THE SCIENCE OF EDUCATION AGAINST INFORMATION ATTACKS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Гуманитарные науки»

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Ключевые слова
information attack / information space / destructive and aggressive ideas / national ideology / Odnoklassniki / Facebook / Twitter / You Tube / ideological immunity / family. / information attack / information space / destructive and aggressive ideas / national ideology / Odnoklassniki / Facebook / Twitter / You Tube / ideological immunity / family.

Аннотация научной статьи по Гуманитарные науки, автор научной работы — Tursunova Sh.B.

In this article, the Internet is one of the most dynamic tools of the information space, which provides a wide range of opportunities for information exchange, as well as necessary information, and helps prevent destructive and aggressive ideas alien to our national ideology and incompatible with our spirituality. The importance and influence of education and training are considered.

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In this article, the Internet is one of the most dynamic tools of the information space, which provides a wide range of opportunities for information exchange, as well as necessary information, and helps prevent destructive and aggressive ideas alien to our national ideology and incompatible with our spirituality. The importance and influence of education and training are considered.



Tursunova Sh.B. associate professor department "Uzbek language and social sciences"

TATU Urganch branch Orchid: 0009-0008-9812-308X



Abstract. In this article, the Internet is one of the most dynamic tools of the information space, which provides a wide range of opportunities for information exchange, as well as necessary information, and helps prevent destructive and aggressive ideas alien to our national ideology and incompatible with our spirituality. The importance and influence of education and training are considered.

Key words: information attack, information space, destructive and aggressive ideas, national ideology, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Twitter, You Tube, ideological immunity, family.

Introduction: For man, information is the most effective tool because he has a mind. Logical proof, moreover, the simplest methods of conveying information, have such great power that no one can oppose it. Therefore, the people of a country whose propaganda is too strong are like fanatics. Human nature is created in such a way that he cannot live without receiving information and trying to understand it. Every person sees, hears, reads, and most importantly lives under the influence of information that reaches him constantly, continuously, day and night. Therefore, those who want to influence someone mentally with the help of information will be helped by the psychology of that person, if this person accepts the information without thinking.

Today's developing society, including young people, receives information of various contents through mass media in their daily life, educational process, and work activities. The films, shows, and radio broadcasts they watch have different effects on their spiritual world, depending on their content. Taking into account the positive and negative aspects of influence through mass media, it can be said that the role of the information environment he receives in the spiritual development of a person is great. So, what young people see and listen to today should not be left out of the attention of the family where they are growing up, as well as educational institutions.

Another of the fastest means of the information space is the Internet, which provides a wide range of opportunities for information exchange, as well as pages that promote destructive and aggressive ideas alien to our national ideology and

incompatible with our spirituality, along with the necessary information. there is Especially in recent years, the increase of pages promoting information that poisons the human mind in the international system - aggression, militancy in the spirit of murder, lies and other information that is against humanity and society -calls us to be aware. In social networks such as Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, we often see young people arguing about some issue - books, pictures, movies, songs. Of course, sharing ideas sharpens the mind. But it is necessary to understand that the impact of some socially dangerous information is more dangerous than itself.

Literature reviyew. It is known that the beginning of many sciences is taught in the family. The fairy tales we have heard - if the science of literature is the beginning, learning to count is the first lesson of mathematics. Among these, the problem of increasing ideological immunity to protect against various "information attacks" was not left out of family education. Our mothers were the first to teach us what is good and what is bad. This is good, this is bad... Don't join the bad guys, be careful with this word, don't believe it, etc. In this way, our hearts have become immune to bad things and bad words. [1.]

Each country has its own reforms in cases where information attacks may occur paying particular attention to the ideological immunity of the population against existing threats seeks to form. In what conditions, in what way and in what way, who are the information attacks or if we are aware of the network through which it comes in, the source of the information we receive is deep if we study objectively on the basis of critical analysis, no one, ever, ever under no circumstances can he send his threats to us. We take our youth from social media to the ability to distinguish between objective and biased information, using it correctly we need to turn them into representatives of intellectual society at every level.

This is the case for everyone encourages people to be aware and live with their own independent ideas. In fact, he is a sober person he always does not harm others in his every activity he pays attention to the interests of the people in his meritorious works It can be seen that the formation of the first ideological immunity in children has become a natural process of family education. The topic of distinguishing between good and bad and being careful of bad words is expressed in the following proverbs: "You follow good - you will be happy, if you follow bad - you will be ashamed", "If you walk close to the cauldron - you will be black, if you walk close to the bad, you will be struck", "A good word and a bad word come out of the same mouth", "He who believes in rumors - he will die impure", "A good word is food for the soul", "A good word comes out of a snake's den, and a bad word comes out of a sword's scabbard", "Even if you are playing, speak with thought", "Speak to the one who listens - to the one who breathes life into the soul", "You cannot appreciate the good without seeing a bad one" and so on. At the heart of these proverbs are the ideas of preventing the mind from being poisoned.

Family is the cradle of life. "Today's rapidly changing world opens up new and great opportunities for humanity and young people. At the same time, they are exposed to various evil dangers that have not been seen before. Malicious forces are turning simple, gullible children against their parents, their country, and are taking their lives.

Also, as President Shavkat Miromonovich Mirziyoyev noted, "Another important issue that always worries us is related to the manners, behavior, and, in a word, outlook of our youth. Today, times are changing rapidly. Young people are the ones who feel these changes the most. Let the youth be in harmony with the demands of their time. But at the same time, he should not forget his identity. Let the call of who we are and the descendants of great people always echo in their hearts and encourage them to stay true to themselves. At what expense do we achieve this? At the expense of education, education and only education." "In such a tense and dangerous situation, we as parents, teachers-coaches, the public, and the community should increase vigilance and awareness in this matter. He emphasizes that we should raise our children ourselves, not leave them in the hands of others. For this, we need to talk more with our youth, listen to their hearts, understand their pain, and give practical help to solve their problems. In this regard, we need to pay special attention to working with unorganized youth. In carrying out these tasks, we rely on our centuries-old national traditions and the rich heritage of our ancestors. We will mobilize all our strength and capabilities so that our children, especially girls, acquire modern knowledge and skills, foreign languages, become healthy and well-rounded in all aspects, and find a worthy place in life.[2. ]

Research Methodology. As our great thinkers A.Avloni, A.Fitratlar noted, education begins first of all with the family. The family takes the first place in raising a mature person in all respects. The family is the center of the main education. The family is a sacred place that preserves the continuity of every people and nation, ensures the development of national values, brings into the world a new generation, educates it spiritually and physically, and is considered the main foundation of society. Family is the main factor and tool in the intellectual, moral, aesthetic, physical, and spiritual material education of a child. In this case, parents are artists, children are works of art, and education is art itself. It is up to both father and mother to create a healthy environment in the family. It is the duty of parents in the family to understand and respect each other when they are angry, to trust each other, to set the division of labor in the right way, and to be equally responsible for raising children [3,38]. -b]

No parent will see evil in their child, because, as our people say, a child is made of the fat of the heart. Fitrat's work "Family" provides excellent instructions on raising a child. He said, "the happiness and honor of every nation depends on its internal discipline and harmony. Peace and harmony rest on the discipline of the families of this nation. "Where family relationships are based on strong discipline, the country and nation will be strong and great," he writes. [4,13-b] In

addition to these thoughts, it should not be forgotten that every child in the family has a legal duty to have a high consciousness, a new way of thinking and worldview, manners, and a high social attitude.

Family education is linked to school education. That is, the first ideas in the family are explained as science in school.

During the former autocratic regime, social sciences such as history and philosophy were explained in a completely different way in the sister republics, including ours. It was impossible to talk about national spirituality. False "theories" that there is no God and that religion is opium were forced into the minds of the young generation. Was it possible to talk about ideological immunity in such difficult conditions? As the first President noted, "the authoritarian system dominated by the inhumane idea used all its ideological power, mass media, and the entire educational system to poison people's minds on a large scale. He rudely belittled their national and religious feelings and distorted the historical truth. Not knowing one's native language, national traditions and culture, and one's history has become a personal tragedy for many people". [5, p. 371]

At that time, instead of arousing love for our nation and our national pride, terrible "informational attacks" were carried out against it at the level of state policy. "The natural desire to realize the national identity was ignorantly denied. Many holy holidays such as Nowruz, Ramadan, Eid al-Adha were banned. Amir Timur, Imam al-Bukhari, Imam al-Tirmizi, Ahmad al-Farghani, Bahauddin Naqshbandi, Khwaja Ahmed Yassavi, Najmiddi Kubra, Mahmud az-Zamahshari, Khwaja Ahrori Vali, Abdul Khaliq Ghiduvani, Abdullah Qadiri, There was an attempt to erase the names of the devotees of the national liberation movement, such as Abdurauf Fitrat, Abdulhamid Cholpan, Mahmudhoja Behbudi, Osman Nasir, from the memory of our people" [6, p. 372]

Conclusion/Recommendations. At a time when the global information field is expanding, it is necessary for today's parents and teachers to feel the responsibility of the time. In such a situation, not only surrounding the minds of our children, giving them one-sided upbringing saying that they should not read it, not see it, surrounding them with an iron wall, without a doubt, does not correspond to the requirements of the time and our noble goals and objectives. Why, the moral building of the legal democratic state and civil society that we are building today should be strong. This, first of all, requires educating citizens, especially young people, to be deeply educated, poplar-minded, aware of the masterpieces of their past and spiritual values, patriotic, truthful, selfless. Raising a perfect human personality is the most complicated and difficult process. It is appropriate to implement this process to inculcate national values in their minds. Therefore, today's young generation will fully understand the true essence of independence only if they know their history, culture, national values, language, religion and customs perfectly. It is no coincidence that civil society is also developed based on these national values. After all, "As long as we are building a legal democratic state, a free civil society, our program of action for the 21st

century in the field of spirituality should be based on this, that is, the development of the spirituality of a free citizen-conscious person living with an independent mind should be our main national idea." [7,303-b] Young people are considered to be the foundation of society, the advanced stratum of the population, the reliable owners of the future. From this point of view, it is possible to clearly imagine the tomorrow of that society depending on the level of knowledge, worldview, thoughts, and spiritual image of the youth of each era. Therefore, on November 20, 1991, with the adoption of the Law "On the Basics of State Policy Regarding Youth in the Republic of Uzbekistan", the issue of attention to youth in our country was raised to the level of state policy. Also, according to the new version of the Decision "On additional measures aimed at the implementation of the state policy regarding youth in the Republic of Uzbekistan" dated February 6, 2014, it is necessary to ensure the active participation of young people in the reforms implemented in our country, to promote the achievements of modern science, which are highly moral, independent and free-thinking. has embodied a wider range of opportunities in the implementation of the state policy on youth aimed at bringing up a healthy and well-rounded generation that has been thoroughly mastered.


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