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Аннотация научной статьи по философии, этике, религиоведению, автор научной работы — Balabeikina Olga A., Yankovskaya Anna A., Gavrilova Karine S.

The main topic of the study is the social responsibility of foreign religious institutions and their organizations. Main subjects under investigation are the main content, leading directions and ways of implementation of social responsibility using the example of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Sweden (ELCS). The goal of this study is to identify prevailing features and characteristics of the activities related to social responsibility at the level of a religious institution with great cultural significance, predominant number of adherents and «national» status. Conclusions are based on data achieved from financial reports of the ELCS for the period 2011-2018. Comparative comparison, analysis and synthesis methods were used. The main hypothesis of the study is that the spheres covered by social responsibility of the leading religious institutions are expanding following the actualization of socioeconomic problems at the national level. The ELCS implement a variety of activities within the framework of social responsibility, but they are mainly focused on education, culture, employment spheres and adaptation of migrants' programs. The experience of the ELCS in organizing socially oriented events, developing the content and forms of their conduct can be useful for Russian religious institutions (as for those that already have similar experience, as for those that are just planning to start).

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Социальная ответственность религиозных институтов: кейс Евангелическо-Лютеранской Церкви Швеции


УДК 334.021

DOI: 10.24411 /2413-693Х-2020-10310

Социальная ответственность религиозных институтов: кейс Евангелическо-Лютеранской Церкви Швеции

БАЛАБЕЙКИНА Ольга Александровна, канд. геогр. наук, доц., olga8011@yandex.ru Санкт-Петербургский Государственный Экономический Университет, Санкт-Петербург, Россия

ЯНКОВСКАЯ Анна Андреевна, канд. экон. наук, доц., aia777@yandex.ru Санкт-Петербургский Государственный Экономический Университет, Санкт-Петербург, Россия

ГАВРИЛОВА Каринэ Самвеловна, ст.преп., kmardoyan@gmail.com Санкт-Петербургский Государственный Экономический Университет, Санкт-Петербург, Россия

Аннотация. Ключевой темой исследования является социальная ответственность зарубежных религиозных учреждений и их структур. Главными изучаемыми предметами являются основное содержание, ведущие направления и пути реализации социальной ответственности на примере Евангелическо-Лютеранской Церкви Швеции (ЕЛЦШ). Цель данного исследования — выявление преобладающих особенностей и характеристик направлений деятельности, связанной с реализацией социальной ответственности на уровне религиозного учреждения с большой культурной значимостью, значительным числом адептов и «национальным» статусом. Выводы сделаны на основе данных финансовой отчетности ЕЛЦШ за 2011-2018 годы. Использовались методы сравнительного сравнения, анализа и синтеза. Основная гипотеза исследования заключается в том, что сферы социальной ответственности ведущих религиозных институтов расширяются вслед за обострением социально-экономических проблем на национальном уровне. ЕЛЦШ осуществляет различные виды деятельности в рамках реализации социальной ответственности, но в основном они ориентированы на образование, культуру, сферу занятости и программ по адаптации мигрантов. Опыт ЕЛЦШ по организации социально-ориентированных мероприятий, разработке их содержания и форм проведения может быть полезен российским религиозным институтам (как тем, которые уже имеют подобный опыт, так и тем, которые только планируют начать).

Ключевые слова: религиозные институты, социальная ответственность, Евангелическо-Лютеранская Церковь Швеции, устойчивое развитие.

Для цитирования: Балабейкина, O.A., Янковская, A.A. & Гаврилова, К.С. Социальная ответственность религиозных институтов: кейс Евангелическо-Лютеранской Церкви Швеции II Сервис Plus. 2020. Т. 14. №3. С. 85-93. DOI: 10.24411 /2413-693Х-2020-10310

Статья поступила в редакцию: 01.07.2020.

Статья принята к публикации: 02.08.2020.



2020 Том 14 №3

The social responsibility of religious institutions: case of the evangelical lutheran church of Sweden

The social responsibility of religious institutions: case of the evangelical lutheran church of Sweden

Olga A. BALABEIKINA, PhD in Geographic Sciences, Associate Professor, oiga8011@yandex.ru Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation

Anna A. YANKOVSKAYA, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, aia777@yandex.ru Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation

Karine S. GAVRILOVA, Senior lecturer, kmardoyan@gmaii.com Saint-Petersburg State University of Economics, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation

Abstract. The main topic of the study is the social responsibility of foreign religious institutions and their organizations. Main subjects under investigation are the main content, leading directions and ways of implementation of social responsibility using the example of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Sweden (ELCS). The goal of this study is to identify prevailing features and characteristics of the activities related to social responsibility at the level of a religious institution with great cultural significance, predominant number of adherents and «national» status. Conclusions are based on data achieved from financial reports of the ELCS for the period 2011-2018. Comparative comparison, analysis and synthesis methods were used. The main hypothesis of the study is that the spheres covered by social responsibility of the leading religious institutions are expanding following the actualization of socioeconomic problems at the national level. The ELCS implement a variety of activities within the framework of social responsibility, but they are mainly focused on education, culture, employment spheres and adaptation of migrants' programs. The experience of the ELCS in organizing socially oriented events, developing the content and forms of their conduct can be useful for Russian religious institutions (as for those that already have similar experience, as for those that are just planning to start).

Keywords: religious institutions, social responsibility, the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Sweden, sustainable development.

For citation: Balabeikina, 0. A., Yankovskaya, A.A. & Gavrilova, K.S. (2020). The social responsibility of religious institutions: case of the evangelical Lutheran church of Sweden. Service plus, 14(3), 85-93. DOI: 10.24411/2413-693X-2020-10310

Submitted: 2020/07/01.

Accepted: 2020/08/01.

Introduction. Though the secularization of society manifests itself clearly, the role of religious affiliation as forming national cultural identification and influencing on people's behavior and the importance of the religious institutions and organizations formed by them are still of great significance in the daily life of most European countries. Moreover, scientists have noted a considerable influence of the Church on modern sociopolitical, economical and so-ciocultural processes [16]. However, on the one hand, the beginning of the 21st century was marked by the loss of public status by the Lutheran National Churches in Sweden (2000) and Norway (2017). This fact is proved by the reduction in the number of parishioners and adherents of the

religion, the decrease in their activity (attending church services, participating in religious ceremonies, etc.) and as a result, their abolition via combining parishes (or deaneries) in Sweden, Norway, Finland [4], Great Britain and other foreign countries in Europe. But on the other hand, the role of the religious institutions in public life remains significant and the spheres of their influence and impact on the most actual socio-economic problems on the regional and national level become more diverse [15].

In the last nearly 30 years Post-Soviet Russia demonstrates the increase in the number of the registered religious organizations of different confessions, with a predominance of the Orthodox Christianity parochial associations, and



Социальная ответственность религиозных институтов: кейс Евангелическо-Лютеранской Церкви Швеции

also the growing number of the cult infrastructure objects and of the adherents to different religions. Moreover, the social role of the religious institutions in the Russian society is becoming more and more significant [6]. Implementing their social responsibility, the domestic religious organizations rely partly on the existing successful practice of interacting with the authorities, partly on the pre-revolutionary experience, but more often they provide assistance to the applicants using the social capital of the parochial associations.

Unfortunately, the religious traditions in our country were suspended for 70 years because of the atheistic period, and the experience of foreign religious organizations in the important field of social responsibility is relevant and valuable.

Since the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Sweden has the longest history of a state religious institution in Northern Europe, its social activities will be considered as a model in the presented research.

Theory. The theoretical issues relating to the social responsibility of organizations have received strong scientific attention over the recent decades. The researchers have consistently changed the meaning of the now classical category, «social responsibility». By now it can be concluded that social responsibility is «an institution being an integral part of the economic, social, environmental, ethical and legal spheres, relevant to the modern social needs» [20]. Each participating organization carries social responsibility and thus contributes to the formation of civil society in the country of operation. Religious organizations play a special role in it, especially when organizing charity events which imply personal involvement.

The social activity of religious institutions in the countries where the Law on Freedom of Conscience and Religion is applied and religious traditions haven't lost their importance for the population has a significant impact on the sustainable development of regions, forming qualitative characteristics of human capital. The theoretical research concerning the implementation of the social activity of the Church was initiated abroad in the middle of the 20th century when a separate monograph was published by an American scientist John Richard Spann [18]. Other foreign authors subsequently began to choose social responsibili-

ty of religious organizations as a subject for their scientific work too [7].

In the specified period of time and later this sort of research was impossible in the Soviet Union because of ideological reasons. The social activity of the few operating religious organizations was also unimplementable. In the early 1990s both written and unwritten prohibitions on the activity of religious organizations were abolished. Unfortunately, the religious institutions of the time in question possessed few resources and thus had to use them for restoring or constructing religious buildings, and it was very rarely that they had the opportunity to devote them to social activities.

The social responsibility of religious institutions in Russia began to manifest itself only in the early 21st century and the first Russian scientific publications on this topic appeared thereafter. These facts emphasize the importance of the foreign experience in implementing social responsibility by Church institutions.

Certain aspects of the social activity of foreign religious organizations were consistently scrutinized by modern foreign scientists [2, 11, 17]. For example, the ties between religious social networks and volunteering practices were brilliantly examined [12]. Topics devoted to social activities of churches were also brought up by foreign religious and secular mass media [3, 10], but there is an obvious lack of integrated study representing the social responsibility implementation model of the national Churches.

Data and methods. The original empirical data were collected from the annual financial reports by the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Sweden (ELCS) from 2011 to 2018, published and publicly available on the official websites of the religious Institute and the eparchial structures. For comparing, the data from similar reports by national Churches in other countries and regions like Estonia1 and England2 were used. The methods of comparative comparison, analysis and synthesis, systematization of the theoretical material, qualitative research method and secondary data collection were applied in this research.

Research results. Nowadays the ELCS is the largest religious organization in Sweden by the number of members. It has a continuous distribution area in the country and a developed network of primary religious communities:

1 Eesti Evangeelne Luterlik Kirik: majandusaasta aruane (2017) URL: http://www.eelk.ee/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/28.06.2018-EELK-Ariregistri-aruanne.pdf (Assessed on February 13,2020)

2 The Church of England: research and statistics. Statistics for mission (2018) URL: https://www.churchofengland.org/sites/default/files/2019-10/2018StatisticsForMission_0.pdf (Assessed on February 13, 2020)


parishes which combine in deaneries which, in turn, form 13 dioceses [5]. However, the analyzed in this study period from 2011 to 2018 is characterized by dynamic decrease in the number of members of the ELCS to 5.9 million people, which is 58% of the entire population. This situation is regarded by the episcopate of the religious Institute as a serious problem requiring urgent action. Prior to 2000, a

The social responsibility of religious institutions: case of the evangelical lutheran church of Sweden

Swedish citizen became a member of the ELCS by birth and could leave it only after expressing his/her will. This rule has been abolished since the national Church lost its state status and nowadays one of its leaders' main tasks is to attract parishioners (especially young people) or at least to preserve the existing number of the congregation.

Fig. 1. Changes in the number of ELCS members from 2011 to 2018s

Parishioners' reduction inevitably leads to the abolition of parishes: from 2011 to 2017 more than one hundred (104) of them were closed by merging with neighboring ones, and the total number of parishes became 1335. Achieving the goal of attracting members urges ELCS to use all available means, including modern technologies. For example, since 2011 several mobile applications were developed by the ELCS. One of these applications shows the nearest Church parish to the location of user user's location. Furthermore the «Jourhavande pràst» (priest on Duty) service offers pastoral care through via three channels: by phone, email and live chat, It is available at any time all periods and times of day even when churches are closed. This project is supported at the management level

of the ELCS and is controlled by the diocesan authorities. This service is in demand among the population of Sweden: in 2018 the priests on duty received 71 thousand phone calls (on average, about 195 phone calls per day). Religious institutions in other countries have similar experience of using the media space to provide counseling and psychological assistance, for example, it is being implemented in the dioceses of the State Christian Church of England4.

At the same time, in 2011 in Russia, a youth club in the Simbirsk Metropolitan area (Ulyanovsk city) of the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC MP) prompted to life the Internet project «Father-on-line»5. This project became widely spread due to the participation of several hundred Orthodox priests and several hundred thousand users from Russia

3 Review and financial summary. The National level of the Church of Sweden. The official website of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Sweden. (2018). URL: http://svenskakyrkan.se/filer/Review%20and%20financial%20summary%202018.pdf (Accessed on January 15,2020)

4 Partnerships & Mission Annual Report (2018). URL: https://southwell.anglican.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Partnerships-Mission-Annual-Report-2018-ONLINE-002.pdf (Accessed on January 30,2020)

5 International internet-project «Father-on-line». URL: http://batyushka.online/ (Accessed on January 15,2020)



Социальная ответственность религиозных институтов: кейс Евангелическо-Лютеранской Церкви Швеции

and other countries of the world. On the official portal and its branches in social networks Orthodox priests provide round-the-clock, real-time answers to various questions of those who apply (using chats, live broadcasts and personal messages). Analyzing of the content of questions and answers allowed us to identify distinctive features from similar foreign resources. The Orthodox website pays more attention to issues of moral or theological nature, although user reviews contain gratitude for help in preserving marriage from dissolution, preventing suicide, coordinating the search for Orthodox public organizations that provide assistance to drug addicts, the disabled, the homeless, single mothers, etc. In many dioceses of the ROC MP parish priors are forced by the leadership to maintain a parish page in social networks as well as to reveal phone numbers that can be used by parishioners for asking questions. But the semantic content and content of accounts in social networks or official Internet portals are not limited by any rules and are not always focused on providing any assistance to people of the Orthodox parish (although the latter is often needed and sometimes realized).

Foreign religious institutions, providing consulting assistance, firstly declare a greater focus on helping to solve acute social problems6.

Generally, ELCS is actively developing its Internet activity, and during the eight-year period under review the most popular and promising of its forms were these:

the support of an online chat where members of the ELCS share their experiences in difficult situations and discuss problems with each other and those who are not its parishioners but need help; the support of an online chat, where everyone can get advice from a Lutheran priest. In 2017 each parish maintained about 40 chats per day. active social media accounts belonging to deacons, parish social workers and priests; Facebook, Instagram and Twitter official accounts support. Their popularity is evidenced by the fact that a post with an animated film about Christmas has gained more than 1.7 million views; various online trainings and seminars.

Religious institutions activities in media space (including online services) tend to expand both in Russia and abroad in the future, but the priority should remain for inter-

personal communication of parishioners and clergy aimed at solving problems as well.

The ELCS's cultural and educational activities.

The National Church of Sweden attaches great importance to organizing cultural events, some of which became traditional for the people of the country. Every year Sweden hosts two big events - the Book Fair in Gothenburg and the socio-political event «Almedalen Week». ELCS is the largest participant in the Book Fair and each time presents an extensive program called «Look at the human being». From year to year within the framework of the implementation of the program, one main socially significant topic is chosen and declared through the lens of which important issues, including moral issues, can be considered (the list of topics is presented in table 1). This topic passes through all seminars, exhibitions and meetings, but the focus is always set on cultural, religious and existential problems as well as on the connection between them. Although in 2015 some decrease of the attendance of the Book Fair took place, the number of visitors of the ELCS stand increased compared to 2014. This positive result emerged from deliberate efforts undertaken to improve the quality of the program and cooperation with book publishers. A new element at the Book Fair in 2018 was the ELCS stand «Teologiska hornan» («Theological Corner»), a platform for communication and debates on the theological issues. Another new feature was that conversations with the books' authors inside the stand «Look at the human being» were conducted in the form of podcasts.

Another important and large-scale activity worth mentioning within the framework of the cultural activities of the ELCS is the Almedalen Week (Almedalen). Representatives of the national Church are annually invited to participate and discuss the world's problems and establish contacts or partnership with public and private organizations. In addition to organizing concerts and conducting temples tours, representatives of the Church (bishops, priests, employees, parishioners) participate in discussions on various topics with politicians and figures of culture. Between 2011 and 2018 the main topics became anti-semitism, the role of religious communities in the process of strengthening democracy, the increasing migration flows and adaptation of migrants, the preservation of the objects of cultural heritage, etc.

6 Social Responsibility in the Diocese of Leicester (2015). URL: https://www.leicester.anglican.org/content/pages/documents/1565188033.pdf (Accessed on January 23,2020)


The social responsibility of religious institutions: case of the evangelical lutheran church of Sweden

Table 1. The ELCS activities at the Book Fair (2011-2018)7

Year Main subject Number of visitors and (or) Internet views Note

2011 Turning points 10.500 visited

2012 Poets and prophets 10.500 visited

2013 Literature and culture No data

2014 Literature No data

2015 Healthy lifestyle 13.500 visited Measures have been undertaken to intensify cooperation with publishers

2016 Violence in the name of religion and Child abuse in Mali by UN soldiers 20.000 viewed the recorded seminars on the Internet The events were broadcasted live on a Swedish radio station

2017 Education No data The fair was attended by the former German President Joachim Gauck

2018 Democracy 11.000 visited Theological Corner was established; the webcast was provided in the form of podcasts for the first time

The National Church of Sweden is also involved in organizing and hosting the following socially significant events:

The Uppsala Festival of Theology. Held every 2-3 years, visited by 1000 or more pax. Discussions of problematic issues at the level of representatives of diocesan administration with politicians are held.

The Days of the Saami People in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Sweden. The ELCS, like other Lutheran national Churches of Northern Europe, provides every support to the Sami, a small indigenous people native to the north of the region. This is manifested in the popularization of their culture, support of their national language (worshipping in native language) and provides opportunities for cooperation. In 2017 more than 500 participants from Sweden, Finland, Norway and Russia (the Saami from Murmansk region) visited the Days of the Saami people. In addition to worshipping in Sami language, concerts and various thematic seminars were held. A youth camp for children aged 14 to 25 was organized, where communication took place in different dialects of

Sami. In 2017 in honor of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, additional events (for example, «Reformationsveckan») were held in the ELCS as well as in the entire Protestant world. In the cathedral of Upsala (the historical center of the Lutheran Republic of Sweden) within the framework of this event several solemn divine services and concerts took place.

The ELCS, implementing activities in the field of social responsibility, seeks to involve artists in cooperation in order to inculcate moral values into their adherents and potential parishioners through their art. Therefore, the national Church of Sweden annually awards grants and prizes with large prize funds to encourage the creation of new works of art related to Christian traditions or based on Holy Scriptures stories. Nowadays the following awards and grants are available:

1. The Film award of the Church of Sweden — Angelos. A prize fund of SEK 50000 is awarded annually to the film, which premiered during the year. The plot, script, etc., should reflect the problems and ideals close to the views and structures of the Church.

2. The Cultural grant. Every year the Church of Sweden awards cultural grants totaling SEK 500000 in

7 Based on the materials of the annual reports by the ELCS



Социальная ответственность религиозных институтов: кейс Евангелическо-Лютеранской Церкви Швеции

music, film, literature, performing arts and visual arts field.

3. The Cultural Award of the Sami Council of the Church of Sweden. It is awarded annually since 1997 by decision of the General Synod of the ELCS to a person or group of people who have carried out missionary activities among Sami people through works of art.

4. The Liturgical award. The designated prize is a new ELCS project and was established in 2018. It is planned to be granted every two years and is intended to reward innovative work with musical and literary works to decorate sermons behind divine services. Such popularization is allowed by the church practice of Lutheran at the present stage of its development.

The Role of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Sweden in the migration policy. Nowadays the most dynamic direction of the ELCS's social activity is still the work related to the sustained migrant inflows issue. Having analyzed official reports by the biggest religious Sweden intuition, it can be clearly seen that refugees' problems (like the xenophobia and racism), mentioned in the 2011 seminars, have transformed into priority ones. This circumstance approves ELCS's rapid response to the social matters dealing with migrant's adaptation [1, 9,19].

The official view of the ELCS was declared for the first time in 2014 during public performance headed by the Archbishop. Soon the Migration Agency discussed the Church's role and function in solving migrants' adap-tational and accommodating problems. As a result of the analytic work, the decision about collaboration between the government and Church was made. Additionally, the increase in functions of the parish and diocesan organizations was validated. It should be noted that the amount of SEK 5 million funding was allocated for the fore-mentioned reason.

Moreover, the ELSC widened the sphere of partnerships and started cooperation in the sphere of migrants' engagement with the provincial governments and Job Placement Service as well as with other churches and civil society organizations including the «Save the Children» and the Red Cross.

The necessity of finding solutions of the social tension caused by refugees' and migrants' adaptational problems has revived the collaboration between the government and the ELSC. Since the autumn of 2015 the social work of numerous Swedish parishes has intensified due to the large influx of people who sought refuge in the state. The amounts of migrants' assistance programs increased. The

Swedish Church spent additionally SEK 90 million on work with refuges in 2015 and 2016.

Meanwhile, the sum of SEK 17 million for these purposes was received by Church as government subsidy. The fund-raising programs aimed at supporting children in conflict zones and drawing people's attention to inhuman migrant policies were launched. Annually (starting from 2016) the amount of SEK 75 million is allocated for the migrants and refugees. The Central Counsel of Church is spending directly SEK 60 million while the other SEK 15 million are introduced in the form of state grants.

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The ELSC assistance to migrants' adaptation is undertaken by its clergy, staff and parish volunteers. The major kinds of social activities are aimed predominantly at assistance to immigrants in Sweden language acquisition through various language clubs for refugees (the Kraslug parish) or help with the homework together with the organization of pre-school preparation (the Mor parish). It is believed to be a crucial step for maximizing labor potential and, thus, forming human capital. Psychologists and other specialists who speak Arabic and Persian are often employed in parishes. Large amounts of money are spent on translation of liturgical books into the languages of the peoples who make up the majority of refugees in order to achieve missionary goals. In addition to trying to attract migrants as members of the Church, the activities of the ELCS are one of the most important tools serving to the implementation of the socio-cultural project called «cultural Islam» [14], aimed at the process of «acculturation of migration communities into the host society» [8; 13]. In many Lutheran parishes (along with work on the adaptation of migrants) events are organized aimed at overcoming negative stereotypes in their perception by the indigenous population. There are special arts and crafts programs in several parishes, such as embroidery, knitting and sculpting. Such clubs try to involve migrants to help each person to learn new skills and immerse people into communication process.

Additionally, there are psychologists as well as the other specialists working in parishes. Since each of them is proficient in Arabian and Persian, it helps them to provide all the essential assistance needed. Sizable funds were spent on the liturgical books translated into migrant native languages.

The ELSC's work in the employment sphere. Overcoming of the unemployment-related problems is a burning issue that can be solved with the help of diverse social programs. The ELSC began to deal with it at the level of churches' parishes and State Employment Service. These


actions were strengthened by the agreement of cooperation between the Church and the government written in 2016. ELSC appears to be a large employer helping different social groups, especially disabled migrants.

Summarizing. Nowadays ELSC not only remains the major religious institute in Sweden, but also provides considerable support for the government acting in the field of implementation of social responsibility. The main areas of the national Swedish Church social activity are education and work on migrants' adaptation. Even though the implementation experience in the area observed is only a few years old, the variety of support programs and their effectiveness are high.

Almost all the ELCS parishes are involved in the adaptation programs for refugees and migrants. They organize events aiming at providing communicative environment and overcoming language barriers together with forming human capital. However, the most valuable programs are

The social responsibility of religious institutions: case of the evangelical lutheran church of Sweden

pre-school preparation support and explanation of school curriculums. Such measures can provide as quality education as a future human capital of the region.

The organization model directed to the realization of the ELCS's social responsibility shows that the National Church is not only a system of clustered elements of church hierarchy, but also an important social institution. Its functions are constantly widening and respond to relevant demands of modern society. Furthermore, religious organizations of different levels render social support by creating cultural and educational activities, charitable donations, volunteers' help. Social responsibility extends to the problems of socially disadvantaged people who need financial assistance as well as their participation in cultural life. Religious organizations contribute to socioeconomic development of the regions, improvement of quality and quantity of human capital and alleviation of social conditions.


1. Angstrom, J., Rooth, D.-O. (2015). Implicit prejudice and ethnic minorities: Arab- Muslims in Sweden. International Journal of Manpower, 30 (1/2), 43-55.

2. Appleby, J. K. (2011). The Role of the Catholic Church in Immigrant Integration. The Review of Faith and International Affairs, 9 (1), 67-70. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/15570274.2011.543621 (Accessed on February 26, 2020).

3. Aziz, A. (2017). Pratar medier om muslimer eller islamister? En genomgang av svenska medier. Nyanmuslim. URL: https://www.nyansmuslim.se/ (Accessed on February 18, 2020). (In Swedish).

4. Balabeykina, O., Martynov, V. (2015). Lutheranism in Finland: past and present. Baltic Region, 4, 113-121. DOI 10.5922/2079-8555-2015-4-9

5. Balabeykina, O. A., Martynov, V. L. (2017). The Denominational Space of Modern Sweden: Christianity. Baltic Region, 9 (3), 87-98. DOI: 10.5922/2074-9848-2017-3-6

6. Bogatova, O. A., Dolgaeva, E. I., Mitrofanova, A. V. (2019). Activities of the Socially Oriented Organizations of the Russian Orthodox Church: The Regional Aspects. Regionology = Russian Journal of Regional Studies, 27(3), 489512. DOI: https://d0i.0rg/l0.15507/2413-1407.107.027.201903.489-512

7. Calvin, B. Rock. (2019). The Church and Society. Biblical Research Institute General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. URL: https://www.adventistbiblicalresearch.org/sites/default/files/pdf/Church%26Society.pdf (Accessed on February 15, 2020).

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2020 Том 14 №3


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