THE ROLE OF VIRTUAL RESOURCES AT THE FORMING POLITICAL VIEWS OF YOUTH Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Menglibayev Ye.K.

In this article is considered influence of the Internet and social networks on life of society, including youth. Social networks carry out one of the functions, major for society - communicative. Taking root into various branches of human activity, the Network promotes their development and change, and also emergence of new activities. These features of virtual network communities define their influence on the youth making the most part of Internet users. In this regard virtual network communities and the Internet can play a positive role in the solution of many public problems, and, first of all, the problems concerning youth.

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ISSN 2223-4047

BecmnuK Maeucmpamypu. 2015. № 2(41). Tom I

UDC 681.3:001.89

Ye.K. Menlibayev


In this article is considered influence of the Internet and social networks on life of society, including youth. Social networks carry out one of the functions, major for society - communicative. Taking root into various branches of human activity, the Network promotes their development and change, and also emergence of new activities. These features of virtual network communities define their influence on the youth making the most part of Internet users. In this regard virtual network communities and the Internet can play a positive role in the solution of many public problems, and, first of all, the problems concerning youth.

Key words: information, Internet, society, social network, virtual resource, information technology, network communities.

The XXI century - century of high technologies - brings our society to absolutely new level of development: exchange of information, communication between people, actual and work, rest, the interpersonal relations pass ways of creation of the relations, job search from the real world to the world virtual.

Social networks carry out one of the functions, major for society - communicative. The aspiration to communication consolidates wide audience on a certain resource. Due to large volume of the involved users it is possible to consider this Wednesday as rather powerful tool for prosecution of interests, impact on consciousness of the youth which significantly changed under the influence of modern information and communicative technologies and media means. The policy inevitably comes there where there is any mass audience. Presence of subjects of political activity at social networks is a unique opportunity to combine advance of the politician or party and the main line of image of any political subject - availability. The youth as active and advanced part of our society in a century of information technologies is the most involved on virtual Wednesday, than more senior generation, estimates surrounding reality is less critical, than the senior companions. All this, certainly, creates potential opportunity for successful formation of political images and effective advance by subjects of political activity of the interests in the susceptible youth environment.

Influence of the Internet on life of society gets large-scale forms today. Taking root into various branches of human activity, the Network promotes their development and change, and also emergence of new activities (electronic trading, electronic elections, electronic education, electronic charity, etc.). Every year the sphere of this influence extends thanks to identification of new ways of use of the Internet for the benefit to society [1].

Also the Internet leads to change of a way of life of individuals, transferring them to category of users and providing alternative options of implementation of the different types of social activity inherent to them in physical reality. An important role in this process is played by virtual network communities. Long stay and implementation of social activity within virtual communities leads to cyber-socialization of users, change of their attitude, emergence of new life priorities and interests.

These features of virtual network communities define their influence on the youth making the most part of Internet users. In this regard virtual network communities and the Internet can play a positive role in the solution of many public problems, and, first of all, the problems concerning youth.

Independently using Internet resources, young people with yet not created outlook, the positions, significant for themselves which didn't define owing to the age, appear in private with an uncontrollable flow of information. The information and communicative competences of the

© Menlibayev Ye.K., 2015.

BecmnuK Maeucmpamypu. 2015. № 2(41). TOM I

ISSN 2223-4047

personality allowing to be guided in information streams are an important factor of formation of political activity of citizens, in particular youth.

Features of use of resources of the Internet as one of the decisive factors influencing formation of political activity of modern youth are revealed. Thus it is shown that the ever-increasing role of information and communication technologies aggravates a problem of information security, and in particular it concerns information security first of all of the studying youth; the conceptual principles of creation of model of effective use of opportunities of resources of the Internet for the purpose of positive influence on formation of political activity of modern youth in general are developed.

Considerable influence on formation of political views of the personality, on formation her as the subject of political activity is rendered by the social environment. Here prerequisites of what will be created at the personality political convictions lie. Numerous social institutes, but the most significant of them participate in this process — the state, a family, educational institutions, army, parties, mass media, new information and communication technologies [2].

Today new information and communication technologies repeatedly strengthened possibilities of information impact on citizens, including, and on youth. As a result information turned into the most important resource of the state, along with its other main resources (natural, economic, labor, material, etc.). The positive side of these changes is obvious — universal introduction of information technologies and the telecommunication networks based on them led to formation of global interstate information virtual space. But there is also a negative side - the confidence of society in an inalienable right of citizens to protection of constitutional rights and freedoms, including protection of private life decreased. Problems of information security not only citizens, but also the state were put in the forefront [3].

The Internet as the factors having impact on political activity of youth it is caused by the following circumstances [4]:

First, in recent years many states including modern Kazakhstan, as a priority task allocated development and implementation of concepts and programs for transition to information society. This activity takes the various form, but pursues one aim: to be among leaders of the world community. Thus the Internet becomes a significant socio-political factor against technical progress.

The number of Internet users regularly increases. In the report of analytical corporation it is said that by 2013 the number of Internet users exceeded 34,30% of the general population of Earth that made 2,4 billion people. By results of the research Internet World Stats (the international organization which provides statistics of use of the Internet on 233 countries and regions of the world), today the number of Internet users in Kazakhstan makes about 10 million people. The greatest number of Internet users (538 million) is lived in China. On the second and third place in the list there are USA and India with indicators of 245 and 137 million people respectively.

Secondly, information technologies have double impact on modern political process. On the one hand, positive dynamics of their impact on the person and society, and with another is observed, the negative tendencies reflecting as difficult nature of interaction of the person with new computer systems, and attempts to use their potential for promotion of violence, terrorism, misanthropic morals are shown. So, during an era of a general computerization children from early age prefer to spend time at the computer and can easily get access to the sites of the extremist contents. If not to pay attention to this aspect of a problem of information security, in the future it by all means will affect not only at the level of political activity, but also moral shape of younger generation.

In the third, gradual activization of a role of youth in life of society leads to competitive fight of opposition forces for influence on the younger generation of citizens as potential followers of program actions of a certain political party, movement. As one of the most powerful means of such fight possibilities of the Internet act. Threat of use of a youth resource by the organizations of extreme radical sense induces to investigate a phenomenon of influence of resources of the Internet on political activity of youth.

The Internet gradually becomes one of the main information sources, political parties and blocks, their election programs, methods of political advertising. At the same time, increase of negative influence of some resources of the Internet on outlook of youth is noted. The main incentive

ISSN 2223-4047

Вестник магистратуры. 2015. № 2(41). Том I

providing efficiency of a virtual manipulation with consciousness of youth is her psychological and social immaturity, any pliability to information influences.

In the fourth, comprehending processes of formation of political activity of youth, its role in modern Kazakhstan, it should be noted that youth — it not only the potential of changes, but also a possible factor of political instability. Today creation of a modern complex educational system of younger generation which not only would provide mastering future electorate and young voters with necessary knowledge and skills of participation in political life of the country is required, but also would create respect for the Russian state, an active political position.

Besides, detection of motivational features of political behavior of the young people sending the activity to area of policy and trying to influence it, essentially important right now in anticipation of their introduction in a mature phase of life, during this period, when their decisions will define policy in the country [4].


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МЕНЛИБАЕВ Еркебулан Каирбекович - магистрант, Кызылординский государственный университет имени Коркыт ата (Казахстан).

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