Научная статья на тему 'The sociology in gdańsk. Institutional development and the main research areas'

The sociology in gdańsk. Institutional development and the main research areas Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Bachórz Agata, Michałowski Lesław, Obracht-Prondzyński Cezary

Sociology in Gdansk, in its institutional dimension, has existed since 1958. However, its development as a separate university degree in Gdańsk University dates back only to 90s of the 20th century. It still seeks recognition and needs to work on the research profile. Nevertheless, some lines of research and theoretical reflection had time to develop. The most important of them are research on local communities and regional studies, including, recognizable on Polish and European scale, research on Kashubians: ethnic group living mostly in Pomerania. In addition, sociologists from Gdańsk also take topics fi tting to the latest global trends in social science, e.g.: discourse analysis, sociology of everyday life, sociology of mobility and migration and many others.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The sociology in gdańsk. Institutional development and the main research areas»

УДК 316.2 Вестник СПбГУ. Сер. 12. 2014. Вып. 4

Agata Bachorz, Lestaw Michatowski, Cezary Obracht-Prondzynski


Institute of Philosophy, Sociology and Journalism Gdansk University, Gdansk, Poland

Sociology in Gdansk, in its institutional dimension, has existed since 1958. However, its development as a separate university degree in Gdansk University dates back only to 90s of the 20th century. It still seeks recognition and needs to work on the research profile. Nevertheless, some lines of research and theoretical reflection had time to develop. The most important of them are research on local communities and regional studies, including, recognizable on Polish and European scale, research on Kashubians: ethnic group living mostly in Pomerania. In addition, sociologists from Gdansk also take topics fitting to the latest global trends in social science, e.g.: discourse analysis, sociology of everyday life, sociology of mobility and migration and many others. Refs 62.

Keywords: Polish sociology, Gdansk University, institutional sociology in Gdansk, teaching sociology.


Агата Бахож, Леслав Михайловски, Цезары Обрахт-Прондзыньски

Институт философии, социологии и журналистики Университета Гданьска, Гданьск, Польша

Социология в Гданьске в ее институциональном аспекте существует с 1958 г. Тем не менее ее развитие в качестве отдельного высшего образования восходит в этом университете только к 90-м годам ХХ в. Гданьская социология все еще рассчитывает на признание и работает на свой научно-исследовательский профиль. Однако некоторые направления исследований и теоретической рефлексии успели развиться. Наиболее важными из них являются исследования местных сообществ, а также региональные исследования, в том числе известные в Польше и Европе исследования кашубов — этнической группы, проживающей в основном в Померании. Кроме того, социологи из Гданьска разрабатывают темы, совпадающие с мировыми тенденциями в социальных науках, например: анализ дискурса, социология повседневности, социология мобильности и миграции, а также многие другие. Библиогр. 62 назв.

Ключевые слова: польская социология, Гданьский университет, институциональная социология в Гданьске, преподавание социологии.

The institutionalization of sociology in Gdansk

The first years after World War II should be seen as a period of re-formation of the institutional sociology in Poland. However, with the escalation of the Stalinist regime's oppression in the late 40s and 50s, the undisturbed development of the social sciences became more and more difficult. It applied particularly to the sociology, which institutional and academic meaning was systematically being reduced. Finally, at the end of 1952, sociology in Poland had been removed from the list of academic disciplines as the "bourgeois pseudo-science" (Kwasniewicz 2005: 239). It was only in 1957, after the revision of the Stalinist period, when sociology began to return to universities, both as a separate field of study and as a academic course supporting other disciplines. The latter was the reason, why sociological departments were also established in the economic and the pedagogical high schools (Krasko 1996: 151-159).

In the wake of these changes, sociology also appeared in Gdansk. The first Chair of Sociology at the High School of Pedagogy (at that time the university had not existed yet)

was founded in 1958. It was headed by Stanislaw Kowalski, while the assistant was Boleslaw Maroszek, who later became a head of the Chair. The doctoral seminar was launched almost immediately, together with — one year later — MA seminar in sociology of education for the pedagogy students (Maroszek, Solanski 1972: 285).

Gdansk University was founded in 1970 on the basis of two high schools: the aforementioned High School of Pedagogy running in Gdansk and the High School of Economics in Sopot. In the same year, the Minister of Education approved the establishing of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology in the structure of the newly formed Faculty of Humanities of the University of Gdansk. Within this institute, the Chair of Sociology came into being, headed by Boleslaw Maroszek over the following 18 years. The next important turn in the institutional development of sociology was the year 1989 only, when the Chair of Sociology was divided into two parts: the Chair of General Sociology, led by Brunon Synak, and the Chair of Sociology of Culture headed by Kazimierz Sopuch (Obracht-Prondzynski 2008a).

However, during all this period, the sociology as an independent graduate program had not existed in Gdansk, serving just as the course for students of the other disciplines. Development plans for the University of Gdansk assumed launching the program in sociology as early as in the eighties. Nevertheless, the crisis situation and the negative assessment of the sociologists' engagement into the independent initiatives prevented the plans' implementation. It was only in 1992, with the establishing of the Social Sciences Faculty, when the 5-year degree in sociology has been started in the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology.

Important changes, coinciding with the implementation of so-called Bologna Process in Polish higher education system, took place in the period, when Cezary Obracht-Prondzynski was helding the position of the Head of the Institute (2005-2013). The 3-year BA and the 2-year MA programs have started then. At the same time, the structure of the Institute was formed in the shape, which remains present until today. There are following sociological Chairs working in the Institute: General Sociology, Social Anthropology, Economical Sociology and Market Behaviors, Sociology of Culture, History of Social Thought, Sociology of Education. At that time the institute has also changed its seat. It moved to the modern building of the Social Sciences Faculty, located in the new university campus in Gdansk-Oliwa. The very good working conditions have been created there, which resulted in the organization of numerous conferences, workshops and exhibitions. In 2016 the nationwide Congress of Sociology is to be organized in the building of Social Sciences Faculty.

Several structures work within the Institute, supporting the teaching and the research. The Library in the Institute of Philosophy, Sociology and Journalism has been established in 1994. Until now, more than 10 thousands volumes divided into 6 sections (philosophy, logic, ethics, sociology, journalism and a general section) have been collected by the it. The Laboratory of Sociological Research, which has been working since 1994, is another important unit within the Institute. Currently it is headed by Jaroslaw Zal^cki. Laboratory carries out both the academic research and the projects for the external customers — business, social and political institutions.

In addition to the Library and the Laboratory, one should also mention the Institute's academic journals. Sociologists and philosophers initially, since 1958, published in "Gdanskie Zeszyty Humanistyczne". The most important, however, was the "Zeszyty Nau-

kowe Wydzialu Humanistycznego. Filozofia i Socjologia", which had been appearing in the years 1974-1992. After it stopped running, a new initiative by Wladyslaw Palubicki was undertaken. He established the "Miscellanea Sociologica et Anthropologica" with the first issue appearing in 1992. The journal, passing various vicissitudes, works till today, currently under the custody of Anna Klonkowska.

In the Institute, there were also very rich traditions of students' academic involvement. Back in 1963 the Scientific Circle in Sociology was founded. At the turn of the 60s and 70s its members organized a series of academic camps in Pomerania, leading fairly intensive fieldwork (Maroszek, Solanski 1972: 287). After a long break in the students' activity, in 2003 the new sociological circle called "Socjokolektiv" was formed, which since then has organized several conferences nationwide, as well as many meetings and debates. Students also conducted research and evaluations.

Beside the sociologists from the University, there are a number of the institutions, which enrich the sociological activity in Tri-city and the region. Sociology — mainly as a supporting discipline — is taught at the other public and private schools (Gdansk University of Technology, Medical University of Gdansk, The Gdansk Management College, Gdynia Maritime University, Polish Naval Academy in Gdynia or Kashubian-Pomeranian High School in Wejherowo). Sociologists also work in independent research institutions. One of them is Sopot Social Research Center (today's name: Partner in Business Strategies), which was founded in 1990. Over the years it has evolved into company enjoying the nationwide reputation, conducting market and social research in very different areas.

The local branch of the Polish Sociological Society, established in 1970, has played an important integrative role for the sociology in Gdansk. Its members were recruited primarily from the sociological departments of the University of Gdansk, Gdansk University of Technology, Medical University of Gdansk and Gdynia Maritime University. Currently, the unique task stands before the Gdansk branch of the society: for the first time in the history, in 2016 it will organize, together with the Institute of Philosophy, Sociology and Journalism, the nationwide Polish Congress of Sociology.

The important part of the activities undertaken in Gdansk are the conferences and projects carried out within the international cooperation, some of which should be mentioned here. For example Adriana Mica, with the team, organized on a grand scale the international Workshop on Unintended Consequences in 2011 and the Workshop on Em-beddedness and Embedding in 2012. The cooperation between the University of Gdansk and St. Petersburg State University resulted in two conferences ("Gdansk and St. Petersburg. The sociological portraits of twin cities" in 2011 and "Social welfare of youth on the background of social transformation in St. Petersburg and Gdansk" in 2012), as well as the two collective books (Bachorz, Michalowski, Siemionow, Winogradow 2012; Bachorz, Bezrukova Michalowski, Siemionow 2012). Through the efforts of Arkadiusz Peisert the mid-term ESA conference "25 Years After the Communism: East and West of Europe in Search of Solidarity" will be held in October 2014. Magdalena Zadkowska is one of the leaders of Polish-Norwegian team, investigating the links between migration and family life in the "PAR Migration Navigator" research, funded from Norway Grants. Agata Bachorz, together with Dorota Rancew-Sikora, Karolina Ciechorska-Kulesza and the partners from the University of Iceland, has been conducting a series of Polish-Islandic seminars "Leisure practices and perception of nature. Polish tourists and migrants in Iceland" within Norway Grants as well.

The main research areas

The lack of institutional sociology in Pomerania up to 1958 was the reason, why the discipline development, comparing to the situation in the other scientific centers in Poland, was delayed, having periods of growth alternating with stagnation. While looking at the achievements of Gdansk sociology, one should pay attention to the main areas of research, which undergo constant modifications. One may also ask, to what extent the academic interests of sociologists in Gdansk were influenced by the political changes (or perhaps more broadly — the groundbreaking events of 1970, 1980-1981, 1989)? How important were the demands coming from the political centers, or — on the other hand — the independence of the research? Finally, did or do sociologists in Gdansk follow their own path, trying to give their work the original and innovative trait, or they just reproduce(d) research trends, being developed in the other centers of Poland or the world? All these questions require further research, including archival work and in-depth interviews with the participants of sociological life in Gdansk. This is the task for the future. However, the preliminary attempt to sketch the research interests of sociologists will be made here, with the awarenss, that this is not the complete picture.

Historically, the social problems were the main issue, which the sociologists from Gdansk dealt with. In the first years of working within the High School of Pedagogy, the sociological center in Gdansk held research related mainly to the sociology of education. The important topic of the research was the functioning of schools and pupils in different social environments of Gdansk voivodeship (Maroszek, Solanski 1972). The studies on educational aspirations of urban and rural youth in Gdansk, as well as on high school students, were located in the same academic vein (Maroszek 1960; Gulda 1969; Latoszek 1970). Over the time, more and more research on the social dysfunction, especially crime, including juvenile crime, began to appear (Maroszek 1963; Juras 1981, 1983).

This direction was continued after the democratic transformation in 1989, when the various social problems (alcoholism, drug addiction etc.) were examined, as well as the issues of social exclusion of people with disabilities or the educational problems of youth. In this line one should recall, among others, such researchers as Beata Bykowska and Jaroslaw Zal^cki (2005), Janusz Erenc (2008), Krystyna Kmiecik-Baran (2000). The new socioeconomic reality has brought new problems and thus the new research questions: local sociologists in their work did not remain indifferent to the growing unemployment (Kmiecik-Baran 2009) and homelessness (D^bski, Stachura 2008; D^bski, Rekowski 2008) issues.

Another research topic related to the social problems area, social gerontology, proved to be one of the long-term specializations in Gdansk. Initially, the situation of old people in the rural communities changing under the influence of the modernization processes was studied (Synak 1977). This was later extended to the exploration of the impact of political transformation on the older people's situation, their social status and resourcefulness (Synak 2001). In recent times, in the face of the population aging, the interest in the life of seniors has increased again. The studies have focused on the local level, which should allow to design the solutions supporting elderly people's lives (Czekanowski, Zal^cki, Brosz 2013). These studies should be linked mainly to the activities of Brunon Synak (2002) and Piotr Czekanowski (2012).

A very important direction of research, commonly practiced in Gdansk, was the sociological study of Pomerania region. In the beginning, the formation of new society in Pomerania was particularly important. The research focused on the integration processes were initiated by Boleslaw Maroszek as early as in the sixties (1964; 1965; 1970). The works on the rural communities in Pomerania were to some extent similar to these studies. They aimed to grasp the changes in the country areas under the influence of migration, urbanization and industrialization. This trend was represented primarily by works of Brunon Synak (1974; 1977). More recently, the Pomeranian countryside has been studied as a reservoir of social capital, which affects the standard of living and the integration processes (Kniec, Goszczynski, Obracht-Prondzynski 2013).

Also, Pomerania is the area of research on local communities not only of rural character. The topics such as local identity — its changes and sources, forms of manifestation, maintaining and developing — are being developed. Despite of this, the emphasis is put on the issues of social development, living standards or socio-demographic factors. Within Pomerania localities, the biggest attention is paid to the city of Gdansk (Zal^cki 2003; Dym-nicka, Opacki 2003; Michalowski 2011). Elbl^g (Ciechorska-Kulesza, Obracht-Prondzynski 2012) and Sopot (Michalowski, Tobis 2010) are also being described by scholars. Nonetheless, research on urban sociology is not limited to Pomerania only. There are studies that more broadly discuss the condition of contemporary cities (Dymnicka 2013; Michalowski, Bachorz, Rancew-Sikora 2010).

Amongst Pomerania studies, the Kashubian issues as the most specific and unique, have come to the fore since the eigties (Obracht-Prondzynski 2001). The sociological monograph "Kaszubi" ("The Kashubians"), released in 1990, was the result of research conducted in the eighties (Latoszek 1990). In subsequent years, the time had come for another research initiatives. The studies on the Kashubian identity have developed (Synak 1998; Mazurek 2010). Cezary Obracht-Prondzynski is likewise an author of very important publications on this topic (2002; 2008).

Another area of research in Gdansk is the study of the Solidarity movement, which to some extent may be classified as the sociology of politics. The conflicts within the socialist society, as well as the huge, momentous events of December '70 and August '80, could not have left the local sociologists indifferent, especially that some of them were not only the witnesses, but also the participants of the events. Thus the studies were undertaken directly in the course of the events, but revealing of the results became possible only on the political breakthrough (Latoszek 1989; 1990). An important part of the Solidarity movement research were those, which have been conducted only after 1989, accompanied by in-depth analysis of the phenomenon (Latoszek 2005). Also, the younger generation of sociologists in Gdansk does not avoid the reflection (mostly theoretical) over the legacy of Solidarity (Kaczmarczyk 2010; tuczeczko, Ciechorska-Kulesza, Kossakowski 2011). Currently, studies on Solidarity are being conducted rather in the European Solidarity Centre, the newly formed municipal institution, than at the University of Gdansk.

In recent years, according to the nationwide trends, sociologists from the University of Gdansk reach for the new research topics, often using the qualitative methodology. For example, the team led by Cezary Obracht-Prondzynski is working in the field of the sociology of culture. The research, undertaken in cooperation with the institutions outside the University, examines the participation in culture in Poland together with the functioning of cultural institutions. In comparison to traditional research paradigms, the

studies have largely critical nature and are intended to reflect the changes in the field of cultural participation (Czarnecki et al 2012; Bachorz, Stachura 2014). Similarly, Gdansk sociologists have contributed to the growth of interest in the leisure studies: especially the sociology of sport (Kossakowski, Stachura, Strzalkowska, Zadkowska 2013; Kossakowski, Michalowski 2013) and tourism (Bachorz 2013; Horolets 2013). The sociology of internet as a research field draws attention as well (Stachura 2010; Mika 2013). Also, the noticeable academic interests are directed towards the sociology of everyday life (Dowgiallo 2013), the family life (Zadkowska 2012) or the issues of birth giving and maternity (Gajewska 2012).

The new interesting direction of Gdansk sociologists' engagement has also appeared lately: the area of discourse analysis understood both in terms of methodological and theoretical reflection. The recognizable study on the conversational analysis was written by Dorota Rancew-Sikora (2007), as well as the analytic work on the hunting discourse (2009). Together with Piotr Pawliszak, she also edited the important thematic number of "Studia Socjologiczne" journal, devoted to the problems of context and power in discourse analysis (Rancew-Sikora, Pawliszak 2012). Agata Bachorz drew from the methodology of discourse analysis in her study of Polish travel narratives on Russia (2013). Moreover, Dorota Rancew-Sikora, Anna Horolets and Piotr Pawliszak (with Agata Bachorz and Magdalena Gajewska, who have joined them recently) are also active members of Discourse Analysis Scientific Consortium: a nationwide project, bringing together 11 universities and one publishing house, aimed at archiving and studying the important texts of Polish public discourse.

Gdansk is a relatively new academic center on the map of Polish sociology. It still seeks recognition and needs to work on the own research profile. With arising of the new generations of researchers, the new questions, methods and paradigms have been emerging. Therefore, in addition to the changes that in recent years have affected the whole system of higher education and the academia in Poland, the sociology in Gdansk is facing specific challenges, arising from its historical development.


1. Bachorz A. (2013), Rosja w tekscie i w doswiadczeniu. Analiza wspotczesnych polskich relacji zpodrozy, Krakow: Nomos.

2. Bachorz A., Bezrukova O., Michalowski L., Siemionow W. (red.) (2012), Dobrobyt spoteczny mtodziezy Sankt Petersburga i Gdanska, Sankt Petersburg: Skifia-print.

3. Bachorz A., Michalowski L., Siemionow W., Winogradow W. (red.) (2012), Gdansk i Sankt Petersburg. Spoteczne portrety miastpartnerskich, Gdansk: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdanskiego.

4. Bachorz A., Stachura K. (2014), W poszukiwaniu punktow stycznych. Rekonstrukcja dyskursu o problemach (nie)uczestnictwa w kulturze, Gdansk: Instytut Kultury Miejskiej.

5. Bykowska B., Zal^cki J. (2005), Wybrane zjawiska patologii spotecznej wsrod mtodziezy peryferyjnych dzielnic Gdanska, Gdansk: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdanskiego.

6. Ciechorska-Kulesza K., Obracht-Prondzynski C. (2012), Organizacje pozarzqdowe w Elblqgu. Ludzie — dziatania — wspotpraca z samorzqdem. Elbl^g: Wydawnictwo EUH-E.

7. Czarnecki S. i inni (2010), Poszerzenie pola kultury. Diagnoza potencjatu sektora kultury w Gdansku, Gdansk: Instytut Kultury Miejskiej.

8. Czekanowski P. (2012), Spoteczne aspekty starzenia sif ludnosci w Polsce: perspektywa socjologii starosci, Gdansk: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdanskiego.

9. Czekanowski P., Zal^cki J., Brosz M. (2013), Gdanska starosc: portret socjologiczny mieszkancow Gdanska w wieku 65+, Gdansk: Fundacja Terytoria Ksi^zki.

10. D^bski M., Retowski S. (red.) (2008), Psychospoteczny profil osob bezdomnych w Trojmiescie, Gdansk: Uniwersytet Gdanski.

11. D^bski M., Stachura K. (red.) (2008), Oblicza bezdomnosci, Gdansk: Uniwersytet Gdanski.

12. Dowgiallo B. (2013), Socjolog w szafie. Prezentacja techniki w badaniu ubierania sif jako dziatania, "Przegl^d Socjologii Jakosciowej", tom 9 nr 2/2013.

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15. Erenc J. (2008), Bycie innym. Problem wykluczenia i izolacji ludzi niepetnosprawnych, Gdansk: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdanskiego.

16. Gajewska M. (2012), Arche-tektonika macierzynstwa w dyskursie okotoporodowym, "Miscellanea Anthropologica et Sociologica", nr 12/2012.

17. Gulda M. (1969), Spoteczne determinanty przebiegu studiów studentów WSP w Gdansku, Gdansk : Wyzsza Szkola Pedagogiczna.

18. Horolets A. (2013), Konformizm, bunt, nostalgia: turystyka niszowa z Polski do krajów bytego ZSRR, Kraków: Universitas.

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25. Kniec W., Goszczynski W., Obracht-Prondzynski C. (2013), Kapitat spoteczny wsi pomorskiej, Wiezyca: Kaszubski Uniwersytet Ludowy.

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42. Mazurek M. (2010), Jgzyk — przestrzen — pochodzenie. Analiza tozsamosci kaszubskiej, Gdansk: Instytut Kaszubski.

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Статья поступила в редакцию 24 июня 2014 г.

Контактная информация

Bachorz Agata — Ph.D. in Sociology, adjunct of Institute of Philosophy, Sociology and Journalism Gdansk University, Gdansk, Poland; agata.bachorz@univ.gda.pl

Michatowski Leslav — Ph.D. in Sociology, adjunct of Institute of Philosophy, Sociology and Journalism Gdansk University, Gdansk, Poland; l.michalowski@ug.edu.pl

Obraht-Prondzynski Cezary —Doctor of Science (Sociology), Professor, Head of Institute of Philosophy, Sociology and Journalism Gdansk University, Gdansk, Poland; ifis@ug.edu.pl

Бахож Агата — кандидат социологических наук, адъюнкт Института философии, социологии и журналистики Университета Гданьска, Гданьск, Польша; agata.bachorz@univ.gda.pl

Михайловски Леслав — кандидат социологических наук, адъюнкт Института философии, социологии и журналистики Университета Гданьска, Гданьск, Польша; l.michalowski@ug.edu.pl

Обрахт-Прондзыньски Цезары — доктор социологических наук, профессор, директор Института философии, социологии и журналистики Университета Гданьска, Гданьск, Польша; ifis@ug.edu.pl

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