Научная статья на тему 'The state as a subject of research in the different economic schools'

The state as a subject of research in the different economic schools Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Kotova Lyudmila Gennadievna, Sokolova Elena Yurievna

The article depicts the relationship of the development of the role of the state in the national economy of the country and the life of the society as a whole over time in different economic schools. The estimation to the role of the state in the modern world is given.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The state as a subject of research in the different economic schools»

УДК 330.8


Л. Г. Котова, Е. Ю. Соколова


L. G. Kotova, E. Y. Sokolova

Аннотация. В статье отражена взаимосвязь развития роли государства в национальной экономике страны и жизни общества в целом с течением времени в различных экономических школах. Дана оценка роли государства в современном мире.

Ключевые слова: государство, физиократия, меркантилизм, неоклассики, ин-ституционализм, марксистская политическая экономия, классическая политическая экономия, экономические школы.

Abstract. The article depicts the relationship of the development of the role of the state in the national economy of the country and the life of the society as a whole over time in different economic schools. The estimation to the role of the state in the modern world is given.

Key words: state, physiocracy, mercantilism, neoclassics, institutionalism, marxist of political economy, classical political economy, economic schools.

Throughout the history of the development of humanity's best minds tried to reveal the essence and reasons of state, as well as the effectiveness of its intervention in the economic life of society.

The study of the questions of state regulation of economy engaged in practically all the prominent economists of various economic schools. By consideration of development of the state during changing eras there is a review of a role of the state in economy and people life.

Originally merkantilist (17 eyelids) were the first economic school which has made attempt to comprehending market economy: representatives of school proved need of active state intervention in economy (At. Stafford, G. Skoruffi, T. Mang, A. Sulfur, A. de Monkretyen, H. Wolff) [1].

H. Wolff developed the theory of the police state, according to which the functions of the state defined the ethical goals of man, the state ensures that the population growth exceeds the growth of food, supports of laws that create a natural order, and provides complete freedom of competition.

A. Monkretyen in his "Treatise of Political Economy" (1615) years considers of active interference of the state in the economy considered as a chief factor accumulation of wealth, strengthening and development of the economy of the country [2].

T. Man believed that policy of the state is to maximally the possible reduce the import of foreign goods and increase the export of domestic products abroad.

Development of the market relations, manufactory production, required replacement of the ideological concept of mercantilism. The impetus became classical political economy, which is based on the principle of minimum intervention of the state in the development of economic processes.

It should be noted that the ideas of domination of the natural order and the need to limit state intervention in the economy, were also considered by physiocrats (P. BuaGuilbert, G. Turgot, In. Gorne, F. Kene). They considered the main functions of the state - the preservation of the natural order, universal education, the enterprises of a public nature [3].

But the most powerful blow to the mercantilism was released in 1776, in labour Adam Smith "an inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of Nations" [1].

According to Adam Smith, the main task of the state is that, all business entities guaranteed the basic economic freedom, namely of the freedom of competition and free trade. Another function of the state should be to safeguard the life and property of citizens (defense, justice). In addition, the state should provide such services to the public, the production of which individuals impossible or unprofitable (public education, community service, or support the development of communications, transportation, utilities) [2].

A follower of theoretical positions and at the same time opponent on some issues of Adam Smith was the English economist David Ricardo (1772-1823). He accepted the dogma about not crisis the equilibrium state of the economy at full employment, i.e. a minimum of government intervention in the economy.

A. Smith's followers developed his individualistic ideas which in the different countries accepted various shades. In France, where the interests of the government and the population is constantly opposed by the idea of non-interference of the state in the life of the citizens were conveyed to the extreme.

In opinion. B. Seya (1767-1832), "best of all financial plans - the smallest, and best of all taxes - is the smallest". Therefore it vigorously opposes state interventions in all cases.

F. Bastiat (1801-1850) believed that it is necessary to bring the budget down to zero, the state should not interfere in the economic struggle to protect certain groups of the population: "It would be - to oppose freedom and limit the progress of the nation" [4].

P. Lerua-Beaulieu, researching tasks and state functions in the book "The modern state and its functions" (1883), develops this idea and comes to a conclusion that the state is unsuitable for accomplishment of economic functions. His arguments: lack of an initiative and an ingenuity in activities of the state entities, threat to an economic and political freedom, and the main thing - suppression of a personal initiative, constraint of a circle of private activities, fear of a collectivism.

The last representative of English classical political economy D. Mill (18061873) in the fifth book "Principles of Political Economy" analyzes the economic role of the state and holds its functions, without which can not be an economic and social progress. The government should bear the cost of infrastructure, development of science, and so great importance D. Mill gave the public system of social security and taxation.

Further development of the state as object of research finds the reflection in the Marxist of political economy (40 the XIX century). Founders of Marxism are K. Marks and F. Engels. Representatives of the Marxist theory argued that functions of the state are intensive direct intervention in processes of public reproduction. They absolutized a tendency to nationalization that over time gave economy of the countries with a managing command administrative system, first of all the USSR, to bureaucratization and deprived of it any incentives to scientific and technical progress.

From the aforesaid it is necessary to note split in the XIX century on a place and a state role in economy and life of people (two economic doctrines: liberalism

and socialism). «The third way» - the conservative economic doctrine which was guided by traditions of the past took place also peculiar. In political economy it found reflection in the doctrine of the German historical school [5].

F. List as the representative of "old" historical school emphasized determining role of the state in economy development.

Representatives of "young" historical school (E. Dyurkgeym, V. Zombart, M. Weber, etc.) which it was created in Germany in the 70-80-th of the XIX century, continued traditions of "old" historical school and strengthened the respectful relation to the state, considering it not only as the guarantor of maintenance of an order, but also conditions of achievement of those are more whole which can't be implemented by efforts of certain people. They referred care of intellectual and esthetic education of the nation and its health to the integral functions of the state; protection old men and other weak members of society; the help to the workers who have sustained injuries, etc. [4].

According to Max Weber's classical determination, the state represents system of the relations of the domination/subordination relying on legitimate violence. A condition of efficiency authority of the state is the government capability to ensure safety, freedom and advantage of citizens, showing a necessary political will [6].

Many elements of historical school were apprehended by such direction of economic thought, as an institutsionalizm which forming began at a turn of XIX and XX centuries in the USA. The founder of an institutsionalizm the American economist T. Veblen (1857-1929) pledged his methodological and theoretical bases and considering necessary measures of "social control", regulated is considered from the state.

As well as his teacher T. Veblen, U. Mitchell was sure that there is no complete coincidence of private and public interests. State intervention in economy is necessary, and one of the most important tasks of an economic science - developing specific methods of such intervention. Thus he paid attention to need of creation of the relevant institutes, in particular, of special state planning body [3].

In understanding of representatives of the neoclassical direction (A. Marshall, A. Pigu, M. Fridmen, Y. Shumpeter) state regulation shall consist in refusal of impact on reproduction through demand, and use of indirect measures of impact on the offer instead is necessary. Supporters of a neoclassical approach to economy consider necessary to recreate the classical mechanism of accumulating and to revive freedom of private entrepreneurship. According to this theory the state shall provide conditions for process of capital accumulation and production efficiency increase.

At adherents of such direction of the neoclassical economic theory as monetarism (I. Fischer, M. Fridmen, E. Phelps, K. Bruckner, A. Melzer) given features of understanding of a role of the state in economy. The American economist Milton Fridmen, the founder of monetarism, accurately expressed the relation of monetarists to a state role in economy: "the market acts as the guarantor of a liberty of choice, namely the liberty of choice is a condition of efficiency and viability of system". M. Fridmen accepts the state intervention only in such forms which least limit freedom of the person including freedom to spend money.

According to monetarists if the market system isn't exposed to the state intervention, the system of the market competition provides high degree of macroeco-nomic stability. Public administration is considered inefficient, bureaucratic, harmful to an individual initiative and containing quite often political mistakes which destabilize economy. Besides, centralized state management inevitably suppresses freedom of the person.Therefore, the influence of the state should be minimal.

Turning point in polemic about a state role in economy is the Keynesian economic model. In the 1930th, during the deepest world economic crisis, J. Keynes pushed the theory in which it confuted views of classics of a state role [7]. In the model of J. Keynes proved that the state shall interfere actively with economy on an absence reason at the free market of the mechanisms providing an exit of economy from overproduction crisis.

Keynes assumed that the state will assume the increasing responsibility for the direct organization of investments. It will make also the leading impact on tendency to consumption.

The keynesianism began essential changes in economic policy. To Keynes economists believed that the state shall arrive, as a family: expenses shall be equal to the income. Keynesians proved a principle of a balanced the budget throughout a cycle.

All outstanding economists were engaged in studying of a question of state regulation of economy [7]. Now it is conventional that the developed market economy can't exist without permanent state impact on it. Discrepancies concern only degree, forms and influence methods.

List of reference links

1. URL: http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/

2. URL: http://kazbook.narod.ru/

3. Алентьев, Е. О. История экономических учений / Е. О. Алентьев. - Волгоград, 2011. -С. 235-237.

4. URL: http://www.gumer.info/

5. Пушкарева, В. М. История финансовой мысли и политики налогов / В. М. Пушкарева. -М., 2010.

6. Социология господства М. Вебера сквозь призму теории верховной власти Л. А. Тихомирова // Политические исследования (ПОЛИС). - 2000. - № 2. - С. 13-21.

7. Керимов, А. Д. Современное государство: вопросы теории / А. Д. Керимов. - М., 2011. - 144 с.

Котова Людмила Геннадьевна

кандидат экономических наук, доцент, кафедра экономической теории и мировой экономики, Пензенский государственный университет E-mail: lgkl@bk.ru

Kotova Lyudmila Gennadievna Candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, sub-department of economic theory and world economy, Penza State University

Соколова Елена Юрьевна студентка, факультет экономики и управления,

Пензенский государственный университет

E-mail: elenushka111222@yandex.ru

Sokolova Elena Yurievna

Student, faculty of economics

and management, Penza State University

УДК330.8 Котова, Л. Г.

The state as a subject of research in the different economic schools /

Л. Г. Котова, Е. Ю. Соколова // Модели, системы, сети в экономике, технике, природе и обществе. - 2013. - № 1(5). - С. 14-17.

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