THE USE OF DICTIONARIES FOR TEACHING STUDENTS TECHNICAL TERMINOLOGY Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Novikova T.A., Solovyova N.N.

Introduction. The article deals with the issues related to the method of teaching foreign students technical terminology. In it, the authors present the method of working with various types of dictionaries used in this process. It should be emphasized that the importance of international cooperation and the attraction of foreign citizens not only to study the Russian language, but also to get education in Russia is stated in the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” for 2019. This practice of international interaction has been recognized as a promising one, due to its role in expanding the educational opportunities of citizens and strengthening cooperation between Russian and foreign educational organizations. The study of Russian by foreign students contributes to the preservation and enhancement of the national and cultural traditions of the people inhabiting our country. Speaking of higher professional education, it should be noted that a high-level specialist cannot work effectively without the knowledge and ability to use terminology related to his field of study. The purpose. The article considers how to use different types of dictionaries in the process of teaching foreign students technical terminology and to show what conclusions can be made by the students. Materials and Methods. The study was based on the methods of studying of the methodological, pedagogical, linguistic literature on the research subject; theoretical analysis of the existing types of dictionaries which are used for teaching technical students; qualitative analysis of the research results. Results. The article explores similarities and differences of the ways of presenting terms in various kinds of dictionaries and shows how these peculiarities can be used in practice. Conclusions. The main task of all dictionaries is to describe the vocabulary of the language, the reader uses the dictionaries to check the information or expand the knowledge about the language; each type of dictionary has its own peculiarity and performs its own function. The type of dictionary chosen for work depends on the task a student has to fulfill. This task helps foreign students to develop their skills of speaking as well as writing.

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УДК 8ПЛ1Г276.6 DOI 10.17238/issn1998-5320.2019.38.157

Т. А. Новикова, Н. Н. Соловьева, Омский государственный университет путей сообщения


Introduction. The article deals with the issues related to the method of teaching foreign students technical terminology. In it, the authors present the method of working with various types of dictionaries used in this process. It should be emphasized that the importance of international cooperation and the attraction of foreign citizens not only to study the Russian language, but also to get education in Russia is stated in the Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" for 2019. This practice of international interaction has been recognized as a promising one, due to its role in expanding the educational opportunities of citizens and strengthening cooperation between Russian and foreign educational organizations. The study of Russian by foreign students contributes to the preservation and enhancement of the national and cultural traditions of the people inhabiting our country. Speaking of higher professional education, it should be noted that a high-level specialist cannot work effectively without the knowledge and ability to use terminology related to his field of study. The purpose. The article considers how to use different types of dictionaries in the process of teaching foreign students technical terminology and to show what conclusions can be made by the students. Materials and Methods. The study was based on the methods of studying of the methodological, pedagogical, linguistic literature on the research subject; theoretical analysis of the existing types of dictionaries which are used for teaching technical students; qualitative analysis of the research results. Results. The article explores similarities and differences of the ways of presenting terms in various kinds of dictionaries and shows how these peculiarities can be used in practice.

Conclusions. The main task of all dictionaries is to describe the vocabulary of the language, the reader uses the dictionaries to check the information or expand the knowledge about the language; each type of dictionary has its own peculiarity and performs its own function. The type of dictionary chosen for work depends on the task a student has to fulfill. This task helps foreign students to develop their skills of speaking as well as writing.

Keywords: technical terms, training of a foreign specialist, system views of students on linguistic and professional knowledge, techniques of terms interpretation, dictionary entries, the structure of the material presented in dictionaries.

Introduction. For more than a quarter of a century, foreign students have been studying in Omsk State Transport University and a rather large group among them consists of students from Mongolia and China.

Due to substantial changes in political, economic and social life, modern reforms in the field of higher education, the legal basis of which are the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" (2019) and the common state educational Standards on Russian as a foreign language, have caused an active scientific search for new creative approaches to the improvement of education in the field of professional training of foreign specialists. The purpose of international cooperation is the creation and development of educational systems of the state, the expansion of educational opportunities for citizens, the development of cooperation between Russian and foreign educational organizations, international academic mobility of students, teachers in the education system, and the involvement of foreign citizens to get education in Russia [1].

Materials and Methods. The distinctive features of the new approaches are integrity, interdisciplinarity, ideological and methodological pluralism, openness of the process of cognition and integration of various types of information. In addition, it is possible to take into account the needs of students, the variability of the educational program [2]. In the process of learning, foreign citizens need to learn the Russian language, which contributes to the incorporation of trainees into a single educational space of Russia, preserving and enhancing its national and cultural traditions [3].

At the same time, in the process of training a foreign specialist, teaching fluency in the Russian language is a necessary, but not the only important aspect of the educational process. A foreign student is the subject of two-way communication, a carrier of information that he should not only understand, but also properly interpret and operate with it in order to realize the possibility of educational, cognitive and communicative activities. A modern program of training specialists with higher technical education is aimed at a person who can communicate between cultures effectively according to the conventions of common professional discourse community. Discourse community refers to a community with common goals, mutual communication mechanism, and

application of specific genres and specialized vocabulary. Term is the node of a concept network and concept comes from subject-field knowledge. Therefore, term is a textual reflection of filed knowledge and technical term is a significant linguistic reflection of technical knowledge. One of the most important aspects in technical texts is the application of technical terms [4, p. 98]. Russian terminologist B. Golovin points out that term is a tool for professional thinking and a core part in professional communication language [4, p. 99].

By the time of study at the first year of university, foreign students already possess the necessary amount of systematic knowledge in all levels of language and general technical disciplines. Further development of their knowledge at the university is associated with the formation of students' comprehensive conception of linguistic and professional knowledge in the framework of the subject "Russian Language".

Thus, at the stage of informational adaptation, students are introduced to the types of dictionaries, which are divided into encyclopedic and explanatory. The most common type of dictionary is the explanatory dictionary. Explanatory dictionaries are usually called universal, or complex. Students are recommended dictionaries in mathematics, physics, chemistry, electrical engineering, heating engineering and other technical disciplines, as well as dictionaries in linguistics. Students, getting acquainted with the prefaces to the dictionaries, answer the question: what information can be obtained using one or another explanatory dictionary. First of all, any dictionary allows you to learn the meaning of a word. The content of the propaedeutic work at this stage, which ensures the adaptation of the student to the conditions of the educational process, is the methods of interpreting the terms. Along the way, it is noted that the methods of interpreting terms are not much different from the methods of interpreting common words.

For example, the word "system" in the New Polytechnic Dictionary (edited by A. Ishlinsky) [5, p.488] has the following interpretation: the system (from the Greek systema is a whole made up of parts, something compound) in engineering is set of interconnected technical objects (instruments, machines, mechanisms), signals, processes, elements, etc., united by a single goal and a common algorithm of functioning. For example, the system of computer elements, the drive system of the machining center, the measuring-information system, the power system, the system of units of physical disciplines, the "man-machine" system. In the explanatory dictionary of the Russian language of S. I. Ozhegov (edited by the Doctor of Philology, Professor N. Shvedova) [6, p. 639] the word system is represented as follows:

1. A certain order in the arrangement and connection of parts of something, in actions. Eg.: To bring your observations into the system; to work according to a strict system; the education system.

2. The form of organization of something. Eg.: Electoral system, tax system, taxation system.

3. Something whole, representing the unity of the naturally arranged and interconnected parts. Eg.: The nervous system; the Grammar System of language; the Periodic System of elements in chemistry; the solar system; the system of views; the philosophical system; Ushinsky's pedagogical system; the river system (a river with its tributaries); the irrigation system; the canal system.

4. The social system, a form of social structure. Eg.: The socialist system; the capitalist system.

5. The set of organizations that are homogeneous in their tasks or institutions, organizationally combined into one. Eg.: To work in the system of the Academy of Sciences.

6. A technical device, design. Eg.: the new system aircraft.

7. Something that has become normal, ordinary, regular (colloquial). Eg.: Saturday hikes have turned into his system. Morning exercises for school students have become systematic.

In the short etymological dictionary of the Russian language edited by N. M. Shansky, V. V. Ivanova, T. V. Shanskaya the word "system" is interpreted as follows:

System. Borrowed in the 18th Century from French. French Systeme <Greek systema (literally it is "the whole, made up of parts") [7, p. 410].

In the new encyclopedic dictionary [8] the word system has the following definition: system (from the Greek Systema which is the whole made up of parts; a connection), a set of elements that are in relationships and that are connected with each other, forming a certain integrity, unity. There are material and abstract systems. The first group is divided into the systems of inorganic nature (physical, geological, chemical, etc.) and living systems (simple biological systems, organisms, populations, species, ecosystems); a special class of living systems is social systems. The abstract systems are concepts, hypotheses, theories, scientific knowledge, linguistic (language) systems, formalized logical systems and others. In modern science, the research of various kinds of systems is carried out in the framework of the system approach, various special theories of the system in cybernetics, systems engineering, systems analysis, etc. In the reference book of linguistic terms by D. E. Rosenthal and M. A. Telenkova [9, p. 255] there is the following interpretation of the word "system":

1. The set of elements connected by stable relations among themselves and forming an internally organized whole. Eg.: The language system; the vocabulary system; the word formation system.

2. The set of forms that make up a definite grammatical category. Eg.: The case system; the aspect system; the tense system; the voice system; the mood system.

The students receive assignments to compare vocabulary entries of the word "system" from different dictionaries and determine the specifics of the formation of these vocabulary entries in explanatory, linguistic and terminological dictionaries. The students with the help of a teacher note that encyclopedic dictionaries do not explain words, but the objects and concepts themselves, they also denote that thesaurus dictionaries cover the entire vocabulary of a language, but terminological dictionaries reflect a stylistic vocabulary and that the etymological dictionary reveals the historical aspect of words and relationships between them.

The attention of the students is drawn to the structure of the material presented in the dictionaries: an independent segment of the text that constitutes a dictionary entry is devoted to each word (or a group of words). In terminological dictionaries, the articles, as a rule, are continuous, whereas, in explanatory dictionaries they are divided into the parts of basic and additional information. The pronunciation, etymology of the word, its synonyms are additional information in explanatory dictionaries, on the contrary, in the etymological dictionary the interpretation of the meaning of the word is additional information. Terminology dictionaries do not indicate the pronunciation of the term and the etymology is given only to the borrowed words. The students conclude that the selection of words and the information about them is based on an analysis of the texts of the existing dictionaries, grammar reference books and samples of oral speech.

Results. A dictionary entry reflects the microstructure of the dictionary and represents the "equation" between the explained part (the left side) and explanatory one (the right side). The left part contains the processing unit. The headword in the article is presented in its original form. In terminological dictionaries, the processing unit is a lexically represented concept. The right part (the explaining one) in explanatory dictionaries is an interpretation that contains the same set of semes as the explained part. The definitions of commonly used word concepts (for example, "pairs") reflect the "nearest" concepts and differ from the definitions of encyclopedic dictionaries. Dictionary definitions in terminological dictionaries can be logical (the meaning of a word is determined by the nearest genus and the species difference of the designated object, for example: iron is the most common metal after aluminum on the globe); and subject (for example, through the part from the whole: a degree is an off-system unit of a flat angle, equal to 1/90 of a right angle or 1/360 of a circle, respectively). In explanatory dictionaries, the dictionary definition can be linguistic (through synonyms: necessary -required; word-formation formulas: update - become new, updated; update - noun to update). The dictionary definition is usually based on the scheme "the defined notion = generic concept + distinguishing feature".

There is one more aspect that should be mentioned in connection with the analysis of different dictionaries. The students note that the word in the dictionary has several meanings. Since in Russian the majority of words are multivalent, the interpretation is a combination of different meanings, direct and figurative. Labels clarify the stylistic level of words (colloquial, poetic, bookish), their expressive coloring (humorous, vulgar), their usage (rare, ordinary), the functional-professional sphere of their use (special, technical, military), their semantic characteristic (figurative meaning), the relation to the core of the modern language (outdated, neologism). In the explanatory technical dictionaries, as a rule, there indicated only one meaning which is used in a certain field. Since the terms are not used in figurative meanings and are not characterized by expressive coloring, there are no figurative meanings or indications of expression used in the interpretation in the terminological dictionaries. Although according to O. N. Yemelyanova, "in general, the system of stylistic labels is far from perfect. It is proved by the fact that each explanatory dictionary uses its own system of stylistic labels which is sometimes significantly different from the system of stylistic marks of other explanatory dictionaries. " O. N. Yemelyanova demonstrates the heterogeneity of stylistic label systems in the Russian dictionaries of the Russian language on the example of explanatory dictionaries ed. by D. N. Ushakova, S. I. Ozhegova, A. M. Evgenieva. From the examples given by the researcher, it follows that, firstly, there is no clear hierarchical relationship between the stylistic labels; secondly, stylistic labels with the same word in different dictionaries may be different. Such a discrepancy in the stylistic description of the vocabulary is explained by the fact that the currently existing systems of stylistic labels demonstrate an insufficient level of elaboration of the modern theory of stylistics and lexicography. The reasons for this are the following: 1) stylistic norms change faster than other ones; 2) the lack of a special stylistic theory of the word; 3) the coexistence of different approaches to the interpretation of the stylistic potential of the word; 4) significant differences in the understanding of the categories of emotiveness, evaluation, expressiveness and the relationship between them. These features of word stylistic characteristics in the dictionaries not only cause difficulties while comparing them, but also complicate an accurate classification of words [10, pp. 22-23].

In explanatory dictionaries there are language examples confirming the presence of a word or its meaning in a language, explaining the meaning of a word in the context, showing the transition of a word from language to speech, its acquisition of additional shades of meaning. In terms of form, the used examples are models of syntactic constructions, real phrases or sentences (up to whole paragraphs). In terminological dictionaries there are no examples of the use of the term in the text. In linguistic dictionaries, various grammatical markers must be indicated: they usually point out what part of speech the words belong to, as well as their individual grammatical features (there are endings of plural forms of nouns, forms of irregular verbs, etc.).

The students noted that in all dictionaries the arrangement of words is alphabetic, that in explanatory dictionaries words are presented in an abstract form with well-established meanings, whereas in lively speech the meanings of words can undergo various changes, that in terminological dictionaries a correlation of linguistic and extra-linguistic (encyclopedic, country specific) information is observed. Extra-linguistic information concerns the history of the object, its varieties, organization and implementation; it can be presented in the body of the article, or in a special part of it and is expressed by marks, explanations, examples, illustrations. Graphic illustrations in terminological dictionaries perform the following functions: the semantization of a word (an image of an object that is difficult to describe in a compact definition), the disclosure of semantic fields which a given word belongs to, the display of varieties and the design of objects.

Conclusions. It is known that the descriptive terminology research method based on communicative theory of terminology and socio-cognitive approach of terminology description is different from traditional prescriptive method. The descriptive method focuses not on the standardization of terms, but on the organization and description of terms based on semantic relationship, so as to analyze the distribution of terms in authentic texts with the help of specialized corpus or other authentic language materials.

Automatic recognition and extraction is the first step in terminology study and it is the most important step. Automatic extraction methods include statistically based procedures and linguistically-based procedures. Dictionary-based procedure is a linguistic rule-based approach and it is the simplest approach. By comparing the term with entries in term dictionary one by one, it can be determined that it is a term if it is found in the dictionary and not if it is not in the dictionary. This approach is effective and efficient [4, p. 99].

We should bear in mind that the dynamic and generative aspects of language mean that even a theoretically universal dictionary would not remain so for long. While this is less of an issue in some contexts such as fixed sets of historical texts, it is particularly salient in modern online contexts such as social media. Terms rapidly appear, disappear, and change meanings [11, p. 345]. That is why a modern well-educated specialist should know what dictionaries can be useful to be able to enlarge or to refresh his knowledge in his field.

Thus, students familiarize themselves with dictionary entries in encyclopedic, explanatory, etymological and terminological dictionaries, analyze them on the basis of the developed methodology, make conclusions. They realize that the main task of all dictionaries is to describe the vocabulary of the language, that the reader uses the dictionaries to check the information or to expand the knowledge about the language. Moreover, students are shown what task can be done with this or that type of a dictionary which is very useful for practice. The acquaintance with the types of dictionaries helps foreign students to develop the skills of both speaking and writing, to increase their creative potential of a person capable of deep learning of Russian culture.


1. Law on Education in the Russian Federation from 29.12.2012 N 273 FZ (as amended on 01.01.2019). Available at: http://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_law_140174_statya 105/ (accessed 17.01.2019). (In Russian)

2. Law on Education in the Russian Federation from 29.12.2012 N 273 FZ (as amended on 01.01.2019). Available at: http://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_law_140174_statya 11/ (accessed 11.01.2019). (In Russian)

3. Law on Education in the Russian Federation from 29.12.2012 N 273 FZ (as amended on 01.01.2019). Available at: http://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_law_140174_statya 14/ (accessed 12.01.2019). (In Russian)

4. Ge, S., Chen, X. A corpus-based study on the distribution of business terms in business English writing. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bio-informatics), 2018. Vol.11284 LNCS, pp. 97-106. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-03580-8_11. (In English).

5. Ishlinskij A.Y. New Polytechnic Dictionary. Moscow, Bolshaya rossijskaya entsiklopediya Publ., 2000, 672 p. (In Russian)

6. Ozhegov S. I., Shvedova N. Y. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. Moscow, A temp [ozon.ru] Publ., 2010, 944 p. (In Russian)

7. Shanskij N. M., Ivanov V. V., Shanskaya T. V. Brief etymological dictionary of the Russian language: a manual for teachers. Edit. 3. Moscow, Prosveschenie Publ., 1975, 543 p. (In Russian)

8. Gorkin A. R. New Encyclopedic Dictionary. Moscow, Bolshaya rossijskaya entsiklopediya, Ripol klassik Publ., 2012, 1455 p. (In Russian)

9. Rozental D. E., Telenkova M. A., Dictionary-directory of linguistic terms. Moscow, Prosveschenie Publ., 1985, 399 p. (In Russian).

10. Kochergina, K.S. Stylistic labels in dictionaries of the modern Russian language: A comparative analysis. Voprosy Leksikografii, 2017. Issue 11, pp. 20-38. DOI: 10.17223/22274200/11/2. (In Russian).

11. Garten, J., Hoover, J., Johnson, K.M., Boghrati, R., Iskiwitch, C., Dehghani, M. Dictionaries and distributions: Combining expert knowledge and large scale textual data content analysis: Distributed dictionary representation. Behavior Research Methods, 2018. Vol. 50, Issue 1, pp. 344-361. DOI: 10.3758/s13428-017-0875-9. (In English).

T. A. Novikova,

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of Russian and Foreign Languages Department, Omsk State Transport University, 35 Marx ave., Omsk, 644046, Russian Federation ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4615-203X e-mail: tnovikova54@bk.ru N. N. Solovyova,

Senior Lecturer of Russian and Foreign Languages Department,

Omsk State Transport University, 35 Marx ave., Omsk, 644046, Russian Federation e-mail: natasha2012_natali@mail.ru


Проблема. Статья рассматривает вопросы, касающиеся обучения иностранных студентов технической терминологии. В ней авторы представляют метод работы с различными типами словарей, используемых при этом. Следует подчеркнуть, что значимость международного сотрудничества и привлечение иностранных граждан не только к изучению русского языка, но и к обучению в России отмечена в законе «Об образовании в Российской Федерации» за 2019 г. Данная практика международного взаимодействия признана перспективной, так как отмечена её роль в расширении образовательных возможностей граждан, укреплении сотрудничества российских и иностранных образовательных организаций. Изучение иностранными студентами русского языка способствует сохранению и приумножению национальных и национально-культурных традиций народов, населяющих нашу страну. Современная программа подготовки специалистов с высшим техническим образованием предназначена для человека, который может эффективно общаться между культурами в соответствии с конвенциями общепрофессионального дискурсивного сообщества. Дискурсивное сообщество относится к сообществу с общими целями, механизмом взаимного общения и применением определённых жанров и специализированной лексики. В связи с вышесказанным, говоря о высшем профессиональном образовании, необходимо отметить, что специалист высокого уровня не может состояться без знания и умения применять на практике терминологию, относящуюся к сфере выбранной им деятельности. Авторы статьи рассматривают использование различных типов словарей для обучения терминологии, проведения сравнительного анализа данных видов словарей, применяемые в них особенности стилистической характеристики слов, указывают возможные затруднения, возникающие при их сопоставлении с имеющимися характеристиками в других словарях. Знакомство с типами словарей помогает иностранным студентам развивать навыки устной и письменной речи, повысить свой творческий потенциал человека, способного к глубокому изучению русской культуры, а также освоить навыки самостоятельной работы, необходимой для дальнейшего повышения уровня знаний.

Цель статьи. Авторы ставят целью рассмотреть как, познакомив иностранных студентов со словарными статьями в разных видах словарей: энциклопедических, толковых, этимологических и терминологических словарях, помочь им проанализировать их на основе разработанной методики, сделать необходимые выводы в результате обучения технической терминологии.

Методология. Исследование базировалось на основе изучения методической, педагогической, лингвистической литературы по предмету исследования; теоретического анализа существующих типов словарей, используемых для обучения технических студентов, и их особенностей; качественного анализа результатов исследования.

Результаты. В статье рассматриваются сходства и различия способов представления терминов в разных словарях и показано, как эти особенности можно использовать на практике в процессе обучения иностранных студентов.

Выводы. Авторы пришли к выводу, что основная задача всех словарей - описать словарный запас языка и что читатель использует словари для проверки информации или расширения знаний о языке. Каждый тип словаря имеет свои особенности и выполняет свои функции. Тип словаря, выбранного для работы, зависит от задачи, которую студент должен выполнить. Умение работать со словарём помогает иностранным студентам развить навыки устной и письменной речи.

Ключевые слова: технические термины, обучение иностранного специалиста, системные представления студентов о лингвистических и профессиональных знаниях, приёмы толкования терминов, словарные статьи, структура представленного в словарях материала.

Библиографический список

1. Закон «Об образовании в Российской Федерации» от 29.12.2012 N 273-ФЗ (ред. от 01.01.2019) // Сайт справочно-правовой системы Консультант Плюс [Электронный ресурс]. URL: http://www.consultant.ru/ docu-ment/cons_doc_LAW_140174/ statya-105 (дата обращения 17.01.2019).

2. Закон «Об образовании в Российской Федерации» от 29.12.2012 N 273-ФЗ (ред. от 01.01.2019) // Сайт справочно-правовой системы Консультант Плюс [Электронный ресурс]. URL: http://www.consultant.ru/ docu-ment/cons_doc_LAW_140174/ statya-11 (дата обращения 11.01.2019).

3. Закон «Об образовании в Российской Федерации» от 29.12.2012 N 273-ФЗ (ред. от 01.01.2019) // Сайт справочно-правовой системы Консультант Плюс [Электронный ресурс]. URL: http://www.consultant.ru/ docu-ment/cons_doc_LAW_140174/ statya-14 (дата обращения 12.01.2019).

4. Ge, S., Chen, X. A corpus-based study on the distribution of business terms in business English writing // Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). 2018. Vol. 11284 LNCS. pp. 97-106. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-03580-8_11.

5. Ишлинский А. Ю. Новый политехнический словарь. Москва: Изд-во Большая Российская Энциклопедия, 2000. 672 с.

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Поступила в редакцию 18.02.2019 © Т. А. Новикова, Н. Н. Соловьева, 2019

Авторы статьи:

Татьяна Аркадьевна Новикова, доктор педагогических наук, доцент, зав. кафедрой русского и иностранных языков, Омский государственный университет путей сообщения, 644046, Омск, пр. К. Маркса, 35, e-mail: tnovikova54@bk.ru

Наталия Николаевна Соловьева, старший преподаватель кафедры русского и иностранных языков, Омский государственный университет путей сообщения, 644046, Омск, пр. К. Маркса, 35, e-mail: natasha2012_natali@mail


Э. В. Акаева, кандидат филологических наук, доцент кафедры иностранных языков, Омский государственный университет им. Ф.М. Достоевского.

О. П. Фесенко, доктор филологических наук, доцент, профессор кафедры русского языка, Омский автоброне -танковый инженерный институт.

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