Научная статья на тему 'The study of self-concept between volunteer and non-volunteer students in sport of universities'

The study of self-concept between volunteer and non-volunteer students in sport of universities Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Reza Andam, Asieh Ghorbanian Rajabi, Nooshin Benar

Understanding personality characteristics of volunteers are important for their recruitment and retention in sport associations. This study compared self-concept as a personality characteristic between volunteer and non-volunteer students in sport associations. The method of this research was survey and descriptive. The statistical population consisted of volunteer and non-volunteer students in sport associations of Iran universities. Two hundred and fifty two students (120 volunteers and 132 non-volunteers) from 10 universities were selected as subjects by using random clustered sampling method. Pyryt and Mandaglio Self Perceived Survey (PMSPS) was used to collect the data. The content and face reliability of questionnaire was checked and confirmed. Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was used to test the reliability of the questionnaire (alfa=0.90). Independent t test and U Mann-Whitney test were used for comparison of the factors between volunteers and non-volunteers. Findings of this study indicated that there was a significant difference between volunteer and non-volunteer students in social and athletic self-concept. The mean of scientific and value factors were higher in volunteers than non-volunteers, however, they were not statistically significant. We concluded that the nature of sport (active) and sport volunteering (social) encourage students who have higher self-concept for volunteering. Moreover, the characteristics of sport associations can increase self-concept in sport volunteers.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The study of self-concept between volunteer and non-volunteer students in sport of universities»


The study of self-concept between volunteer and non-volunteer students in sport of universities

Reza Andam1, Asieh Ghorbanian Rajabi2, Nooshin Benar3

1Shahrood University of Technology, Iran 2Shomal university, Iran 3Guilan university ,Iran


Understanding personality

characteristics of volunteers are important for their recruitment and retention in sport associations. This study compared self-concept as a personality characteristic between volunteer and non-volunteer students in sport associations. The method of this research was survey and descriptive. The statistical population consisted of volunteer and non-volunteer students in sport associations of Iran universities. Two hundred and fifty two students (120 volunteers and 132 non-volunteers) from 10 universities were selected as subjects by using random clustered sampling method. Pyryt and Mandaglio Self Perceived Survey (PMSPS) was used to collect the data. The content and face reliability of questionnaire was checked and confirmed. Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used to test the reliability of the questionnaire (alfa=0.90). Independent t test and U Mann-Whitney test were used for comparison of the factors between volunteers and non-volunteers. Findings of this study indicated that there was a significant difference between volunteer and non-volunteer students in social and athletic self-concept. The mean of scientific and value factors were higher in volunteers than non-volunteers, however, they were not statistically significant. We concluded that the nature of sport (active) and sport volunteering (social) encourage students who have higher self-concept for volunteering. Moreover, the characteristics of sport associations can increase self-concept in sport volunteers.


sport volunteer, student, self concept.

Реза Андам, Асиех Гхорбаниан Райаби, Ношин Бенар. Изучение Я-концепта у студентов волонтеров и не волонтеров в спортивных ассоциациях университетов. Понимание характеристики личности добровольца важно для их вербовки и закрепления в спортивных ассоциациях. В статье сравнивается самооценка личности волонтера и не волонтера в спортивных ассоциациях. Метод исследования заключался в анкетировании и в наглядности. В исследовании принимали участие студенты волонтеры и не волонтеры спортивных ассоциаций Иранских университетов. 252 студента (120 волонтеров и 132 не волонтера) из 10 университетов были выбраны случайным сгруппированным методом. Pyryt and Mandaglio Self Perceived Survey (PMSPS) использовался для сбора данных. Содержимое и достоверность анкетирования были проверены и подтверждены. Использовался альфа коэффициент Cronbach's для проверить достоверности анкетирования (alfa =0.90). Независимый t тест и U Mann-Whitney тест использовались для сравнения факторов между волонтерами и не волонтерами. Полученные данные этого исследования указывают на существенную разницу между студентами волонтерами и не волонтерами в социальной и атлетической самооценке. Среднее значение факторов было выше у волонтеров, чем у не волонтеров, однако, они не были статистически значимыми. Мы пришли к выводу, что природа спорта (активный) и спорт добровольчества (социальный) поощряет студентов, которые имеют более высокую самооценку добровольчества. Кроме того, характеристики спортивных ассоциаций могут увеличить Я-концепцию у спортивных волонтеров.

спортивный волонтер, студент, Я-концепция.

Реза Андам, Асиех Гхорбаниан Райаби, Ношин Бенар. Вивчення Я-концепту у студентів волонтерів і не волонтерів в спортивних асоціаціях університетів. Розуміння характеристики особистості добровольця важливо для їх вербування та закріплення в спортивних асоціаціях. У статті порівнюється самооцінка особистості волонтера і не волонтера в спортивних асоціаціях. Метод дослідження полягав в анкетуванні і в наочності. У дослідженні брали участь студенти волонтери і не волонтери спортивних асоціацій Іранських університетів. 252 студента (120 волонтерів та 132 не волонтери) з 10 університетів були обрані випадковим згрупованим методом. Pyryt and Mandaglio Self Perceived Survey (PMSPS) використовувався для збору даних. Вміст і достовірність анкетування були перевірені і підтверджені. Використовувався альфа коефіцієнт Cronbach's для перевірити достовірність анкетування (alfa = 0.90). Незалежний t тест і U Mann-Whitney тест використовувалися для порівняння факторів між волонтерами і не волонтерами. Отримані дані цього дослідження вказують на суттєву різницю між студентами волонтерами і не волонтерами в соціальній і атлетичної самооцінці. Середнє значення факторів було вище у волонтерів, ніж у не волонтерів, однак, вони не були статистично значущими. Ми прийшли до висновку, що природа спорту (активний) і спорт добровольчества (соціальний) заохочує студентів, які мають більш високу самооцінку добровольчества. Крім того, характеристики спортивних асоціацій можуть збільшити Я-концепцію у спортивних волонтерів.



волонтер, студент,


Voluntary organization were introduced as “third sector organization” that have flexibility, efficiency and high productivity and are the most complex sector of organization (1). Volunteer forces have important role in society and sport organizations beside staffs and customers in an organization; Hence Molliner states “success of each social organization depends on staffs and volunteers who are basis of executive in organization” (2). Volunteer forces have many economical and noneconomic advantages for society and their organization. Since volunteers have no financial dependence to organization, they work more truthfully (1). According to statics of 2001-2003, in six countries (Japan, Australia, Canada, England, Germany and American), percentage of adults who participate regularly in voluntary activities is

© Reza Andam, Asieh Ghorbanian Rajabi, Nooshin Benar, 2013 doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.646176

between 25-48 percentages of whole population of these countries (3). The developed countries emphasize on their human resources, because human resources use material resources and change it to wealthy and organization’s production (4). Since volunteers constitute one of human forces in organization, managers of these forces can economize in organization’s financial resources and also can use these individuals’ experience and truthful services (1). Australian Bureau statistic (2004) pointed to differences in services limitation, to be informal and work without expectation in definition of volunteering and 5traits of volunteering are 1) to be non-profit, 2) work for profits of association, 3) selected work, 4) work without salary, 5)defined works. These traits of volunteers caused to recruit them in many organizations until managers use their positive traits (5). Since individuals become volunteer with different personality traits, organizations should consider to these traits and use them proportional

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with traits. This matter is caused that volunteers’ needs and desires are satisfied and they continue to their tasks in organization. Bussel and Forbes state “key of organization success is recognition about target group for recruitment and volunteers’ instruction and effort for satisfying of their needs and desires” (2).

A person may service voluntarily for sensitiveness relative to obligation of attendance in voluntary activities, feeling of social responsibility or philanthropy. However evidences indicate that individuals volunteer for achieving experimental, mental and social benefits (6, 7, 8).

There is no agreement about relationship between individuals’ personality and volunteering, whereas; it is possible that would be interpreted correlation between personality and volunteering to two types: a) personality may be resulted to be volunteer, b) volunteering may be caused formation of personality (9).

Personality traits in an individual are constant cases from individuals’ traits. For example; researches have shown that individuals who are more extrovert, they become more volunteer (9) because extrovert individuals have more desire for joining to organizations and this matter provides special opportunity for being volunteer (10,11). These individuals are very clever and this characteristic is necessary for continuing activities which improve skills and increase knowledge such as voluntary activities (9).

In Finkelstein research (2009) has been indicated that internal motives are related to self-concept, prosaical personality, and volunteer’s motive power and time which volunteer positively spend for voluntary activities (11).

Self-concept is an organized scientific structure that consists of adjectives, assessments, meaningful and periodical memory about self and controls process of information relate to self (12). In Schlosser’s idea (2009), leadership volunteers are difference from other volunteers about quality of perceiving roles and their abilities and creating change in these roles. This interpretation can be ascribed to self-concept theory, because basis of each individual’s self-concept depends on several factors: the fact that how employees observe themselves, how they react to experiences and how experiences make their motivations (13).

Atkins & et al (2005) concluded that the individuals who had more flexible personality traits, probability of being volunteer was more in adulthood and membership in social organization will be adjustable of volunteers’ personality traits in adulthood (2). Allen and Rushten (1983) considered studies before decade of 1980 and they found that volunteers were more emotional than non-volunteers. The studies after 1980 indicated that empathy traits with others, truthful and altruistic increase desire to volunteering (14). Tapp and Spinier (1973) compared 26 telephonic advisors and volunteer students with 34 non-volunteer students with using Tennessee’s self-concept questionnaire and personality traits. The research results indicated that volunteers were more realistic and free than non-volunteers and had more altruistically motives during work and they tried in encountering with customers a lot (15).

Wallach (2007) compared self-concept dimensions in volunteers and non-volunteers with method of pretest-posttest. Each two groups educated in psychological faculty. The results indicated that there is no significant difference between volunteers and non-volunteers except in dimension of agreeableness ability that agreeableness ability was more in non-volunteers. The researcher has stated “the reason of this matter can be limitation of statistical population and uniformity of two groups of testers” (14).

King et al (1970) who study on volunteers in a mental hospital found these individuals didn’t indicate significant change in rate of their ethic endurance in comparison with before working in hospital; but this experience was resulted to achieve more concession in acceptance of self (16).

As background of research indicate there is no agreement about volunteers’ personality traits and majority of these studies have been done in non-sport organizations. Since this research will compare one factor of sport volunteers’ and non volunteers’ personality traits (self-concept).


Research Performance Method

Research statistical populations are member and nonmember students in universities’ athletic associations and public superior educational institutes in whole country in volunteers and non-volunteers sector respectively. Two hundred and fifty two students (120 volunteers and 132 non-volunteers) were selected from ten universities which their athletic associations were active as subjects by using random clustered sampling method. Pyryt and Mandaglio Self Perceived Survey (PMSPS) were used to collect data. Questionnaire consists of 24 questions which measures different self-concept dimensions (scientific, social, athletic, value). Every question has 4 option (from completely disagree to completely agree) which belongs to it score from 1 to 4.

This questionnaire has been compiled in basis on three portions of reflected appraisals, social comparison and attribution (17, 18) . For considering reliability of questionnaire questions was used Cronbach’s alpha coefficient (a=0.90). At last, questionnaire was distributed in two sections of demography information and main sector of self-concept questionnaire questions among research samples.

Statistical Methods

Research method is descriptive and survey. For evaluation of demography features and also considering scores in self-concept different cases has been used descriptive statistics (frequency, mean, standard deviation). For determining to be normal data was used Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Scientific and value self-concept factors had normal distribution and was used independent t-test for comparison of these factors between volunteers and nonvolunteers and social and athletic self-concept factors had no normal distribution and was used U-Mann Whitney for comparison of these two factors between two groups. Also, for priority of different self-concept factors was used Friedman test between volunteers and non-volunteers.





Table 1: The rate of reliability in self-concept options

Kind of self-concept Questions related to it in questionnaire Reliability

Scientific 1,7,12,16,17,21 0.756

Social 2,8,9,13,18,22 0.757

Athletic 3,5,10,14,19,23 0.881

value 4,6,11,15,20,24 0.73

Table2: The comparison of scientific and athletic self-concept in volunteers and non-volunteers

——Parameter variable ———__ Mean difference Sig df T

Scientific self-concept 0.77 0.3 170.56 1.042

Athletic self-concept 0.64 0.001 215 7.68

Table3: The comparison of social and value self-concept in volunteers and non-volunteers

' ■—■—Parameter variable ' ' '—■—■—__ sig Z U Mann Whitney Wilcoxon

Social self-concept 0.002 -3.04 4403.5 11906.5

Value self-concept 0.7 -1.8 4973 12476


From 120 volunteers who participated in present research, 68.4% female, 31.6% male, 82% single and 18% were married.43.2% were active in voluntary activities out of university. More volunteer students (74.4%) were in age of 21-23. 76.8% of volunteers educated in sport science faculty and 88.4% in licentiate’s degree. From 132 non-volunteers who participated in this research, 56.6% female and 43.4% male, 96% single and 4% were married. 30.3% were active in voluntarily activities out of university. More non-volunteer students (45%) were in age of 18-20. 32.8% of non-volunteers educated in human science faculty and 72.1% with licentiate degree.

In reflected appraisals portion which involve 16questions, students are asked to rate how they perceive themselves compared to age peers for each of the four factors (e.g., I am smarter than other children my age)), social comparison which involve 4 questions (the students are asked to rate themselves as they believe each of the four significant other perceive them (e.g., I perceive that my mother thinks I am smart))and attribution which involve 4questions (students are asked to acknowledge demonstrations of competence in the four domains (e.g., I have accomplished a challenging academic task) (16, 18). Among self-concept questionnaire questions, in volunteers section, sentence of “my mother thinks, I am a good person” from reflected appraisal portion and value self-concept factor is higher than other cases with mean=3.33±0.65 and in non-volunteers portion same factor is higher than other cases with mean=3.37±0.63.

The comparison of psychological traits in volunteers and non-volunteers in their demography indicated that there is no significant difference in self-concept among single and married people, male and female, students of different grade and the people who work in public and private section, but there is significant difference between athletes and non-athletes’ self-concept and also among students of different faculties and students of physical

education faculty. Also, there is significant difference among self-concept in different ages and highest rate is among students in age of higher 26 years old.

Test results of research hypothesis indicated that there is significant difference among athletic and social self-concept and self-concept between volunteers and non-volunteers in level of a<0.01, but there is no significant difference among value and scientific self-concept in volunteers and nonvolunteers students, but mean of these factors in volunteers was higher than non-volunteers. Friedman test indicated that there is significant difference among priority of self-concept dimensions in volunteers and non-volunteers and scientific self-concept involunteers with mean=3.14±0.51 and scientific self-concept in non-volunteers with mean=3.04±0.43 was higher than other dimensions among their peers.


The analysis of findings indicate that there is significant difference between volunteers and non-volunteers’ selfconcept. According to self-concept definition, we can state that volunteers describe themselves higher than nonvolunteers. Since sport which is one of the indicators of social activities and on the other hand athletic environment is an energetic and excited environment; therefore, athletic volunteers have higher self-concept. Also, volunteer students are more active rather than their peers and this case can be other reason for this difference.

According to this hypothesis that individuals ’ self-concept don’t change unless they settle in new situation, therefore; difference in volunteers’ self-concept can result from students’ membership in athletic association. These findings are accordance with King et al (1970), Atkins et al (2005) and Cemalcilar (2009) results(2,3,16). These researches have mentioned the reason of being volunteer is high selfconfidant and ability of social life in these individuals and this case indicates high self-concept in volunteers. In the other word, the results of this research have no accordance with Tapp and Spanier (1973) and Wallach (2007) results. These researchers state “there is no significant difference between

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volunteers and non-volunteers self-concept; this problem may depend on minimizing their statistical population. Tapp and Spanier research is limited to dispatches office and Wallach research is limited to faculty’s students in university and as before mentioned “individuals’ self-concept impress on individuals’ communications and society which work in it (14, 15).

The present research results indicated that there is significant difference between volunteers and non-volunteers’ social self-concept. Existence of positive difference in volunteers’ social self-concept resulted from psychological traits in volunteers. Since volunteers have flexible personality, extrovert, kind and optimistic and all of these traits are characteristics of society-oriented human, therefore; it is natural that volunteers have higher social self-concept than non-volunteers. Social nets provide opportunities for being volunteer and this factor is one of the most important individuals’ motives for joining to voluntary activities.

In the other hand, researches have indicated that volunteers have more citizenship and morale obligations and this case can be indicator of social self-concept in volunteers. Also, it can be suggested that young people can remove their problems with presence in voluntary activities and creating proper social communication and reduce anxiety and stress due to their age conditions. Findings indicated there is significant difference between volunteers and non-volunteers athletic selfconcept. This topic can be explained to this way: since voluntary organization in this research is students of sport association in universities, sport nature of this

environment necessitate. Majority of members of this association constitute physical education students (76.8%) and according to being athlete of samples research seems to higher self-concept in volunteers be normal.

The data analysis indicated that there is no significant difference between volunteers and non-volunteers’ scientific self-concept. Self-concept dimensions are different essentially and aren’t dependence to each other, therefore; existence of more positive self-concept in athletic and social cases isn’t reason of being higher scientific and value self-concept. According to research has been done among students and they are in the same situation from professors, university environment and etc. Also environment and associates are effective in existence of self-concept, therefore; it seems logical.

There is no significant difference between volunteers and non-volunteers value self-concept. This case is probably related to nature of research samples, too. Since students of public universities are testers of this research and they have tried to enter university and have separated from small environment of family and school and have entered to larger environment and are independent in acts and imagine university as place of being potential of their talents and abilities, thus; they understand their value and importance of this value in interaction with others.

Then we can declare that volunteers potential abilities which are in environment a lot and create situations for progression and use them productively and also they are useful for sport events managers and sport managers in associations.




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Э 2013 ii

Information about the author:

Reza Andam: reza.andam@gmail.com; Shahrood University of Technology of Iran; P.O.Box: 3619995161-316, Shahrood, Iran.

Asieh Ghorbanian Rajabi: asiehghorbanian@yahoo.co.uk; Shomal university, Iran; P.O.Box 731, Amol, Mazandaran, Iran.

Nooshin Benar: noshin.benar@yahoo.com; Guilan University of Iran; P.O. Box 1841, Rasht, Iran.

Cite this article as: Reza Andam, Asieh Ghorbanian Rajabi, Nooshin Benar The study of self-concept between volunteer and non-volunteer students in sport of universities. Pedagogics, psychology, medical-biological problems of physical training and sports, 2013, vol.3, pp. 73-77. doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.646176

The electronic version of this article is the complete one and can be found online at: http://www.sportpedagogy.org.ua/html/arhive-e.html

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Received: 13.02.2013 Published: 31.03.2013

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Реза Андам: reza.andam@gmail.com; Шахруд технологический университет; а/я 3619995161-316, Шахруд, Иран.

Асиех Гхорбаниан Райаби: asiehghorbanian@yahoo.co.uk; Шомал университет; п/я 731, Амол, Мазандаран, Иран.

Ношин Бенар: noshinbenar@yahoo.com; Университет Гилян, Рашт, Иран; п/я 1841, Рашт, Иран.

Цитируйте эту статью как: Реза Андам, Асиех Гхорбаниан Райаби, Ношин Бенар. Вивчення Я-концепту у студентів волонтерів і не волонтерів в спортивних асоціаціях університетів // Педагогіка, психологія та медико-біологічні проблеми фізичного виховання і спорту. - 2013. - № 3 - С. 73-77. doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.646176

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Дата поступления в редакцию: 13.02.2013 г. Опубликовано: 31.03.2013 г.

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