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Science and innovation
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framework / teacher mentorship program / cross – cultural exchange.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — A'. Khalikov

The formation of professional skills among teachers is a critical aspect of educational systems worldwide. This article delves into the scientific investigation of how foreign countries approach the development of professional skills in teachers. Drawing upon research and scholarly studies, we explore the key strategies, methodologies, and frameworks employed in different educational contexts. By examining the international landscape, this article aims to shed light on effective practices and provide insights for improving the formation of professional skills among teachers globally.

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Khalikov A'zam Abdusalomovich

Professor of the TSPU named after Nizami

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10408602

Abstract. The formation of professional skills among teachers is a critical aspect of educational systems worldwide. This article delves into the scientific investigation of how foreign countries approach the development of professional skills in teachers. Drawing upon research and scholarly studies, we explore the key strategies, methodologies, and frameworks employed in different educational contexts. By examining the international landscape, this article aims to shed light on effective practices and provide insights for improving the formation of professional skills among teachers globally.

Keywords: framework, teacher mentorship program, cross - cultural exchange.


The formation of professional skills in teachers is a significant concern for education systems across the globe. Understanding how other countries approach this issue offers valuable insights and opportunities for cross-cultural exchange. This article examines the scientific research and studies conducted on the formation of professional skills among teachers in foreign countries.

Frameworks for Professional Skill Development:

Foreign countries have developed various frameworks and models for the formation of professional skills among teachers. These frameworks often integrate theory, research, and practical experiences to provide comprehensive guidance. Examples include the Finnish model, which emphasizes teacher autonomy, collaboration, and continuous professional development, and the Singaporean model, which focuses on mentorship, reflective practice, and ongoing training. By studying these frameworks, educators can identify effective strategies for enhancing professional skill development.

Continuous Professional Development:

Many foreign countries prioritize continuous professional development (CPD) as a means of fostering the growth of teachers' professional skills. CPD programs provide opportunities for teachers to engage in ongoing learning, attend workshops, participate in research projects, and collaborate with peers. These initiatives aim to keep teachers updated on the latest educational trends, research findings, and pedagogical approaches. By investing in CPD, foreign countries ensure that teachers remain competent, adaptable, and equipped with the necessary skills to meet the evolving needs of their students.

Collaborative Learning Communities:

Foreign countries recognize the importance of collaborative learning communities in the formation of professional skills among teachers. These communities provide platforms for teachers to share knowledge, exchange ideas, and engage in reflective practice. Collaborative learning communities foster a culture of continuous improvement, where teachers can learn from one another, receive feedback, and engage in professional dialogue. Through these communities,

teachers gain new perspectives, refine their instructional practices, and enhance their overall professional competence.

Teacher Mentorship Programs:

Mentorship programs are commonly implemented in foreign countries to support the formation of professional skills among teachers. These programs pair experienced teachers with novice educators, allowing for the transfer of knowledge, guidance, and support. Mentorship programs provide a structured environment for new teachers to receive feedback, engage in reflective discussions, and develop their pedagogical skills. Through mentorship, novice teachers can benefit from the expertise and wisdom of experienced educators, accelerating their professional growth.

Teacher mentorship programs have emerged as a valuable approach to supporting the development of professional skills among teachers in foreign countries. These programs involve pairing experienced teachers with novice educators, creating a supportive and structured environment for knowledge transfer, guidance, and personal growth. Here, we explore the benefits and key elements of teacher mentorship programs implemented in foreign educational systems.

Knowledge Transfer:

One of the primary objectives of mentorship programs is to facilitate the transfer of knowledge and expertise from experienced teachers to novice educators. Mentors, who possess extensive teaching experience, share their insights, strategies, and best practices with their mentees. Through this knowledge transfer, novice teachers gain access to valuable resources, instructional techniques, and practical advice that can enhance their teaching effectiveness.

Guidance and Support:

Mentorship programs provide novice teachers with a source of guidance and support throughout their professional journey. Mentors offer personalized assistance, helping mentees navigate the challenges and complexities of their early teaching career. They provide emotional support, offer practical solutions to problems, and help mentees develop resilience in the face of challenges. The mentor's role is to foster a nurturing and encouraging environment that promotes professional growth and well-being.

Reflective Discussions:

Mentorship programs encourage mentees to engage in reflective discussions with their mentors. These discussions provide a space for mentees to critically evaluate their teaching practices, analyze their classroom experiences, and explore alternative approaches. By reflecting on their instructional decisions and classroom interactions, mentees gain insights into their strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. The mentor's role is to facilitate these reflective discussions, asking thought-provoking questions and guiding mentees towards deeper self-reflection.

Professional Skill Development:

Mentorship programs play a vital role in the development of professional skills among novice teachers. Mentors help mentees identify their professional goals and create action plans to achieve them. They provide feedback on lesson planning, classroom management, instructional delivery, and assessment strategies. Mentors also model effective teaching practices and encourage mentees to experiment with new techniques. By engaging in ongoing dialogue and observation, mentees refine their pedagogical skills and gain confidence in their abilities.

Networking and Collaboration:

Mentorship programs create opportunities for mentees to network and collaborate with other educators. Mentees can connect with a broader community of professionals, including other mentees and experienced teachers. This networking fosters collaboration, the exchange of ideas, and the sharing of resources. Mentees can benefit from diverse perspectives, gain exposure to innovative practices, and build a professional support system that extends beyond the mentorship program.

Accelerated Professional Growth:

Teacher mentorship programs accelerate the professional growth of novice teachers by providing them with targeted support and guidance from experienced educators. The mentor's expertise, combined with the mentee's motivation and willingness to learn, creates an environment conducive to rapid development. Mentorship programs offer a structured pathway for professional growth, enabling mentees to acquire essential skills, knowledge, and confidence more efficiently. In conclusion, teacher mentorship programs implemented in foreign countries have demonstrated significant benefits in supporting the formation of professional skills among teachers. These programs facilitate knowledge transfer, provide guidance and support, foster reflective discussions, and promote collaboration. By leveraging the expertise of experienced educators, mentorship programs accelerate the professional growth of novice teachers, enabling them to become effective and confident educators. By recognizing the value of mentorship, educational systems worldwide can harness the power of this approach to enhance the quality of teaching and ultimately improve student outcomes.

Research-Informed Practice:

Foreign countries emphasize the integration of research findings into teaching practice. By promoting evidence-based approaches, educators are encouraged to critically evaluate educational research, apply relevant findings, and adapt instructional strategies accordingly. This emphasis on research-informed practice ensures that teachers have access to the latest knowledge and innovations in education, leading to improved teaching quality and student outcomes. Research-informed practice is a cornerstone of educational systems in foreign countries, as it promotes the integration of evidence-based approaches into teaching. By emphasizing the critical evaluation and application of educational research, educators are encouraged to stay updated with the latest findings and adapt their instructional strategies accordingly. This emphasis on research-informed practice has several benefits and contributes to improved teaching quality and student outcomes. Here, we explore the significance of research-informed practice in foreign countries.

Utilizing Best Practices:

Research-informed practice allows educators to identify and utilize best practices in teaching. By examining rigorous studies and empirical evidence, teachers gain insights into instructional strategies, assessment techniques, and classroom management approaches that have proven effective. Implementing these evidence-based practices in the classroom enhances teaching quality, maximizes learning opportunities, and optimizes student engagement.

Keeping Abreast of Current Knowledge:

Education is a dynamic field, where new knowledge and understandings continually emerge. Research-informed practice ensures that teachers stay updated with the latest developments and innovations in education. By accessing and engaging with current educational research, teachers can incorporate cutting-edge approaches, theories, and methodologies into their

instructional practices. This ongoing professional development contributes to their growth as educators and benefits student learning.

Fostering Critical Thinking:

Emphasizing research-informed practice encourages teachers to engage in critical thinking and analysis of educational research. Educators learn to evaluate the quality and reliability of research studies, scrutinize methodology, and consider the relevance of findings to their specific teaching contexts. This critical evaluation enables teachers to make informed decisions about implementing research findings in their classrooms, ensuring that evidence-based practices align with their students' needs and the broader educational goals.

Enhancing Student Outcomes:

Research-informed practice has a direct impact on student outcomes. By incorporating evidence-based approaches, teachers can implement instructional strategies that have been shown to be effective in promoting student achievement, engagement, and well-being. By aligning their teaching with research findings, educators optimize the learning experiences of their students, leading to improved academic performance and holistic development.

Encouraging a Culture of Inquiry:

Promoting research-informed practice cultivates a culture of inquiry and continuous learning among educators. By engaging with research literature, attending professional conferences, and participating in research projects, teachers become active contributors to the educational knowledge base. This involvement in research activities fosters a spirit of curiosity, stimulates professional growth, and encourages teachers to contribute to the advancement of the field.

Informing Policy and Decision-Making:

Research-informed practice provides a solid foundation for educational policy and decision-making. Evidence-based approaches help policymakers and administrators make informed choices about curriculum development, instructional methods, and resource allocation. By relying on research findings, educational stakeholders can ensure that policies and decisions are grounded in sound evidence, increasing the likelihood of positive outcomes for students and teachers.

In conclusion, research-informed practice holds significant value in foreign countries' educational systems. By promoting evidence-based approaches, educators can utilize best practices, stay updated with current knowledge, foster critical thinking, enhance student outcomes, encourage a culture of inquiry, and inform policy and decision-making. Emphasizing the integration of research findings into teaching practice is crucial for improving teaching quality and ensuring that students receive the best possible education. By prioritizing research-informed practice, educational systems can continuously evolve, adapting to new understandings and innovations, ultimately benefiting students and society as a whole.


The study of the formation of professional skills among teachers in foreign countries offers valuable insights for educational systems worldwide. By examining different frameworks, approaches, and practices, educators can identify effective strategies to enhance professional skill development. Continuous professional development, collaborative learning communities, mentorship programs, and research-informed practice are key components of successful models. By embracing international perspectives and leveraging scientific research, countries can improve

the formation of professional skills among their teachers, ultimately benefiting students and the education system as a whole.


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