Научная статья на тему 'The study of family issues in the works of Uzbek psychologists'

The study of family issues in the works of Uzbek psychologists Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Urdabaeva Gulnora

The following article is about the study operated with the purpose to identify the preference of family issues referring to marriage. Author cited some terms which states the essence of family life. She illustrated her points with the words of different scholars who researched the current topic.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The study of family issues in the works of Uzbek psychologists»

practice. They can overcome their social fear and engage language learning by the help of providing social opportunities on a daily basis.

The research shows standard language development at the age of six, language skills are varied in every child, though. Especially at this age, children skills improve rapidly. If your child falls behind in language development you should consult physician who specialize in children behavioral [3.56].

The first aspect is pronunciation. By the age six, children are able to pronounce most of the sounds in their native language. They capable to pronounce all vowels, diphthongs, and almost all consonants such as b,d,f,g,h,k,m,n,p,t,v,y,sh,ng etc. however six-year-old may still have trouble in pronouncing the sounds such as s,z, ch,th etc.

Next aspect is time and numbers. Most children have a strong understanding of numbers at this age. They can express time words like before, after, yesterday, today and tomorrow. Another aspect is speech. Six-year-olds can make complex sentences with multiple clauses. Also, they should be able to form grammatically correct sentences. Most children can speak fluently, cleat and enunciation at this age. By the age, children should have the confidence to communicate with people in social settings.

The paramount aspect is story telling and literature. Most children's ability have been developed by telling stories, descriptions, explanations, relating to specific pictures and illustration. They can describe connections and relations between different events and objects. Most six-year-olds cannot write and read independently, they often learn by heart songs and rhymes, though. The most effective way to develop children language skill is to encourage for learning by reading poems or stories and engaging questions about the story and illustrations.


1. Children illustrated dictionary. John MCIlwian. Dorling Kindersley. 2013.

2. Macmillan children's dictionary. Carolyn Barraclough. Thailand. 2016.

3. Picture grammar for children. David Vale. Thailand. 2014.

4. Way Ahead. Mary Bowen, Printha Ellis. Egypt by Sahara Printing Company. 2014.




Abstract: the following article is about the study operated with the purpose to identify the preference of family issues referring to marriage. Author cited some terms which states the essence of family life. She illustrated her points with the words of different scholars who researched the current topic.

Keywords: human, issue, family, husband, roles, children, nation.

The family issue eternally related to the human history. This issue have been researched for a long time by demographs, medical specialists, philosophies, and pedagogies in Uzbekistan condition. Although, the psychological issues are more substantial in comparison to other family problems they were set aside from the sight of psychic scholars. Most of the literatures referring to Marriage-family present that, the study on the basis of psychological point of view the relationship between parents and their children had started

in 80th of XX century. The following initial specific scientific research works can be can be implemented as the basis of this - Y. A. Yakubov, G.B.Shoumarov, E. A. Morshinina, M. R. Burieva, S. N. Kanonenko.

Due to the efforts of these authors the first step put forward toward the study of the theme Uzbek family as the main subject. The first research about the attitude between parents and children of Uzbek family as socio-psychological process done by Y. A. Yakubov. As the object of the research wife and husband whose marriage rates steadiness is in high level and the couple who submitted their documents to experience divorce have chosen, furthermore there are several records that show the different preferences of these two groups [1.59].

Here we become the witness of the description of the emotional support done by wife and husband in the accomplishment of family functions, the approach of them to family values and also to family roles their readiness to them and its variation in both groups.

Y. A. Yakubov claims that the existence and quantity of children in Uzbek families are considered to be one of the means of sturdy family. However he also states that traditional, national family life, traditional set norms, and the interference of parents the issues of young couples, the distribution of roles in family and their perception by the side of wife and husband and accounted as one sided feature of the family and always brings negative effects. The status of woman and the increase of their social activeness are evaluated positively. The specificity of family which is mentioned as negative by Y. A. Yakubov such as traditional ethnic, traditional values, traditional norms of manner to the life of Uzbek family may effect at the same time positively and negatively

The attitude of our nation to national values is increasing day by day, and at the moment when our nationality is being lifted high these ethnic features which are specific for Uzbek families can strengthen the threats of marriage.

Momentarily it is very important to highlight the works of G.B.Shoumarov, Ba E. A. Morshinina [2.158]. She studied socio-psychologic (national, ethnic) preferences of Uzbek family and the impact of this to the education of young generation. Authors while talking about the abundance of children in Uzbek family, apart from the Y. A. Yakubov's word especially these features make the Uzbek families respectful to young and old members of the family and plays essential role in bringing up the youngs. Authors determine the motives, duties, the preserved traditional system which is very strong in relation to couples and parents' attitude that may emerge in Uzbek family. The researchers presented the following distinctions about ethnicity of Uzbek families: The highness of man's status in the family, the specificity of disagreement between mother in law and bride, the low rate of knowledge concerning gender and intimate life, the outlook of Uzbek youth to intimate policy and others. Particularly, paid much attention to prepare young generation to family life and its significance in educating the youth.

In the mid 1980 there in our republic occurred boom in printing scientific research works in the field dedicated to the issue family psychology. We can cite the works of the writers as G.B.Shoumarov, N. A. Saginov, M. G. Davletshin, V. M. Karimova, X. K. Karimov, M. A. Utepberganov.

The scientific practical conference on the topic "The psychological sides of raising the effectiveness of teacher training in republican universities and HEIs majoring in pedagogy in condition constant education" held in Angren in 1991 shows the fact that the ethnopsychologic features of Uzbek family and marriage and family relations, to prepare youth to family life studies had started. This direction devoted to "Ethics of family life and psychology" helped the youth to have the imagination about family life, the effect of communication among parents and interrelation to the development of youth personality, the pre marriage means of Uzbek families and several issues had become the object of the research.


1. Dyer J.R., Shatz M. & Wellman, H. M. (2000). Young children's storybooks as a source of mental state information. Cognitive Development, 15, 17-37.

2. Leonard Sax M.D. PhD is a practicing family physician and the author of four books for parents, including Boys Adrift and the New York Times bestseller The Collapse of Parenting.


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Ганиева М.А. , Муродинова Н.Р. , Жумаева Ш.Х.

1Ганиева Мафтуна Абдуазизовна - студент;

2Муродинова Нилуфар Рахматбаевна - студент;

3Жумаева Шохиста Хушвактовна - студент, факультет педагогики,

Гулистанский государственный университет, г. Гулистан, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: в статье основное внимание уделяется изучению и уточнению требований к разработке учебного плана, современным требованиям преподавателя. Обязанности учителя повысить эффективность обучения. Мнения были сделаны в ответ на комментарии преподавателей первого президента.

Ключевые слова: образование, педагогика, педагогические навыки, психология, знания, навыки, квалификация.

Рациональная методика преподавания русского языка в иноязычной аудитории, может быть построена только на основе прочной лингвистической базы, под которой, имеются ввиду результаты сопоставительного изучения языков, выявление грамматических и лексических трудностей вытекающих из сравнительного анализа языковых факторов. Сопоставительный метод дает возможность учителю предсказать те трудности, с которыми встречается студент, и на этой основе разработать соответствующе приемы работы. Принцип учета родного языка при изучении второго языка в частности русского, не является дискуссионным и признается как психологами, так и методистами и лингвистами в нашей стране и за рубежом. Многозначность слов одного языка становится особенно ощутимой, когда язык изучается как неродной, поскольку слова в разных языках имеют присуще природе этих языков законы функционирования, которые в каждом конкретном случае индивидуальны и разнообразны. В связи с этим явлением полисемия представляет собой одну из объективных трудностей изучения лексики русского языка учащимися-узбеками.

Полисемия существенным образом определяет своеобразие лексической системы языка. Отдельные значения полисемичного слова реализуются в плане лексической парадигматики, синтагматики и словообразования. Именно отдельное значение полисемичного слова является носителем свойств, реализующихся на разных уровнях языковой структуры [1, 95].

Проблем, относящихся к изучению полисемичных глаголов, очень много, это: разграничение отдельных значений многозначного глагола, проблемы значения и оттенка значения, выяснение характера производности и мотивировки производных значений, ограничение лексической полисемии и омонимии,

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