South Russian Journal of Cancer. 2024. Vol. 5, No. 4. P. 58-70 4.0
South Russian
Journal of Cancer REVIEW
онкологический журнал
Vol. 5
No. 4, 2024 The role of tumor stem cells and the immune microenvironment
in the pathogenesis of lung cancer: mechanisms of interaction
and research prospects
D. A. Kharagezov, A. A. Antonyan,E. Yu. Zlatnik, A. B. Sagakyants, E. A. Mirzoyan,
T. G. Ayrapetova, I. A. Leyman, A. G. Milakin, O. N. Stateshny, K. D. Iozefi,
M. A. Homidov, E. A. Alekseev
National Medical Research Centre for Oncology, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
Despite significant advances in the treatment of malignant neoplasms, the issue of therapy resistance mediated by cancer
stem cells (CSCs) necessitates the development of new treatment strategies. Studying the role of CSCs and the immune mi-
croenvironment in the pathogenesis of cancer, particularly non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), is a pressing issue in modern
oncology. This paper is based on an extensive analysis of recent research and aims to study the mechanisms underlying the
development of NSCLC.
The origin of CSCs, their markers, and the main signaling pathways involved in regulating their activity are considered. Special
attention is paid to the influence of CSCs on the progression of lung cancer and the mechanisms underlying their therapy-
mediated resistance. Various approaches to treating lung cancer targeting CSCs, focusing on targeted therapy aimed at
specific molecular targets, are highlighted.
The important role of the tumor immune microenvironment in the pathogenesis of lung cancer and its impact on CSCs is
emphasized. Mechanisms of immune response regulation in tumors and the potential use of immunotherapy to improve lung
cancer treatment outcomes are discussed. The article also reviews modern diagnostic and treatment methods, including
molecular- genetic and immunohistochemical approaches.
This paper work represents a review of current knowledge on the mechanisms of lung cancer development and is significant
for understanding tumor biology and developing new treatment methods. The need for an interdisciplinary approach and com-
prehensive use of modern diagnostic and therapeutic methods to improve the prognosis and survival rates of NSCLC patients
is emphasized. Special attention is given to the prospects of using combined therapeutic approaches, including targeted drugs
and immunotherapy, aimed at suppressing CSC activity and modifying the tumor microenvironment.
In conclusion, a deep understanding of the molecular mechanisms regulating CSC activity and their interaction with the tumor
microenvironment opens new opportunities for developing effective treatment strategies. This review underscores the need
for further research in this area to ensure more successful treatment and improved quality of life for lung cancer patients.
Keywords: cancer stem cells, immune microenvironment, lung cancer, non-small cell lung cancer, therapy resistance,
targeted therapy, immunotherapy
For citation: Kharagezov D. A., Antonyan A. A., Zlatnik E. Yu., Sagakyants A. B., Mirzoyan E. A., Ayrapetova T. G., Leyman I. A., Milakin A. G., Stateshny O. N.,
Iozefi K. D., Homidov M. A., Alekseev E. A. The role of tumor stem cells and the immune microenvironment in the pathogenesis of lung cancer: mechanisms
of interaction and research prospects. South Russian Journal of Cancer. 2024; 5(4): 58-70.,
For correspondence: Artur A. Antonyan – PhD student of the 1st year, National Medical Research Centre for Oncology, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
Address: 63 14 line str., Rostov-on-Don 344037, Russian Federation
E-mail: [email protected]
ResearcherID: JWQ-0734-2024
Funding: this work was not funded
Conflict of interest: the authors declare that there are no obvious and potential conflicts of interest associated with the publication of this article
The article was submitted 08.06.2024; approved after reviewing 30.10.2024; accepted for publication 13.11.2024
© Kharagezov D. A., Antonyan A. A., Zlatnik E. Yu., Sagakyants A. B., Mirzoyan E. A., Ayrapetova T. G., Leyman I. A., Milakin A. G., Stateshny O. N., Iozefi K. D.,
Homidov M. A., Alekseev E. A., 2024
Южно-Российский онкологический журнал. 2024. Т. 5, № 4. С. 58-70
3.1.6. Онкология, лучевая терапия
Роль опухолевых стволовых клеток и иммунного микроокружения в патогенезе рака
легкого: механизмы взаимодействия и перспективы исследований
Д. А. Харагезов, А. А. Антонян, Е. Ю. Златник, А. Б. Сагакянц, Э. А. Мирзоян, Т. Г. Айрапетова, И. А. Лейман,
А. Г. Милакин, О. Н. Статешный, К. Д. Иозефи, М. А. Хомидов, Э. А. Алексеев
ФГБУ «Национальный медицинский исследовательский центр онкологии» Министерства здравоохранения Российской Федерации,
г. Ростов-на-Дону, Российская Федерация
Несмотря на значительные успехи в лечении злокачественных новообразований, проблема резистентности к терапии,
опосредованной опухолевыми стволовыми клетками (ОСК), диктует необходимость разработки новых стратегий
лечения. Изучение роли ОСК и иммунного микроокружения в патогенезе рака, особенно немелкоклеточного рака
легкого (НМРЛ), является актуальным вопросом современной онкологии. Настоящая работа основана на обшир-
ном анализе последних исследований и направлена на изучение механизмов, лежащих в основе развития НМРЛ.
Рассматривается происхождение ОСК, их маркеры и основные сигнальные пути, участвующие в регуляции активности
данного пула клеток. Особое внимание уделяется влиянию ОСК на прогрессирование рака легкого и механизмам,
обусловливающим устойчивость к терапии. Освещаются различные подходы к лечению рака легкого, ориентиро-
ванные на ОСК, с акцентом на таргетную терапию, направленную на специфические молекулярные мишени.
Отмечается важная роль иммунного микроокружения опухоли в патогенезе рака легкого и его влияния на ОСК.
Обсуждаются механизмы регуляции иммунных реакций в опухоли и потенциал использования иммунотерапии для
улучшения результатов лечения рака легкого. В статье также рассматриваются современные методы диагностики
и лечения, включающие молекулярно- генетические и иммуногистохимические подходы.
Работа представляет собой обзор современных знаний о механизмах развития рака легкого и имеет важное зна-
чение для понимания биологии опухолей и разработки новых методов лечения. Подчеркивается необходимость
междисциплинарного подхода и комплексного использования современных диагностических и терапевтических
методов для улучшения прогнозов и выживаемости пациентов с НМРЛ. Особое внимание уделено перспективам
использования комбинированных терапевтических подходов, включающих таргетные препараты и иммунотерапию,
направленные на подавление активности ОСК и модификацию опухолевого микроокружения.
В заключение, глубокое понимание молекулярных механизмов, регулирующих деятельность ОСК, и их взаимодей-
ствие с микроокружением опухоли открывает новые возможности для разработки эффективных стратегий лечения.
Данный обзор подчеркивает необходимость дальнейших исследований в этой области, чтобы обеспечить более
успешное лечение и повышение качества жизни пациентов с раком легкого.
Ключевые слова: опухолевые стволовые клетки, иммунное микроокружение, рак легкого, немелкоклеточный рак
легкого, резистентность к терапии, таргетная терапия, иммунотерапия
Для цитирования: Харагезов Д. А., Антонян А. А., Златник Е. Ю., Сагакянц А. Б., Мирзоян Э. А., Айрапетова Т. Г., Лейман И. А., Милакин А. Г.,
Статешный О. Н., Иозефи К. Д., Хомидов М. А., Алексеев Э. А. Роль опухолевых стволовых клеток и иммунного микроокружения в патогенезе рака
легкого: механизмы взаимодействия и перспективы исследований. Южно-Российский онкологический журнал. 2024; 5(4): 58-70.,
Для корреспонденции: Антонян Артур Андрясович – аспирант 1-го года обучения, ФГБУ «Национальный медицинский исследовательский центр
онкологии» Министерства здравоохранения Российской Федерации, г. Ростов-на-Дону, Российская Федерация
Адрес: 344037, Российская Федерация, г. Ростов-на-Дону, ул. 14-я линия, д. 63
E-mail: [email protected]
ResearcherID: JWQ-0734-2024
Финансирование: финансирование данной работы не проводилось
Конфликт интересов: все авторы заявляют об отсутствии явных и потенциальных конфликтов интересов, связанных с публикацией настоящей статьи
Статья поступила в редакцию 08.06.2024; одобрена после рецензирования 30.10.2024; принята к публикации 13.11.2024
South Russian Journal of Cancer 2024. Vol. 5, No. 4. P. 58-70
Kharagezov D. A., Antonyan A. A., Zlatnik E. Yu., Sagakyants A. B., Mirzoyan E. A., Ayrapetova T. G., Leyman I. A., Milakin A. G., Stateshny O. N., Iozefi K. D.,
Homidov M. A., Alekseev E. A. The role of tumor stem cells and the immune microenvironment in the pathogenesis of lung cancer: mechanisms of interaction
and research prospects
INTRODUCTION ing molecular genetic and immunohistochemical
[3, 4], as well as the possibility of using them as
Lung cancer is one of the main problems of targets for therapy [5, 6]. Currently, the noticeable
modern oncology, and it is hoped that progress in increase in the number of publications on CSC re-
treatment can be achieved by improving our under- search indicates the relevance of this topic in the
standing of the molecular basis and biology of the scientific community. The valuable scientific data
tumor, especially at the level of cells that initiate provided by the literature on the mechanisms of
the tumor process. The most common type of lung oncogenesis and the prospects for the treatment
cancer is its non–small cell variants (NSCLC), which of lung cancer based on them determine the need
account for about 90 % of lung cancers, the rest for a more in-depth scientific analysis of the role
are small cell lung cancer (SCLC). NSCLC includes of CSC in the pathogenesis of NSCLC. The modern
three histological subtypes: adenocarcinoma, squa- literature provides numerous data on the biology of
mous cell carcinoma and large cell carcinoma. In CSC, their role in the progression of NSCLC, and the
most patients with NSCLC, the diagnosis is made development of its resistance to various treatment
at a late stage, when various treatment methods methods [5, 6].
are ineffective [1]. The purpose of the review is to analyze the cur-
In 2015, a new classification of lung tumors rent level of scientific knowledge about the role of
was proposed by the World Health Organization CSC in NSCLC and the clinical use of these data. The
[2], which includes appropriate histopathological main focus is on identifying the key mechanisms
and immunohistochemical data, which can be ob- of these cells' involvement in oncogenesis, their
tained not only from surgical material, but also from interaction with the immune microenvironment of
biopsies and cytological material [1, 2]. This is es- the tumor, as well as developing treatment strate-
pecially important due to the fact that about 70 % gies aimed at CSC in NSCLC. The data obtained as
of patients with lung cancer are in the late stages a result of the review, in our opinion, can serve as
of the disease, when the process is considered a foundation for further research and development
inoperable [1, 2]. For resectable lung tumors, it is of promising treatments for NSCLC.
important to diagnose tumors in situ and minimal-
ly invasive operations, in which the probability of CSC in NSCLC: origin, markers, signaling
recurrence-free survival after complete resection pathways, role in progression
is 100 % [2]. According to modern concepts, cancer stem
However, in most cases, clinicians are dealing cells (CSC) arise from normal tissue-s pecific stem
with locally advanced NSCLC, the recurrence and cells of the original tissues; their main function is
generalization of which, even after the successful to maintain and regulate the processes of growth,
surgical stage of treatment, is the main cause of development and repair of tissues in the body. CSC
death. These processes, as well as the develop- are capable of self-renewal, differentiation [7] and
ment of chemo- and radioresistance, according to proliferation [8] and cause such adverse properties
modern concepts, are not least associated with the as: chemoresistance, recurrence and metastasis
presence of stem cells (CSC) in the tumor, a minor [7]. As a rule, a high number of CSC is associated
subpopulation that ensures their preservation and with aggressive tumor growth and unfavorable clin-
survival. Since CSC biomarkers can be used for ical outcomes [8], although CSC themselves have
diagnosis, targeted therapy and prediction of the low proliferative activity. Reviews of CSC note their
course of the disease, assessing the significance common characteristics for various malignant tu-
of known ones and searching for new ones seems mors involved in the development of resistance to
relevant. Potential markers for NSCLC include sur- therapy and are devoted to the development of new
face markers (CD44, CD133, EpCAM, ABCG2), as therapeutic strategies [7–10].
well as intracellular markers (ALDH, SOX2). The Inducing epithelial-m esenchymal transition tran-
literature discusses not only their diagnostic and scription factors (EMF-FT), including SNAIL and
prognostic significance in NSCLC, but also the SLUG, and induced by signaling pathways such as
most informative methods of determination, includ- TGFß, Wnt and Notch, tumor cells begin to show
Южно-Российский онкологический журнал 2024. Т. 5, № 4. С. 58-70
Харагезов Д. А., Антонян А. А., Златник Е. Ю., Сагакянц А. Б., Мирзоян Э. А., Айрапетова Т. Г., Лейман И. А., Милакин А. Г., Статешный О. Н., Иозефи К. Д.,
Хомидов М. А., Алексеев Э. А. Роль опухолевых стволовых клеток и иммунного микроокружения в патогенезе рака легкого: механизмы взаимодействия
и перспективы исследований
distinctive signs of CSC: oncogenicity, invasiveness For example, Eramo et al. The presence of CD133
and resistance to basic treatments [11]. Other com- in NSCLC was detected in a small amount of less
mon signaling pathways involved in CSC include than 1 % [16]. CD133+ cells were able to form tu-
Hedgehog (Hh), PI3K/Akt/mTOR, and NF-κβ [12]. mor spheroids in vitro in about 30 % of cases when
Although many of these pathways are also observed grown in a serum-free medium; CD133+ cells derived
in normal cells and non-stem cancer cells [13], their from tumor spheroids are capable of inducing tu-
altered activity, along with certain membrane mark- mors with histological signs similar to those of the
ers and transcription factors, is a distinctive feature original tumor when inoculated to immunodeficient
of CSC. Some of these characteristics, such as the mice [16]. Moreover, CD133+ cells show resistance
high expression of CD44+, CD133+, ATP-binding to chemotherapy due to the expression of high levels
cassette transporters (ABC), epithelial cell adhe- of ATP-binding G2 [17].
sion molecules (EpCAM), aldehyde dehydrogenase CD44 (P-glycoprotein 1), a transmembrane type
1 (ALDH1), and transcription factors Oct4 and Sox2, I glycoprotein, belongs to the family of cell adhe-
are common to CSC in many forms of cancer [11]. sion molecules, is a receptor for hyaluronic acid,
Recognition of such similarities may reveal new when interacting with which cell detachment, me-
therapeutic possibilities for influencing common tastasis and invasion can occur. CD44 is respon-
markers or pathways, and thus contribute to the sible for various functions such as cell differen-
development of effective treatments targeting CSC. tiation, survival, migration, proliferation. Studies
Identification of the origin of tumor stem cells have demonstrated that CD44 plays a crucial role in
(CSC) in the lungs is a difficult task, since the epi- ensuring self-renewal and resistance to apoptosis
thelium of the trachea and bronchioles is at rest and of CSC [11, 18]. Mutations in the key regulator of
has low proliferative activity [11]. The most com- apoptosis, the p53 gene, may be associated with
mon hypothesis states that CSC arise from normal high CD44 expression in pancreatic cancer [19].
tissue-s pecific stem cells. Squamous cell lung can- CD44+ adenocarcinoma and squamous cell lung
cer originates from the basal cells of the proximal cancer cells demonstrate the ability to form spher-
respiratory tract (trachea and bronchi) [12]. Clara oid bodies in vitro [20] and lead to tumor formation
cells in squamous cell lung cancer are also able in vivo when administered to mice with immuno-
to exhibit stem properties, and adenocarcinoma is deficiency [14, 21].
associated with normal stem cells from the junction Studies have shown that in lung cancer, CD44
of bronchoalveolar ducts [12]. expression in NSCLC cells is higher than in SCLC,
Although the available knowledge about the func- and in squamous cell lung cancer its highest level
tions of lung CSC is limited, a number of CSC mark- was observed [22]. CD44 regulates several signal-
ers belonging to differentiation clusters (CD) have ing pathways contributing to cancer progression,
been proposed. Many studies have confirmed the including Notch, Hedgehog (HH), Wnt, STAT3, Hip-
presence of the following molecules on lung CSC: po, JNK and RhoGTPase, and It is a co-receptor
CD133, CD44, CD90, EpCAM, CXCR4 [14, 15]. How- involved in the signaling pathways of tyrosine ki-
ever, it should be noted that impaired expression of nase receptors [23, 24]. In addition, CD44 is a key
these markers is characteristic not only of NSCLC, mediator of adhesion between endothelial cells,
but also of many types of cancers. while playing an important role in pathological an-
EpCAM is a transmembrane glycoprotein ex- giogenesis [25]. CD44 can also promote tumor pro-
pressed in most human carcinomas; high expression liferation and evasion of immunity by stimulating
is noted in rapidly proliferating tumors of epithelial PD-L1 expression on the surface of tumor cells [26].
origin [12]. Cells coexpressing CD44 and ALDH, which is typ-
CD133 is a marker widely used to identify stem ical for squamous cell lung cancer, always exhibit
cells in both tumor and normal tissues. The CD133 a high ability for self-renewal, increased migration
transcription process is regulated by five promot- and tumorigenicity [27].
ers, and the 5P5 promoter plays a crucial role in CD90 is a glycoprotein anchored by glycosylphos-
CD133 expression in the CSC [16]. Some studies phatidylinositol, expressed mainly in leukocytes and
have characterized CD133+ cells in NSCLC [11, 15]. participates in cell-matrix and cell-cell interactions.
South Russian Journal of Cancer 2024. Vol. 5, No. 4. P. 58-70
Kharagezov D. A., Antonyan A. A., Zlatnik E. Yu., Sagakyants A. B., Mirzoyan E. A., Ayrapetova T. G., Leyman I. A., Milakin A. G., Stateshny O. N., Iozefi K. D.,
Homidov M. A., Alekseev E. A. The role of tumor stem cells and the immune microenvironment in the pathogenesis of lung cancer: mechanisms of interaction
and research prospects
Although CD90 is known as a marker for various [34]. The organoid culture method allows CSC to
types of CSC, its potential role as a marker for NS- be propagated in vitro, reflecting the complexity of
CLC has not yet been fully described [11, 28]. It has tumor formation using tumor tissues. Moreover,
been reported that CD44 and CD90 coexpressed the culture of organoids allows for the functional
CSC can be detected in primary pancreatic cancer analysis of CSC, including their genetic engineering
cell lines [19]. Mutations activating CD90 expres- using CRISPR/Cas9-mediated genome editing [35].
sion are not described in the literature, however, in Organoids obtained from the patient can be used to
a mouse model it has been shown that DNA meth- identify signs of CSC resistance to treatment. Most
ylation plays a role in stimulating the expression organoid models for cancer research are applica-
of this molecule. Serial xenotransplantation of Ep- ble to adenocarcinomas of different localizations
CAM+CD90+ NSCLC cells (adenocarcinoma and [36]. However, as the understanding of the mech-
squamous cell carcinoma) to mice with immunode- anisms of tumor development expands, organoids
ficiency revealed rapid growth of these cells during may become a more widely used tool [36]. Thus, in
heterotopic grafting [14]. combination with other in vivo experiments, such
CXCR4 is a chemokine receptor present on the as xenotransplantation of CSC, organoid cultures,
surface of hematopoietic stem cells involved in the human CSC have high potential to improve under-
formation of premetastatic niches in the bone mar- standing of cancer biology [37].
row [29]. The CXCR4/CXCL12 pathway plays a role
in tumor metastasis, induction of angiogenesis, and CSC-mediated resistance to treatment and the
development of resistance to apoptosis. Moreover, possibility of overcoming it
CXCR4 is present on circulating tumor cells released Drug resistance has been described as one of the
from tumors into peripheral blood, which induces most serious problems in the treatment of cancer,
their spread to distant CXCL12-positive sites [30]. while the multidrug resistance of CSC, which ensures
The expression of CXCR4 is regulated by the nuclear the chemoresistance of the tumor as a whole, is
respiratory factor NRF, a mutation in which can lead considered the main reason for the ineffectiveness
to higher expression of CXCR4 [31]. CXCR4+ cells of chemotherapy [38]. The mechanisms that cause
isolated from NSCLC lines exhibited the properties chemoresistance include ABC transporters, pumps
of CSC in vitro: they formed tumor spheroids, had for efflux of chemotherapy drugs and ALDH1 [38].
the ability to self-renew, and demonstrated radiation CSC radioresistance develops due to the inhibi-
resistance [32]. tion of apoptosis through the synthesis of antiapop-
Taking into account the described properties of totic proteins, increased DNA repair and the ability
CSC, their determination in tumors, in particular lung to remove free radicals, slowing down the kinetics
tumors, is an urgent scientific and clinical task [11, 33]. of the cell cycle, and transformation of non-stem
Due to the fact that CSC markers can also be tumor cells into CSC [39].
expressed on normal stem cells necessary for It is believed that the resistance of CSC to tra-
self-renewal and tissue regeneration, the belong- ditional radiation therapy and chemotherapy is as-
ing of stem cells to tumor cells can be determined sociated with the activation of various signaling
not only by the expression of membrane mark- pathways in them, such as: Wnt, Notch and Hedge-
ers, transcription factors and signaling pathways, hog, which are involved in increasing oncogenicity
but also by the results of some functional tests, and tumor invasiveness [40]. Currently, there is in-
which, despite their certain complexity, They are creasing evidence that these pathways are being
informative, especially for research purposes, as deregulated and mutated in the CSC [41]. Aberrant
well as for conducting preclinical trials of potential Wnt signaling is found in many cancers, including
drugs aimed at CSC. In addition to the mentioned NSCLC, especially adenocarcinomas [42], in which
spheroid formation test, organoids obtained from Wnt-reactive cells demonstrated proliferative po-
patients with NSCLC can become a tool for such tential and progression, which suggests that they
studies, due to their ability to recreate the tissue possess the characteristics of CSC [42]. A growing
architecture and maintain genomic changes in number of publications confirm the association of
primary tumors during long-term in vitro growth abnormal regulation of Notch signaling with vari-
Южно-Российский онкологический журнал 2024. Т. 5, № 4. С. 58-70
Харагезов Д. А., Антонян А. А., Златник Е. Ю., Сагакянц А. Б., Мирзоян Э. А., Айрапетова Т. Г., Лейман И. А., Милакин А. Г., Статешный О. Н., Иозефи К. Д.,
Хомидов М. А., Алексеев Э. А. Роль опухолевых стволовых клеток и иммунного микроокружения в патогенезе рака легкого: механизмы взаимодействия
и перспективы исследований
ous types of malignant neoplasms, including NS- tance. The CSC associated with these processes are
CLC. The Notch signaling pathway plays a role in considered in the literature as a promising target [46].
stem cell maintenance in NSCLC; aberration in this Three main approaches to CSC targeting have
pathway may lead to an increase in the number of been proposed: identification of new CSC biomark-
CSC resistant to platinum drug therapy [42]. It was ers, modification of their microenvironment, and
reported that the increased activity of Notch was sensitization to traditional medicines [8]. Combined
associated with the formation of tumor spheroids in treatment methods have been found to be the most
vivo [40]. The same authors associate Notch activity effective [8, 9, 13–15]. Makena et al. Other thera-
with a worse prognosis in patients with adenocarci- peutic approaches have been investigated, including
noma, which suggests a potential role of inhibition therapies that target dormant CSC and immunother-
of Notch activity as a new therapeutic approach [41]. apy, but noted that additional research is needed in
In NSCLC, the Hedgehog pathway is closely related these new areas [8]. Dongre and Weinberg proposed
to CSC [41, 42] and is involved in the formation of inducing reverse EMF as a potential therapeutic strat-
tumor drug resistance to targeted, chemo- and ra- egy, representing promising approaches to reduce
diation therapy [42]. the number of CSC inside tumors and increase their
Some approaches to overcoming resistance me- sensitivity to various types of treatment, including
diated by OSC are also described in the literature. chemotherapy, radiotherapy and immunotherapy [10].
Some combinations of chemo- and targeted drugs It is known that chelation of intracellular iron is
have the property of inhibiting OSC in NSCLC, for one of the targets of exposure to CSC, due to its
example, the combination of trifluorperazine with ability to successfully restrain cell proliferation, as
gefitinib or cisplatin reduces the regulation of CD133 has been demonstrated in studies on models of
and CD44, reducing drug resistance and increasing breast and pancreatic cancer. However, despite
the response to therapy [43]. these encouraging data, the efficacy and mecha-
It was found that the miR-29c tumor suppressor nisms of action of iron chelation in the context of
is significantly suppressed in radioresistant NSCLC squamous cell lung cancer remain poorly under-
CSC, but this resistance was overcome by restoring stood, emphasizing the need for further research
its expression, activating apoptosis, and suppress- in this area [47].
ing the regulation of Bcl-2 and Mcl-1 target genes In the literature, increasing attention is being paid
by this suppressor [44]. to the role of miRNAs and long non-coding RNAs
Yin and colleagues [45] conducted a study in (lncRNAs) in the regulation of transcription fac-
which they found that certain cells in the lungs, tors and pathways present in CSC [48]. It is known
called bronchoalveolar stem cells, transform into tu- that the miR-17–92 cluster, acting as a stimulator
mor stem cells due to two factors: the lack of a pro- of tumor growth, also has a noticeable effect on
tein that usually protects the cell from becoming the development of lung cancer, which leads to the
a tumor (Gprc5a), and exposure to nicotine- derived study of the relationship between microRNAs and
substances. These cells have a set of special mark- tumor development, definitely emphasizing their
ers (SPA+, CC10+, EGFR+, Abcg2+), thanks to which important role in cancer biology. lncRNAs control
they can be updated. The researchers also found gene expression and are involved in the mainte-
that cancer can develop not only from these stem nance and reproduction of CSC by activation of the
cells, which underscores the need to study different Wnt/β-catenin and IL6/STAT3 signaling pathways.
cell types to understand the mechanisms of lung Consequently, lncRNAs can be used as predictors
cancer development [45]. of an unfavorable prognosis for cancer patients
and, thus, can play a major role in the eradication
Approaches to the treatment of NSCLC of CSC [48].
targeted at CSC It has been repeatedly noted in the literature that
The development of drugs for targeted therapy of the acquisition of "stemness" by NSCLC tumors
oncological diseases is a consequence of the dis- is a negative prognostic factor of survival. Loss
covery of specific molecular genetic targets and re- of PTEN expression, for example, has important
ceptors responsible for progression and chemoresis- consequences for the NSCLC, and is also an inde-
South Russian Journal of Cancer 2024. Vol. 5, No. 4. P. 58-70
Kharagezov D. A., Antonyan A. A., Zlatnik E. Yu., Sagakyants A. B., Mirzoyan E. A., Ayrapetova T. G., Leyman I. A., Milakin A. G., Stateshny O. N., Iozefi K. D.,
Homidov M. A., Alekseev E. A. The role of tumor stem cells and the immune microenvironment in the pathogenesis of lung cancer: mechanisms of interaction
and research prospects
pendent prognostic factor for the overall surviv- of tolerance [52]. CSC can also contribute to the
al of patients with NSCLC [49]. Similarly, patients creation of an immunosuppressive environment.
with stage IIIB/IV NSCLC with tumors enriched Some studies have demonstrated that CSC de-
with CD133+ lung cancer stem cells tend to have rived from various solid tumors, including glio-
a shorter progression-free survival after platinum blastoma multiforme and melanoma, secrete
chemotherapy [16]. various immunosuppressive cytokines such as
Nevertheless, a serious problem is the identifica- IL-13, IL-10, TGF-β, GDF-15, PGE2 and galectin-3.
tion of "silent" CSC, i. e., those that do not express These cytokines can protect the tumor microen-
well-known markers by which they can be identified. vironment from effector immune cells. CSC can
Conversely, many surface markers of CSC, such as induce differentiation of mature DC or Treg by
r2R4 and CD34, are also expressed by normal em- transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β) [51]. The
bryonic or adult stem cells, while others, such as tumor microenvironment (MO, TME) is an area
CD44 variants, are widely expressed even in normal that can simultaneously regulate tumor develop-
cells of various tissues [16]. Thus, the identification ment and cell self-renewal. CSC can contribute
of more specific markers of OSC remains a key goal to the development of the local vascular network
for the development of more effective treatment and angiogenesis due to their production of vas-
strategies [16]. cular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) [52]. MO
actively interacts with CSC, providing a basis
CSC and the tumor microenvironment for the induction or differentiation of immune
The tumor microenvironment consists of a va- cells that suppress tumor growth, including sup-
riety of non-malignant cells, including tumor- pressive macrophages (M2-type) or regulatory
associated macrophages (M1/M2), tumor- T cells (Tregs) [51, 52]. In addition, the popula-
infiltrating lymphocytes, including regulatory T tion of tumor- associated macrophages (TAMs)
cells (Tregs), dendritic cells (DC), natural killer increases the activity of transcription factors
cells (NK) and myeloid suppressor cells (MDSC). such as Sox, Oct-4 and Nanog, which support the
These cells interact with each other and with tu- CSC in a state of proliferation and self-renewal.
mor cells, organizing an immune response, and MDSCs are a heterogeneous group of immature
can influence the behavior of other cells in the myeloid cells that play a role in immune response
tumor microenvironment either by direct regulation and tissue remodeling. It has been shown that
or with the help of produced mediators (cytokines, MDSCs have proangiogenic activity and induce
chemokines) interacting with receptors. These the production of metalloproteinases, which can
interactions can be mediated by both paracrine contribute to the formation of "metastatic" nich-
and autocrine pathways, as well as activation of es that facilitate the colonization of tissues by
co-inhibition or coactivation receptors. Cells are tumor cells. The tumor microenvironment induces
able to modulate the secretion of chemokines and differentiation of CD4+ T cells into various sub-
cytokines with an imbalance between those that populations of T cells, such as Tregs and T-17
perform suppressive and activating immune func- cells (Th17). The exact role of Th17 cells in tumor
tions. The source of intercellular communication immunity remains unclear, apparently depending
is a complex network of cytokines, chemokines, on the tumor stage and histological subtype. Inter-
growth factors, inflammatory mediators and en- estingly, recent reports suggest that Tregs, under
zymes. In general, the suppressive function of the certain conditions, express IL-17, which, together
immune system prevails in the tumor microenvi- with hypoxia, plays a crucial role in the regulation
ronment, and the process of its formation is called of cancer stem cells. However, the interactions
"tumor immunoredition" [50, 51]. between CSC and Treg, which significantly contrib-
Some studies have also shown that CSC can ute to the suppression of immunity in the tumor
activate mechanisms that allow tumors to avoid microenvironment, are still poorly understood.
attacks from immune cells, for example, loss of The location, type, density and functional sta-
cancer antigen expression and activation of on- tus of immune cells (T cells, B cells, NK cells, DC
cogenic pathways leading to the development cells, macrophages, neutrophils, monocytes and
Южно-Российский онкологический журнал 2024. Т. 5, № 4. С. 58-70
Харагезов Д. А., Антонян А. А., Златник Е. Ю., Сагакянц А. Б., Мирзоян Э. А., Айрапетова Т. Г., Лейман И. А., Милакин А. Г., Статешный О. Н., Иозефи К. Д.,
Хомидов М. А., Алексеев Э. А. Роль опухолевых стволовых клеток и иммунного микроокружения в патогенезе рака легкого: механизмы взаимодействия
и перспективы исследований
mast cells) in the immune microenvironment of After epigenetic reprogramming, M2 phenotype
a tumor characterize its heterogeneity. Using sin- macrophages are formed by differentiation and
gle-cell RNA sequencing technology, significant polarization, which can potentially contribute to
differences between the immune microenviron- the development of tumors [55]. Phenotypic M2
ment of adenocarcinoma and squamous cell lung supports tumor stem cell populations by secreting
cancer were confirmed [53]. This diversity affects chemokines and ligands that activate stem cell
the occurrence, growth of tumors, as well as the development pathways [57]. Enhanced methyla-
response to treatment. Therefore, many studies tion modifications and decreased chemokine ex-
have focused on studying the immune microenvi- pression in TAMs under hypoxic conditions alter
ronment of the tumor. Patients receiving neoad- the immune landscape in TME [57]. It was found
juvant chemotherapy had higher levels of PD-L1 that NEAT1 is highly expressed in lung cancer and
expression and T-cell subpopulations than those interacts with DNA methyltransferase DNMT1, reg-
who did not receive neoadjuvant chemotherapy for ulating the infiltration of lung cancer by cytotoxic
NSCLC [54]. In a study by Peng et al. [55] analysis T cells by inhibiting the cGAS/STING pathway [58].
of 26 types of immune cells in the immunological The proliferation, differentiation and survival of T
microenvironment of the tumor in 681 NSCLC sam- cells depend on the activity of EZH2 enhancers,
ples showed that patients with low levels of im- which are important epigenetic regulators of gene
mune cells and a predominance of macrophages expression. It is noteworthy that GSK126, an EZH2
in the tumor had a shorter recurrence-free survival. inhibitor, can stimulate the synthesis of Th1 chemo-
The total proportion and characteristics of T cells kines CXCL9 and CXCL10 in tumors and enhance
in a tumor are the main factors determining the their infiltration by CD8+ T cells [59]. The pres-
development of tumor progression. Depletion of ence of tumor- infiltrating B lymphocytes can be
T cells occurs immediately after oncogene initi- observed at all stages of lung cancer development,
ation and is the cause of patients' insensitivity and it has been found that histone modification
to anti- PD-1/PD-L1 therapy. During the depletion can also increase B cell infiltration [56]. Epigenetic
of T cells, inhibitory receptors such as CTLA-4, suppression of NKG2DL in SCLC leads to the ab-
TIM-3, LAG-3 and PD-1 are usually overexpressed sence of stimulating signals for activation of NK
on T cells, and effector cytokines such as IFN-γ cells, thereby increasing the aggressiveness and
decrease [55]. metastasis of SCLC [60].
It is known that the immune microenvironment of These studies show that the tumor microenvi-
a tumor can be altered by epigenetic immune edit- ronment plays an important role in the progression
ing. Epigenetic changes can be caused by inflam- of lung cancer. In particular, the condition of lung
mation [56]. The hypoxia- adapted cellular phenotype cancer stem cells, which is influenced by epigen-
is maintained in the tumor microenvironment due etic and immune changes in the tumor microenvi-
to the synergistic effect of epigenetic factors and ronment, is an important cause of treatment resis-
hypoxia-i nduced transcription factors (HIF). Under tance and the development of cancer recurrence.
conditions of hypoxia, intensive DNA methylation Potential targets for antitumor effects may be not
and histone modification occur, which promotes only molecules present in tumor cells, but also the
tumor growth, increases invasiveness and supports tumor microenvironment, primarily immune and
the stemness of cancer cells [56]. cytokine.
Currently, tumor- associated macrophages (TAM)
are the most widely studied immunosuppressive CONCLUSION
cells [55]. TAMs are collected at the site of inju-
ry after identification of chemokines, cytokines, Understanding the biology of tumor stem cells
inflammatory mediators, pathogens, or damage- is one of the most important tasks in clinical on-
related molecular structures (damps). There are cology. Recent studies have shown that these cells
TAM phenotypes: M1 and M2. The M1 phenotype play a significant role in the development of solid
is characterized by antitumor activity and, as tumors, such as lung cancer, which is becoming
a rule, is represented by activated macrophages. more common.
South Russian Journal of Cancer 2024. Vol. 5, No. 4. P. 58-70
Kharagezov D. A., Antonyan A. A., Zlatnik E. Yu., Sagakyants A. B., Mirzoyan E. A., Ayrapetova T. G., Leyman I. A., Milakin A. G., Stateshny O. N., Iozefi K. D.,
Homidov M. A., Alekseev E. A. The role of tumor stem cells and the immune microenvironment in the pathogenesis of lung cancer: mechanisms of interaction
and research prospects
The importance of tumor stem cells in lung can- microenvironment in the context of lung cancer
cer is manifested not only through their ability to in clinical practice opens up new prospects for
form tumors, but also through interaction with the improving treatment and prognosis of patients.
tumor microenvironment, which plays a critical role Understanding the molecular mechanisms that
in tumor development and its response to therapy. regulate the activity and functionality of these
The tumor microenvironment, consisting of immune cells, as well as their interaction with the microen-
cells, fibroblasts, vascular network and extracellular vironment, offers new opportunities for developing
matrix, creates conditions that support the growth treatments aimed at both suppressing the activity
and survival of tumor stem cells, and also contrib- of tumor stem cells and modifying the microenvi-
utes to the development of resistance to chemother- ronment to fight the tumor. Successful research in
apy and radiation therapy. this area may be the key to more effective control
The integration of knowledge about the behav- of lung tumors and improving the quality of life
ior of tumor stem cells and interaction with their of patients.
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Южно-Российский онкологический журнал 2024. Т. 5, № 4. С. 58-70
Харагезов Д. А., Антонян А. А., Златник Е. Ю., Сагакянц А. Б., Мирзоян Э. А., Айрапетова Т. Г., Лейман И. А., Милакин А. Г., Статешный О. Н., Иозефи К. Д.,
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Information about authors:
Dmitrii A. Kharagezov – Cand. Sci. (Med.), MD, Head of the Department of Thoracic Oncology, National Medical Research Centre for Oncology,
Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
ORCID:, SPIN: 5120-0561, AuthorID: 733789, ResearcherID: AAZ-3638-2021, Scopus Author ID: 56626499300
Artur A. Antonyan – PhD student of the 1st year, National Medical Research Centre for Oncology, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
ORCID:, ResearcherID: JWQ-0734-2024
Elena Yu. Zlatnik – Dr. Sci. (Med.), MD, Professor, Chief Researcher, Laboratory of Immunophenotyping of Tumors, National Medical Research Centre
for Oncology, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
ORCID:, SPIN: 4137-7410, AuthorID: 327457, ResearcherID: AAI-1311-2020, Scopus Author ID: 6603160432
Alexander B. Sagakyants – Cand. Sci. (Biol.), head of the Laboratory of Immunophenotyping of Tumors, National Medical Research Centre for
Oncology, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
ORCID:, SPIN: 7272-1408, AuthorID: 426904, ResearcherID: M-8378-2019, Scopus Author ID: 24329773900
Ellada A. Mirzoyan – Cand. Sci. (Med.), MD, oncologist, researcher at the Department of Thoracic Oncology, National Medical Research Centre for
Oncology, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
ORCID:, SPIN: 2506-8605, AuthorID: 1002948, ResearcherID: AAZ-2780-2021, Scopus Author ID: 57221118516
Tamara G. Ayrapetova – Cand. Sci. (Med.), MD, oncologist at the Department of Thoracic Oncology, National Medical Research Centre for Oncology,
Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
ORCID:, SPIN: 8121-4039, AuthorID: 794672
Igor A. Leyman – Cand. Sci. (Med.), MD, oncologist at the Department of Thoracic Oncology, National Medical Research Centre for Oncology,
Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
ORCID:, SPIN: 2551-0999, AuthorID: 735699
Anton G. Milakin – MD, oncologist at the Department of Thoracic Oncology, National Medical Research Centre for Oncology, Rostov-on-Don,
Russian Federation
ORCID:, SPIN: 7737-4737, AuthorID: 794734, Scopus Author ID: 57192109933
Oleg N. Stateshny – MD, oncologist at the Department of Thoracic Oncology, National Medical Research Centre for Oncology, Rostov-on-Don,
Russian Federation
ORCID:, SPIN: 9917-1975, AuthorID: 1067071
Kristian D. Iozefi – MD, thoracic surgeon at the Department of Thoracic Oncology, National Medical Research Centre for Oncology, Rostov-on-Don,
Russian Federation
ORCID:, SPIN: 1232-3097, AuthorID: 1122592, ResearcherID: AAZ-3632-2021
South Russian Journal of Cancer 2024. Vol. 5, No. 4. P. 58-70
Kharagezov D. A., Antonyan A. A., Zlatnik E. Yu., Sagakyants A. B., Mirzoyan E. A., Ayrapetova T. G., Leyman I. A., Milakin A. G., Stateshny O. N., Iozefi K. D.,
Homidov M. A., Alekseev E. A. The role of tumor stem cells and the immune microenvironment in the pathogenesis of lung cancer: mechanisms of interaction
and research prospects
Mekhrullokhodzha A. Homidov – PhD student, National Medical Research Centre for Oncology, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
ORCID:, SPIN: 1950-8737, AuthorID: 1067071, ResearcherID: JFK-3888-2023
Eduard K. Alekseev – MD, resident doctor, National Medical Research Centre for Oncology, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
ORCID:, ResearcherID: JWP-6340-2024
Contribution of the authors:
Kharagezov D. A., Zlatnik E. Yu. – scientific management;
Antonyan A. A. – writing the draft; material processing;
Sagakyants A. B., Mirzoyan E. A., Ayrapetova T. G., Leyman I. A., Milakin A. G., Stateshny O. N. Iozefi K. D., Homidov M. A., Alekseev E. K. – data
collection, analysis, technical editing, bibliography design.