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Ключевые слова
evaluation / approaches / justification / parameters / agricultural drainage

Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Rokochinskiy A.M., Volk P.P., Koptiuk R.M., Pallu L.M.

The traditional and optimization approaches to substantiation of the parameters of agricultural drainage and the results of their comparative effectiveness are considered.

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tem. Our analysis shown that the channel operating stability for the described device configuration is about 90 % successful communications.


The performed research and subsequent development showed that the specific requirements for RFID readers imposed by access control system features can be fulfilled by following the recommendations of reader chip's manufacturers with subsequent steps of adjustment under experimental control of reader performance.


We would like to thank Alexey Gvaskov for his assistance while carrying out experiments and Alexander Domoratsky for reviewing and valuable comments on this paper.


1. Grover F. W. Inductance Calculations Working Formulas and Tables. Dover Publications, 1946.

2. Hardy J. K. High Frequency Circuit Design. Reston Publishing Company, 1975.

3. Henry K. Radio Engineering Handbook. McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1963.

4. ISO/IEC 14443-1:2008. Identification cards. Contactless integrated circuit(s) cards. Proximity cards. Part 1. Physical characteristics.

5. Schillinger J. Antenna Matching for the TRF7960 RFID Reader. Texas Instruments, May 2009.

6. Welsby V. G. The Theory and Design of Inductance Coils. John Wiley and Sons, 1960.

Rokochinskiy A.M.

National University of Water Management and Nature Resources Use, Professor, Doctor of Engineering,

Volk P.P.

National University of Water Management and Nature Resources Use, Senior Lecturer, Ph.D.

Koptiuk R.M.

National University of Water Management and Nature Resources Use, Associate Professor, Ph.D.

Pallu L.M.

National University of Water Management and Nature Resources Use.




The traditional and optimization approaches to substantiation of the parameters of agricultural drainage and the results of their comparative effectiveness are considered.

Keywords: evaluation, approaches, justification, parameters, agricultural drainage.

For today massive development of reclamation associated with significant investments are very significant for the economy of any country, but the received effect is thus at best 60-70% of the project. One of the major reasons is the imperfection of existing methods of design and calculation of drainage systems [1].

In addition, together with necessity of increase the economic efficiency of drainage reclamation, today there is an extraordinarily acute problem of validity of reclamation activities by ecological requirements [2, 3].

That is, construction projects and reconstruction of reclamation facilities should provide immediate ameliorative effect of all aspects of its implementation. Therefore it requires new approaches and advanced methods substantiation of, especially construction and agricultural drainage parameters as defining regulatory element drainage system [3].

Theoretical foundations of the science of soil drainage works were laid by H.Darsi, J. Dupuis, J. Boussinesq and others. Subsequently, at different stages of development of melioration science, known

scientific schools were identified two basic methods of calculating the parameters of agricultural drainage: hy-dromechanical based on theoretical principles of the movement of water in natural and technical systems, empirical that based mainly on statistical data processing of numerous natural investigations. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages.

Should be noted that the hydromechanical method for determining the distance between drains is the most reasonable in theory, but it does not consider economic, environmental, and some regime-technological aspects of drainage.

There are many received based on this method formulas, that do not take into account the presence of the initial pressure gradient which determines water movement [4]. Excluding this condition error of distance between drains can range from 3% to 40%, depending on the length of the period of drying.

A major disadvantage of hydro-mechanical formulas is also ignoring the conditions of formation of the drainage flow in the phase of raising the level of

groundwater that is more intense compared with the phase of recession [4] .

However, as the most grounded theoretically, this method makes it possible to carry out a qualitative analysis of hydrological factors of action drainage, hydro-dynamic processes that taking place in soils. Hydrome-chanical formulas have also great importance in the compilation of the field studies data of drainage, in this regard, their role cannot be overemphasized.

The most widely in practice of designing of drainage on drained lands were DBN V.2.4-1-99 formulas based on development of O.J. Oleinik and A.I. Mu-rashko [5] for homogeneous and layered soils under conditions of atmospheric and soil nutrition.

These formulas sufficiently take into account the structural features of material horizontal drainage and implemented:

а) in the case of shallow confining layer when

e - Hp B = N- p



mD ^



E = 4



L f. +-

fi H

- f

i = l, n,




6) in the case of deep confining layer when

> E/


E =


q, [ln(2EJ D ) + 0, ]

i = l, n


where mD - distance from the axis drains to the

confining layer, m; E - distance between drains, m; Lf

- total filtration resistance of the degree and nature of disclosure reservoir

Lf =





+ -






A f


KmnD j

l + -







h0 = 0,5H , m; H - calculated pressure, m; T -

waterconductivity of layer, sq. m/day; q - intensity of

infiltration power, m/day; k^ - soil filtration coefficient,

m/day; D - outer diameter of drains, m; 0 - filtration resistance of the nature disclosure of the reservoir depending on the design of drains.

In the practice of design drainage systems also is widespread an empirical method by which the distance between drains installed according to one or more factors of affecting the intensity of drying (grain size, physical and chemical properties of the soil, the intensity of rainfall, permeability rocks, etc.). It is based on the assumption that the heavier soils are and lower their filtration properties - the smaller should be the distance between drains.

Thus Mitterlih [6] provides correlation between distance B and depth determined in function of hygroscopic moisture capacity of soil:


= 23,6 - 14lgW, (4)

and H.A. Pysarkov [6] by the following formula:

where B - distance between drains, m; e - depth of drainage, m; where P - the average rainfall intensity,

mm; N - coefficient that depends on the granulometric composition of soil.

For the humid zone of Ukraine V.P. Kubyshkin [7] recommends to determine the distance between the drains due to their optimal values for a certain type of soil, which are adjusted experimentally, determined correction factors, namely

bp = bon. kc ■ k • k ■ kd ■ ku ■ k, (6)

where Bon - the optimum distance between drains, defined by the table depending on the genetic soil type, filtration coefficient and slope of land;

correction factors

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c y j y h y uy u y K

that take into account the appropriate height of bias above its sole, exposure bias, pressure of groundwater depth laying drains, the degree of moisture territory, the nature of the economic use of drained area.

But, in practice, empirical method requires considerable expenses for its implementation and at the same time has a very limited scope of application, by the terms of zonal location of the object.

Therefore today is considered to be most perspective economic-mathematical method that combines the advantages of hydro and empirical methods and is based on the realization of complex prediction-optimization calculations (K.T. Hommik, I.S. Rabochev, I.V. Mina, Y. Nikolskyy, L.A. Downey, J. Doorenbos, A.H. Kassam, M.O. Lazarchuk, A.M. Rokochynskyy, A.V. Cherenkov, V.G. Muranov and others).

At one time this method has been improved by MJO Lazarchuk and V.G. Muranov, that offered, par-tic ular, in the calculation of the optimal parameters of the drainage to consider minimizing of the criterion reduced costs of the technical decision and appropriate them to possible losses of agricultural crop harvest rejecting the water regime of drained land in the settlement of the optimal (seed) period [8,2]

Zp + AYt ^ min, (7)

where ZPi - presented unit cost; AY - expectation

reduce of agricultural yield by crop rotation design-relevant and that variant.

Using this method, the distance between drains determined by formulas (1) - (3), depending on complex soil and hydrogeological conditions, the design features of the drains, the structure of the rotation, the depth of laying drains. The distance between drains determine with achievement of only maximum economic benefit from land drainage in given conditions.

However, in the transition to a market economy, this method, in the form in which it is implemented, will not allow differentially determine optimum parameters of the drainage on different productivity levels of cultures grown in compliance with the current economic and environmental requirements in the variable nature of agro-reclamation (soil, geological, climatic,


agronomic, economic and environmental) conditions of real object and requires further improvement.

The essence of improving of the optimization method is to develop complex model of optimization of parameters of drainage, which, unlike existing economic and mathematical method takes into account both economic and environmental aspects of drainage and allows determination of economically viable and environmentally acceptable design solutions (PR) [9]:

ZPo = minZ ZPip-ap,i = 1,nt;



qo = min Z \q* - q«J ■aP, 1 =1, n ■

iii n=1


where ZPa - the optimal value of the criterion by

the i-th set of option PR {i}, i = 1, nt , грн/гa;ap-

known (defined or set) the value of shares or recurrence of typical meteorological condition possible modes of settlement during the growing season together {p},

p = 1, n within the project lifetime of the object,


^ a = 1; q0 - optimal design value module by drain-


age runoff and PR-order option, n/c^a; qs - weighted

average of drainage runoff module within the system and project lifetime of the facility and by i-order option of PR, n/c^a; qeKOJl- limit value of the module of drainage runoff, corresponding ecological level of efficiency of the drainage in the studied conditions, n/c^a; i - set

of the PR options {i}, i = 1, n on the type, design parameters and the drainage.

As the economic criteria and optimization of parameters of the drainage conditions in the model (8) accepted minimization of reduced costs totality ZP with

due regard to weather and climate risk R at a deviation of water regime of drained land in the optimal settlement in the spring (seeds) and vegetative periods of the drainage for the implementation of the relevant options of PR totality {i}, i = 1, n

ZP + R ^ min , i = 1, n . (9) For the general economic optimization criterion are accepted presented costs Z , reduced to comparative view ZP by the volume (value) V of received products by the relevant options nP {i}, i = 1, n

ZP Act + CM + A, + EH ■ K + R) ' V _ '

i = 1, nt , (10)

Where Cc - agricultural inputs in growing crops


________________________,______1 - and reclamation costs or operating costs by i-th version of PR, USD/ha; Ai - depreciation expense by i-th version of

PR, USD/ha; E n - regulatory factor economic efficiency of capital investments in the arrangement of the drainage, En = 0,015 ; Kt - capital investments in

the construction by i-th version of PR, USD/ha.

Weather and climatic risk is defined as the difference between the value of gross output of the actual yield obtained by i-th version of PR, and the value of gross output by the potential yield on the object

R =V(V - V )2, i=, (11)

where V - the value of gross output the actual

yield, received by i-th version of PR, USD/ha; Vi - the

value of gross output for the potential yield on the object, USD/ha;

The distances between the drains by a given method also determined with the formulas (1) - (3).

Optimality criterion for environmental PR for the construction and the drainage parameters in complex optimization model (8) is the deviation of the average value of the module of drainage flow within the system for calculated years and designed lifetime of the object q from the limit value of the module of drainage flow

qeKOJi, which corresponds to the level of environmental

efficiency of the drainage.

Thus the implementation of complex optimization model (1) allows determining the relevant criteria of economically viable and environmentally acceptable PR for the construction and parameters of the drainage of drained land of the real object.

Principles and implementation of integrated optimization model based on interconnected structurally, technological forecasting, simulation and optimization models for the substantiation of blocks of optimum construction and parameters of drainage, their impact on the yield cultivated crops and created economic and environmental effects [9, 10].

Comparative characteristics of and application of traditional optimization approaches to the substantiation of agricultural the drainage parameters to comply with the current requirements in its calculations presented in Table 1.



Table 1

Comparative characteristics of traditional and optimization approaches to substantiation of parameters of the _drainage_

Title Methods for calculating the parameters of the drainage

The empirical method DBN V.2.4-1- 99 Economic and mathematical method An integrated optimization method

1. Integration of multiple variables natural and agro-reclamation facility conditions - - partially +

2. Definition and verification of the module of drainage flow rate: - for economic demands - for ecological requirements - - + + +

3. Rationale by the drainage parameters of: - for economic demands - for ecological requirements - - + + +

4. Consideration of design features on the drainage, type, material by production, different diameter pipes, filters the drainage design, the design scheme of the drainage - - + +

5. Justification of design variables and determine crop yield losses of (weather and climatic risk) +/- +

6. Comparison of options PR volume and quality of the products - - - +

7. Differential determine the optimal parameters of the drainage on various productivity levels produced crops - - - +

8. Determination of parameters the drainage system relative levels of hierarchy (culture, soil, soil reclamation difference and the whole system) - - - +

9. Assess the effectiveness of the drainage of the defined parameters in the given conditions - - - +

10. The investment project evaluation reconstruction of the drainage areas - - - +

Example of the application of traditional and optimization approaches to substantiation of agricultural the drainage parameters of we considered on lands farm "Svitanok" in Rokytne district of Rivne region.

Research area is the total area of 410 hectares. Soils in the area are sod-medium podsolic meadow gley on sandy with a coefficient of filtration k = 1,2m / do6y) and equity share (f = 0,1),

sod-sandy (k^ = 1,0m / do6y, fg = 0,3 ) peat medium and powerful medium unfolded ( k^ = 0,4m / do6y, f = 0,6 ).The area reconstruction plastic embedded with a round perforated drainage

and sand and gravel filling diameter of 63 mm. Crop rotation on the array represented by the following crops - oats yield is 36 quintal/ha and equity share (f = 0,12), perennial grasses for hay 42 quintal/ha

(f = 0,25), winter wheat 30 quintal/ha,

(fk = 0,12), corn for silage 320 quintal/ha

(f = 0,13) and potatoes 210 quintal/ha

(fk = 0,13).

The calculations were obtained following distance between drains to the terms of this facility are systematized in Table 2.

Table 2

Comparative evaluation of the effectiveness of traditional and economic-mathematical methods for determining _the parameters of the drainage_

Title The empirical method DBN V.2.4-1- 99 Economic and mathematical method

Sod-medium podsolic meadow gley sandy

The distance between drains, m 24,0 30,0 28,0

Sod meadow gley loamy

The distance between drains, m 22,0 28,0 26,0

Peatlands powerful medium to medium s pread

The distance between drains, m 18,0 22,0 20,0

Summary results of optimization calculations on difference - the system for the object being studied by hierarchical levels of culture - soil - soil melioration complex optimization method presented in Table 3.

Table 3

Summarized results of the calculation parameters of by complex the drainage optimization method in variable _nature of agro-reclamation conditions studied object_

Type of soil, g m Culture k At the level of culture, v = 1 At ground level, v = 2 At the level of soil melioration difference, v = 3 At the system level, v = 4

(qo ) (Bo) (qo) (Bo) (qo) (Bo) (qo) (Bo)

Sod-medium podsolic meadow gley sandy Oats 0,4 38,00

Winter wheat 0,5 32,00

Perennial herbs 0,6 30,00

Corn for silage 0,5 32,00

Potatoes 0,85 26,00 0,85 26,00 0,85 26,00

Sod meadow gley loamy Oats 0,45 35,00

Winter wheat 0,55 30,00

Perennial herbs 0,5 28,00

Corn for silage 0,5 28,00

Potatoes 0,8 24,00 0,8 24,00 0,8 24,00

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Peatlands powerful medium to medium spread Oats 0,4 30,00

Winter wheat 0,45 26,00

Perennial herbs 0,55 22,00

Corn for silage 0,5 24,00

Potatoes 0,6 20,00 0,6 20,00 0,6 20,00 0,6 20,00

Comment: In this case, the terms of the object studied the results of optimization calculations for hierarchical levels soil- soil reclamation differences coincide.

The results of calculation of the defined yields of cultures cultivated on appropriate levels of efficiency the drainage show that in given conditions the optimal distance between the drains at the lowest level of the hierarchy of performance culture - the way of change 20 m for potatoes in peat up to 38 m for grain on sand at the appropriate change calculation of the module of drainage runoff by the entire spectrum efficiency levels

of ecological the drainage qeK0n = 0,4 n /(c • aa) to the

economic qeK0H = 0,85 n /(c • гa).

Thus, a comparative evaluation of different approaches to the substantiation of agricultural the drainage parameters of by the technique and the results strongly suggest that an integrated optimization method determines to be reasonable under the terms of the distance between multiple drains that further enhances the validity of design decisions in the construction and reconstruction of drainage systems.


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3. Рокочинський А.М. Науковi та практичш аспекта оптишзацп водо регулювання осушуваних земель на еколого-економiчних засадах: Моно-графiя/ За редакцieю академiка УААН Ромащенка М.1.- Рiвне: НУВГП, 2010-351с.

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7. Кубышкин В.П. Исследование параметров закрытого дренажу при осушении суглинистых почв различных генетических типов с учетом их водопроницаемости, характера водного питания и условий рельефа. -В кн.: Осушение тяжелых почв. -М.: Колос, 1981, С.85...98.

8. Технические указания по оптимизации параметров горизонтального дренажа на основании экономико-математического расчёта при проектировании осушительных систем в Украинской ССР: НТД 33-63-090-89/ Лазарчук Н.А., Муранов В.Г., Черенков А.В., Рокочинский А.Н. - К.: Укргипроводхоз, 1989. - 26 с.

9. Фроленкова Н.А., Кожушко Л.Ф., Рокочинський А.М. Еколого-економiчна оцшка в управ-лшш мелюративними проектами. - Рiвне: НУВГП, 2007 -260 с.

10. Науково-методичш рекомендацп до об-грунтування оптимальних параметрiв сшьськогос-подарського дренажу на осушуваних землях за еко-номiчними та екологiчними вимогами /А.М. Рокочинський, В.Г. Муранов, О.Ю.Тимейчук, П.П. Волк, та ш.- Рiвне, 2013. - 34c.

Turchenyuk V.A.

Ph.D., associate professor

Rokochynskyy A.M.


Prykhodko N. V.


Mendus S.P.

Ph.D., associate professor

Zaiets V. V.

Senior lecturer

National University of Water and Environment, m. Rivne, Ukraine



In the article the analysis of the main reasons of poor land reclamation condition of Danube rice irrigation systems territory. The questions of improving water-air and salt regimes of soils by increasing filtration through placement of land drainage were considered.

Keywords: efficienAcy of drainage, reclamation condition, rice irrigation system

The natural reclamation condition of irrigation rice systems (RIS) is determined by a number of factors, foremost of which is natural (climatic factors) and technological (irrigation norm, structure and parameters of irrigation and drainage networks, etc.). The research results [3,4,8,10] Indicate that the most significant impact on the natural reclamation condition of RIS provides drainage network that determines the intensity and direction of filtration processes which occur during prolonged over wetting of soils by using irrigation

flooding. Drainage network in RIS directed on formation of their water regime and in a significant degree determines the productivity of agricultural lands.

Drainage that arranged on rice irrigation systems must meet the following basic requirements:

- create the optimal filtration rate on rice field;

- provide required draining norm after water discharge at least 0.8 m and bringing it to 1.5 ... 1.7 m at the beginning of a new irrigation season;

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