THE USE OF EUPHEMISMS BY TSAMARAAMANY IN THE TSAMADENGAN PODCAST: A STYLISTIC STUDY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Russian Law Journal
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Stylistics / Euphemism / TsamaraAmany / Tsama Podcast

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Tasya Nurul Annisa, Nurhayati, Ikhwan M. Said

This study aims to describe the types and functions of euphemisms used by TsamaraAmany in the TsamaDengan Podcast. This type of research falls under qualitative descriptive research. The data collection method used in this study is observation with the techniques of note-taking, recording, and non-participatory observation. The data source for this research is taken from 25 audio recordings of the TsamaDengan Podcast from April 12, 2022, to December 6, 2022. The data consists of oral data containing euphemistic language styles in the TsamaDengan Podcast. The results of the study show that there are data containing euphemistic language styles observed based on their types and functions. There are 10 types of euphemisms found, figurative expression, flippancies, remodelling, circumlocutions, clipping, one for one substitutions, part for whole euphemisms, understatement, borrowing, and colloquial language. As for the functions, there are four classifications, namely speech softening, confidentiality, education, and danger avoidance.

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Indonesian Language Departement, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia

tasyaparenrengi@gmail.com Indonesian LanguageDepartement, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia

nurhayati@unhas.ac.id Indonesian Language Departement, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia

ikhwan.said@unhas.ac. id

Abstract—This study aims to describe the types and functions of euphemisms used by TsamaraAmany in the TsamaDengan Podcast. This type of research falls under qualitative descriptive research. The data collection method used in this study is observation with the techniques of note-taking, recording, and non-participatory observation. The data source for this research is taken from 25 audio recordings of the TsamaDengan Podcast from April 12, 2022, to December 6, 2022. The data consists of oral data containing euphemistic language styles in the TsamaDengan Podcast. The results of the study show that there are data containing euphemistic language styles observed based on their types and functions. There are 10 types of euphemisms found, figurative expression, flippancies, remodelling, circumlocutions, clipping, one for one substitutions, part for whole euphemisms, understatement, borrowing, and colloquial language. As for the functions, there are four classifications, namely speech softening, confidentiality, education, and danger avoidance.

Index Terms—Stylistics, Euphemism, TsamaraAmany, Tsama Podcast


Exchanging thoughts occurs during communication through language, both orally and in writing. The language delivered by speakers has its own meanings and purposes. When someone speaks and is understood by others, the communication flows smoothly. When conveying something, speakers should pay attention to the context or situation because the language used can have a positive impact or, conversely, hurt or marginalize others. Difficult-to-control emotions can disrupt thoughts and feelings, resulting in imperfect communication and discomfort for the interlocutor. To avoid this, individuals often use euphemisms to replace words or expressions that have negative meanings and might offend others with more subtle expressions.

Euphemism is a linguistic style used to convey unpleasant topics in a more delicate manner. It is done to reduce the potential threat to the face of the interlocutor while achieving the goals of the conversation and maintaining social relationships. Nowadays, the use of euphemisms is often practiced by various groups, such as politicians, to insinuate or express something considered impolite or taboo. The taboo here refers to expressions of words, phrases, or sentences related to sensitive and unpleasant topics. However, their use is disguised by employing euphemisms to make them more gentle and polite.

One prominent practice of euphemism is frequently used in the TsamaDengan Podcast, hosted by TsamaraAmany. The TsamaDengan Podcast presents various interesting themes and discussions related to issues concerning women, sexual harassment, politics, religion, and more. This research is intriguing to study because TsamaraAmany often utilizes euphemisms to soften her speech when discussing sensitive topics. TsamaraAmany's relaxed hosting style in the podcast keeps listeners engaged without feeling bored. Moreover, the issues being discussed are packaged with the use of euphemisms, making them light and polite to listen to.

Research on euphemisms has been conducted before. Some previous studies related to this research include an article written by Kurniawati (2011) titled "Eufemisme dan Disfemismedalam Spiegel Online". Further research was conducted by Muhammad Darwis and Kamsinah (2013) in their paper titled "PenggunaanEufemismesebagai Strategi Kesantunandalam Bahasa Bugis". Furthermore, a study titled "Eufemisme dan Disfemisme pada Media Berita Daring Republika:


PerkembanganKasusSetyaNovantoEdisiJanuari 2018" was written by NanangHeryana. Another relevant research was conducted by Fitriardi Wibowo (2020) in a thesis titled "EkspresiEufemismedalam Dialog Politik Talk Show Indonesia Lawyers Club (ILC) TV One". Lastly, Wahyuningsih (2020) conducted a study titled "EufemismedalamDebatCapres Indonesia".



Stylistics is a branch of linguistic study that examines language style. According to Leech (2007:11), stylistics is a part of linguistics that investigates style and is used to implicitly or explicitly explain something to establish the relationship between language and aesthetic function. Stylistics can be viewed from both a linguistic and literary perspective. Linguistic stylistics focuses on how linguistic facts are emphasized in a work to identify the author's distinctive or social characteristics as a point of comparison/differentiation from other authors, while literary stylistics emphasizes the importance of aesthetic value in a literary work (Darwis, 2020:2). Another opinion is expressed by Simpson (2004:3), stating that stylistics is a means to explore language and the creativity possessed by authors in their use of language.


Leech (2007:9) states that language style refers to the use of specific language with a specific purpose. The style referred to encompasses the style used in everyday life as well as in literary works. Another opinion presented by Aminuddin (1995:4) describes language style as a technique used by someone to convey an idea or concept with norms that are used as personal characteristics to achieve their goals. Additionally, Keraf (2005:115) presents language style with the term "style" or rhetorical language, which contains elements of honesty, politeness, and attractiveness. Rhetorical language refers to deviations from the usual language or linguistic constructions that are commonly used. Language style is interpreted as a way to express thoughts through language that is uncommon or has distinctive characteristics to demonstrate the writer's personality.

(a) Theory of language style

According to Junus (1989:5), the theory of language style can be divided into six categories: style as packaging, style as a choice of possibilities, style as a series of personal characteristics, style as deviation, style as a set of collective features, and style as the relationship between linguistic units expressed in a text larger than a sentence.

(b) Types of language styles

According to Tarigan (1985:6), the types of language styles are divided into four categories: comparative language style, contrasting language style, connecting language style, and repetitive language style.

C. Euphemism

Etymologically, euphemism comes from the Greek word euphemizein, which in Indonesian means using words with a good meaning or purpose. In line with this understanding, Allan & Burridge (1991:11) define euphemism as an alternative that speakers can use to convey other language functions that are considered disturbing and make others think critically in interpreting them.

(a) Types of Euphemisms

According to Allan & Burridge (1991:14), types of euphemisms are divided into 16 categories, namely figurative expression, methaphors, flippancies, remodelling, circumlocutions, clipping, acronyms, abbreviations, omission, one for one substitutions, part for whole euphemisms, hyperbole, understatement, borrowing, learned terms or technical jargon, and colloquial language.

(b) Forms of Euphemisms

Euphemisms are used to express sensitive topics using milder or more delicate language. In their usage, euphemisms can take the form of words, phrases, clauses, or sentences.

(c) Functions of Euphemisms

The reasons for using euphemisms can be categorized into several functions according to Wijana (2011:88), which are five functions: speech softening, confidentiality, diplomacy, education, and danger avoidance.


D. Podcast

Podcast is one of the popular programs among the public as it discusses hot topics of conversation. According to Susilowati (2020:70), a podcast is a digital audio that can be accessed or produced online through provided platforms. Mendio (2021:252) states that podcasts refer to something presented in the form of audio or video and can be accessed using the internet.

(a) Types of Podcasts

According to Mendio (2021:252), podcasts are divided into three types: basic podcasts, enhanced podcasts, and vodcasts.

(b) Advantages of Podcasts

According to Lavircana (2020:43), podcasts have two advantages, namely in terms of convenience as they can be easily accessed, and in terms of language and content.


This research is a qualitative descriptive study using a stylistic approach. Qualitative descriptive research processes and generates data that are described descriptively. In this case, it relates to describing the types of euphemisms and explaining the functions of using euphemisms in the TsamaDengan Podcast. The data source in this research consists of oral data taken from 25 recorded topics of the TsamaDengan Podcast, whether in the form of words, phrases, clauses, or sentences containing euphemisms according to the research objectives.

The data collection method used in this research is the observation method. Observation is conducted by listening to the podcast and understanding the expressions uttered by TsamaraAmany, which may involve the use of euphemistic language styles. The data collection techniques used include note-taking, recording, and free listening.

The data analysis technique used to answer the research questions is qualitative descriptive analysis. This qualitative analysis is used to describe and interpret the collected data regarding the use of euphemisms in the podcast. The data analysis in the research is carried out in several stages, namely data identification, data classification, and data analysis.


In this section, the research findings on the use of euphemisms by TsamaraAmany in the TsamaDengan Podcast will be presented. The results of this study reveal the types of euphemisms used by TsamaraAmany in the TsamaDengan Podcast and the functions of euphemisms by TsamaraAmany in the TsamaDengan Podcast. Based on the theory proposed by Allan & Burridge, there are 16 types of euphemisms. However, in this study, only 10 types of euphemisms used by TsamaraAmany in the TsamaDengan Podcast were found, namely figurative expressions, flipansi, creating new patterns or expressions, circumlocution, clipping, syllables replacing other words, part for whole, meaning beyond the statement, use of borrowed terms, and use of colloquial language.

As for the functions of euphemisms, they refer to Wijana's theory, which divides the functions of euphemisms into five categories: speech softening, confidentiality, diplomacy, education, and danger avoidance. However, in this study, only four functions of euphemisms were found, namely speech softening, confidentiality, education, and danger avoidance.


The research results that have been presented earlier will be discussed in more detail in this section, namely the types of euphemisms used by TsamaraAmany in the TsamaDengan Podcast and the functions of euphemisms by TsamaraAmany in the TsamaDengan Podcast.

A. Types of Euphemistic Language Style Used by TsamaraAmany in the TsamaDengan Podcast

Based on the research findings, there are 10 types of euphemistic expressions in the TsamaDengan

Podcast as follows.

(a) Figurative Expression

Figurative expression is one type of euphemism that softens words by symbolizing them and can have figurative meanings.


Korban itudianggaphina, korban itudianggaprusakpadahal korban kekerasanseksualituenggak salah dan korban enggakpernahmintainisemuaterjadisamamerek

[The victim is considered disgraceful, the victim is considered damaged, when in fact the sexual violence victim is not at fault and the victim never asked for all of this to happen to them]

Based on the example above, there is the use of the euphemistic type called figurative expression. This can be observed in the word "rusak" [damaged] which is typically used to describe something that is no longer perfect, like an object. However, in this context, the word "rusak" [damaged] is used figuratively to delicately describe the condition of someone who is no longer pure. The use of the word "rusak" is considered more polite to use than the phrase "tidaksuci" [not pure], especially in a public domain like a podcast that is listened to by many people. If Tsamara were to use the phrase "tidaksuci" [not ure] in that context, there would be a tendency to judge and hurt the feelings of others, especially victims of sexual violence who have experienced such a situation. Therefore, Tsamara uses the word "rusak" [damaged] to reduce the tendency to hurt the feelings of others by employing euphemism when speaking in a public setting.

(b) Flippancy

Flippancy is a euphemism that softens the word by creating a meaning outside of the previously stated statement.

Jujur, gueadalah orang yang juga punya privilege dan duluselalujualanpr/W/ege [To be honest, I am someone who also has privileges and used to sell privileges]

The flippancy type can be seen in the expression "jualan privilege" [selling privileges]. If we refer to the dictionary definition, the word "jualan" [selling] means the action of someone selling something, and "privilege" means a special advantage or right possessed by someone and not enjoyed by others. However, in this context, "jualan privilege" [selling privilege] refers to the act of leveraging the privileges one has. It means using one's privileges and offering them to specific individuals for personal gain. In this case, TsamaraAmany is talking about herself, acknowledging that she used to rely on the privileges she had. Considering that she was known as a female politician actively expressing her opinions and even served as a spokesperson for Jokowi during his presidential campaign, Tsamara was recognized at that time for utilizing the privileges she possessed in her actions. Therefore, the phrase "jualan privilege" [selling privileges] is used in a more polite manner within this context.

(c) Remodelling

Remodelling is a type of euphemism that creates a new expression from what is already known.

Banyak bangetkonspirasi yang hadirsemenjakguememutuskanmengambiljalur di luarpartaipolitik [There have been so many conspiracies since I decided to take a path outside of political parties]

The example above represents the form of euphemism known as remodelling. This type involves taking an existing form and reintroducing it as a new expression. It can be observed in the use of the word "konspirasi" [conspiracies]. This word is considered more polite as a substitute for the term "persekongkolan" [collusion] that has been known in society for a long time. However, nowadays, many people prefer to use the word "conspiracies" as it carries a softer meaning.

(d) Circumlocutions

Circumlocution is a type of euphemism that softens the words by using longer and indirect expressions.

Perempuan dianggapkurangtercerahkan. [Women are considered less enlightened]

The above sentence contains the style of euphemism called circumlocution, which involves using longer and indirect words. This can be seen in the sentence "perempuandianggapkurangtercerahkan" [women are considered less enlightened]. Which includes the phrase "kurangtercerahkan" [less enlightened] as an example of TsamaraAmany's use of euphemism to replace the word "bodoh" [stupid]. The sentence is considered more polite to use in that context.


(e) Clipping

Clipping is the opposite of circumlocution. This type of euphemism involves softening words by using shorter or abbreviated forms.

Setelahdiahamil, pacarnya dan keluargapacarnyamemaksadiauntukaborsi,

sampaiakhirnyadiabunuhdiri di makamayahnya

[After she got pregnant, her boyfriend and his family forced her to have an abortion, and eventually she committed suicide at her father's grave]

In the example above, there is a use of clipping in the word "aborsi" [abortion]. This word is a shortened form that makes its meaning sound more gentle. "Aborsi" [abortion] is considered more polite compared to using the longer phrase "penggugurankandungan" [termination of pregnancy]. TsamaraAmany used this word to explain something that is considered taboo because it is related to an activity that should not be done by women who are pregnant with a fetus.

(f) One For One Substitutions

The type of replacing one word with a new word refers to a euphemistic expression used to substitute a word that has a less polite meaning and has the potential to offend others with a milder and more polite word.

Di Amerika, orang

obesitasitusudahdianggapdifabelkarenamerekaenggakbisamelakukanpekerjaanmereka. [In America, obese individuals are already considered disabled because they are unable to perform their job]

The use of euphemism can be seen in the example above, where there is a word that contains euphemistic language in the word "obesitas" [obesity]. This word is used to replace other words such as "gemuk" [fat] or "orang yang mengalamipenumpukan lemak yang berlebihandalamtubuhnya" [someone who experiences excessive fat accumulation in their body]. The word "obesitas" [obesity] is frequently used by others because it is considered more polite and gentle to hear. Additionally, there is also the word "difabel" [disabled] which means someone with disabilities. This word is used to be more polite, especially in public settings, in order to avoid hurting the feelings of individuals who have disabilities.

(g) Part for Whole Euphemisms

Part for the whole means that a specific word becomes a general word. This type originally had a narrow or specific meaning, but now it is used for broader or more general scope.

Beberapawaktulalu, adaseoranglaki-laki yang terciduksedangmasturbasi di KRL [a while ago, there was a man who was caught masturbating on the commuter train]

In the sentence above, there is a word that exhibits the figure of speech euphemism of the part for the whole. The word "masturbasi" [masturbation] is a specific word that has become a general word. This word is considered a euphemism as it is used to soften the expression referring to the stimulation of one's own sexual organs. Lately, the word "masturbasi" [masturbation] is more commonly used to describe self-sexual activities.

(h) Understatement

The type of meaning beyond the statement is an expression of euphemism that does not correspond to the form of the word or phrase used, or does not align with the dictionary meaning.

Ada semacampermainandariperundangankitatentangcaramendaftarkanhakkekayaanintelektual. [There is a sort of game in our legislation regarding the process of registering intellectual property rights]

The next expression of euphemism can be seen in the word that contains the figure of speech, which is "permainan" [game]. The use of this word falls under the euphemism type of meaning beyond the statement because Tsamara used it when discussing the topic of intellectual property, and the word does not refer to its literal meaning. In this context, the word "permainan" [game]


does not mean something used for playing, but rather signifies actions that deviate from the applicable rules, specifically the procedures for registering intellectual property rights. Therefore, the word "permainan" [game] belongs to the type of euphemism where the meaning goes beyond the statement, as its actual meaning does not align with the intended meaning.

(i) Borrowing

Borrowing becomes the type most frequently used by TsamaraAmany in the TsamaDengan Podcast.

Gue juga tau nihbanyak orang yang juga mendapatkansexua/ abuse di medsos yang bisasampaidepresi dan sebagainya.

[I also know that there are many people who experience sexual abuse on social media, which can lead to depression and so on]

In the example above, there is the phrase 'sexual abuse' which serves as a marker of euphemism. The euphemism in the sentence lies in the phrase 'sexual abuse,' which, when translated into Indonesian, means "pelecehanseksual" [sexual harassment]. The phrase sounds more polite to use when discussing sensitive topics because not everyone immediately understands the meaning of the phrase. TsamaraAmany often uses foreign languages to convey certain intentions when discussing sensitive topics because she has Arab heritage and has pursued education abroad. Therefore, Tsamara frequently employs borrowing as a type of euphemism, which is typically used to obscure the meaning in order to make the intended message sound softer and more polite.

(j) Colloquial

Euphemistic language style can be formed using colloquial language. This expression of euphemism takes the form of words commonly used in everyday communication and is characterized by its relaxed nature.

Kalaudengar kata pelakor, guejaditiba-tibalangsungingatKinan dan Aris di film LayanganPutus [When I hear the word 'pelakor', I suddenly remember Kinan and Aris from the movie 'LayanganPutus']

An example of colloquial euphemism can be seen in the word "pelakor". This word is often used lately in the community. "Pelakor" is a term used to refer to someone who is considered a 'home wrecker' or someone who is involved with a married person. The term "pelakor" is actually an acronym, but it is not included in the dictionary as it falls under colloquial language. In the context of the sentence above, the word "pelakor" is considered more polite to hear than directly mentioning someone who is involved with a married person.

B. Functions of Euphemistic Usage by TsamaraAmany in the TsamaDengan Podcast

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Based on research findings, there are four functions of euphemistic expressions in the TsamaDengan

Podcast as follows.

(a) Speech Softening

Euphemism serves as a way to soften speech with the aim of avoiding conflict or taboo words that are unpleasant and considered sensitive to hear. Therefore, words or expressions that are quite sensitive and have rough connotations need to be replaced with milder and more polite expressions.

Merekatuhmerasakotor, merekamerasahina, merekatuhmerasaenggakberharga [They feel dirty, they feel humiliated, they feel worthless]

In the example above, the word 'kotor' [dirty] falls under the type of figurative expression used as a function of speech softening. The word is used to soften the expression 'unclean' or 'humiliated'. In this expression, TsamaraAmany, who is also a woman, uses words with milder connotations to reduce the likelihood of hurting the feelings of women who have experienced sexual violence, so as not to further undermine the confidence of those who have experienced such incidents


(b) Confidentiality

The next function of euphemism is confidentiality. It is used to keep something secret using milder words or expressions, such as concealing matters related to various fields of knowledge, divinity, death, and even things considered frightening.

Setelahdiahamil, pacarnya dan keluargapacarnyamemaksadiauntukaborsi,

sampaiakhirnyadiabunuhdiri di makamayahnya

[After she got pregnant, her boyfriend and his family forced her to have an abortion, and eventually she committed suicide at her father's grave]

The function of euphemistic language style as confidentiality can be seen in TsamaraAmany's expression using the word "aborsi" [abortion], which falls under the clipping type. This word is commonly used in the field of medicine. The word "aborsi" is used to keep something secret because it is related to a sensitive matter, namely the termination of pregnancy, which can endanger someone and is considered both a religious and legal violation.

(c) Education

Euphemism is also used as an educational tool. It is important to soften speech and avoid using

impolite terms when sharing information, as well as to provide education regarding words or

expressions that hold polite value and things that have positive value to be done.


[In fact, Citayam pushes the boundaries of fashion, showing that it can be done by anyone]

The sentence above contains a euphemism that can be observed in the clause "JustruCitayamitumenerobos batas-batas fashion". This expression carries the meaning of successfully surpassing the limits or criteria set in the world of fashion. The expression belongs to the type of euphemism known as figurative expression for educational purposes, as Tsamara indirectly aims to convince the public that fashion can be embraced by anyone regardless of social classes.

(d) Danger Avoidance

The function of this euphemism is similar to speech softening. Euphemism serves as a danger deflector used to prevent chaos and promote peace, safety, and well-being for the listeners of the podcast.

Sesuatu yang dimulaisecaraorganik oleh anak-anakmudaCitayeminijadisesuatu yang besarkarenaorang-orang top Jakarta inginmendaftarkanitujadimilikmereka.

[Something that started organically by the young people in Citayem has become something big because the high-profile individuals in Jakarta want to claim it as their own]

The use of the phrase "orang-orang top" [high-profile individuals] is an example of euphemistic usage that serves as a danger deflector. This expression falls under the category of figurative expression as a danger deflector because it is used to describe individuals with power without directly mentioning their identities. Therefore, TsamaraAmany chooses to use euphemism and avoids the risk of creating turmoil by not mentioning the names of those individuals.


The euphemistic language style used by TsamaraAmany in the TsamaDengan Podcast was found in the form of words, phrases, clauses, and sentences, totaling 115 instances. These instances were collected from 25 recordings of the TsamaDengan Podcast, spanning from April 12, 2022, to December 6, 2022. The use of euphemistic language style in the podcast was expressed through 10 types of euphemisms, namelyfigurative expression, flippancies, remodelling, circumlocutions, clipping, one for one substitutions, part for whole euphemisms, understatement, borrowing, and colloquial language. The dominant type of euphemism was borrowing, while the least frequent type was colloquial language. The functions of euphemistic language style in the TsamaDengan Podcast were divided into four categories, speech softening, confidentiality, education, and danger avoidance. The most dominant function of euphemism was confidentiality, while the least frequent function was education.



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