Научная статья на тему 'The teaching methodology (the example of the Russian language)'

The teaching methodology (the example of the Russian language) Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Tolipova Dildora Gapirzhanovna

This article discusses the methods of teaching the Russian language for students of foreigners (to whom the Russian language is not native). In classes in the Russian language, increasing student activity depends on the successful application of various methods by the teacher, the successful use of appropriate tasks and texts of varying complexity, the use of new pedagogical technologies, and the ability to effectively use visual materials and technical means. Modern Internet technologies and multimedia provide ample opportunities for using audio and video materials on various topics (for example, using records of a conviction, speeches by a prosecutor or a lawyer in court; videos from feature films with relevant content). The relevance of the article is the use of modern pedagogical methods in parallel with traditional methods in language learning. The application of these methods when working with texts helps students to master their specialty more deeply, increases students' interest in obtaining education, activates cognitive activity and makes it possible to gain broad knowledge in the mastered discipline.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The teaching methodology (the example of the Russian language)»

proverbs either from teachers or course books and thereby improve their English communicative abilities.


1. Кунин А.В. Образование пословиц. Москва: Высшая Школа, 1980.

2. Dubrovin M.V. A book of English and Russian proverbs and sayings. Moscow: Higher School, 1977.



Abstract: this article discusses the methods of teaching the Russian language for students of foreigners (to whom the Russian language is not native). In classes in the Russian language, increasing student activity depends on the successful application of various methods by the teacher, the successful use of appropriate tasks and texts of varying complexity, the use of new pedagogical technologies, and the ability to effectively use visual materials and technical means. Modern Internet technologies and multimedia provide ample opportunities for using audio and video materials on various topics (for example, using records of a conviction, speeches by a prosecutor or a lawyer in court; videos from feature films with relevant content). The relevance of the article is the use of modern pedagogical methods in parallel with traditional methods in language learning.

The application of these methods when working with texts helps students to master their specialty more deeply, increases students' interest in obtaining education, activates cognitive activity and makes it possible to gain broad knowledge in the mastered discipline. Keywords: methodology, language, student, modern methods, lawyers, the meaning of words, semantics.

UDC 37.013.2

Choosing the optimal method for explaining educational material by specialty, a linguist teacher should proceed from the features and semantic component of the text, encourage students to work independently, and try to use all opportunities that meet pedagogical and didactic requirements [3].

The texts selected for training should correspond to the subject of the specialty. Students learn the words and phrases that are found in specific vocabulary faster. For example, international words and terms, most of which have international word-formation elements: auto-, anti-, audio-, -gram-, graph-, human-, inter-, -log-, maxi-, mini-, mono-, -anonym, poly-, -tech, -fon-, лш-(авто-, анти-, ауди-, -грамма-, граф-, гуман-, интер-, -лог-, макси-, мини-, моно-, -оним, поли-, -тека, -фон-, уни-). Or borrowing (in legal terminology for the most part) from Latin: de jure, de facto, alibi, arbitrator, appeal, affect, discrimination, incident, appeal, parity, petition, suicide, falsification, exhumation, (де-юре, де-факто, алиби, арбитр, апелляция, аффект, дискриминация, казус, кассация, паритет, петиция, суицид, фальсификация, эксгумация), Greek: amnesty, anonym, democracy, policy, syndicate, charter (амнистия, аноним, демократия, полис, синдикат, хартия), French: advance, declaration, demarche, directive, cadaster, sabotage, separatism, pimp, patronage, patronage, force majeure, blackmail, espionage (аванс, декларация, демарш, директива, кадастр, саботаж, сепаратизм, сутенер, патронаж, патронат, форс-мажор, шантаж, шпионаж) and other European

languages - Italian: accident, currency, Cambia, Casco (авария, валюта, камбио, каско), English: audit, inauguration, ki Ller, hacker (аудит, инаугурация, киллер, хакер), German: bill, rent, freight, fine, circular немецкого (вексель, рента, фрахт, штраф, циркуляр), Dutch: privateering, (каперство), Spanish: embargo (эмбарго), Polish: rent (аренда). For students, these words and terms may be familiar in their native language, but the Russian version or the equivalent of the same words and terms (in pronunciation or spelling) may not be clear to them.

Therefore, the teacher, offering students the text on a specialty and recommending to get acquainted with it, should read it expressively. Next, explain and translate new / unfamiliar words and phrases of the text into their native language, write them on the blackboard and instruct students to write the same words in a dictionary, requiring them to be read aloud again. The meaning of most of the mastered words-terms is closely related to a specific specific area of the specialty, which is necessarily explained by the teacher. At the same time, it is necessary to draw the attention of students to the unambiguity or ambiguity of the word: after explaining an unfamiliar word to the teacher, it would be advisable to give possible examples of the meaning of this word in other contexts. For example, the term "act" (from lat. Actus - action, actum -document): a legal act - is issued by a state body, an official within their competence in the form established by law (law, decree, resolution, etc.) and binding force; indictment - in court; terrorist act - a single action, as well as a separate act with physical violence, murder, destruction; an act of aggression - in international law the most dangerous form of violation of the world; commercial act - a document certifying shortage, damage or damage to cargo or baggage; subrogation act - a document on the transfer by the insured of his rights to recover damages from third parties to the insurer after payment of insurance compensation by him; audit certificate - an official document that draws up the results of a survey of the economic and financial activities of an association, enterprise, organization, institution; the tragedy in five acts - the same as the action (in the play, theatrical production); solemn act - in some educational institutions a solemn meeting (on the issue, presentation of awards); acts of civil status - records by special bodies of the state of the facts of birth, death, marriage, divorce, adoption, name change, etc.

The term "texture" has its own specificity, which is found not only in law, but also in economics, technology, and music; the legal term "relapse" (relapse of crimes) is also used in medicine (relapse of the disease). A "decision" can be not only judicial, but an "agent" is not only a proxy (legal or physical) who, within the limits of the authority received, acts on behalf of and in the interests of another person or provides services for a certain fee (procurement agent, diplomatic agent, insurance agent), but also a "spy." And the term "order" (a document (order) on the performance of any work, on the sending of any products, etc. (for example, a work order for loading); or a group of persons performing official duties for a special purpose, as well as such duties (police outfit, daily outfit of a military unit) has nothing to do with the common word "outfit" (holiday clothes), or the term "note" (from Latin notas - note, letter) is one of the most frequently used written diplomatic acts, a document of diplomatic correspondence, and in some In other cases, the form of concluding an international agreement (carried out through the exchange of notes) in the modern sense is not connected with the musical term "notes", from which various musical concepts were formed, for example, musical notation or musical writing.

When working with texts in the specialty, a prerequisite should be the use of different types of dictionaries [1, 2, 4, 5, 6] - explanatory, etymological, terminological, word-building, abbreviation dictionaries - which will contribute to a better understanding and consolidation of special vocabulary. For this, it is necessary to develop pretext and post-text tasks for independent work with dictionaries.

For example:

1. Find in the explanatory dictionary all the meanings of the words "certificate" / "ticket", "visa", "pledge" / and write them in a notebook. Determine which of the values is used in the read text. Make possible phrases with this word (For example: certificate of completion of secondary education, certificate of right to receive allowance; membership card, party card, ticket of the State Bank, security deposit card; entry visa, exit visa, residence visa; official visa for any document, etc.).

2. Read the following abbreviations correctly: CIS, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Internal Affairs, KRU, Criminal Code, Ph.D., SIZO, Security Council, SES, Central Bank, FBI, Interpol, etc. Do you know their meaning? Remember how to correctly determine the kind of data words. Make suggestions with them. If it is difficult, use the dictionary of abbreviations of the Russian language.

When working with text, well-known methods are the preparation of questions for the text, the preparation of different types of plan, theses, and on their basis - retelling of the main content of the text. In classes in the Russian language, increased student activity depends on the successful application of various methods by the teacher, the successful use of appropriate tasks and texts of varying complexity, the use of new pedagogical technologies, and the ability to effectively use visual materials and technical means. Modern Internet technologies and multimedia provide ample opportunities for using audio and video materials on various topics, including legal ones (for example, using records of a guilty verdict, speeches by a prosecutor or a lawyer in court; videos from feature films with relevant content, etc.).

The use of visual aids and technical multimedia tools has certain advantages. Firstly, it makes it possible, based on video and audio material in Russian and native language, to evaluate and compare the material based on the visual characteristics of certain slides. Secondly, it makes it possible to draw general conclusions based on accurate facts when teaching spelling, spelling and grammar rules. All this facilitates the development of material on the Russian language. Thirdly, it educates students' observation, increases their interest in the language being studied.

In practical exercises when working with texts, the use of the Insert method has a great advantage. According to the technology "work in small groups" all students are transformed from passive listeners to active ones. When using the Domino method, cards are prepared in advance on the topic of the lesson with prepared questions and answers to them. Interactive methods when working with texts include the following: brainstorming, discussions, debates, case method and others. Most of these methods are familiar to educational institutions, some are used everywhere today, but the technology of debate is still not used in classes in the Russian language often enough.

The application of these methods when working with texts helps students to master their specialty more deeply, increases students' interest in obtaining education, activates cognitive activity and makes it possible to gain broad knowledge in the mastered discipline.


1. A large legal dictionary. [Electronic Resource]. URL: https://petroleks.ru/dictionaries/dict_big_law.php/ (date of access: 31.12.2019).

2. Akhmedova M.M. Problems of translation in modern literature // Scientific perspective. № 7, 2019.

3. Etymological dictionary of the modern Russian language. Ed. M.N. Sviridova. M.: Adelant, 2014.

4. Fattakhova A.R. Innovative approach to newspaper text design // Republican Scientific and Practical Conference. Business and Innovation: Legal Issues and Solutions. [Electronic Resource]. URL: https://scholar.google.ru/citations/ (date of access: 31.12.2019).

5. Ozhegov S.I. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. M.: World and Education: ONICS, 2012.

6. Selevko G.K. Encyclopedia of educational technologies. M.: Scientific Research Institute of School Technologies, 2006.

7. Sklyarevskaya G.N. Dictionary of abbreviations of the modern Russian language. M.: Eksmo, 2004.

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