THE USE OF INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES IN PRIMARY EDUCATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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innovative technology / primary education / method

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Yusupaliyeva J.J.

On this day, the teacher is entrusted with a responsible task, such as the upbringing of a harmonious generation and the delivery of an adult, which determines the tasks aimed at improving the content of education, is in harmony with the Times, and with the introduction of modern technologies of education, students are required to arouse interest in their science, to form feelings.

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UDK 37.02

Yusupaliyeva J. J.


School №19, Jizzakh city Uzbekistan, Jizzakh



Annotation: On this day, the teacher is entrusted with a responsible task, such as the upbringing of a harmonious generation and the delivery of an adult, which determines the tasks aimed at improving the content of education, is in harmony with the Times, and with the introduction of modern technologies of education, students are required to arouse interest in their science, to form feelings.

Key words: innovative technology, primary education, method.

The achievement of positive results in education is determined primarily by careful training of the young generation of the foundations of scientific knowledge, expansion of the scope of worldview and thinking in them, effective organization of educational and educational work on the formation of moral and moral qualities. In this regard, many changes are being made to the educational process, new comrades are being introduced. One of these is the achievement of increasing the effectiveness of training in the transition to a course using information and communication technologies.

The fundamental changes taking place in the world at the present time require a new approach to education, the system of training of personnel, the processes of upbringing of a harmonious generation. Tasks such as increasing the effectiveness of education, ensuring the comprehensive perfection of the individual, effective organization of independent knowledge acquisition by young people in educational institutions, in addition to the application of firmly acquired knowledge in their field in the lesson, especially in primary education, wide application of modern innovative pedagogical technologies to the educational process is of paramount importance.

Primary education is the lowest stage of education that carries out state standards of education, it is aimed at forming the basis of literacy, knowledge and skills in the relevant subjects necessary for the general secondary education of students. But primary education is not the first step of the education system.Before that, children receive education in pre - school educational institutions.But some, according to the circumstances, can not go to a pre-school educational institution, and of course they are separated from children who go to a pre-school educational institution.

According to psychologists, 1,2 - if the educational work in the classes is properly adjusted, as well as in extracurricular classes, circles are engaged in them individually, it turns out that only those students who received family education can reach others in terms of mastering knowledge. And this naturally imposes a great responsibility on the teachers of primary education.

"MnpoBaH HayKa" №1(34) 2020 science-j.com

In the process of teaching, of course, every teacher has the right to ask the teacher "which way, what methods and techniques will the lesson be used, in the course of the lesson, the interest of the students in the lesson can be increased, their activity can be further increased". Accordingly, in this regard, intensive work is carried out to study and apply pedagogical innovation technologies used abroad and in Uzbekistan in the educational system with a creative approach. And this, of course, requires teachers to be able to "innovate" with a creative approach to the lessons, that is, to put a head on the introduction of "innovation". The methods of modern innovation technologies are many, but when using them, its own characteristics should be taken into account. The peculiarities of this innovative education include:

Directing students not to be indifferent during the lesson, to think independently, to create and to search;

To ensure that students ' interest in knowledge is constantly in the learning process;

To encourage students ' interest in knowledge independently with a creative approach to each issue;

Organization of continuous collaborative activities of the teacher and the student;

In turn, innovative education is a set of methods and methods used in the process of teaching and mastering knowledge, taking into account the interaction of human potential and technical means to guarantee and evaluate the results of facilitating forms of education on the basis of systematic technological deviations. This will strengthen the material technical base in the knowledge centers and provide them with computer equipment, laboratory equipment.

Innovation activities of teachers, including primary school teachers, are determined by the emergence of motivations for the realization, reading and learning of the internal capabilities of the junior schoolboy. One of the most important components in the realization of innovation activities in the primary school teacher is the need for high professionalism, professional maturity and high level of professional skill. Because the child acquires exactly the skills of reading and writing in primary classes, as well as the skills of intelligent labor. And this requires not only knowledge and skills from the teacher, but also the skill of passing lessons using innovative technologies

Electronic textbooks, manuals and presentations created for Primary School students are widely used in the educational process. With the help of Information Technology in the teaching of Reading, native language, mathematics and Natural Science, a variety of visual slides can be used in the course processes. For example: to read and on the big screen in the subjects of mother tongue, to read letters, words together, and then read small fairy tales and stories, correctly and beautifully write letters; using simple actions in the subject of mathematics, it is possible to solve issues with the help of slides, organize a variety of computational games; from the subject of natural science to the issue of concepts with the help of simple slides about phenomena in nature. The use of these methods will be an impetus for the

"MnpoBaH HayKa" №1(34) 2020 science-j.com

development of oral speech of an age-old and knowledge-hungry student, an increase in verbal computing skills, the development of creativity, research and thinking skills.

It is a good effect that elementary school teachers use different didactic games to organize each lesson. Because the school period in the life of children 6-7 years is a rather complicated period, before the children a serious test stands. The child enters a new life - school life. Now he will be forced to feel that he is a member of a new team, to obey discipline, to adapt to a new regime. Despite the fact that the child is young, now he has a lot of necessary chores, such as studying at school, performing homework, Learning Complex Materials. The main thing is that the transition from the game to school, daily forced and continuous labor is a radical turn in the life of the child. Even for children from preschool institutions, this is not easy. And children from home to school are even more difficult. Especially sitting in the classroom for 40-45 minutes, listening and performing assignments, long mental labor quickly exhausts the child.

The child can cool down from school, study. Therefore, teachers should strive to make children's life in school interesting, create motivation and develop it. Motivation cannot be formed by itself. It can be formed through didactic games and independent work, corresponding to the age and psychological characteristics of children. It will be effective to involve students in the lesson, especially in the process of primary education, as a result of engaging the lessons with the use of pedagogical technologies. In such lessons, children are fully attracted to attention, memory works well. The motivations will help the students deeply master their knowledge. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that primary school teachers organize the educational process on the basis of interesting motivations.

In conclusion, it can be said that the innovation activity of the teacher in the primary classes should be aimed at determining the initial merit, opportunity of the student, the need for knowledge in it, the formation of knowledge and skills.


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"Мировая наука" №1(34) 2020


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