Научная статья на тему 'The scientific reception of R. Ivanychuk’s historical novels'

The scientific reception of R. Ivanychuk’s historical novels Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Pysarenko Kateryna Viktorivna

The publication is written in the context of modern linguistics in reference to problems of human nature and its ideology. The article deals with researchers’ views on R. Ivanychuk’s works. The specific using of lexical material to indicate different levels of human relationships, its applying according to the author’s intention are analyzed in this publication. There is an attempt to detect the interaction of using specific vocabulary groups in R. Ivanychuk’s idiostyle.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The scientific reception of R. Ivanychuk’s historical novels»

Thus, the most important task of the book «The century of doomsday» — to find ways to the God, to find arguments, methods and ways to waken in heart of the person sanctity. Scientific achievements of the modern quantum physics accepting the Absolute field of the Universe, the Maximum reason, i. e. irrational are resulted even. And, as well as at An-dreev, sounds: «In the person the greatest secret of the Universe is hidden». However, despite of sad revelations and the gloomy

prophecies uniting of two authors, Elubay's book is filled by understanding, that all existential throwings of the person between poles of goods and a harm — the unique way to its enlightenment is boundless deep and immensely complex soul. It is the book of persistent doubts and uncompromising questions, the leader nevertheless through labyrinthes of errors to clarity, true, light.


1. Bakhtin M. M. The esthetics of verbal work. - M.: Art, 1986. - 445 p.

2. Sartre Jeau-Paul. The existentialism is a humanism [http://scepsis.net] - the Mode of access. - URL: http://scepsis.net/ library/id_545.html (Date of the reference: 15.08.15).

3. Andreev L. Life of Basil Thebes//The resurrection of all the dead. - St. P.: The ABC-Classic, 2005.

4. Zamansskaya V. V. The existential tradition in the Russian literature of XX century. Dialogues on borders of centuries: the Manual. - M.: Flint, 2002. - 303 with.

5. Elubay S. The century of doomsday (the Book for doubtful people). Almaty: Mereke baspasy, 2011. - 343 p. In Russian and Kazakh languages.

Pysarenko Kateryna Viktorivna, H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, postgraduate student, Ukrainian language-literature faculty E-mail: katerinka415549 @mail.ru

The scientific reception of R. Ivanychuk's historical novels

Abstract: The publication is written in the context of modern linguistics in reference to problems of human nature and its ideology. The article deals with researchers' views on R. Ivanychuk's works. The specific using of lexical material to indicate different levels of human relationships, its applying according to the author's intention are analyzed in this publication. There is an attempt to detect the interaction of using specific vocabulary groups in R. Ivanychuk's idiostyle.

Keywords: linguistics, semantics, vocabulary units, idiostyle, historical novel.

Modern linguistics is characterized by paying due atten- The mentioned features of his works involves the using of

tion to the problems of human nature, its ideology and con- complex of tools. This approach consists of: 1). the author's sciousness. Designated phenomena in the context of language modernistic approach to writing of literary works; 2). the

learning fiction correlated with verbal expression of the image of man as representing mental specific features which influenced the formation of the facts of history. The studying of R. Ivanychuk's works in linguistics addressed O. Khomiak, who analyzed the author's idiostyle of the novel «The Crane Creek» as part of a comprehensive study in the thesis the linguistics of the Ukrainian prose of 1960-1990th. The thesis of linguist G. Horodylovskoyi was devoted to analysis using elements of scientific and journalistic styles in the historical works of the writer. V. Buda has made a thorough study of linguistics historical novel about the age of Cossacks, devoting attention to the works of R. Ivanychuk.

The researcher ofR. Ivanchuk's creativity N. Bichuya identified it as a philosophical and "ukrainistic" [2, 130]. V. Anto-fiychuk, L. Volovets, O. Gandzya, R. Hrom'yak, V. Donchyk, M. Zhulynskyi, M. Ilnytskyy, G. Nasminchuk, S. Pidoprygora, M. Slaboshpytsky, A. Shevchenko and other Ukrainian scientists have researches in the same perspective.

philosophical component indicating the author's concep-tuality and strategy; 3). the artistic skills in the depiction of characters and plots; 4). the compulsory involvement of folksong elements and even phantasmagoric view at the historical reality. The mentioned aspects we are going to explore in this article in the light of the researcher's views of R. Ivanchuk creation.

His own concept creative the writer identified himself succinctly and clearly: "The general concept of all my historical novels reduced to a single formula "The Sword and The Thinks", which means changing of the devices of weapons, devices of combat" [7, 74]. So also is the most prominent of his works have been previously explained by the author. For example, in the book "Pure metals of human words", he stated the purpose and tasks of writing the novel "The scars on the rock": to reveal the key moments of spiritual history of the Ukrainian people in social, moral and aesthetic manifestations. A series of novels have to be connected in such way that

The scientific reception of R. Ivanychuk's historical novels

each subsequent work ought to connects with the previous; a complete picture of the key points in our history should to be reflected in the series of novels [6, 223]. It is thus novel echoes appointed two decades of the triptych "Cross pilgrimage" through the characters, scenes and concepts.

The work over the historical novel is hard, because it requires a detailed study of documents, memoirs and other similar works of art. It also provides significant deepening into the very literary work and the process of creating artwork. We agree with the opinion of O. Yeremenko and D. Pyshnoyi that the author skillfully contains fragments of real historical certificates into his own vision of some of those events, he combines proven facts and fiction so as not to disrupt the veracity, but he adds some artistic marking [5; 7].

Language features, that provide the reliability to R. Ivanychuk's works, are not the using of only historicism, but the relevant one epic proper names of the characters. Thus, in the novel "Malvy" we find the availability of anthroponymical paroniymi-cal parallels when Ukrainian names turn on the phonetically similar Turkish ones (Andrew — Alim, Simon — Selim). This fact follows the readers to Janissaries who forgot not only their native names but even the whole previous life. For example, anthroponomies Calligrapher (as chronicler) and Presluzhych (as Prince). The writer doesn'n often use this names that seman-tically correspond to the nature of their speakers. The author rare uses this method for not to lose credibility appropriate measures, where calligraphers nonetheless could be as nicknames (last name) given at that time according the profession (cf..: cobbler Philip wax end of the novel "Manuscript of Ruska Street "). Moreover, this character is the bearer of many aphorisms (eg., "Do not die a terrible person, but bezslidnist"), i. e. philosophically fills the product.

The famous historical characters portrayed antagonistic pairs through the anthroponymy (Jan Sobieski — Peter Do-roshenko, Bogdan Khmelnitsky — Khmelnitsky Yurko et al.). It confirmes the long confrontation of different views on the development of Ukraine and its independence.

The author shows status and ethnic differences trough the form of anthroponyms. Thus, in the novel "The Horde" we find a rich list of proper names: 1). Ukrainian two-form Ivan Sko-ropadsky Paul Polubotok; 2). forms with the local refinements Pereyaslav Tomar, Nijinsky Zhurahivskyy; 3). The status refinements cornet Zabila, Colonel Galagan, hermit Epiphanius; 4). the female forms Motria Kochubeyivna, Kochubeyiha.

Researchers of anthroponymicon of R. Ivanchuk's novels (L. Duca, I. Ilchenko et al.) rightly notes that the writer, attracting names both real and implied characters, based on archival documents, fiction and folklore of other authors works. He creates the fictional names by parity of reasoning to the traditional models of historical Ukrainian anthroponymicon. However, his idiostyle is character ized by absence of overloading of semantic parallels of character and his features, so the narrative is perceived organically and easily.

Scholars of R. Ivanychuk's works note the philosophical basis of his novels. Thus, the novel "The Fourth Dimension"

shows the deep meaning even in its title. It is explained as follows: "the fourth dimension to yourself in the center of your soul, the principles laid down there, from which you did not recede ...". V. Donchyk calls this work monologic novel, because its narrative form — thoughts, monologues of Mykola Hulak (Ukrainian writer of the nineteenth century.) of generosity, life choice between humiliation and honor [10, 108113]. So, the readers of this monologues realize the image of this man, completing by numerous aphorisms (eg., "Went to jail encyclopedia, encyclopedic and out").

The language of novel "The Castle" is filled with philosophical maxims and aphorisms, after which the story gets philosophical and j ournalistic features. The structure is a form of dispute on the topics of history of the people, the purpose of literature, the struggle for independence and others.

Plug-in short stories also characterize the novel "The Water Stone", where its represent some exotic episodes of biographies of historical characters. Its depth and originality could be the basis of another novels because they stimulate the reader's thinking about the possible developing of events.

Another defining modern feature of R. Ivanchuk's idiostyle is so-called by researchers "a phantasmagoric elements". Thus, in the novel "Manuscript of Ruska Street" phantasmagoria adjoines the actually spelled scenes ("Sturm between Baron saw the devil. He recognized Antipko ...").

In the novel "The scars on the rock" we find the character of Ivan Franko, whose image the writer wants to bring our era with help of differrent tools. And according to some researchers' views (S. Andrusiv, M. Ilnytskyy, V. Korniychuk) this character receives from the author an opportunity of fantastic visions into chimeric plot. There he watches the conflict of Daniel Galician and his singer Mytusa, which is described more detail in later novel-triptych "Cross pilgrimage" (for example, the aphorism of the singer: "I hate you, prince, but love; you love me, but hate").

Fantasmahoria appears in some images created by the author and attracted to stories. Thus, the image of the Master of Time and Space from the novel "The Fourth Dimension" is the bearer of philosophical vision of the world and explain the truths which are not subject to man. The image of Master Severin in the novel "The Castle" continues the writer's series of Masters. N. Bichuya notes the writer often refers to as his characters, as seen himselve in these images [2, 133].

In the novel "The Castle" fantasmahoria appears in a bizarre depictions of time travel. The characters turn on their predecessors or ancestors. R. Ivanychuk used this artistic method in the novel trilogy "Cross pilgrimage." It should be noted that the journey itself (travels) is one of the author's concepts of R. Ivan-chuk. One of his long-time researcher — N. Bichuya — notes this fact. She adds that the firstly this travels are far or close, and then — they are "locked up in space". So it is clearly designated for location of characters, events, thoughts [2, 133].

So the combination of reality and unreality of events is due through a combination of different time planes. Thus, in the novel "The scars on the rock" A. Yeremenko and D. Lush

determine temporal storyline spans ofthree time planes — modernity, Franko 's era and D. Galician's era. It should be noted the D. Galician's era begins with the modern era: the author describes the hero's vision began with the specific signal receiving on arrival in Urich (a former center of Galicia-Volyn land and one of the favorite places of Franko). Art worked time space in his novels is not consistent, but colorful. It serves to the main purpose of the author — to highlight connections and parallels of historical events. This method of the time switch is used by the writer of two decades at the triptych "Cross pilgrimage".

Thus, researchers of R. Ivanchuk's works define such the main features of his idiostyle:

— respecting of historical authenticity. It is through the-successful involvement of quotations from the text of art and journalistic works, fragments of documents, memoirs into the plot of novel. This writer combines the biographical facts with his own guesses, autobiographical elements. He involves real and implied characters into the one game of the continuum;

— implementation of the requirements of artistic skill as musicianship of phrases, completing of narration, clarity of author's thought, expression of events and dynamic of images;

— using of folk-song elements: folk ballads, legends, songs, folk stylization plug-in microtexts. It is an "emotional case of a work" and its "authenticity" when the reader feels like a participant in the events;

— a sense of proportion in using of historical vocabulary, proper names of characters by which the author depicts the antagonistic relationship between them, status and ethnic differences. The names of the implied characters are created by analogy to the traditional models of historical Ukrainian anthroponymicon.

— filling of philosophical maxims and aphorisms. So, some works have philosophical and journalistic features. The structure is a form of dispute on the topics of history of the people, the purpose of literature, the struggle for independence, etc;

— using of phantasmagoric elements. It appears to the involving of relevant images, the ability to fantastic visions, the bizarre time travel description of the characters in the turning on their predecessors or ancestors. The combination of reality and unreality of events is due to a combination of different time planes.


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