologies. As practice shows, the traditional forms of organization of the educational process cannot fully satisfy the needs of students in modern conditions, so the teacher in his or her pedagogical activity has to turn to innovative educational technologies.

Interactive technologies are recognized by many scientists and practicing teachers as relevant, since they are necessary for the development of certain personal qualities in students, improving the skills and abilities of interaction in a team through dialogue and polylogue communication, and help in solving problem situations using critical thinking. Various pedagogical technologies help the teacher diversify educational activities, introduce elements of creativity, which undoubtedly contribute to increasing motivation for learning [1].

The motivational aspect is one of the most important one in solving the problem of learning effectiveness, whose implementation needs to create favorable conditions, such as psychological comfort and an atmosphere of goodwill in the classroom, which helps to increase the level of cooperation of all participants in the educational process.

We assume that interactivity contributes to a wider interaction of students with each other than with the teacher, that is, it puts emphasis on the dominance of the activity of the students themselves in the learning process. In this regard, the role of the teacher is being rethought, receiving moderator functions, his or her main task is to skillfully manage the learning process, not allowing to deviate from a carefully thought out scenario in advance [1]. The significance of the role of the teacher and his or her regulatory activity in the classroom is noted by N.D. Galskova and Z.N. Nikitenko, arguing that the quality and effectiveness of the lesson, the motivation for learning a foreign language in the classroom depend on many factors, and above all on the correct organization of educational activities [2]. However, it should be noted that interactivity should be introduced thoughtfully, at certain stages of the lesson and the educational process as a whole. In this case, the role of the teacher as a moderator of the educational process is very important, since it is he or she who determines the most optimal moments for the application of innovative technologies.

The practical implementation of interactive forms in the educational process in a secondary general school is carried out by us at English lessons in elementary school (grades 2-4). In class, English is taught on the basis of the "Spotlight" line of textbooks. In particular, for grade 3 students, we suggest acting out dialogues/poly-logues from the textbook (the Listen and read task), while simply reading a dialogue or a polylogue for students, as a rule, is not of great interest, even with high-quality audioscript. The process of reading in itself is a rather complicated and time-consuming activity for schoolchildren of younger age, and sometimes causes outright boredom and unwillingness to read in the poorly prepared part of the students. If you follow the tasks in the textbook exactly, only within the given conditions of Listen and read, then there is no need to talk about the motivation of elementary school students.

In this regard, the practical teacher faces the problem of increasing the level of motivation, completing tasks in the educational process, creating a natural atmosphere and revitalizing the lesson. Taking into consideration psychophysiological features of the younger age group, in most cases, the most preferable methods are interactive ones in a playful way, namely, according to I.V. Plaksina, group collectively distributed activity, in which the student gains experience of creative cooperation [3]. Through the use of game interactive technologies in class, it is possible to achieve an adjustment of the educational process as one of the goals of the educational process against the background of other goals, such as achieving mutual understanding and individual communication style.

The standard polylogue in the Spotlight textbook for the 3rd grade of a general educational institution is 5-6 blocks of replicas of several characters, united by one storyline. And although the lines of each character consist of one or more words in each block, it turned out that the consistent role-playing by the same schoolchildren is often difficult, and sometimes impossible. The reasons for this problem are not only the poor language preparation of some students and the psychological unpreparedness of students for linguistic cooperation within a given volume in the polylogue, but also, to

some extent, certain shortcomings in the methodological design of the textbook itself, in particular in the technology of developing reading skills.

Some researchers signal rightly the presence of this problem, arguing that the shortcomings in the formation of technical reading skills in the "Spotlight" are due to the fact that it uses a foreign imitative approach to teaching reading, namely global reading - the whole word method, which is difficult even for English-speaking students learning English as their mother tongue in schools in England. From this, a fair conclusion is made that for artificial conditions of teaching English, such a technique cannot be used due to the lack of an appropriate language environment, a small number of hours per week and too high occupancy of groups of more than 20 people, which, as you know, does not contribute to the qualitative assimilation of a foreign language [4]. The fulfillment of such a volume of the task can cause psychological difficulties for students, up to failure, therefore, the teacher faces the task of simplifying such tasks, which would allow students to show their creative potential without compromising the learning process and their own self-esteem.

One of the solutions to this problem is to refer to the guidance paper of a practicing teacher and the use of various techniques, in particular, to the so-called "change of film frames", the essence of which is that students are invited to play the polylogue not in full, but in parts: for each block polylogue, the teacher assigns different groups of students, the volume of memorized words decreases and does not require much time for preparation and great mental stress, which eliminates the problem of psychological failure. After the formation of several groups, as a rule, according to the number of blocks in the polylogue, the training of lines begins, while it is desirable for the teacher to achieve a smooth change of each group as you move along the storyline, thus achieving the effect of a "movie frame change".

Similar experiments were successfully introduced earlier at the University. The bottom line is that the teacher sets the following task for the University students - the action should unfold like in a movie, i.e. how the frames on the film change - smoothly and without delay. To achieve this "movie effect", the players are invited to take a comfortable position in the audience, so that all situations will be played out smoothly as the successive frames of the film. Thanks to this construction of the game, it is possible to cover all students without exception, allowing even the most timid and insecure of them to speak out and providing an opportunity for creative self-expression for each student [1].

However, it should always be remembered that due to the psychophysiological features of their development, elementary school students, unlike University students, do not always succeed in achieving such smooth transitions. As practice shows, children are not capable of repeatedly reproducing the same lines and a fanatical desire for perfectionism in this case is undesirable, as it leads to fatigue of younger students and loss of interest in the game. Playing scenes once or twice is enough for elementary school children to master the material.

As an example, let's take a monologue of a toy soldier named Sam from the fairy tale "The toy soldier" in the textbook "Spotlight" (Grade 3, p. 82) [5]:

Sam: Help me! Help me!

Help me, please!

I'm here outside

With the flowers and trees!

Where am I? Where am I?

Where are my friends?

Where's Bella? Where's Ted?

Oh no! This is the end!

The standard task for this monologue, given in the Teacher's Book, is as follows: A recording of a fairy tale is included. Students listen and follow the text in the books. The teacher checks how the students understood the text. Then he reads the story line by line. Children listen, follow the text and repeat in chorus and individually. They listen to the tape as many times as the teacher deems necessary. Students read the story in roles. As you can see, the task is typical and, of course, necessary for working out with elementary school students at the preliminary stage. However, such work on the text does not bring much joy to children, so the teacher is faced with the task of "revive" the work on this text, to bring an element of creativity into it. In this case, you can play scenes with the children in the form of a "change of film frames".

The monologue consists of 8 replicas, due to psychophysiological features and based on the level of English proficiency at this level of education, as a rule, it is advisable to divide two lines for each student. Such a volume allows you to remember your role without much difficulty and play the scene quite successfully. The role of Sam will involve 4 students with different levels of training. There is a mention of trees and flowers in the text, thanks to the children's great imagination and activity, several more children can be involved. Depicting flowers and trees, students invest a lot of imagination and fiction. Thus, a small monologue allows you to involve the maximum number of schoolchildren in class and a non-standard approach enlivens the learning process. When studying the following modules, the children are already looking forward to the next passage from the fairy tale "The toy soldier", looking forward to joint creative work on the text. Since the standard group includes 10-15 students, this monologue can be played with two teams of students, which makes it possible to cover almost the entire language group and all students in class, regardless of the level of English proficiency at this stage of learning.

Such an approach, "with the flexibility of methodical thinking" [6], makes it possible to relieve psychological stress even among the weakest students in terms of language and promotes their active involvement in the creative process. Even roles without words evoke stormy delight and pleasure in younger students, if it is necessary to depict animals in a plot with a variety of gestures and movements, and even inanimate objects, like trees or flowers. The preparatory "fuss" itself is a great pleasure for students of primary school age. The volume of replicas does not cause difficulties in quick memorization and presentation even for weak students.

The introduction of innovative technologies forces teachers to improve their professional competence in the field of organizing the educational process. For the successful application of interactive methods in the educational process, a secondary school teacher is recommended to undergo preliminary theoretical training, and it is also advisable to take a personal part in interactive trainings. The exchange of experience at educational and methodological seminars, conferences also contributes to improving the professional competence of teachers. Thus, instead of the "chaotic" use of individual interactive methods in practice, the teacher can move on to the systematic and thoughtful use of advanced technologies, for example, various role-playing games on a professionally assigned topic, computer technologies (online tests and exercises, educational programs, editing machine translation), etc.

Such a non-standard approach contributes to the creation of a benevolent creative atmosphere in class, and such a boring and difficult task as reading a dialogue/ polylogue is subsequently rewarded with the following fun and exciting task related to playing a polylogue by roles. It is fair to say that the game is a powerful methodological tool of the teacher [7] and the expectation of the game is in this case a kind of compensatory element of reading.

Библиографический список

Thanks to the introduction of gaming interactive technologies in the educational process, the teacher manages to achieve emotional contact with students, at the same time they gain experience in practical creative interaction with each other, which is also important for any team. We can agree with those researchers who say that the use of interactive technologies makes it possible to reduce ultimately their own teacher's speech activity in the classroom, stimulating the (speech)creative and communicative-cognitive activity of schoolchildren, including through the use of group, interactive forms of work [3].

Another important factor in the successful verbal interaction of the entire team is the creation of joint educational and cognitive activities against the backdrop of a favorable psychological background. Here the decisive role is played by the position of the teacher, his or her ability to direct and organize properly the speech activity of students, which is fully consistent with the principles of linguodidactic pluralism, which is considered not as a teacher's chaotic teaching actions, but, first of all, as the optimal choice of technologies, means and teaching methods [8]. I.N. Bychkova notes that effective interaction involves not only a confident command of the language, its orthoepic, linguistic, speech, stylistic and other norms, the ability to correlate them with the situation of communication, but also the presence of psychological contact with the interlocutor [9].

The final stage in any kind of interaction ends invariably with reflection. Students not only systematize the acquired knowledge on their own, but also can positively evaluate their activities in the lesson, which can help increase the motivational component of not only this lesson, but also subsequent lessons. In the future, we can agree with A.A. Kolesnikov, suggesting that if the text has an interesting form for the student, interesting content, accessible volume, then such content activates the motivational field of the subject, which ensures the effective formation of competence [4].

During the lesson, we are of the opinion that it is necessary to combine various forms of interaction between students and the teacher, i.e. there are necessarily passive, active and interactive teaching methods, without unjustified exaggeration of the importance of any one of them to the detriment of the others. Without questioning the importance and necessity of traditional teaching methods at the linguistic and communicative levels in teaching a foreign language, nevertheless, it should be recognized that it is innovative methods that are most suitable for solving problems of a spiritual and cognitive level. This point of view is confirmed not only by the opinion of teachers and practitioners who use successfully interactive methods in their teaching activities, but also by the research of scientists.

Thus, we come to the conclusion that such a difficult type of learning activity for a younger student as reading, as a result of all the efforts made by the teacher, taking into account all the difficulties on the way to successful reading in English, becomes a more attractive process, motivating to receive a certain positive feedback from the student.

1. Артына М.К., Доржу Н.С. Опыт использования интерактивных методов на занятиях английского языка в вузе. Мир науки, культуры, образования. 2016; № 2 (57): 100-103.

2. Гальскова Н.Д., Никитенко З.Н. Урок иностранного языка и интерес учащихся как показатель его результативности. Иностранные языки в школе. 2022; № 1: 2-10.

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5. Быкова Н.И., Дули Д., Поспелова М.Д., Эванс Д. Английский язык. 3 класс: учебник. Москва: Express Publishing: Просвещение, 2012.

6. Барышников Н.В. Насущные проблемы методики обучения иностранным языкам как искусства. Иностранные языки в школе. 2022; № 3: 4-12.

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

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Статья поступила в редакцию 13.07.23

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Malchukova N.N., Cand. of Sciences (Pedagogy), sensor lecturer, Department of Mathematics and Informatics, State Agrarian University of Northern Trans-Urals (Tyumen, Russia), E-mail: Npescova06@yandex.ru

Vinogradova M.V., senior teacher, Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Northern Trans-Ural State Agricultural University (Tyumen, Russia); senior teacher, Public Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education, The Ural State University of Railway Transport (Yekaterinburg, Russia), E-mail: vinmarvlad@yandex.ru

FORMATION OF PATRIOTIC EDUCATION THROUGH SOCIAL ADVERTISING IN SOCIAL NETWORKS (THE CASE STUDY OF "VKONTAKTE".) The article discusses a topic of formation of patriotic education of young people through social networks, the study of which is currently extremely relevant, since the human world has risen to the stage of criticality of people's relationships with each other, and who better than us needs to defend our historical borders and love the Motherland.

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