Научная статья на тему 'The semantic organization structure of the hypero-hyponymic group "names of reindeer herders" in the language of the Alutor Koryaks'

The semantic organization structure of the hypero-hyponymic group "names of reindeer herders" in the language of the Alutor Koryaks Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Sorokin A.A.

The article presents the analysis of the semantic structure of the names of reindeer herders in the language of one of the indigenous inhabitants of Kamchatka, i.e. the Alutor Koryaks. After the comparison of the characteristics of the nomadic reindeer herders group (the Chavchuvens) with (semi)settled reindeer herders group (the Alutors), distinctive features associated with the way of life of these groups have been revealed, which also finds its reflection in the language. The names of reindeer herders are accompanied by context, while the general table reflects the hierarchical organization of this hypero-hyponymic group.

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В статье проведен анализ семантической структуры наименований пастухов-оленеводов в языке коренных жителей Камчатки – олюторских коряков. При сравнении особенностей оленеводства у группы кочевых коряков-чавчувенов с (полу)оседлой группой коряков-алюторцев, выявляются отличительные черты, связанные с жизненным укладом этих групп, что находит свое отражение в языке. Названия пастухов-оленеводов сопровождаются контекстами, а также общей таблицей, отражающей иерархическую структуру организации данной родо-видовой группы.

Текст научной работы на тему «The semantic organization structure of the hypero-hyponymic group "names of reindeer herders" in the language of the Alutor Koryaks»

Ural-Altaic, Palaeo-Siberian, Eskimo-Aleut, Dravidian and Sino-Tibetan languages. Japanese. Korean. Ainu

(UDC 811.5)

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18454/RULB.9.01 Сорокин А.А.

Аспирант кафедры русской филологии, Камчатский государственный университет имени Витуса Беринга СЕМАНТИЧЕСКАЯ СТРУКТУРА ОРГАНИЗАЦИИ РОДО-ВИДОВОЙ ГРУППЫ «НАЗВАНИЯ ПАСТУХОВ-ОЛЕНЕВОДОВ» В ЯЗЫКЕ ОЛЮТОРСКИХ КОРЯКОВ


В статье проведен анализ семантической структуры наименований пастухов-оленеводов в языке коренных жителей Камчатки - олюторских коряков. При сравнении особенностей оленеводства у группы кочевых коряков-чавчувенов с (полу)оседлой группой коряков-алюторцев, выявляются отличительные черты, связанные с жизненным укладом этих групп, что находит свое отражение в языке. Названия пастухов-оленеводов сопровождаются контекстами, а также общей таблицей, отражающей иерархическую структуру организации данной родо-видовой группы.

Ключевые слова: оленеводческая лексика, названия пастухов-оленеводов, язык олюторских коряков, родовидовая группа.

Sorokin A.A.



The article presents the analysis of the semantic structure of the names of reindeer herders in the language of one of the indigenous inhabitants of Kamchatka, i.e. the Alutor Koryaks. After the comparison of the characteristics of the nomadic reindeer herders group (the Chavchuvens) with (semi)settled reindeer herders group (the Alutors), distinctive features associated with the way of life of these groups have been revealed, which also finds its reflection in the language. The names of reindeer herders are accompanied by context, while the general table reflects the hierarchical organization of this hypero-hyponymic group.

Keywords: reindeer lexis, names of reindeer herders, the language of the Alutor Koryaks, hypero-hyponymic group.

Почта авторов / Author Email: asorokin23@mail.ru

As it was rightly pointed out by a well-known Northern studies scholar, ethnographer and linguist S.N.Stebnitskiy, reindeer breeder is a northern herdsman, whose life is provided for by his own property, a herd of reindeer, while the life of a seaside Koryak is provided for worse than the life of a reindeer herder. The provision of maritime hunters or fishermen depends on a series of natural conditions - on the abundance of fish and marine animals in a given season, in particular. Reindeer breeders, however, can regulate their own well-being. Breeders often say "Our food walks around us," while hunters have to go far into the tundra or on the sea ice to get their food. [9, p. 75]

According to S.N.Stebnitskiy, the main difference between reindeer herders of two types (Chavchuvens and Alutors) lies in the fact that for Chavchuvens a reindeer is an animal, which is the foundation of their lives (it provides them with food, material for clothing, shelter, transportation), they hardly ever go fishing, except for relatively few cases when they fish at theirs summer camps. However, they make no storage for the winter - they catch fish for daily livelihood, while all of their economic activities are subordinated to the needs of reindeer herds. Essential products of the offshore operation are exchanged for with seaside Koryaks, for example, seal skins for shoe soles and belts, seal oil necessary for lighting etc. [9, p. 68]

Reindeer breeding of Alutors (compared to Chavchuven reindeer breeding), according to S.N.Stebnitskiy: "...has grown on the basis of already existing maritime hunting and fishing economies. So, for Alutors reindeer breeding plays the role of an auxiliary branch of the economy." [9, p. 71]

The above mentioned differences in the economic activity of both Chavchuvens and Alutors can be easily traced in the languages of these people. In this article we will

consider the similarities and differences in the names of the reindeer herders among Chavchuvens (a nomadic group of the Koryaks) and Alutors ((semi-)settled group of the Koryaks). The following vocabulary group is described in various works based on the materials of different languages: Lappish (Ershtadt A.M., 2014), Khanty (Onin S.V. 2002), Chukchi (Kulikova I.V., 1984), Chavchuven dialect of the Koryak language (Megumi Kurebito, 2009). However, there is no specific study of the Alutor dialect, which explains the relevance of the chosen topic. The object of the present study is reindeer breeding vocabulary in the language of Alutor Koryak, which includes the hypero-hyponymic group (hereinafter HHG) "Names of Reindeer Herders." The subject of the study contains simple, incorporative lexical units which denote the names of herders. The aim of this paper is to describe the names of reindeer herders and identify the structure of the organization of the vocabulary group under consideration. Materials for the study include field notes made by the author during his expeditions to such villages of the Kamchatka Krai as Tilichiki, Vyvenka (hereinafter Vvn), Khailino and Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky (hereinafter P-K) within the period of time from 2009 to 2016. We studied lexicographical sources [1; 2; 3; 5; 7] with the help of the continuous sampling method. Sign : stands for variant names, sign = denotes synonyms. Vladimir Mihaylovich Nutayulgin provided us with invaluable advice in the process of writing - he is an expert in his native language from Vyvenka. For many years he has been working in the field of radio and television broadcasting in his native languages.

The generic word of HHG "Names of Reindeer Herders" is рамкын (ра - house, -мкын - group, community) - camp of reindeer herders [7, p. 287]. Группа дамоф, стойбище,

опщиства людей, бригада, стада качюит и вес' каликтиф людей вмести, бригадапастухоф. [P-К]

The main distinctive feature (hereinafter DF) of this HHG is its "Executive function" - the role of the reindeer herder-breeder in the activities of the entire camp, brigade. Specific lexical units include:

Цалвътг'ылг'ын (далвыл - herd, a herd of reindeer, -лг'ын - suffix which means "living creature") - the owner of the herd, the master of the camp; the one, who owns and disposes of the reindeer herd (this word is not provided in lexicographical sources).

$урауталг 'ын (дура - reindeer, дытакки - walk, follow the reindeer, -лг'ын - suffix which means "living creature") - reindeer herder-breeder, who herds reindeer in the daytime (this word is not provided in lexicographical sources).

Тыюлг'ын (тыЮкки - watch, guard, supervise, -лг'ын -suffix which means "living creature") - herder-guard, who watches reindeer at night [7, p. 298]. Начной был тыюл'ын, а днём каторый был %ураутал?ын. Вот два времини сутак, адин на нач', адин днём. Этат, как правила, %урауталрын пастаянна, каждый ден' выхадш, а тыюлру чириз ден' минЯлис', чириз ноч'. Ат тыюкки стиреч', караулит', а уураутак, ну, ^урам^и и йытыкки - тот, кто, йиво так чафчувЭны пириводят - уурамми йытыкки, за аленями хадит', то йис' ани, видима, ухадили и аленей забирали, привадили, приганяли патом дамой. ХатЯ ни абизатил 'на, што ани Этим занималис', проста типер' такая у них абязаннаст' была. Или дажЭ иура уытак, $урау, если Эта слова сюда, уытакки - Эта настигат', заивляцца. Как ран 'шы на саривнавания тожы притти, пржхат', притти на вызаф и так далие, тип таво. [P-K] Абычна вот сюда аснавной чилавек, каторый панимаит дела, Эта абычна, асобинна летам, аснавной чилавек, и ф падмогу йиму адин-два чилавека были. Ноч'ю - то жы самое, адин старше, а другой -памаложе. Хатя ф старину, кагда табуны были бал 'шыи, нам рассказывали, абычна щас адин-два чилавека там, бываит так абычна два-три, ретк, дажы большы два чилавека, а ф старину, гаварят, па восим' чилавек, да таво табуны были бал 'шыи. [Vvn]

$урагынтитылг'ын (дура - reindeer, гынтитык -watch, guard, look after, -лг'ын - suffix which means "living creature") : гынтитысг'ын (гынтитык - watch, guard, look after, -сг'ын/-лг'ын - suffix which means "living creature") - herder-guard, watcher [7, p. 253].

Тупатысг'ын : тупыгьшг'ын : тупыгьшисг'ын (synonym дурагынтитылг'ын : гынтитысг'ын) - herder-guard, watcher (this word is not provided in lexicographical sources). Ну где-та ф той меснасти, каторую я сиводня рисавал, там очин' асобина ран'шы, кагда маршруты тждаму табуну ни апридилялис', и каждый как хател, так и качивал, дажы ф симидисятыи годы. И вот штобы вот тут с кем-нибут' ни сталкнуца, ни слица с кем-нибут', был вот такой чилавек тупатысрын. Тупатык - такое выражЭние, забрацца на виршыну сопки, гары и аттуда асматрецца. [P-K] Тупыуыл'рын или тупыуылисрын - Эта развечик, алинивот-развечик Звино, например, шЭс'-сем' чилавек. Летам двое ноч'ю,

двое - днём, патом абычна адин развечик, паварша, ну, и там брали если пажылова, штоп он там па хазяйству там драва памагал. [Vvn]

Яльгытысьг 'ын (Ялгытык - roam, move from place to place, -сг'ын/-лг'ын - suffix which means "living creature")

- person responsible only for the transportation of things during migrations from one place to another one (this word is not provided in lexicographical sources). Патом инагда ф таких каликтивах летних был йищо дажы ял 'уытыс 'Рын, ат слова ялгытык - качофщик, тот, кто тол'ка качивал, то йис' пиривазш фсё имущиства с аднаво места на другое, ял 'уытыс 'Рын. Эта, гаварят, у талофских была: двое начныт, двое днивных и два яльуытыс 'Ру, каторыи тол 'ка лагер' с места на места пиринасили, правдаили нет. [P-K]

Г'урасик - human, young man [7, p. 257]; an assistant of reindeer herders-breeders, handyman (this meaning has apparently become obsolete with time as it is not recorded in the dictionaries). Парин', юнаша, маладой чилавек. Можыт быт', ф старину ани были работники, дажы имя такое ест'. Ф сшсках такое часта фстричаица, вот он стал работникам, видима, патчинённыи, пацаны, парни, маладёш. Жынихи ани были, ф сшсках ани фсё далжны были успиват' делат'. [P-K]

Милгылг'атысг'ын (милгьшг'атык - keep the fire alive, burn fire, -сг'ын - suffix which means "living creature") - cook [7, p. 274] (syn.: сепатылг'ын (сештык -make tea, -лг'ын - suffix which means "living creature") -cook [7, p. 290], кукевылг'ын (кукевык - cook, -лг'ын -suffix which means "living creature") - cook, responsible for cooking food [7, p. 268]. Вапще чумработница нидавнапаявтас', ф старину алиниводы шли на лета сами, биз жЭн 'щин. У них дажы места, куда, видима, палатак не была, ни называлас' там пулатка, рамкын, а называлас' милуылРатынны - то места, где жжигали кастёр. Видима, вещи какие ани фсё на сибе таскали, никаких в'ючных аленей, ни то штоп лашадей, фсё на сибе таксали и жЭн 'щин с сабой ни брали. А патом ужЭ дажы у нас ани называли жЭн 'щин «Миууа аси повар турыкки?», повар, да, повар. [P-K]

ТЭуатылг'ын (тэдатык - store up, stock up fish, -лг'ын

- suffix which means "living creature") - herder, who is left (typically) without any work related to the herd to stock up fish during the summertime (this word is not provided in lexicographical sources). У вывинских йищо был тЭуатылРын, каторый на лета аставался у риш и загатавливал рыбу. Он атнасшся абычна из Этих пастухоф, каторый зимой палнацЭнный пастух ф часных стадах, но на лета каму-та наловит рыбу, вот он назывался тЭуатылРын. [P-K]

The above given distribution of reindeer breeders among Alutors according to the role they perform in reindeer herding is somewhat different from similar names among Chavchuven reindeer breeders. For example, a foreign linguist and researcher Megumi Kurebito who dealt with the description of various groups of vocabulary in the language of Koryaks-Chavchuvens offers the following distribution of the reindeer herders-breeders:

ffimu^ 'um 'un - the owner of the camp, herd



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goxyma^ 'bin - daytime herder

ubiuym 'bin - night herder

Mu^brn^ 'этblцг 'bin - responsible for cooking food

go^unnemu^ 'bin - herder-guard г 'oRHeK - assistant, handyman





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nnenam 'bin - left in the camp

_ anomearn 'bin - left for the summertime

- yauyaubimeam 'bin - left for the autumn

nuyfleyum 'um 'un - left for the winter

[11, P. 105]

Fig. 1 - Distribution of the reindeer herders-breeders by Megumi Kurebito

It is clear from the table that HHG includes two micro groups. DF of the first one is, as is the case with Alutors "Executive function", is the role of the reindeer herderbreeder in the activities of the entire camp, brigade. DF for the second micro group is "Distribution by seasonal work," this DF does not exist in the names of the reindeer herders of Alutors. This can be explained by the fact that the second micro-group is headed by the generic word Hnenam'un (literally the one, who is left) - it refers to herders, which are usually left without work related to the herd for a certain period of time to carry out different kind of work, other than reindeer herding (mostly stocking up fish). This feature is not relevant for a group of Alutor reindeer herders, since in their economic activities they combine reindeer herding and fishing. This assumption is confirmed by the records of S.N.Stebnitskiy, where it says: "... Alutor reindeer-herders fished not only for daily subsistence in the summertime, but also stocked up sun-cured Pacific salmon for the winter just like their seaside tribesmen. For Chavchuven reindeer breeders the main food consisted of reindeer meat, while for Alutors it was completely different. Alutors say that for them sun-cured Pacific salmon is the same thing as bread is for the

Russians. It was their main food, despite the fact that they were engaged in reindeer herding as well - their main provision was sun-cured Pacific salmon, not reindeer meat. All Alutor reindeer herders-breeders were also engaged in marine fishing. In the spring, before the start of the fish run, families of Alutor reindeer breeders moved to the coast and put one of the yaranga camps or tents there. From here they moved to the sea ice on sleds pulled by dogs and hunted for seals." [9, p. 69-70] Thus, lexical units presented in the work of Megumi Kurebito to indicate herders, whose activities are distributed over the seasons outside the herd (anomeam 'bin -herder left for the summertime, yauyauumeam'un - herder left for the autumn, xutyneyu^ 'birn 'bin - herder left for the winter), cannot be found in the language of Alutor Koryaks. All of these lexical units are used instead of one word mэyamblг'bln - herder who is left (typically) without work related to the herd for the summertime to stock up fish.

We can find clear correspondences in the structure of division of Chavchuven reindeer breeders according to the role they perform in reindeer herding in the above mentioned group of Alutor reindeer herders, while there are also some minor differences:

Table 1 - The structure of reindeer breeders division of the Chavchuven and the Alutor

Chavchuven Reindeer Herders Alutor Reindeer Herders

^OTbOT ' bmr'bffl QaOTbmr ' bmr'biH

ÇoigTaOT'biH ÇypâgTaOT'biH

HblHynr'bffl TbIKMr'bffl

ÇoirbiHHeTbmr ' brn ÇypârbiHTHTbiOT'bffl : rbiHTHTbicr'biH

No equivalent TynâTbicr'biH : TynbirbiOT'biH : TynbirbMHcr'biH (syn.

MHOTbmbr ' этbraг' biH Mmarbir' âTbicr' biH=cenâTbmr' biH=KyKéBbiot ' mh

No equivalent ÄtfbrblTblCbr'bffl

T'oiraeK FypâcHK

No equivalent Тэgâтbmг'bffl

Below there is a table containing names of reindeer herders-breeders in the language of Alutor Koryaks.

PmiKhi.H -reindeer herders camp

Ijypdymcm 'bin - reindeer herder-breeder, who herds reindeer in the daytime

Тыюлг'ын - herder-guard who is watching reindeer at niçht

ffypä гы шпшпылг 'ын : гынтйтысг'ын - herder-guard, watcher g

= Tyndmuce'biH : mynbizbm'biH : mynbisbiiucs 'uh - herder-guard, watcher

Jl.ibzumucbz %ih - person, responsible for moving things during migrat ion from one p lace to another one

r'ypâcuK - human, young man; assistant ofreindeer herders, handyman

Mwzbm 'amucz 'uh - cook =

= C'endmbm 'uh - cook =

= Кукёвилг 'ын - cook

T3ydmhi№'htH - herder, who does no work in the camp during summertimeto stockup fish

Fig. 2 - Names of reindeer herders-breeders in the language of Alutor Koryaks

Thus, we analyzed 15 lexical units - the names of reindeer herders-breeders in the language of Alutor Koryaks. 7 of these lexical units (they comprise 46.7% of the total number of words) helped us to find meanings not recorded in lexicographical sources. We specified the semantics of one of the lexical units which is not provided in the dictionary as well. This HHG has a hypero-hyponymic organizational structure, within which we can trace the relationship of synonymy (tfyp&bmmumbi^'bm = mynambi^'biu - herder-guard, watcher; Murnbim'ambKz'bm = cenambirn'bm =

KyKeebim'bm - cook), as well as find variants (tfурaгblнmиmblмг'blн : гuнmиmuсг'uн - herder-guard, watcher; mynamu^'bm : mynbiabirn'bm : mynbtebim^'bm -herder-guard, watcher). Despite the fact that herding and breeding is an auxiliary branch of economy for the group of Alutor Koryak languages (they borrowed it from the Chavchuven reindeer herders), it forms its own structure and the names used by Alutor Koryaks are different from the names of the Chavchuven reindeer herders who perform a particular role at reindeer farms.

Список литературы / References

1. Жукова А. Н. Словарь корякско-русский и русско-корякский: Около 4000 слов / А. Н. Жукова. - 3-е изд., доп. и перераб. - СПб : филиал изд-ва «Просвещение», 2003. - 239 с.

2. Жукова А. Н. Тематический словарь корякского языка: Учеб. пособие для уч-ся ср. шк. Крайнего Севера / А. Н. Жукова. - СПб : Издательство «Дрофа» Санкт-Петербург, 2007. - 87 с.

3. Жукова А. Н. Язык паланских коряков / А. Н. Жукова. - Ленинград: Наука, 1980. - 288 с.

4. История и культура коряков. - Санкт-Петербург : Наука, 1993. - 240 с.

5. Кибрик А. Е. Язык и фольклор алюторцев / А. Е. Кибрик, С. В. Кодзасов, И. А. Муравьева. - Моск. гос. ун-т им. М.В. Ломоносова. Филол. фак. М.: Наследие, 2000. - 468 с.

6. Куликова И. В. Оленеводческая лексика в современном чукотском языке: дис. ... канд. филол. наук: 10.02.02 / И. В. Куликова. - Ленинград, 1984. - 180 с.

7. Нагаяма Ю. Очерк грамматики алюторского языка / Ю. Нагаяма ; Предисловие Т. Цумагари. - Киото, Nakanishi Printing Co., Ltd., 2003. - 314 с.

8. Онина С. В. Оленеводческая лексика в хантыйском языке: дис. ... канд. филол. наук: 10.02.22 / С. В. Онина. -Йошкар-Ола, 2002. - 170 с.

9. Стебницкий С. Н. Очерки этнографии коряков / С. Н. Стебницкий. - Санкт-Петербург: Наука, 2000. - 236 с.

10. Эрштадт А. М. Лексика традиционных хозяйственных занятий кольских саамов (на материале кильдинского диалекта саамского языка): дис. ... канд. филол. наук: 10.02.02 / А. М. Эрштадт. - Мурманск, 2014. - 320 с.

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

11. Kurebito M. Linguistic Ethnography of the Koryak / M. Kurebito. - Sapporo : Hokkaido University Press, 2009. -382 p.

Список литературы на английском языке / References in English

1. Zhukova A. N. Slovar' koriaksko-russkiy i russko-koriakskiy: Okolo 4000 skov. [Koryak Russian and Russian Koryak Dictionary: About 4000 words] / A. N. Zhukova. - 3rd ed., revised. - St.P: Branch of the Publishing House "Prosveshcheniye," - 2003. - 239 p. [In Russian]

2. Zhukova A. N. Tematicheskiy slovar' koriakskogo yazika: Uchebnoe posobiye dlia uchashchikhsia srednigh shkol Kraynego Severa [Thematic Dictionary of Koryak Language: Study Guide for Students of Secondary School in Extreme North] / A. N. Zhukova. - St.P: Publishing House "Drofa". - 2007. - 87 p. [In Russian]

3. Zhukova A.N. Yazik palanskikh koriakov [Language of Palansk Koryak] / A. N. Zhukova. - Leningrad: Nauka, 1980. - 288 p. [In Russian]

4. Istoria i kultura koriakov [History and Culture of Koryaks] - St. Petersburg.: Nauka, 1993. - 240 p. [In Russian]

5. Kibrik A. E. Yazik i fol'klor aliutortsev [Language and Folklore of Alutors] / A. E. Kibrik, S. V. Kodzasov, I. A. Muravieva. - MSU n.a. M.V. Lomonosov. Phil.Department. - M. : Naslediye, - 2000. - 468 p. [In Russian]

6. Kulikova I. V. Olenevodcheskaya leksika v sovremennom chukotskom yazike [Reindeer vocabulary in Modern Chukchi Language]: dis. ... of PhD in Phil.Sciences: 10.02.02/ I. V. Kulikova. - Leningrad., 1984. [In Russian]

7. Nagayama Y. Ocherk grammatiki aliutorskogo yazika [Essay on Grammar of Alutor Language] / Y. Nagayama, Preface by T. Tsumagari. - Kyoto : Nakanishi Printing Co., Ltd., - 2003. - 314 p. [In Russian]

8. Onina S. V. Olenevodcheskaya leksika v khntiyskom yazike [Reindeer Vocabulary in the Khanty Language]: dis. ... of Ph.D in Phil.Sciences: 10.02.22 / S. V. Onina. - Ioshkar Ola, 2002. - 170 p. [In Russian]

9. Stebnitskiy S. N. Ocherk etnographii koriakov [Essay on Koryak Ethnography] / S. N. Stebnitskiy - St. Petersburg : Nauka, 2000. - 236 p. [In Russian]

10. Ershtadt A. M. Leksika traditsonnykh khoziaystvennykh zaniatiy kol'skikh saamov (na material kildinskogo dialekta saamskogo yazika) [Vocabulary of Traditional Economic Activities of Kola Lapp (on the material of Kildin Lapp language dialect)]: dis. ... of Ph.D. in Phil.Sciences: 10.02.02 / A. M. Ershtadt. - Murmansk, 2014. - 320 p. [In Russian]

11. Kurebito M. Linguistic Ethnography of the Koryak / M. Kurebito. - Sapporo : Hokkaido University Press, 2009. -382 p.

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