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Modern European Researches
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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Pavlova Julia Pavlovna, Saenko Irina Ivanovna

To date, human resource – one of the main bases of the enterprise. Personnel management philosophy – the whole of principles, moral, as well as administrative rules, which were developed in the organization and which equally divides each of its employees. This philosophy - this is one of the most important components of the company philosophy. The philosophy of management personnel of the organization - it is a some document, which demonstrates that the person has the right to work in safe workplace, he has the right to freely express their views, he has the right to use his abilities fully.

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Semenov, I.S. (2009) The right for life: International-legal aspect. PhD thesis. Moscow. 224 p. Available at: http://www.dissercat.com/content/pravo-na-zhizn

Shchegolev, A.V. (2000) The law on a greatness insult in political history of Rome (I century B.C. -1 century A.D.). PhD Thesis. Moscow. 183 p. Available at: http://www.dissercat.com/content/zakon-ob-oskorblenii-velichiya-v-politicheskoi-istorii-rima-i-v-do-n-e-i-v-n-e#ixzz3ngjmGvNq

Verzhbitsky, K.V. (1999) "Processes about greatness insult in Rome during the reign of Tiberius". Classical antiquity: Materials of scientific conference. Belgorod. Pp. 37 — 45). Available at: http://ancientrome.ru/publik/article.htm?a=1386067288

Verzhbitsky, K.V. (2000) Development of the Principate system during the reign of Tiberius (14 - 37 AD). PhD thesis. St. Petersburg. 350 p. Available at: http://www.dissercat.com/content/razvitie-sistemy-printsipata-pri-imperatore-tiberii-14-37-gg-n-e



To date, human resource - one of the main bases of the enterprise. Personnel management philosophy - the whole of principles, moral, as well as administrative rules, which were developed in the organization and which equally divides each of its employees. This philosophy - this is one of the most important components of the company philosophy. The philosophy of management personnel of the organization - it is a some document, which demonstrates that the person has the right to work in safe workplace, he has the right to freely express their views, he has the right to use his abilities fully.


human resource, personnel management, philosophy, management methods, motivation


Irina Ivanovna Saenko

PhD, Associate Professor, Kuban State Agrarian University. 13 Kalinina Str., Krasnodar, 350044, Russia.

Julia Pavlovna Pavlova

Student, Kuban State Agrarian University. 13 Kalinina Str., Krasnodar, 350044, Russia.

E-mail: pavjulia@icloud.com


1.1 Actuality of the problem

The success of organizations increasingly depends on people-embodied know-how-the knowledge, skill, and abilities imbedded in an organization's members. This knowledge base is the foundation of an organization' core competencies (integrated

knowledge sets within an organization that distinguish it from its competitors and deliver value to customers). HRM plays important role in creating organizations and helping them survive. Our world is an organizational world. We are surrounded by organizations and we participate in them as members, employees, customers, and clients. Most of our life is spent in organization, and they supply the goods and services on which we depend to live. Organizations on the other hand depend on people, and without people, they would disappear.

1.2 Explore importance of the problem

As far back as the early 20th century the emphasis was on technique and equipment, while the man was considered as an addition to this, but now but now the equipment is in human supervision. In connection with this new, modern styles and human resource management practices have been developed. There is increases proportion of managers, highly skilled workers, increases the amount of capital, which may be increased by one worker. The labor force is no longer so important. The company increased the need to own spoken and written language, have conceptual skills. Growing need for workflow control by the employee, which is one of the motivational theories.

The development of HRM has been slow but a steady process. Arguably, HRM has become the dominant approach to people management in most of the countries. However, it is important to stress that human resource management has not 'come out of nowhere'. HRM has absorbed ideas and techniques from a number of areas.

In effect, it is a synthesis of themes and concepts drawn from over a century of management theory and social science research. There is a long history of attempts to achieve an understanding of human behavior in the workplace.

Throughout the twentieth century, practitioners and academics have searched for theories and tools to explain and influence human behavior at work. Managers in different industries encounter similar experiences: businesses expand or fail; they innovate or stagnate; they may be exciting or unhappy organizations in which to work; finance has to be obtained and workers have to be recruited; new equipment is purchased, eliminating old procedures and introducing new methods; staff must be reorganized, retrained or dismissed. Over and over again, managers must deal with events which are clearly similar but also different enough to require fresh thinking.

We can imagine that, one day, there will be a science of management in which these problems and their solutions are catalogued, classified, standardized and made predictable. Sociologists, psychologists and management theorists have attempted to build such a science, producing a constant stream of new and reworked ideas. They offer theoretical insights and practical assistance in areas of people management such as recruitment and selection, performance measurement, team composition and organizational design.

Methodological Framework

2.1 Research methods

Methodology of management staff of the organization - a term that involves consideration of staff as the managed object corresponding to the objectives and plans of the organization. Human Resources Management System - is the formation of functions, objectives and the organizational structure, personnel relationships with the leaders in the process of making and implementing decisions taken by the management

staff. Personnel Management Technology - an organization of the recruitment and selection of new employees, evaluation of their skills, adaptation, promotion, work motivation and conflict management, and stress management. Personnel management functions - is the area of knowledge aimed at providing qualified personnel in the organization. Methods and personnel management functions are very closely related. Personnel management philosophy, which is the basis of its management, is no less important than the above described system.

These include methods of personnel management. This concept includes the following items:

• Development of personnel management methodology;

• Development of human resources management system;

• Development of human resource management technologies.


3.1 Comparative characteristics of the human resources management philosophy in different countries

Personnel management philosophy - a set of principles, moral, as well as administrative rules, which were developed in the organization and are equally divided by each of its employees. . The philosophy of management personnel of the organization - it is a some document, which demonstrates that the person has the right to work in safe workplace, he has the right to freely express their views, he has the right to use his abilities fully. Employees have the right to work in a relationship of trust with the team in a friendly and united team. management philosophy varies widely in different countries. first of all it is connected with different cultures. Comparative characteristics presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Comparative characteristics of personnel management philosophy

in developed countries

Country United Kingdom Japan

Main idea The theory of the relationship between people and national values The tradition of collectivism and the high level of employee loyalty to the organization

Brief description Respect for the individual workers, promotion and motivation of labor achievements Respect for elders, high social guarantees, life employment and moving up the career ladder

Russian philosophy of personnel management is varied and includes are many common features that are listed above. Its form is largely depend on the size of the organization and forms of ownership the organization. So large organizations continue to work in conditions of strict discipline, teamwork, but in smaller organizations, things are much worse - leaders do not differ too polite attitude towards its employees, the minimum democratization.

Recently, the well-established truth have been modified - each organization creates its own philosophy, depending on the form of ownership, specialization, specific features and other important factors. Based on the organization's management philosophy, each manager chooses one of the methods and styles of leadership

personnel, which are partly based on principles such as scientific, democratic, planning, common stewarding, selection, recruitment and placement of personnel, the combination of collective leadership, centralization and decentralization, and performance monitoring solutions.

3.2 Comparative characteristics of methods of control

Traditionally, there are distinguish the following control methods:

1. Administrative (including organizational-management and organizational).

2. Economic.

3. Socio-psychological.

Administrative methods are most often used in large organizations. They are prescriptive, mandatory nature and are distinguished sufficiently rigid. Administrative personnel management methods are based on the following factors:

1. Operational Management System.

2. Systems plans, programs and jobs that are being developed within the organizations themselves.

3. The system of regulations adopted in the higher management structures.

4. The system of the Russian Federation.

Administrative personnel management methods are characterized by compulsory and unquestioning execution of regulatory or administrative documents, the relevant administrative regulations governing bodies. There are the following methods of administrative influence on the staff: financial liability, disciplinary liability, administrative penalties.

Economic methods of management involve the economic relationship between the employer and the employee, which are based on mutual benefit. An employee coming to work in the organization, there is expects to improve the standard of living at the expense of wages, while the boss expects from the employee's productive work. This form of motivation, of course, is quite effective, because almost every employee in the company is to earn it.

Main personnel management methods here - it's salary and premium, which are directly dependent on the of employee performance. In other economic levers of influence on employee in such organizations are the various allowance scheme and benefits.

Social and psychological methods are based on theories of social psychology and sociology, affect a person, a group or team using personal interests. These methods of influence aimed at ensuring conditions for employees to improve their performance and, as a consequence, increase the success of the company.

Methods minimizing conflict, management formation career of each employee, ensuring a healthy climate in the team and favorable conditions for work, questionnaires, interviews, sociometric method, observation, interview, partnership include for the basics of these.

90 Modern European Researches No 1 / 2017 Table 2. Comparative characteristics of management practices

The criterion Administrative Economic Social and psychological

Advantages The unity of the will of managers in achieving the goal. Not a large amount of material inputs required. Operational objectives and rapid response to changes in the external environment The flexibility of the impact on staff by material interest. Incentives take the initiative on the basis of material interest. Implementation of creativity on the basis of the interest of workers in improving wages Workers be included work motivation mechanisms that have nothing to do with material needs. Material costs practically not required

Disadvantages There are suppressed the initiative of employees. There are no effective labor incentives, so that there may be disincentives. In large organizations, highly qualified - a phenomenon quite rare as managers are not interested in it Interests, which lie beyond the material values are not met or partly or fully, that may cause of efficiency reduction of employees There is unused material motivation - a very important aspect of the successful work of employees. It is difficult to predict the results of applying this method

3.3 The development of the human resource Management Philosophy

The development of the human resource Management Philosophy is a long term process. The philosophy is usually informal and respects values and opinions of the main stakeholders. The leader of the organization has a significant influence on the human resource Philosophy. The human resource Leader is the next one influencing the philosophy significantly. The informality of the human resource Management Philosophy is important. It differentiates it from the human resource Strategy. The philosophy is the set of values, behavior and practices. The practices are extremely crucial for the leader. The leader is not interested in written formal human resource policies. The leader is interested in the real decision processes in the organization. They can be really different from the written rules (as people do not follow them, they follow the philosophy).

The main factors influencing the human resource philosophy in the organization:

• Leadership style;

• Corporate culture;

• Corporate values;

• Market competition.

The leadership style is extremely important. The leaders of the organization are the role models for managers and employees. The manager always try to act as the leader does. The behavior is observed and spread across the entire organization. The leader sets the basic expectations from all employees and managers. They adjust their behavior to be fully compliant with the leader's expectations. The human resource Management Philosophy is the same story. The leader is usually the person, who starts the change or the re-design of the human resource Management Philosophy. The leader observes the behavior in the organization and requests several changes. The leader

usually calls a new HR leader, who is responsible for the leadership in the change management. The biggest task is to change the behavior of the leader.

The corporate culture and the corporate values define boundaries for the human resource Management philosophy. The human resource Management cannot be in the conflict with the corporate culture. It has to be a natural part of the culture. In case of the changes in the human resource Philosophy, the human resource team has to start influencing the corporate culture. It has to be adjusted as well. The change of the corporate culture is the joint effort of the leadership management and Human Resources. It has to be changes by changes of the living examples. The employees will follow the changes naturally.

The external market and the direct and indirect competitors have the influence on the human resource Management Philosophy. The competitors define the industry standard. The completely different approach usually builds the organizational weakness. The human resource Philosophy has to be better, it cannot be completely different. The leader usually compares the performance of the organization with the direct competitors on the market. The leader identifies weaknesses and advantages. In case of the need, the leader provokes the change of the corporate culture and the human resource philosophy.

Human resource management relates to strategic and coherent approach to the management of human resources of an organization. It involves a set of interrelated policies with ideological and philosophical orientation and forms a business-focused approach to manage people for competitive advantage. The starting point for HRM is to define philosophical orientation which helps in defining visionary long - term concepts of organization its mission and policies.

Philosophy, in the context of management of an organization, consists of an integrated set of assumptions and beliefs about the way the things are the purpose of the activities. And the way these should be . These assumptions and beliefs of those who create an organization (owners) and those who manage it (managers, specially the key decision makers) become base for defining vision of the organization. These assumptions and beliefs are sometimes explicit, and occasionally implicit, in the minds of the decision makers. The philosophy of a person has its origin in two premises in two premisesfact premises and value premises. Fact premises represent our view of how the world behaves. They are drawn from research findings and our experiences. Value premises represent our view of the desirability of certain goals and activities.

3.4 Various beliefs about human resource management

Human resource philosophy revolves around management's beliefs and assumption about people their nature, needs, values, and their approach to work. These beliefs and assumptions then determine how people should be treated. There are three approaches for treating people:

• commodity approach - a person is treated like a commodity who can be bought or sold at a price as was the practice in old slavery system;

• machine approach - a person is treated as a part of the machine that can be fitted like any other part;

• humanistic approach - a person is treated as human being having psychological.

Human resource philosophy should be based on the following beliefs:

1. Human beings are the most important assets in the organization.

2. Human beings can be developed to a great extent as they have creative energy which is utilized only partially.

3. Human beings feel committed to their work in the organization if they develop belongingness with it.

4. Human beings are likely to develop a feeling of belongingness if the organization takes care of them and their need satisfaction.

5. Human beings contribute to the maximum if they get an opportunity to discover their full potential and to use it.

6. It is the responsibility of the organization to create healthy and motivating work climate characterized by openness, enthusiasm, trust, mutually, and collaboration.

Human resource philosophy- cardinal beliefs:

1. Self-Managing Resource- we believe that the human being is a fundamentally different and unique resource in that he/she is at the same time a source, a resource and the end of all economic and social activity. He/she is the means as well the purpose.

2. Potential-we believe in the inherent potential of people. There are different kinds and degrees of potential which can be developed and utilized in the context of task challenges, responsibility and commitment.

3. Limitations-we believe that any apparent limitations in people are the results of a variety of situations and factors, and can be overcome with support.

4. Quality of Work Life- to believe that a business institution can provide a high quality of work life for all its members. Through opportunities for a meaningful carrier, job satisfaction and professional.

5. Meritocracy- to believe that people accept meritocracy as a just and equitable system and contribute best under conditions of open opportunities and challengers and different rewards proportionally to performance.

6. Actualization- to believe that design, implementation, and update of human resource management systems is able to enrich the skills and creation of good climate in the organization.


R. Negandhi (1971) defined management philosophy as "the expressed and implied attitude of the managers of an organization toward its external and internal agents such as consumers and employees," Philosophy gives a direction to one's attitudes, beliefs and behavior, and provides a guide for choosing among various means and ends. Andrew F. Sikula (1976) described managerial philosophy as an executive's internal system of interpreting knowledge, facts, and events according to his inherently based assumptions, about and conceptualizations of, reality, validity, and value. In this research, managers' attitudes and beliefs toward employees, namely human resources are explored according to their underlying ideas and assumptions. For this purpose the theories of the two leading analysts Douglas McGregor and Chris Argyris will be reviewed (Gellerman, 1966), as well as other relevant studies. In his book The Human Side of Enterprise, McGregor (I960) mentioned that, "perhaps it is now clear that the all-important climate of the supervisor-subordinate relationship is deter mined not by policy and procedure, nor by the personal style of the supervisor, but by the subtle and frequently quite unconscious manifestations of his underlying conception of management and his assumptions about people in general".

Haire, Ghiselli and Porter (1966) said that, "the way in which managers work with people presumably depends upon their assumptions about what people are like and how people can most effectively be led by a supervisor". They also mentioned that, "the crucial point is not what abilities and traits the employees actually have, but rather

what their capabilities are as seen by their immediate and higher level supervisors." It is for this reason that it is important to learn about managers' assumptions concerning human nature and about their attitudes toward the way in which subordinates should be supervised.

Personnel management concept is a theory and techniques aimed at understanding the goals, objectives and principles.


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As important as a manager's self-study is the company sponsored management development program. They are mutually interactive and reinforc ing. Self-studying, enthusiastic managers will be more receptive to company sponsored learning programs, and thus company-sponsored programs are likely to stimulate more self-studies. An encour aging learning environment will nurture more selflearning managers, and learning-oriented managers will help create an organizational learning environ ment. Shifting personal, organizational and social values will force organizations to expand their roles as educators.

Modern personnel management practices based on the individuality of each employee, his intelligence and efficiency. Established traditional management methods are out of date, though in some cases their use was unavoidable. Creative work is incompatible with material premiums if their receipt is directly connected with the results of creative activity. It even prevent it, as concentrates thinking, without giving space to imagination. Creative work requires internal motivation.

Modern philosophy of personnel management suggests that intrinsic motivation is very important. It allows you to work much more productive simply because the process of work like an employee. If he engaged in least favorite thing, even a lot of money is unlikely to bring a big efficiency. Staff work should be based on "three pillars": independence, professionalism and focus.

Thus, human resources management philosophy is the theory and techniques aimed at understanding the goals, objectives and principles. Each company has its own philosophy. But in general terms it allows employees to exercise their right to work in a relationship of trust with the team in a friendly and cohesive team.


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McGregor, D. (1960). Human side of enterprise. New York: McGraw-Hill.

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Sikula, A.F. (1976). Personnel management and human resource management. Yew York: Free Press.

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Sokolova, M.I. (2015). Human Resource Management: textbook. Moscow.: Prospect.

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