Научная статья на тему 'The use of didactic games to increase the activity of students in the course of the lesson'

The use of didactic games to increase the activity of students in the course of the lesson Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Science and Education
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Ключевые слова
intensive lesson / interactive games / interactive techniques / didactics / coefficient / thinking / technology

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Husnigul Kalandarsho Kizi Saidamatova

This article will talk about how to use didactic games in order to increase the activity of students in the course of the lesson. The use of games in the lesson not only increases the activity of students in the lesson, but the information taught through games is stored in the reader’s memory for a long time, the student’s interest in relation to the lesson increases. This contributes to an improvement in the quality of Education. This article also provides information about games that help the teacher achieve his goal in the lesson.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The use of didactic games to increase the activity of students in the course of the lesson»

The use of didactic games to increase the activity of students in

the course of the lesson

Husnigul Kalandarsho kizi Saidamatova Urgench State University

Abstract: This article will talk about how to use didactic games in order to increase the activity of students in the course of the lesson. The use of games in the lesson not only increases the activity of students in the lesson, but the information taught through games is stored in the reader's memory for a long time, the student's interest in relation to the lesson increases. This contributes to an improvement in the quality of Education. This article also provides information about games that help the teacher achieve his goal in the lesson.

Keywords: intensive lesson, interactive games, interactive techniques, didactics, coefficient, thinking, technology

Introduction. Global changes in the present day, The Daily development of Science and technology and information and communication technologies require the teacher of the XXI century to have pedagogical skills, sharp will, pedagogical and psychological knowledge, deep knowledge of his science and high thinking, political literacy, a wide range of thinking and thoughtfulness. From the first years of independence, a radical reform of education and education, science, vocational training systems was initiated throughout the country. The goals set are successfully implemented and high efficiency is currently achieved in the field of Education.

Teachers operating in educational institutions should be thoroughly aware of the optimal organization of teaching forms, enriching the theory of personality formation of barkamlo with various new ideas. After all, the implementation of the ideas of the" national program of training " in practice, ensuring the success of the reforms carried out in the educational system of our country, largely depends on the spiritual image and professional skills of teachers and educators operating in educational institutions.[1]

THE MAIN PART. At a time when modern science and technology are developing at a rapid pace, the weight of modern information technology is sharply increasing, it is important to improve the pedagogical skills of the teacher. Because it is the young people who are educated, capable of reaching high heights in their field that act as the backbone of the prosperity of society in the present. Growing the minds of young people, introducing them to the criteria of society, is precisely the task of teachers.

At the moment, teachers are required not only to have knowledge, but also to have high pedagogical skills, to organize the lesson based on the requirements of the time, taking into account the participation of all students. At this point, let's consider the issues of attracting the attention of students in the lesson. Today, almost all equipment is computerized. Everyone has a TV, a computer, smartphones at home. All readers know how to use these equipment. Taking this into account, nowadays taking classes with simple visual aids and simple paper does not give its good result. Because ordinary paper and handouts for the reader are no longer so interesting. With this in mind, great attention should be paid to organizing the lesson through didactic games, explaining the topic materials to students through games. Games on the topic at first glance seem to require no volitional effort, strain. On this side, students attract attention. And during the Games, students do not even notice how they interfere in the course process. Games in the lesson process, on the one hand, ensure the activity of students in the lesson, and on the other hand, ensure long storage of information in memory.

Currently, in a number of developed countries, great experiments are being carried out on the application of modern pedagogical technologies that guarantee the effectiveness of the educational and educational process. The main goal of all research and research is to change the quality of education for the better, to further increase the cognitive potential of students, the coefficient of being able to meet the requirements of society.

In recent years, attention to the study and teaching of foreign languages has increased significantly. This necessitates the passage of foreign language lessons, in particular English, in an interesting way, that is, the use of various interactive techniques, intensive exhibitions, various interactive games that attract the attention of students. As we said above, the use of such games serves to further increase students ' passion for mastering science.

Since the study of foreign languages plays an important role at the moment, it is established to teach languages not only in higher education institutions, but also in schools, as well as in preschool institutions. When classes are not passed by specific techniques, interesting methods, the involvement of students in the lesson becomes a much more complex task. If during the lesson traditional methods are abandoned and fun is carried out, this will not only ensure the quality of the dasr, but also prevent students from getting bored, and at the same time be active, agan will also ensure that students actively participate in classes.

In the process of teaching foreign languages, there are a number of interesting games. It is worth noting that when teaching a language to children, it is necessary to use such games so that all students participate in it equally and manage to receive news from the lesson (for example, during each game, new dictionaries can be memorized. if this situation is repeated every day, the reader's vocabulary can be raised to a much

higher level. but even in this process it is necessary to succumb to colorfulness, that is, always avoid playing the same game). It is inappropriate for students to start the lesson with grammatical concepts, which leads to the rapid boredom of especially small graders. As a result, interest in the lesson and respect for the teacher can fade away. With them, even the greeting process should be started in an unconventional way. For example, starting a lesson with some kind of English song about greeting as soon as the teacher enters (which is basically a motivational method for elementary school students) is also an effective method. If the lesson continues this way, students will not lose focus on each task. They will even be looking forward to English lessons. Of course, all this must be organized by the teacher, and this work is the greatest responsibility assigned to the educator. At this point, we can cite some types of teaching a foreign language through games.

To increase the effectiveness of foreign language lessons, it will be advisable to use "role-playing games". The advantage of this game is that it is played out of the situation. This game is useful not only for the study of science, but also contributes to the formation of mental activity. In this game, themes are selected and children organize a dialogue. For example, the scene of the passenger's taxi stop or the communication of the seller and the buyer in the clothing store - all this is organized by readers. During the game, English is spoken and the chosen theme is staged. It is in this game that we can also use the competition method. That is, students are divided into groups and a competition is organized between them. In this case, competition arises between students. As you know, where there is competition, there will be development. If the group that completed the task correctly and quickly is encouraged, the interest of the rest of the students in the lesson will also increase.

But the teacher should not be limited to bilna only to organize the lesson through games. the great German pedagogue Adolf Disterverg, talking about the fact that teachers are constantly engaged in reading subjects, said: "the teacher must regularly engage in science. Otherwise it will look like a dried tree and stone. Just as a withered tree and Stone cannot bear fruit, no result can be expected from such a teacher in the future" Therefore, teachers should always be busy with study and research. The application of each acquired knowledge in practice, that is, in the course process, is also a huge task and obligation on its part. Didactic games can also be used to carry out classes in a meaningful way. OBJECT-this game serves to increase the vocabulary of students. As we all know, the most important area in the study of hcet languages is the memorization of new words. Taking into account the character of the readers, each reader memorizes a word in his own way. We are sure that memorizing words through games is equally suitable for everyone and will relieve this process a little more than usual. In this game, during the lesson, 15 items in the classroom are placed on the table, and students come and browse these items. The top of the items is then closed and

readers are asked to write the items they see and remember on the board for a certain period of time. The reader who managed to find the most words should be encouraged. In the process, not only will the vocabulary of students increase in the lesson, but their memory will also be strengthened.

Conclusion. Although today the educational process is carried out mainly in the traditional way, the organization of continuous learning of foreign languages at all stages of the educational system, as well as the development of teacher skills and the provision of modern educational and methodological manuals require further improvement. In place of the conclusion, we can say that the use of games in classes not only causes an increase in the level of knowledge of students, but also causes an expansion of their worldview. It is also worth noting that it is necessary that the topic of the techniques used in the lesson does not always remain the same. The teacher should always strive for colorfulness, discover the yanfiliks from himself.


1. B. S. Abdullaeva, A. A. Khaligav, H. M. Sadiqav, Sh. Q. Primav, Sh. R. Zarmasov. General pedagogy. - Tashkent: "Innovation-Zia", 2021.

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