Научная статья на тему 'The subject focused type of the pedagogical process for continuous education and sustainable development'

The subject focused type of the pedagogical process for continuous education and sustainable development Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
education modernization / pedagogical process type / subject-oriented type / general pedagogical technology

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Yudin Vladimir Vladimirovich

The primacy of social and economic needs for education is substantiated in the article. An interpretation of these needs from the viewpoint of pedagogical process types is considered. The official requirements of the Federal standard for education are qualified as the subject-oriented type. The practices for their implementation are presented.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The subject focused type of the pedagogical process for continuous education and sustainable development»


V. V. Yudin

The primacy of social and economic needs for education is substantiated in the article. An interpretation of these needs from the viewpoint of pedagogical process types is considered. The official requirements of the Federal standard for education are qualified as the subject-oriented type. The practices for their implementation are presented.

Key words: education modernization, pedagogical process type, subject-oriented type, general pedagogical technology.

The modernization of education, which is carried out everywhere now, is guided by provisions of the Federal state educational standard. However, the sources of requirements on education lie in the social and economic characteristics of public production. According to Y.V. Gromyko [1]: "within the existing public relations and basic processes in society, a certain dominating type of thinking and the basic corresponding way of training to it are formed", providing reproduction of these processes. More correctly, reproduction is provided to those dominating the way of activity, which is mastered by graduates of educational institutions. The way defines the basic "type of pedagogical process". To each stage of development of a civilization, there are correspondent key technologies, factors and products of production that have caused a change in the role of the person in development of civilization. In addition, a change in the role of the person has caused new requirements for educational systems and its reference points. Thus, A. M. Novikov characterizes education for post-industrial society as follows: "values: the doctrine of self-realization of the person in life, the personal career", "norms: trained assume responsibility for proper education", "the teacher creates conditions for independent self-education", "shift of emphasis on self-checking and a selfassessment of the trained" [4].

Doubts concerning external reference points of modern techniques are not present in pedagogical science. We will provide our formulation of pedagogical regularity about which V. I. Zagvyazinsky spoke in 1985 [2]: “The efficiency of education, including the legitimacy of its purposes, the contents shown to trainees, and methods and forms of the organization of their work are defined by the social inquiries operating in these conditions.” This interrelation, which is laconically called in the manual under P. I. Pidkasisty's edition "the law of social conditionality of the purposes, the contents and methods of training" [5], actually claims to forge ahead in the goal-setting of education, yet is not in demand by society, and lagging from the social order, and the formation of the identity of yesterday, are doomed to failure.

The initiative "Our new school" demands that school training be organized so that "graduates could independently set and achieve serious objectives, and be able to react to different vital situations" [3]. Implementation of this social order assumes a qualitative change of the educational process and organization of education, not improvement of the quality of the available process, but a change in


qualitative characteristics of the process. In this plan, we pay attention to the division of models of integral student teaching, recorded by the term "type of pedagogical process" [7]. This is the most integrated characteristic of pedagogical processes. It was introduced into scientific circulation in the 1970s by M. N. Skatkin, when there was a transition to an essentially new organization of the educational process, to the productive type of training. Its main method, the problem method, was outlined in student teaching. From the position of types of pedagogical process, such a graduated person is understood to be an educational result of the subject focused type [10]. The product of this type is not people with imposed morals, but rather an identity that has built itself in creative social interaction with others, "the manager of one’s own will" (or the subject, according to V. I. Slobodchikov [8]).

The value of reference of student teaching to this or that type consists in the opportunity to apply the appropriate all-pedagogical technology or the technological description of pedagogical process of a certain type [10] and to build on it the process, guaranteeing formation of the demanded level of competence. Maintaining key parameters of the appropriate all-pedagogical technology at implementation of the pedagogical process, we will, with a high degree of probability, be able to create the personality possessing experience of the subject level that meets the requirements of the Federal standard of education. Formation of the subject assumes individual educational routes which are under construction based on providing the right of choice to the trained person. The requirements of the new standard directly indicate the need for creation of an individual trajectory for education, to oblige the educational institutions "to provide the trained with the real opportunity to participate in formation of the program of training, including possible development of individual educational programs" [9]. The possibility of a choice of a route formation provides pupils with a subject position, which means a conscious choice. Through it the motivation of the subject relation to the activity and to life in general are formed.

The key parameters of the process are realization of full activity (according to V. V. Davydov) by the school student in the presence of elections for pupils, their motivation based on personal experience and meanings, and independent goal setting under the support of the teacher. All-pedagogical technology of the subject focused type is a variant of various techniques (event approaches, the design training, problem dialogues, forming assessments, other). The school student passes a full cycle of activity from understanding the requirements, motives and a formulation of the purpose before realization of the planned actions for its achievement, and according to the result and himself in it. A natural form of such activity is the personal life project of the child. The subject focused type of the pedagogical process proceeds from the idea that education becomes activity, and, therefore, continuous.

The importance of the tasks faced by the school is defined by the sharpness of social tasks. Modernization and innovative development of production are the only way which will allow Russia to become a competitive society in the world of the 21st century. Initiative, the ability for creative thinking, the ability to find nonstandard solutions, the ability to choose a professional way, and readiness to be trained throughout one’s life become the most important qualities of the individual


at solving these strategic tasks. Therefore, "the school is a crucially important element in this process" [3]. Without its contribution, the country’s prosperity is impossible.

The practice of such a pedagogical process of continuous education was tested by us in 2002-2010 within the educational camp "Summer Lyceum" (MOE DOD "Young talents" of Rybinsk). The graduates repeated more than once on the traditional Day of the Lyceum that the seminars of sessions and the projects executed by them have "changed their life, and taught them to do things themselves in the world" [6].

Now these approaches have found their continuation within the Yaroslavl regional project "Development of Models of the Subject Focused Pedagogical Process at the Main School within the Realization of FGOS" of 2013-2016.

The practice of system implementation of the subject-focused type of pedagogical process on the scale of the educational institution is fulfilling. The influence of components of the educational environment and features of management on the pedagogical process forming the individual, the subject of the process, is studied [11]. Competences of teachers that are necessary for realization of this type become known.

It is important that during implementation of the collective all-school projects developed by pupils, they not only study the practice of continuous self-education, but also become subjects of more large-scale social processes at school, in the residential district and in municipal education.

The hypothesis of our perspective research consists of the statement that the person who masters experience at a subject level is a necessary condition for the sustainable development of society. We describe the practices of the use of the subject type of education for cultivation of relations for steady community, not without support from the western experience [12], as a special approach to the solution of the tasks declared by the federal standard of education.


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Translated from Russian by Znanije Central Translastions Bureas


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